// genobj.hxx -- Generate the flight gear "obj" file format from the // triangle output // // Written by Curtis Olson, started March 1999. // // Copyright (C) 1999 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // // $Id: genobj.cxx,v 1.26 2004-11-19 22:25:49 curt Exp $ #include <time.h> #include <simgear/compiler.h> #include <simgear/io/sg_binobj.hxx> #include <simgear/math/SGGeometry.hxx> #include <simgear/misc/texcoord.hxx> #include <Output/output.hxx> #include <Clipper/priorities.hxx> #include <Osgb36/osgbtc.hxx> #include <Osgb36/uk.hxx> #include "genobj.hxx" using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; // calculate the global bounding sphere. Center is the center of the // tile and zero elevation void TGGenOutput::calc_gbs( TGConstruct& c ) { point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes(); SGSphered d; for ( int i = 0; i < wgs84_nodes.size(); ++i ) { d.expandBy(wgs84_nodes[ i ].toSGVec3d()); } gbs_center = d.getCenter(); gbs_radius = d.getRadius(); } #if 0 #define FG_STANDARD_TEXTURE_DIMENSION 1000.0 // meters // traverse the specified fan and attempt to calculate "none // stretching" texture coordinates int_list TGGenOutput::calc_tex_coords( TGConstruct& c, point_list geod_nodes, int_list fan ) { // cout << "calculating texture coordinates for a specific fan of size = " // << fan.size() << endl; SGBucket b = c.get_bucket(); double clat = b.get_center_lat(); double clat_rad = clat * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double cos_lat = cos( clat_rad ); double local_radius = cos_lat * SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M; double local_perimeter = 2.0 * local_radius * SGD_PI; double degree_width = local_perimeter / 360.0; // cout << "clat = " << clat << endl; // cout << "clat (radians) = " << clat_rad << endl; // cout << "cos(lat) = " << cos_lat << endl; // cout << "local_radius = " << local_radius << endl; // cout << "local_perimeter = " << local_perimeter << endl; // cout << "degree_width = " << degree_width << endl; double perimeter = 2.0 * SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M * SG_DPI; double degree_height = perimeter / 360.0; // cout << "degree_height = " << degree_height << endl; // find min/max of fan Point3D min, max, p, t; bool first = true; for ( int i = 0; i < (int)fan.size(); ++i ) { p = geod_nodes[ fan[i] ]; t.setx( p.x() * ( degree_width / FG_STANDARD_TEXTURE_DIMENSION ) ); t.sety( p.y() * ( degree_height / FG_STANDARD_TEXTURE_DIMENSION ) ); if ( first ) { min = max = t; first = false; } else { if ( t.x() < min.x() ) { min.setx( t.x() ); } if ( t.y() < min.y() ) { min.sety( t.y() ); } if ( t.x() > max.x() ) { max.setx( t.x() ); } if ( t.y() > max.y() ) { max.sety( t.y() ); } } } min.setx( (double)( (int)min.x() - 1 ) ); min.sety( (double)( (int)min.y() - 1 ) ); // cout << "found min = " << min << endl; // generate tex_list Point3D shifted_t; int index; int_list tex; tex.clear(); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)fan.size(); ++i ) { p = geod_nodes[ fan[i] ]; t.setx( p.x() * ( degree_width / FG_STANDARD_TEXTURE_DIMENSION ) ); t.sety( p.y() * ( degree_height / FG_STANDARD_TEXTURE_DIMENSION ) ); shifted_t = t - min; if ( shifted_t.x() < SG_EPSILON ) { shifted_t.setx( 0.0 ); } if ( shifted_t.y() < SG_EPSILON ) { shifted_t.sety( 0.0 ); } shifted_t.setz( 0.0 ); // cout << "shifted_t = " << shifted_t << endl; index = tex_coords.unique_add( shifted_t ); tex.push_back( index ); } return tex; } #endif // build the necessary output structures based on the triangulation // data int TGGenOutput::build( TGConstruct& c ) { int i, j; TGTriNodes trinodes = c.get_tri_nodes(); // copy the geodetic node list into this class geod_nodes = trinodes.get_node_list(); // copy the triangle list into this class tri_elements = c.get_tri_elements(); // build the trifan list cout << "total triangles = " << tri_elements.size() << endl; TGGenFans f; for ( i = 0; i < TG_MAX_AREA_TYPES; ++i ) { triele_list area_tris; area_tris.erase( area_tris.begin(), area_tris.end() ); const_triele_list_iterator t_current = tri_elements.begin(); const_triele_list_iterator t_last = tri_elements.end(); for ( ; t_current != t_last; ++t_current ) { if ( (int)t_current->get_attribute() == i ) { area_tris.push_back( *t_current ); } } if ( (int)area_tris.size() > 0 ) { cout << "generating fans for area = " << i << endl; fans[i] = f.greedy_build( area_tris ); } } // build the texture coordinate list and make a parallel structure // to the fan list for pointers into the texture list cout << "calculating texture coordinates" << endl; cout << "c.get_useUKGrid() = " << c.get_useUKGrid() << endl; tex_coords.clear(); for ( i = 0; i < TG_MAX_AREA_TYPES; ++i ) { // cout << " area = " << i << endl; for ( j = 0; j < (int)fans[i].size(); ++j ) { // int_list t_list = calc_tex_coords( c, geod_nodes, fans[i][j] ); // cout << fans[i][j].size() << " === " // << t_list.size() << endl; SGBucket b = c.get_bucket(); Point3D ourPosition; ourPosition.setlon(b.get_chunk_lon()); ourPosition.setlat(b.get_chunk_lat()); int_list ti_list; ti_list.clear(); //dcl - here read the flag to check if we are building UK grid //If so - check if the bucket is within the UK lat & lon if( (c.get_useUKGrid()) && (isInUK(ourPosition)) ) { point_list tp_list; tp_list = UK_calc_tex_coords( b, geod_nodes, fans[i][j], 1.0 ); for ( int k = 0; k < (int)tp_list.size(); ++k ) { // cout << " tc = " << tp_list[k] << endl; int index = tex_coords.simple_add( tp_list[k] ); ti_list.push_back( index ); } } else { int k; std::vector < SGGeod > convGeodNodes; for ( k = 0; k < geod_nodes.size(); k++ ) { Point3D node = geod_nodes[k]; convGeodNodes.push_back( SGGeod::fromDegM( node.x(), node.y(), node.z() ) ); } std::vector< SGVec2f > tp_list = sgCalcTexCoords( b, convGeodNodes, fans[i][j] ); for ( k = 0; k < (int)tp_list.size(); ++k ) { SGVec2f tc = tp_list[k]; // SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "base_tc = " << tc); int index = tex_coords.simple_add( Point3D( tc.x(), tc.y(), 0 ) ); ti_list.push_back( index ); } } textures[i].push_back( ti_list ); } } // calculate the global bounding sphere calc_gbs( c ); cout << "center = " << gbs_center << " radius = " << gbs_radius << endl; return 1; } // caclulate the bounding sphere for a list of triangle faces void TGGenOutput::calc_group_bounding_sphere( TGConstruct& c, const opt_list& fans, Point3D *center, double *radius ) { cout << "calculate group bounding sphere for " << fans.size() << " fans." << endl; point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes(); // generate a list of unique points from the triangle list TGTriNodes nodes; const_opt_list_iterator f_current = fans.begin(); const_opt_list_iterator f_last = fans.end(); for ( ; f_current != f_last; ++f_current ) { const_int_list_iterator i_current = f_current->begin(); const_int_list_iterator i_last = f_current->end(); for ( ; i_current != i_last; ++i_current ) { Point3D p1 = wgs84_nodes[ *i_current ]; nodes.unique_add(p1); } } // find average of point list *center = Point3D( 0.0 ); point_list points = nodes.get_node_list(); // cout << "found " << points.size() << " unique nodes" << endl; point_list_iterator