PFD update, add LEAP1 engine definitions
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<description>Airbus A320-251N (LEAP-1A)</description>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=""?>
<fdm_config name="A320family" version="2.0" release="BETA"
<author>Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods)</author>
<version>Pre V1.0</version>
<description>A3XX FDE</description>
<wingarea unit="FT2"> 1319.79 </wingarea>
<wingspan unit="FT" > 111.26 </wingspan>
<wing_incidence> 1.03 </wing_incidence>
<chord unit="FT" > 13.76 </chord>
<htailarea unit="FT2"> 334.24 </htailarea>
<htailarm unit="FT" > 57.88 </htailarm>
<vtailarea unit="FT2"> 248.79 </vtailarea>
<vtailarm unit="FT" > 57.33 </vtailarm>
<!-- location name="AERORP" unit="IN">
<x> 642.122 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -25.2091 </z>
</location -->
<location name="AERORP" unit="IN">
<x> 700.00 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> 0.00 </z>
<location name="EYEPOINT" unit="IN">
<x> 80 </x>
<y> -30 </y>
<z> 70 </z>
<location name="VRP" unit="IN">
<x> 661.1 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -37 </z>
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2"> 611903 </ixx>
<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 1735389 </iyy>
<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2301293 </izz>
ROLL MOI_________1725000______5727777_______10613448
PITCH MOI________2550000______19040141_______13904249
YAW MOI_________3950000______23089847_______24848934
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2262183 </ixx>
<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 3172439 </iyy>
<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 3337024 </izz>
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2">1725000</ixx>
<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2">2550000</iyy>
<izz unit="SLUG*FT2">3950000</izz> -->
<ixy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0 </ixy>
<ixz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0 </ixz>
<iyz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0 </iyz>
<emptywt unit="LBS">80431</emptywt> <!-- #ref-1 page 67, WV016. 90927lbs - 5248x2 (engines)=80431lbs-->
<!-- #### PB: That makes no sense, the whole aircraft is 1479.1339 inches long. 650inches eqauls to about 43.95% MAC with the Airbus limits according to the AMM between 45% and 49%
Also: The z-axis is -41.73 inches under the zero line of the plane while the pressure point is only -25,91 under the same line and slightly ahead, that causes the plane to behave quite unstable
<!-- location name="CG" unit="IN">
<! - -x> 642.122 </x- - >
<x> 650.122 </x><! - - At zero load of fuel and cargo/pax the CG goes to 642 - - >
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -41.7398 </z>
</location -->
<location name="CG" unit="IN">
<x> 652.00 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> 0.00 </z>
<pointmass name="Cockpit Crew">
<weight unit="LBS">400</weight> <!-- MAX: 400lbs, two pilots-->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="Cabin Crew">
<weight unit="LBS">600</weight> <!-- MAX: 1320lbs, up to six flight-attendants-->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="PAX 0A (60 seats)">
<weight unit="LBS">6600</weight> <!-- MAX: 13200lbs, 60 seats -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="PAX 0B (60 seats)">
<weight unit="LBS">6600</weight> <!-- MAX: 13200lbs, 60 seats -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="PAX 0C (54 seats)">
<weight unit="LBS">5940</weight> <!-- MAX: 11880lbs, 54 seats -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="Cargo Hold 1">
<weight unit="LBS">2000</weight> <!-- MAX: 7500.126lbs -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<z>-29.5</z> <!-- 1.5m and now half of it for the center point of the load -->
<!-- Cargo Hold 2 doesn't exist, that is the center tank -->
<pointmass name="Cargo Hold 3">
<weight unit="LBS">2000</weight> <!-- MAX: 5384.414lbs -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="Cargo Hold 4">
<weight unit="LBS">1500</weight> <!-- MAX: 4651.754lbs -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="Cargo Hold 5">
<weight unit="LBS">2000</weight> <!-- MAX: 3300.320lbs -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<z>0</z> <!-- Cargo Hold #5 sits higher on the range of the cabin deck, it's only loadable with lifter -->
<!-- REF-1 page 165 + 271 -->
<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE_LG">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 197.6772 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -137.9617 </z>
<static_friction> 0.8 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 30935.5 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 16978.5 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 70 </max_steer> <!-- REF-1 page 133 -->
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MLG">
<location unit="IN">
<!--<x> 699.9243 </x>-->
<x> 695.3149 </x>
<y> -149.4094 </y>
<z> -150.4824 </z>
<!-- <static_friction> 0.5 </static_friction> WHAT??? less static than dinamyc friction?-->
<static_friction> 0.8 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 59785 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MLG">
<location unit="IN">
<!-- <x> 697.3425 </x> It should be right left simetric
<x> 699.9243 </x> -->
<x> 695.3149 </x>
<y> 149.4094 </y>
<z> -150.4824 </z>
<!-- <static_friction> 0.5 </static_friction> WHAT??? less static than dinamyc friction?-->
