if (phaseVar >= 5 and phaseVar <= 7 and (getprop("fdm/jsbsim/fcs/slat-pos-deg") <= 15 and (getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/aoa-1") > 15 or getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/aoa-2") > 15 or getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/aoa-3") > 15)) or (getprop("fdm/jsbsim/fcs/slat-pos-deg") > 15 and (getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/aoa-1") > 23 or getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/aoa-2") > 23 or getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/aoa-3") > 23))) {
if ((flap_not_zero.clearFlag == 0) and phaseVar == 6 and getprop("controls/flight/flap-lever") != 0 and getprop("instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft") > 22000) {
if ((eng1FireFlAgent2.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("systems/fire/engine1/warning-active") == 1 and phaseVar >= 5 and phaseVar <= 7) or (eng1FireGnevacBat.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("systems/fire/engine1/warning-active") == 1 and (phaseVar < 5 or phaseVar > 7))) {
if ((eng2FireFlAgent2.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("systems/fire/engine2/warning-active") == 1 and phaseVar >= 5 and phaseVar <= 7) or (eng2FireGnevacBat.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("systems/fire/engine2/warning-active") == 1 and (phaseVar < 5 or phaseVar > 7))) {
if (eng1FireFlAgent1.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("controls/engines/engine[0]/fire-btn") == 1 and !getprop("systems/fire/engine1/disch1") and getprop("systems/fire/engine1/agent1-timer") != 0 and getprop("systems/fire/engine1/agent1-timer") != 99) {
if (eng1FireFlAgent1.clearFlag == 0 and !getprop("systems/fire/engine1/disch1") and (getprop("systems/fire/engine1/agent1-timer") == 0 or getprop("systems/fire/engine1/agent1-timer") == 99)) {
if (eng1FireFlAgent2.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("systems/fire/engine1/disch1") and !getprop("systems/fire/engine1/disch2") and getprop("systems/fire/engine1/agent2-timer") > 0) {
if (eng2FireFlAgent1.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("controls/engines/engine[1]/fire-btn") == 1 and !getprop("systems/fire/engine2/disch1") and getprop("systems/fire/engine2agent1-timer") != 0 and getprop("systems/fire/engine2/agent1-timer") != 99) {
if (eng2FireFlAgent1.clearFlag == 0 and !getprop("systems/fire/engine2/disch1") and (getprop("systems/fire/engine2/agent1-timer") == 0 or getprop("systems/fire/engine2/agent1-timer") == 99)) {
if (eng2FireFlAgent2.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("systems/fire/engine2/disch1") and !getprop("systems/fire/engine2/disch2") and getprop("systems/fire/engine2/agent2-timer") > 0) {
if (apuFireAgent.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("controls/apu/fire-btn") and !getprop("systems/fire/apu/disch") and getprop("systems/fire/apu/agent-timer") != 0) {
if (apuFireAgent.clearFlag == 0 and getprop("controls/apu/fire-btn") and !getprop("systems/fire/apu/disch") and getprop("systems/fire/apu/agent-timer") == 0) {
if ((slats_config.clearFlag == 0) and (getprop("controls/flight/flap-lever") == 0 or getprop("controls/flight/flap-lever")) == 4 and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 4) {
if ((flaps_config.clearFlag == 0) and (getprop("controls/flight/flap-lever") == 0 or getprop("controls/flight/flap-lever") == 4) and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 4) {
if ((pitch_trim_config.clearFlag == 0) and (getprop("fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/elevator-trim/final-deg") > 1.75 or getprop("fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/elevator-trim/final-deg") < -3.65) and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 4) {
if ((rud_trim_config.clearFlag == 0) and (getprop("fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/rudder/trim-cmd-deg") < -3.55 or getprop("fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/rudder/trim-cmd-deg") > 3.55) and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 4) {
if ((pts.Instrumentation.Altimeter.std.getValue() and abs(fcu.altSet.getValue() - getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/baro-alt-1-capt")) < 200) or !pts.Instrumentation.Altimeter.std.getValue() and abs(fcu.altSet.getValue() - getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/baro-alt-corrected-1-capt")) < 200) {
if ((pts.Instrumentation.Altimeter.std.getValue() and abs(fcu.altSet.getValue() - getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/baro-alt-1-capt")) < 750) or !pts.Instrumentation.Altimeter.std.getValue() and abs(fcu.altSet.getValue() - getprop("systems/navigation/adr/output/baro-alt-corrected-1-capt")) < 750) {
