From efc43864236838377159f81fc569017082bb429c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Spott <>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:04:14 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Merge VMap0 procedures into a single file

 gisscripts/  | 199 ----------------------------
 gisscripts/ | 228 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 229 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 gisscripts/

diff --git a/gisscripts/ b/gisscripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index e3207267..00000000
--- a/gisscripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# Written by Martin Spott
-# Copyright (C) 2010  Markus Metz @ GRASS GIS
-# Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013  Martin Spott - Martin (at) flightgear (dot) org
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-mkdir -p ${DUMPDIR}
-cd `dirname ${0}` && export BASEDIR=`pwd`
-fn_import() {
-    for SHAPEFILE in `ls ${LOADDIR}/*-area.shp`; do
-        LAYER=`basename ${SHAPEFILE} | cut -f 1 -d \.`
-        MAP=`echo ${LAYER} | sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
-        g.remove vect=${MAP}
- dsn="${LOADDIR}" layer=${LAYER} output=${MAP} snap=${SNAP} --verbose
-    done
-# v.extract input=soa_veg_grassa_area type=area output=v0_grassland where="f_code LIKE 'EB010'"
-#       sourcelayer        |    sourceattrs     |        pgislayer
-# 'builtupa@pop(*)_area'   |                    | v0_urban
-# 'cropa@veg(*)_area'      | veg=0              | v0_mixedcrop
-# 'cropa@veg(*)_area'      | veg=1              | v0_drycrop
-# 'cropa@veg(*)_area'      | veg=999            | v0_irrcrop
-# 'grassa@veg(*)_area'     | f_code=EB010       | v0_grassland
-# 'grassa@veg(*)_area'     | f_code=EB020       | v0_scrub
-# 'grounda@phys(*)_area'   | smc=119            | v0_barrencover
-# 'grounda@phys(*)_area'   | smc=52             | v0_lava
-# 'grounda@phys(*)_area'   | smc=88:swc=0       | v0_sand
-# 'grounda@phys(*)_area'   | smc=88:swc=3       | v0_littoral
-# 'inwatera@hydro(*)_area' | f_code=BH000:hyc=6 | v0_intermittentlake
-# 'inwatera@hydro(*)_area' | f_code=BH000:hyc=8 | v0_lake
-# 'inwatera@hydro(*)_area' | f_code=BH090       | v0_floodland
-# 'landicea@phys(*)_area'  |                    | v0_glacier
-# 'polbnda@bnd(*)_area'    |                    | v0_landmass
-# 'seaicea@phys(*)_area'   | f_code=BJ070       | v0_packice
-# 'seaicea@phys(*)_area'   | f_code=BJ080       | v0_polarice
-# 'swampa@veg(*)_area'     | f_code=BH015       | v0_bog
-# 'swampa@veg(*)_area'     | f_code=BH095       | v0_marsh
-# 'treesa@veg(*)_area'     | veg=24             | v0_deciduousforest
-# 'treesa@veg(*)_area'     | veg=25             | v0_evergreenforest
-# 'treesa@veg(*)_area'     | veg=50             | v0_mixedforest
-# 'tundraa@veg(*)_area'    |                    | v0_herbtundra
-fn_split() {
-    g.remove vect=`g.mlist type=vect pattern="v0_*_???" separator=,`
-    for CLASS in `g.mlist type=vect pattern="???_*_*_area" | cut -f 2,3 -d \_ | sort | uniq`; do  # veg_cropa, veg_grassa
-        for LAYER in `g.mlist type=vect pattern="???_${CLASS}_area" | sort`; do  # eur_veg_cropa_area, noa_veg_cropa_area
-            ZONE=`echo ${LAYER} | cut -f 1 -d \_`  # eur, noa
-            V0LAYER=`echo ${LAYER} | awk -F\_ '{print $3 "@" $2 "(*)_" $4}'`  # cropa@veg(*)_area
-            case ${V0LAYER} in
-                "polbnda@bnd(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_landmass_${ZONE}
-                ;;
-                "inwatera@hydro(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_intermittentlake_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH000' AND hyc != 8"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_lake_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH000' AND hyc = 8"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_floodland_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH000'"
-                ;;
-                "extracta@ind(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_saline_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH155'"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_openmining_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH155'"
-                ;;
-                "fishinda@ind(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_fishing_${ZONE}
-                ;;
-                "grounda@phys(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_barrencover_${ZONE} where="smc != 52 AND smc != 88"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_lava_${ZONE} where="smc = 52"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_littoral_${ZONE} where="smc = 88 AND swc = 3"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_sand_${ZONE} where="smc = 88 AND swc != 3"
-                ;;
-                "landicea@phys(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_glacier_${ZONE}
-                ;;