<static_friction> 0.8 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<!--spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 169785 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 33957 </damping_coeff-->
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 59785 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 37.7953 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -38.1374 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_2">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 128.1102 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -55.0271 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="CENTER_1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 274.0157 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -60.0665 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="CENTER_2">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 930 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -60.0665 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_1">
<location unit="IN">
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_2">
<location unit="IN">
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 1097.9921 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -44.7722 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_2">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 1225 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -18.8067 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_3">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 1341.6142 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -10.2599 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_4">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 1469.0945 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> 47.4138 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 1 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 838.8898 </x>
<y> -667.5197 </y>
<z> 35.7926 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_2">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 838.8898 </x>
<y> 667.5197 </y>
<z> 35.7926 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 1 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<engine file="leap1a26">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 620.0683 </x>
<y> -226.575 </y>
<z> -45.567 </z>
<orient unit="DEG">
<roll> 0.0 </roll>
<pitch> 2.2 </pitch>
<yaw> 1 </yaw>
<thruster file="direct">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 655.4820 </x>
<y> -226.575 </y>
<z> 0.000 </z>
<orient unit="DEG">
<roll> 0.0 </roll>
<pitch> 2.2 </pitch>
<yaw> 1 </yaw>
<engine file="leap1a26">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 620.0683 </x>
<y> 226.575 </y>
<z> -45.567 </z>
<orient unit="DEG">
<roll> 0.0 </roll>
<pitch> 2.2 </pitch>
<yaw> -1 </yaw>
<thruster file="direct">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 655.4820 </x>
<y> 226.575 </y>
<z> 0.000 </z>
<orient unit="DEG">
<roll> 0.0 </roll>
<pitch> 2.2 </pitch>
<yaw> -1 </yaw>
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Left Tank (Wing tip Ventilation Surge) 0 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 783.0709 </x>
<y> -574.4148 </y>
<z> 3.1080 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 412 </capacity><!-- 1 percent of total capacity, needs 20C to be filled -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents>
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Left Tank (Outer) 1 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 739.5669 </x>
<y> -457.4259 </y>
<z> -8.0898 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 1520.00 </capacity><!-- correct by FCOM -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 1520 </contents><!-- outer filled first than inner -->
<standpipe unit="LBS">21</standpipe><!-- minimun fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Left Tank (Inner) 2 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 652.5591 </x>
<y> -236.2992 </y>
<z> -33.9470 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 11982 </capacity><!-- correct by FCOM -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 4480 </contents>
<standpipe unit="LBS">31</standpipe><!-- minimun fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Center Tank 3 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 522.0473 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -47.0 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 14281 </capacity><!-- correct by FCOM -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents> <!-- wing tanks filled first -->
<standpipe unit="LBS">43</standpipe><!-- minimun fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Right Tank (Inner) 4 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 652.5591 </x>
<y> 236.2992 </y>
<z> -33.9470 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 11982 </capacity><!-- correct by FCOM -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 4480 </contents>
<standpipe unit="LBS">31</standpipe><!-- minimum fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Right Tank (Outer) 5 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 739.5669 </x>
<y> 457.4259 </y>
<z> -8.0898 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 1520 </capacity><!-- need review -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 1520 </contents><!-- outer tank filled first than inner tank -->
<standpipe unit="LBS">21</standpipe><!-- minimun fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Right Tank (Wing tip Ventilation Surge) 6 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 783.0709 </x>