if (FWC.altChg.getValue() or pts.Gear.position[0].getValue() == 1 or (getprop("controls/gear/gear-down") and pts.Fdm.JSBsim.Fcs.slatDeg.getValue() > 4) or fmgc.Output.vert.getValue() == 2) {
if ((!alt750 and !alt200 and !altAlertInhibit and getprop("ECAM/flipflop/alt-alert-rs-output")) or (!alt750 and !alt200 and !altAlertInhibit and getprop("ECAM/flipflop/alt-alert-3-rs-output")) or getprop("ECAM/flipflop/alt-alert-3-rs-set")) {
if ((!gear.getValue() or !getprop("controls/gear/gear-down")) and getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/static-inverter-timer") == 1 and phaseVar >= 5 and phaseVar <= 7) {
if (getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and !dualFailNode.getBoolValue() and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and emerconfig.clearFlag == 0 and !getprop("systems/acconfig/autoconfig-running")) {
if (!(getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/generator-1-reset") and getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/generator-2-reset")) and emerconfigGen.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!(getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/generator-1-reset-bustie") and getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/generator-2-reset-bustie")) and emerconfigGen2.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEss.getValue() < 25 and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc1.getValue() < 25 and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc2.getValue() < 25 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and dcEmerconfig.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and !dcEmerconfig.active and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc1.getValue() < 25 and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc2.getValue() < 25 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and dcBus12Fault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss.getValue() < 110 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and AcBusEssFault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and systems.ELEC.Bus.ac1.getValue() < 110 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and AcBus1Fault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and systems.ELEC.Bus.ac2.getValue() < 110 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and AcBus2Fault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc1.getValue() < 25 and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc2.getValue() >= 25 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and dcBus1Fault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc1.getValue() >= 25 and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc2.getValue() <= 25 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and dcBus2Fault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and !dcEmerconfig.active and systems.ELEC.Bus.dcBat.getValue() < 25 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 5 and phaseVar != 7 and phaseVar != 8 and dcBusBatFault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!(getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and !getprop("systems/electrical/relay/emer-glc/contact-pos")) and systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEssShed.getValue() < 25 and systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEss.getValue() >= 25 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and dcBusEssShed.clearFlag == 0) {
if (!(getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") and !getprop("systems/electrical/relay/emer-glc/contact-pos")) and systems.ELEC.Bus.acEssShed.getValue() < 110 and systems.ELEC.Bus.acEss.getValue() >= 110 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 8 and acBusEssShed.clearFlag == 0) {
if ((athr_lim.clearFlag == 0) and getprop("it-autoflight/output/athr") == 1 and ((getprop("systems/thrust/eng-out") != 1 and (getprop("systems/thrust/state1") == "MAN" or getprop("systems/thrust/state2") == "MAN")) or (getprop("systems/thrust/eng-out") == 1 and (getprop("systems/thrust/state1") == "MAN" or getprop("systems/thrust/state2") == "MAN" or (getprop("systems/thrust/state1") == "MAN THR" and getprop("controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle-pos") <= 0.83) or (getprop("systems/thrust/state2") == "MAN THR" and getprop("controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle-pos") <= 0.83)))) and (phaseVar >= 5 and phaseVar <= 7)) {
if (getprop("instrumentation/tcas/serviceable") == 0 and phaseVar != 3 and phaseVar != 4 and phaseVar != 7 and systems.ELEC.Bus.ac1.getValue() and pts.Instrumentation.TCAS.Inputs.mode.getValue() != 1 and tcasFault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (fcu.FCUController.FCU1.failed and fcu.FCUController.FCU2.failed and systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEss.getValue() >= 25 and systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEss.getValue() >= 25 and fcuFault.clearFlag == 0) {
