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# See: http://wiki.flightgear.org/MapStructure
# Class things:
var name = 'VOR';
var parents = [DotSym];
var __self__ = caller(0)[0];
DotSym.makeinstance( name, __self__ );
SymbolLayer.get(name).df_style = { # style to use by default
line_width: 3,
range_line_width: 3,
radial_line_width: 3,
range_dash_array: [5, 15, 5, 15, 5],
radial_dash_array: [15, 5, 15, 5, 15],
scale_factor: 1,
active_color: [0, 1, 0],
inactive_color: [0, 0.6, 0.85],
var element_type = "group"; # we want a group, becomes "me.element"
var icon_vor = nil; # a handle to the cached icon
var range_vor = nil; # two elements that get drawn when needed
var radial_vor = nil; # if one is nil, the other has to be nil
var active = -1;
# Callback for drawing a new VOR based on styling
# NOTE: callbacks that create symbols for caching MUST render them using a
# transparent background !!
var drawVOR = func(group) {
var cache = StyleableCacheable.new(
name:name, draw_func: drawVOR,
cache: SymbolCache32x32,
draw_mode: SymbolCache.DRAW_CENTERED,
relevant_keys: ["line_width", "color"],
# TODO: make this a part of the framework, for use by other layers/symbols etc
var controller_check = func(layer, controller, arg...) {
var ret = call(compile("call(layer.controller."~controller~", arg, layer.controller)", "<test>"), arg, var err=[]);
if (size(err))
if (err[0] == "No such member: "~controller)
print("MapStructure Warning: Required controller not found: ", name, ":", controller);
else die(err[0]); # rethrow
return ret; # nil if not found
var draw = func {
var active = controller_check(me.layer, 'isActive', me.model);
if (active != me.active) {
if (me.icon_vor != nil) me.icon_vor.del();
# look up the correct symbol from the cache and render it into the group as a raster image
#me.icon_vor = icon_vor_cached[active or 0].render(me.element);
me.style.color = active ? me.style.active_color : me.style.inactive_color;
me.icon_vor = cache.render(me.element, me.style).setScale(me.style.scale_factor);
me.active = active; # update me.active flag
# Update (also handles non-cached stuff, such as text labels or animations)
# TODO: we can use a func generator to pre-create the callback/data structure for this
if (active) {
if (me.range_vor == nil) {
# initialize me.range and me.radial_vor
var rangeNm = me.map.getRange();
# print("VOR is tuned:", me.model.id);
var radius = (me.model.range_nm/rangeNm)*345;
me.range_vor = me.element.createChild("path")
var course = me.map.controller.get_tuned_course(me.model.frequency/100);
me.radial_vor = me.element.createChild("path")
} else { # inactive station (not tuned)
if (me.range_vor != nil) {