<y> 574.4148 </y>
<z> 3.1080 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 412 </capacity><!-- 1 percent of total fuel capacity, needs 20C-->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents>
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- LEFT FUEL PIPES (Engine 1 feed from this) -->
<location unit="IN">
<capacity unit="LBS"> 100 </capacity><!-- need review -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents>
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- RIGHT FUEL PIPES (Engine 2 feed from this) -->
<location unit="IN">
<capacity unit="LBS"> 100 </capacity><!-- need review -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents>
<system file="pushback" />
<system file="fuel" />
<system file="glass-effect1" />
<system file="it-fbw" />
<system file="fmgc" />
<system file="fcs" />
<flight_control name="none"/>
<aerodynamics file="Systems/a320-aerodynamics.xml" />
<force name="pushback" frame="BODY">
<location unit="IN">
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<description>Airbus A321-251N (LEAP-1A)</description>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=""?>
<fdm_config name="A320family" version="2.0" release="BETA"
<author>Joshua Davidson (it0uchpods)</author>
<version>Pre V1.0</version>
<description>A3XX FDE</description>
<wingarea unit="FT2"> 1319.79 </wingarea>
<wingspan unit="FT" > 111.26 </wingspan>
<wing_incidence> 1.03 </wing_incidence>
<chord unit="FT" > 13.76 </chord>
<htailarea unit="FT2"> 334.24 </htailarea>
<htailarm unit="FT" > 57.88 </htailarm>
<vtailarea unit="FT2"> 248.79 </vtailarea>
<vtailarm unit="FT" > 57.33 </vtailarm>
<!-- location name="AERORP" unit="IN">
<x> 642.122 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -25.2091 </z>
</location -->
<location name="AERORP" unit="IN">
<x> 700.00 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> 0.00 </z>
<location name="EYEPOINT" unit="IN">
<x> 80 </x>
<y> -30 </y>
<z> 70 </z>
<location name="VRP" unit="IN">
<x> 661.1 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -37 </z>
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2"> 611903 </ixx>
<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 1735389 </iyy>
<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2301293 </izz>
ROLL MOI_________1725000______5727777_______10613448
PITCH MOI________2550000______19040141_______13904249
YAW MOI_________3950000______23089847_______24848934
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2"> 2262183 </ixx>
<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 3172439 </iyy>
<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 3337024 </izz>
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2">1725000</ixx>
<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2">2550000</iyy>
<izz unit="SLUG*FT2">3950000</izz> -->
<ixy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0 </ixy>
<ixz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0 </ixz>
<iyz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0 </iyz>
<emptywt unit="LBS">80431</emptywt> <!-- #ref-1 page 67, WV016. 90927lbs - 5248x2 (engines)=80431lbs-->
<!-- #### PB: That makes no sense, the whole aircraft is 1479.1339 inches long. 650inches eqauls to about 43.95% MAC with the Airbus limits according to the AMM between 45% and 49%
Also: The z-axis is -41.73 inches under the zero line of the plane while the pressure point is only -25,91 under the same line and slightly ahead, that causes the plane to behave quite unstable
<!-- location name="CG" unit="IN">
<! - -x> 642.122 </x- - >
<x> 650.122 </x><! - - At zero load of fuel and cargo/pax the CG goes to 642 - - >
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -41.7398 </z>
</location -->
<location name="CG" unit="IN">
<x> 652.00 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> 0.00 </z>
<pointmass name="Cockpit Crew">
<weight unit="LBS">400</weight> <!-- MAX: 400lbs, two pilots-->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="Cabin Crew">
<weight unit="LBS">600</weight> <!-- MAX: 1320lbs, up to six flight-attendants-->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="PAX 0A (60 seats)">
<weight unit="LBS">6600</weight> <!-- MAX: 13200lbs, 60 seats -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="PAX 0B (60 seats)">
<weight unit="LBS">6600</weight> <!-- MAX: 13200lbs, 60 seats -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="PAX 0C (54 seats)">
<weight unit="LBS">5940</weight> <!-- MAX: 11880lbs, 54 seats -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="Cargo Hold 1">
<weight unit="LBS">2000</weight> <!-- MAX: 7500.126lbs -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<z>-29.5</z> <!-- 1.5m and now half of it for the center point of the load -->
<!-- Cargo Hold 2 doesn't exist, that is the center tank -->
<pointmass name="Cargo Hold 3">
<weight unit="LBS">2000</weight> <!-- MAX: 5384.414lbs -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="Cargo Hold 4">
<weight unit="LBS">1500</weight> <!-- MAX: 4651.754lbs -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<pointmass name="Cargo Hold 5">
<weight unit="LBS">2000</weight> <!-- MAX: 3300.320lbs -->
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<z>0</z> <!-- Cargo Hold #5 sits higher on the range of the cabin deck, it's only loadable with lifter -->
<!-- REF-1 page 165 + 271 -->
<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE_LG">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 197.6772 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -137.9617 </z>