if (apuEmerShutdown.clearFlag == 0 and systems.APUController.APU.signals.autoshutdown and systems.APUController.APU.signals.emer and !getprop("systems/fire/apu/warning-active") and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (apuAutoShutdown.clearFlag == 0 and systems.APUController.APU.signals.autoshutdown and !systems.APUController.APU.signals.emer and !getprop("systems/fire/apu/warning-active") and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if ((FWC.Timer.eng1idleOutput.getBoolValue() and !pts.Controls.Engines.Engine.cutoffSw[0].getValue()) and (systems.PNEU.Psi.engine1.getValue() >= 57 or systems.PNEU.Ovht.ovht1.getValue())) {
if (bleed1Fault.clearFlag == 0 and (phaseVar == 2 or phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar == 9) and warningNodes.Timers.bleed1FaultOutput.getValue() == 1 and (!systems.PNEU.Switch.pack1.getBoolValue() or !systems.PNEU.Switch.pack2.getBoolValue() or getprop("/ECAM/phases/wing-anti-ice-pulse"))) { # inverse pulse
if (bleed1FaultOff.clearFlag == 0 and (systems.PNEU.Switch.bleed1.getBoolValue() or systems.PNEU.Switch.bleed2.getBoolValue()) and (systems.PNEU.Warnings.prv1Disag.getValue() or systems.PNEU.Warnings.prv2Disag.getValue())) {
if (bleed1FaultPack.clearFlag == 0 and systems.PNEU.Switch.pack1.getBoolValue() and systems.PNEU.Switch.pack2.getBoolValue() and getprop("/controls/switches/wing")) {
if (bleed1FaultXBleed.clearFlag == 0 and systems.PNEU.Valves.crossbleed.getValue() == 0) {
bleed1FaultXBleed.active = 1;
} else {
} else {
if ((FWC.Timer.eng2idleOutput.getBoolValue() and !pts.Controls.Engines.Engine.cutoffSw[1].getValue()) and (systems.PNEU.Psi.engine2.getValue() >= 57 or systems.PNEU.Ovht.ovht2.getValue())) {
if (bleed2Fault.clearFlag == 0 and (phaseVar == 2 or phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar == 9) and warningNodes.Timers.bleed2FaultOutput.getValue() == 1 and (!systems.PNEU.Switch.pack1.getBoolValue() or !systems.PNEU.Switch.pack2.getBoolValue() or !(getprop("/ECAM/phases/wing-anti-ice-pulse") and getprop("/controls/switches/wing")))) { # inverse pulse
if (bleed2FaultOff.clearFlag == 0 and (systems.PNEU.Switch.bleed1.getBoolValue() or systems.PNEU.Switch.bleed2.getBoolValue()) and (systems.PNEU.Warnings.prv1Disag.getValue() or systems.PNEU.Warnings.prv2Disag.getValue())) {
if (bleed2FaultPack.clearFlag == 0 and systems.PNEU.Switch.pack1.getValue() and systems.PNEU.Switch.pack2.getValue() and getprop("/controls/switches/wing")) {
bleed2FaultPack.active = 1;
} else {
if (bleed2FaultXBleed.clearFlag == 0 and systems.PNEU.Valves.crossbleed.getValue() == 0) {
if (apuBleedFault.clearFlag == 0 and (phaseVar <= 2 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar == 6) and warningNodes.Timers.apuFaultOutput.getValue() == 1) {
apuBleedFault.active = 1;
} else {
# HP Valves
if (hpValve1Fault.clearFlag == 0 and (phaseVar <= 2 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar == 6) and systems.PNEU.Fail.hp1Valve.getValue() and systems.ELEC.Bus.dcEssShed.getValue() >= 25) {
hpValve1Fault.active = 1;
} else {
if (hpValve2Fault.clearFlag == 0and (phaseVar <= 2 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar == 6) and systems.PNEU.Fail.hp2Valve.getValue() and systems.ELEC.Bus.dc2.getValue() >= 25) {
hpValve2Fault.active = 1;
} else {
# Crossbleed
if (xBleedFault.clearFlag == 0 and (phaseVar <= 2 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar == 6) and warningNodes.Logic.crossbleedFault.getValue()) {
xBleedFault.active = 1;
} else {
if (xBleedFault.active) {
if (systems.PNEU.Switch.xbleed.getValue() == 1) {
xBleedFaultMan.active = 1;
} else {
if (warningNodes.Logic.crossbleedWai.getValue()) {
if (getprop("/controls/switches/wing")) {
xBleedOff.active = 1;
} else {
xBleedIcing.active = 1;
} else {
} else {
if (bleedMonFault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.PNEU.Fail.bmc1.getValue() and systems.PNEU.Fail.bmc2.getValue()) {
bleedMonFault.active = 1;
} else {
if (bleedMon1Fault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.PNEU.Fail.bmc1.getValue() and !systems.PNEU.Fail.bmc2.getValue()) {
bleedMon1Fault.active = 1;
} else {
if (bleedMon2Fault.clearFlag == 0 and !systems.PNEU.Fail.bmc1.getValue() and systems.PNEU.Fail.bmc2.getValue()) {
if (warningNodes.Flipflops.bleed1LowTemp.getValue() and warningNodes.Flipflops.bleed2LowTemp.getValue()) {
} else {
if (engBleedLowTemp.clearFlag == 0 and warningNodes.Timers.bleed1And2LoTempOutput.getValue() == 1 and (phaseVar <= 2 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar == 7)) {
engBleedLowTemp.active = 1;
if (engBleedLowTempAthr.clearFlag == 0 and fmgc.Output.athr.getValue()) {
if (eng1BleedLowTemp.clearFlag == 0 and warningNodes.Flipflops.bleed1LowTemp.getValue() == 1 and warningNodes.Flipflops.bleed2LowTemp.getValue() == 0 and (phaseVar <= 2 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar == 7)) {
