Fork 0

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Raw Normal View History

# Multiplayer Chat
# ================
# 1) Display chat messages from other aircraft to
# the screen using screen.nas
# 2) Display a complete history of chat via dialog.
# 3) Allow chat messages to be written by the user.
var messages = {};
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00
var check_messages = func
var mp = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var lseen = {};
foreach (i; mp)
var lmsg = getprop(i.getPath() ~ "/sim/multiplay/chat");
var lcallsign = getprop(i.getPath() ~ "/callsign");
var lvalid = getprop(i.getPath() ~ "/valid");
if ((lvalid) and
(lmsg != nil) and
(lmsg != "") and
(lcallsign != nil) and
(lcallsign != "") )
if (! contains(lseen, lcallsign))
# Indicate that we've seen this callsign. This handles the case
# where we have two aircraft with the same callsign in the MP
# session.
lseen[lcallsign] = 1;
if ((! contains(messages, lcallsign)) or
(! streq(lmsg, messages[lcallsign])))
# Save the message so we don't repeat it.
messages[lcallsign] = lmsg;
# Display the message.
echo_message(lmsg, lcallsign);
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00
# Check for new messages every couple of seconds.
settimer(check_messages, 3);
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00
var echo_message = func(msg, callsign)
if ((callsign != nil) and
(! string.match(msg, "*" ~ callsign ~ "*")))
# Only prefix with the callsign if the message doesn't already include it.
msg = callsign ~ ": " ~ msg;
var ldisplay = getprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-display");
if ((ldisplay != nil) and (ldisplay == "1"))
# Only display the message to screen if configured.
setprop("/sim/messages/ai-plane", msg);
# Add the chat to the chat history.
var lchat = getprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-history");
if (lchat == nil)
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-history", msg);
if (substr(lchat, size(lchat) -1, 1) != "\n")
lchat = lchat ~ "\n";
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-history", lchat ~ msg);
settimer(func {
# Call-back to ensure we see our own messages.
setlistener("/sim/multiplay/chat", func(n) {
echo_message(n.getValue(), getprop("/sim/multiplay/callsign"));
# check for new messages
}, 1);
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00
# Message composition function, activated using the - key.
var prefix = "Chat Message:";
var input = "";
var kbdlistener = nil;
var compose_message = func(msg = "")
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00
input = prefix ~ msg;
gui.popupTip(input, 1000000);
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00
kbdlistener = setlistener("/devices/status/keyboard/event", func (event) {
var key = event.getNode("key");
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00
# Only check the key when pressed.
if (!event.getNode("pressed").getValue())
if (handle_key(key.getValue()))
key.setValue(0); # drop key event
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00
var handle_key = func(key)
if (key == `\n` or key == `\r`)
# CR/LF -> send the message
# Trim off the prefix
input = substr(input, size(prefix));
# Send the message and switch off the listener.
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat", input);
return 1;
elsif (key == 8)
# backspace -> remove a character
if (size(input) > size(prefix))
input = substr(input, 0, size(input) - 1);
gui.popupTip(input, 1000000);
return 1;
elsif (key == 27)
# escape -> cancel
return 1;
elsif ((key > 31) and (key < 128))
# Normal character - add it to the input
input ~= chr(key);
gui.popupTip(input, 1000000);
return 1;
# Unknown character - pass through
return 0;
2007-12-08 19:01:03 +00:00