<static_friction> 0.8 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 30935.5 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 16978.5 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 70 </max_steer> <!-- REF-1 page 133 -->
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MLG">
<location unit="IN">
<!--<x> 699.9243 </x>-->
<x> 695.3149 </x>
<y> -149.4094 </y>
<z> -150.4824 </z>
<!-- <static_friction> 0.5 </static_friction> WHAT??? less static than dinamyc friction?-->
<static_friction> 0.8 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 59785 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MLG">
<location unit="IN">
<!-- <x> 697.3425 </x> It should be right left simetric
<x> 699.9243 </x> -->
<x> 695.3149 </x>
<y> 149.4094 </y>
<z> -150.4824 </z>
<!-- <static_friction> 0.5 </static_friction> WHAT??? less static than dinamyc friction?-->
<static_friction> 0.8 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<!--spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 169785 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 33957 </damping_coeff-->
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 59785 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 23957 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 37.7953 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -38.1374 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="NOSE_2">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 128.1102 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -55.0271 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="CENTER_1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 274.0157 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -60.0665 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="CENTER_2">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 930 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -60.0665 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_1">
<location unit="IN">
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="ENG_2">
<location unit="IN">
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 1097.9921 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -44.7722 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_2">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 1225 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -18.8067 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_3">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 1341.6142 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -10.2599 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="TAIL_4">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 1469.0945 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> 47.4138 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 1 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 838.8898 </x>
<y> -667.5197 </y>
<z> 35.7926 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.4 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.4 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="WING_TIP_2">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 838.8898 </x>
<y> 667.5197 </y>
<z> 35.7926 </z>
<static_friction> 1.0 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 1 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 50000 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 50000 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<engine file="leap1a32">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 620.0683 </x>
<y> -226.575 </y>
<z> -45.567 </z>
<orient unit="DEG">
<roll> 0.0 </roll>
<pitch> 2.2 </pitch>
<yaw> 1 </yaw>
<thruster file="direct">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 655.4820 </x>
<y> -226.575 </y>
<z> 0.000 </z>
<orient unit="DEG">
<roll> 0.0 </roll>
<pitch> 2.2 </pitch>
<yaw> 1 </yaw>
<engine file="leap1a32">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 620.0683 </x>
<y> 226.575 </y>
<z> -45.567 </z>
<orient unit="DEG">
<roll> 0.0 </roll>
<pitch> 2.2 </pitch>
<yaw> -1 </yaw>
<thruster file="direct">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 655.4820 </x>
<y> 226.575 </y>
<z> 0.000 </z>
<orient unit="DEG">
<roll> 0.0 </roll>
<pitch> 2.2 </pitch>
<yaw> -1 </yaw>
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Left Tank (Wing tip Ventilation Surge) 0 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 783.0709 </x>
<y> -574.4148 </y>
<z> 3.1080 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 412 </capacity><!-- 1 percent of total capacity, needs 20C to be filled -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents>
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Left Tank (Outer) 1 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 739.5669 </x>
<y> -457.4259 </y>
<z> -8.0898 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 1520.00 </capacity><!-- correct by FCOM -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 1520 </contents><!-- outer filled first than inner -->
<standpipe unit="LBS">21</standpipe><!-- minimun fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Left Tank (Inner) 2 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 652.5591 </x>
<y> -236.2992 </y>
<z> -33.9470 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 11982 </capacity><!-- correct by FCOM -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 4480 </contents>
<standpipe unit="LBS">31</standpipe><!-- minimun fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Center Tank 3 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 522.0473 </x>