eng1BleedLowTemp.active = 1;
if (eng1BleedLowTempAthr.clearFlag == 0 and fmgc.Output.athr.getValue()) {
if (eng2BleedLowTemp.clearFlag == 0 and warningNodes.Flipflops.bleed1LowTemp.getValue() == 0 and warningNodes.Flipflops.bleed2LowTemp.getValue() == 1 and (phaseVar <= 2 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar == 7)) {
eng2BleedLowTemp.active = 1;
if (eng2BleedLowTempAthr.clearFlag == 0 and fmgc.Output.athr.getValue()) {
if (eng1BleedNotClsd.clearFlag == 0 and (phaseVar <= 2 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar == 6) and warningNodes.Timers.bleed1NotShutOutput.getValue() == 1) {
if (eng1FireDetFault.clearFlag == 0 and (systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[0].condition == 0 or (systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopOne == 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopTwo == 9 and systems.eng1Inop.getBoolValue())) and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (eng1LoopAFault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopOne == 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopTwo != 9 and !systems.eng1Inop.getBoolValue() and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (eng1LoopBFault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopOne != 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[0].loopTwo == 9 and !systems.eng1Inop.getBoolValue() and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (eng2FireDetFault.clearFlag == 0 and (systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[1].condition == 0 or (systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopOne == 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopTwo == 9 and systems.eng2Inop.getBoolValue())) and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (eng2LoopAFault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopOne == 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopTwo != 9 and !systems.eng2Inop.getBoolValue() and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (eng2LoopBFault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopOne != 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[1].loopTwo == 9 and !systems.eng2Inop.getBoolValue() and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (apuFireDetFault.clearFlag == 0 and (systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[2].condition == 0 or (systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopOne == 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopTwo == 9 and systems.apuInop.getBoolValue())) and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (apuLoopAFault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopOne == 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopTwo != 9 and !systems.apuInop.getBoolValue() and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (apuLoopBFault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopOne != 9 and systems.engFireDetectorUnits.vector[2].loopTwo == 9 and !systems.apuInop.getBoolValue() and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (crgAftFireDetFault.clearFlag == 0 and (systems.cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[0].condition == 0 or systems.cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[1].condition == 0) and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (crgFwdFireDetFault.clearFlag == 0 and systems.cargoSmokeDetectorUnits.vector[2].condition == 0 and (phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar >= 9 or phaseVar <= 2)) {
if (getprop("controls/flight/flap-lever") == 0 or getprop("controls/flight/flap-lever") == 4 or getprop("controls/flight/speedbrake") != 0 or getprop("fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/elevator-trim/final-deg") > 1.75 or getprop("fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/elevator-trim/final-deg") < -3.65 or getprop("fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/rudder/trim-cmd-deg") < -3.55 or getprop("fdm/jsbsim/hydraulics/rudder/trim-cmd-deg") > 3.55) {
if ((phaseVar == 2 and getprop("ECAM/engine-start-time") != 0 and getprop("ECAM/engine-start-time") + 120 < getprop("sim/time/elapsed-sec")) or getprop("ECAM/to-memo-flipflop")) {
if ((phaseVar == 1 or phaseVar == 2) and toMemoLine1.active != 1 and ldgMemoLine1.active != 1 and (systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[0].inAlign == 1 or systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[1].inAlign == 1 or systems.ADIRS.ADIRunits[2].inAlign == 1)) {
if (getprop("controls/lighting/no-smoking-sign") == 1 and toMemoLine1.active != 1 and ldgMemoLine1.active != 1) { # should go off after takeoff assuming switch is in auto due to old logic from the days when smoking was allowed!