p_current = points.begin(); point_list_iterator p_last = points.end(); for ( ; p_current != p_last; ++p_current ) { *center += *p_current; } *center /= points.size(); // find max radius double dist_squared; double max_squared = 0; p_current = points.begin(); p_last = points.end(); for ( ; p_current != p_last; ++p_current ) { dist_squared = (*center).distance3Dsquared(*p_current); if ( dist_squared > max_squared ) { max_squared = dist_squared; } } *radius = sqrt(max_squared); } // calculate the bounding sphere for the specified triangle face void TGGenOutput::calc_bounding_sphere( TGConstruct& c, const TGTriEle& t, Point3D *center, double *radius ) { point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes(); *center = Point3D( 0.0 ); Point3D p1 = wgs84_nodes[ t.get_n1() ]; Point3D p2 = wgs84_nodes[ t.get_n2() ]; Point3D p3 = wgs84_nodes[ t.get_n3() ]; *center = p1 + p2 + p3; *center /= 3; double dist_squared; double max_squared = 0; dist_squared = (*center).distance3Dsquared(p1); if ( dist_squared > max_squared ) { max_squared = dist_squared; } dist_squared = (*center).distance3Dsquared(p2); if ( dist_squared > max_squared ) { max_squared = dist_squared; } dist_squared = (*center).distance3Dsquared(p3); if ( dist_squared > max_squared ) { max_squared = dist_squared; } *radius = sqrt(max_squared); } #if 0 // write out the fgfs scenery file int TGGenOutput::write_orig( TGConstruct &c ) { Point3D p; int i; string base = c.get_output_base(); SGBucket b = c.get_bucket(); string dir = base + b.gen_base_path(); #ifdef _MSC_VER fg_mkdir( dir.c_str() ); #else string command = "mkdir -p " + dir; system(command.c_str()); #endif string file = dir + "/" + b.gen_index_str(); cout << "Output file = " << file << endl; FILE *fp; if ( (fp = fopen( file.c_str(), "w" )) == NULL ) { cout << "ERROR: opening " << file << " for writing!" << endl; exit(-1); } // write headers fprintf(fp, "# FGFS Scenery\n"); fprintf(fp, "# Version %s\n", FG_SCENERY_FILE_FORMAT); time_t calendar_time = time(NULL); struct tm *local_tm; local_tm = localtime( &calendar_time ); char time_str[256]; strftime( time_str, 256, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", local_tm); fprintf(fp, "# Created %s\n", time_str ); fprintf(fp, "\n"); // write global bounding sphere fprintf(fp, "# gbs %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f\n", gbs_center.x(), gbs_center.y(), gbs_center.z(), gbs_radius); fprintf(fp, "\n"); // write nodes point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes(); cout << "writing nodes = " << wgs84_nodes.size() << endl; fprintf(fp, "# vertex list\n"); const_point_list_iterator w_current = wgs84_nodes.begin(); const_point_list_iterator w_last = wgs84_nodes.end(); for ( ; w_current != w_last; ++w_current ) { p = *w_current - gbs_center; fprintf(fp, "v %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", p.x(), p.y(), p.z()); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); // write vertex normals point_list point_normals = c.get_point_normals(); cout << "writing normals = " << point_normals.size() << endl; fprintf(fp, "# vertex normal list\n"); const_point_list_iterator n_current = point_normals.begin(); const_point_list_iterator n_last = point_normals.end(); for ( ; n_current != n_last; ++n_current ) { p = *n_current; fprintf(fp, "vn %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", p.x(), p.y(), p.z()); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); // write texture coordinates point_list tex_coord_list = tex_coords.get_node_list(); fprintf(fp, "# texture coordinate list\n"); for ( i = 0; i < (int)tex_coord_list.size(); ++i ) { p = tex_coord_list[i]; fprintf(fp, "vt %.5f %.5f\n", p.x(), p.y()); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); // write triangles (grouped by type for now) Point3D center; double radius; fprintf(fp, "# triangle groups\n"); fprintf(fp, "\n"); int total_tris = 0; for ( i = 0; i < TG_MAX_AREA_TYPES; ++i ) { if ( (int)fans[i].size() > 0 ) { string attr_name = get_area_name( (AreaType)i ); calc_group_bounding_sphere( c, fans[i], ¢er, &radius ); cout << "writing " << (int)fans[i].size() << " fans for " << attr_name << endl; fprintf(fp, "# usemtl %s\n", attr_name.c_str() ); fprintf(fp, "# bs %.4f %.4f %.4f %.2f\n", center.x(), center.y(), center.z(), radius); for ( int j = 0; j < (int)fans[i].size(); ++j ) { fprintf( fp, "tf" ); total_tris += fans[i][j].size() - 2; for ( int k = 0; k < (int)fans[i][j].size(); ++k ) { fprintf( fp, " %d/%d", fans[i][j][k], textures[i][j][k] ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); } } cout << "wrote " << total_tris << " tris to output file" << endl; fclose(fp); command = "gzip --force --best " + file; system(command.c_str()); return 1; } #endif // write out the fgfs scenery file int TGGenOutput::write( TGConstruct &c ) { int i; // Assemble all the data into the final format SGBucket b = c.get_bucket(); string base = c.get_output_base(); string name = b.gen_index_str(); name += ".btg"; std::vector< SGVec3d > wgs84_nodes; for ( i = 0; i < c.get_wgs84_nodes().size(); i++ ) { Point3D node = c.get_wgs84_nodes()[i]; wgs84_nodes.push_back( node.toSGVec3d() ); } std::vector< SGVec3f > normals; for ( i = 0; i < c.get_point_normals().size(); i++ ) { Point3D node = c.get_point_normals()[i]; normals.push_back( node.toSGVec3f() ); } cout << "dumping normals = " << normals.size() << endl; /* for ( i = 0; i < (int)normals.size(); ++i ) { Point3D p = normals[i]; printf("vn %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", p.x(), p.y(), p.z()); } */ std::vector< SGVec2f > texcoords; for ( i = 0; i < tex_coords.get_node_list().size(); i++ ) { Point3D node = tex_coords.get_node_list()[i]; texcoords.push_back( node.toSGVec2f() ); } // allocate and initialize triangle group structures group_list tris_v; group_list tris_tc; string_list tri_materials; tris_v.clear(); tris_tc.clear(); tri_materials.clear(); group_list strips_v; group_list strips_tc; string_list strip_materials; strips_v.clear(); strips_tc.clear(); strip_materials.clear(); group_list fans_v; group_list fans_tc; string_list fan_materials; fans_v.clear(); fans_tc.clear(); fan_materials.clear(); for ( i = 0; i < TG_MAX_AREA_TYPES; ++i ) { if ( (int)fans[i].size() > 0 ) { cout << "creating " << fans[i].size() << " fans of type " << i << endl; string attr_name = get_area_name( (AreaType)i ); int_list vs, tcs; for ( int j = 0; j < (int)fans[i].size(); ++j ) { vs.clear(); tcs.clear(); for ( int k = 0; k < (int)fans[i][j].size(); ++k ) { vs.push_back( fans[i][j][k] ); tcs.push_back( textures[i][j][k] ); } fans_v.push_back( vs ); fans_tc.push_back( tcs ); fan_materials.push_back( attr_name ); } } } SGBinObject obj; obj.set_gbs_center( gbs_center ); obj.set_gbs_radius( gbs_radius ); obj.set_wgs84_nodes( wgs84_nodes ); obj.set_normals( normals ); obj.set_texcoords( texcoords ); obj.set_tris_v( tris_v ); obj.set_tris_tc( tris_tc ); obj.set_tri_materials( tri_materials ); obj.set_strips_v( strips_v ); obj.set_strips_tc( strips_tc ); obj.set_strip_materials( strip_materials ); obj.set_fans_v( fans_v ); obj.set_fans_tc( fans_tc ); obj.set_fan_materials( fan_materials ); obj.write_bin( base, name, b ); return 1; }