<y> 0 </y>
<z> -47.0 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 14281 </capacity><!-- correct by FCOM -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents> <!-- wing tanks filled first -->
<standpipe unit="LBS">43</standpipe><!-- minimun fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Right Tank (Inner) 4 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 652.5591 </x>
<y> 236.2992 </y>
<z> -33.9470 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 11982 </capacity><!-- correct by FCOM -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 4480 </contents>
<standpipe unit="LBS">31</standpipe><!-- minimum fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Right Tank (Outer) 5 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 739.5669 </x>
<y> 457.4259 </y>
<z> -8.0898 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 1520 </capacity><!-- need review -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 1520 </contents><!-- outer tank filled first than inner tank -->
<standpipe unit="LBS">21</standpipe><!-- minimun fuel on pipes -->
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- Right Tank (Wing tip Ventilation Surge) 6 -->
<location unit="IN">
<x> 783.0709 </x>
<y> 574.4148 </y>
<z> 3.1080 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 412 </capacity><!-- 1 percent of total fuel capacity, needs 20C-->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents>
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- LEFT FUEL PIPES (Engine 1 feed from this) -->
<location unit="IN">
<capacity unit="LBS"> 100 </capacity><!-- need review -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents>
<tank type="FUEL"> <!-- RIGHT FUEL PIPES (Engine 2 feed from this) -->
<location unit="IN">
<capacity unit="LBS"> 100 </capacity><!-- need review -->
<contents unit="LBS"> 0 </contents>
<system file="pushback" />
<system file="fuel" />
<system file="glass-effect1" />
<system file="it-fbw" />
<system file="fmgc" />
<system file="fcs" />
<flight_control name="none"/>
<aerodynamics file="Systems/a321-aerodynamics.xml" />
<force name="pushback" frame="BODY">
<location unit="IN">
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<turbine_engine name="leap1a26">
<milthrust> 27120 </milthrust> <!-- Will put proper thrust amount once FDE sorted out -->
<bypassratio> 7.2 </bypassratio>
<tsfc> 0.8 </tsfc>
<bleed> 0.029 </bleed>
<idlen1> 22.4 </idlen1>
<idlen2> 60.9 </idlen2>
<n1spinup> 0.2 </n1spinup>
<n2spinup> 2.0 </n2spinup>
<maxn1> 105.8 </maxn1>
<maxn2> 102.1 </maxn2>
<augmented> 0 </augmented>
<injected> 0 </injected>
<function name="IdleThrust">
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="column">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
-10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
0.0 0.0430 0.0488 0.0528 0.0694 0.0899 0.1183 0.1467
0.2 0.0500 0.0501 0.0335 0.0544 0.0797 0.1049 0.1342
0.4 0.0040 0.0047 0.0020 0.0272 0.0595 0.0891 0.1203
0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0276 0.0718 0.1073
0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0474 0.0868 0.0900
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0552 0.0800
<function name="MilThrust">
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="column">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
-10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
0.0 1.2600 1.0000 0.7400 0.5340 0.3720 0.2410 0.1490
0.2 1.1710 0.9340 0.6970 0.5060 0.3550 0.2310 0.1430
0.4 1.1500 0.9210 0.6920 0.5060 0.3570 0.2330 0.1450
0.6 1.1810 0.9510 0.7210 0.5320 0.3780 0.2480 0.1540
0.8 1.2580 1.0200 0.7820 0.5820 0.4170 0.2750 0.1700
1.0 1.3690 1.1200 0.8710 0.6510 0.4750 0.3150 0.1950
1.2 1.4850 1.2300 0.9750 0.7440 0.5450 0.3640 0.2250
1.4 1.5941 1.3400 1.0860 0.8450 0.6280 0.4240 0.2630
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<turbine_engine name="leap1a32">
<milthrust> 32160 </milthrust> <!-- Will put proper thrust amount once FDE sorted out -->
<bypassratio> 7.2 </bypassratio>
<tsfc> 0.8 </tsfc>
<bleed> 0.029 </bleed>
<idlen1> 22.4 </idlen1>
<idlen2> 60.9 </idlen2>
<n1spinup> 0.2 </n1spinup>
<n2spinup> 2.0 </n2spinup>
<maxn1> 105.8 </maxn1>
<maxn2> 102.1 </maxn2>
<augmented> 0 </augmented>
<injected> 0 </injected>
<function name="IdleThrust">
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="column">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
-10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
0.0 0.0430 0.0488 0.0528 0.0694 0.0899 0.1183 0.1467
0.2 0.0500 0.0501 0.0335 0.0544 0.0797 0.1049 0.1342
0.4 0.0040 0.0047 0.0020 0.0272 0.0595 0.0891 0.1203
0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0276 0.0718 0.1073
0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0474 0.0868 0.0900
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0552 0.0800
<function name="MilThrust">
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="column">atmosphere/density-altitude</independentVar>
-10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
0.0 1.2600 1.0000 0.7400 0.5340 0.3720 0.2410 0.1490
0.2 1.1710 0.9340 0.6970 0.5060 0.3550 0.2310 0.1430
0.4 1.1500 0.9210 0.6920 0.5060 0.3570 0.2330 0.1450
0.6 1.1810 0.9510 0.7210 0.5320 0.3780 0.2480 0.1540
0.8 1.2580 1.0200 0.7820 0.5820 0.4170 0.2750 0.1700
1.0 1.3690 1.1200 0.8710 0.6510 0.4750 0.3150 0.1950
1.2 1.4850 1.2300 0.9750 0.7440 0.5450 0.3640 0.2250
1.4 1.5941 1.3400 1.0860 0.8450 0.6280 0.4240 0.2630
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