if (getprop("controls/lighting/strobe") == 0 and getprop("gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and toMemoLine1.active != 1 and ldgMemoLine1.active != 1) { # todo: use gear branch properties
if (systems.FUEL.Valves.transfer1.getValue() == 1 or systems.FUEL.Valves.transfer2.getValue() == 1 and toMemoLine1.active != 1 and ldgMemoLine1.active != 1) {
if ((getprop("gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0) and (getprop("systems/electrical/some-electric-thingie/emer-elec-config") or getprop("systems/fire/engine1/warning-active") == 1 or getprop("systems/fire/engine2/warning-active") == 1 or getprop("systems/fire/apu/warning-active") == 1 or getprop("systems/failures/cargo-aft-fire") == 1 or getprop("systems/failures/cargo-fwd-fire") == 1) or (((getprop("systems/hydraulic/green-psi") < 1500 and getprop("engines/engine[0]/state") == 3) and (getprop("systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") < 1500 and getprop("engines/engine[1]/state") == 3)) or ((getprop("systems/hydraulic/green-psi") < 1500 or getprop("systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") < 1500) and getprop("engines/engine[0]/state") == 3 and getprop("engines/engine[1]/state") == 3) and phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 8)) {
if (land_asap_r.active == 0 and getprop("gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0 and ((getprop("fdm/jsbsim/propulsion/tank[0]/contents-lbs") < 1650 and getprop("fdm/jsbsim/propulsion/tank[1]/contents-lbs") < 1650) or ((getprop("systems/electrical/bus/dc-2") < 25 and (getprop("systems/failures/elac1") == 1 or getprop("systems/failures/sec1") == 1)) or (getprop("systems/hydraulic/green-psi") < 1500 and (getprop("systems/failures/elac1") == 1 and getprop("systems/failures/sec1") == 1)) or (getprop("systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") < 1500 and (getprop("systems/failures/elac1") == 1 and getprop("systems/failures/sec1") == 1)) or (getprop("systems/hydraulic/blue-psi") < 1500 and (getprop("systems/failures/elac2") == 1 and getprop("systems/failures/sec2") == 1))) or (phaseVar >= 3 and phaseVar <= 8 and (getprop("engines/engine[0]/state") != 3 or getprop("engines/engine[1]/state") != 3)))) {
} else if ((phaseVar >= 2 and phaseVar <= 5) or ((getprop("systems/thrust/state1") != "IDLE" or getprop("systems/thrust/state2") != "IDLE") and (phaseVar >= 6 and phaseVar <= 7))) {
if (getprop("controls/hydraulic/ptu") == 1 and ((getprop("systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") < 1450 and getprop("systems/hydraulic/green-psi") > 1450 and getprop("controls/hydraulic/elec-pump-yellow") == 0) or (getprop("systems/hydraulic/yellow-psi") > 1450 and getprop("systems/hydraulic/green-psi") < 1450))) {
if (getprop("systems/electrical/relay/emer-glc/contact-pos") == 1 and getprop("systems/hydraulic/sources/rat/position") != 0 and getprop("gear/gear[1]/wow") == 0) {
if (getprop("controls/engines/engine[0]/igniter-a") == 1 or getprop("controls/engines/engine[0]/igniter-b") == 1 or getprop("controls/engines/engine[1]/igniter-a") == 1 or getprop("controls/engines/engine[1]/igniter-b") == 1) {
if (getprop("controls/switches/leng") == 1 or getprop("controls/switches/reng") == 1 or getprop("systems/electrical/bus/dc-1") == 0 or getprop("systems/electrical/bus/dc-2") == 0) {
if (getprop("instrumentation/comm[2]/frequencies/selected-mhz") != 0 and (phaseVar == 1 or phaseVar == 2 or phaseVar == 6 or phaseVar == 9 or phaseVar == 10)) {
if (phaseVar >= 2 and phaseVar <= 9 and systems.ELEC.Bus.ac1.getValue() >= 110 and systems.ELEC.Bus.ac2.getValue() >= 110 and (getprop("systems/fuel/feed-center-1") or getprop("systems/fuel/feed-center-2"))) {