-                "seaicea@phys(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_packice_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BJ080'"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_polarice_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BJ080'"
-                ;;
-                "builtupa@pop(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_urban_${ZONE}
-                ;;
-                "mispopa@pop(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_suburban_${ZONE}
-                ;;
-                "cropa@veg(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_mixedcrop_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH135' and veg = 0"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_drycrop_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH135' and veg = 1"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_irrcrop_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH135' and veg > 1"
-#                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_rice_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH135'"
-                ;;
-                "grassa@veg(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_grassland_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'EB010'"
-#                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_bamboo_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'EC010'"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_scrub_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'EB010' AND f_code NOT LIKE 'EC010'"
-                ;;
-                "oasisa@veg(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_oasis_${ZONE}
-                ;;
-                "orcharda@veg(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_vineyard_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'EA050'"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_orchard_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'EA050'"
-                ;;
-                "swampa@veg(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_bog_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH015'"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_marsh_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH015'"
-                ;;
-                "treesa@veg(*)_area")
-#                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_mangrove_${ZONE} where="veg = 19"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_deciduousforest_${ZONE} where="veg = 24"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_evergreenforest_${ZONE} where="veg = 25"
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_mixedforest_${ZONE} where="veg != 19 AND veg != 24 AND veg != 25"
-                ;;
-                "tundraa@veg(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_herbtundra_${ZONE}
-                ;;
-                "vegvoida@veg(*)_area")
-                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=v0_vegvoid_${ZONE}
-                ;;
-            esac
-        done
-    done
-fn_reclass() {
-    for OUTPUT in `g.mlist type=vect pattern="v0_*_???" | awk -F\_ '{print $1 "_" $2}' | sort | uniq`; do
-        CATEGORY=`echo ${OUTPUT} | sed -e 's/^v0_/cs_/g'`
-        CODECLC=`grep "\ ${CATEGORY}\$" ${MAPPINGFILE} | awk '{print $1}'`
-        for ZONE in `g.mlist type=vect pattern="v0_*_[a-z][a-z][a-z]" | awk -F\_ '{print $3}' | sort | uniq`; do
-            LCCMAP=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE}_lcclass
-            g.remove vect=${LCCMAP}
-            v.db.addtable map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE}
-            v.db.addcolumn map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} columns="newcodeCLC integer" --verbose
-            v.db.update map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} column=newcodeCLC value=${CODECLC} --verbose
-            v.db.dropcolumn map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} column=code_CLC --verbose
-            v.db.renamecolumn map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} column=newcodeCLC,code_CLC --verbose
-            v.reclass input=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} output=${LCCMAP} column=code_CLC --verbose
-        done
-#        g.remove vect=${OUTPUT}_patched
-        v.patch input=`g.mlist type=vect pattern="${OUTPUT}_[a-z][a-z][a-z]_lcclass" separator=,` output=${OUTPUT}_patched
-        g.remove vect=${OUTPUT}_bpol,${OUTPUT}_snap,${OUTPUT}_split,${OUTPUT}_rmsa,${OUTPUT}_rmdangle,${OUTPUT}_rmarea,${OUTPUT}_prune,${OUTPUT}_polyline,${OUTPUT}_dissolved
-        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_patched output=${OUTPUT}_bpol -c tool=bpol type=boundary --verbose
-        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_bpol output=${OUTPUT}_snap -c tool=snap thresh=${SNAP} type=boundary --verbose
-        v.split input=${OUTPUT}_snap output=${OUTPUT}_split length=40 units=kilometers --verbose
-        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_split output=${OUTPUT}_rmsa -c tool=rmsa type=boundary --verbose
-        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_rmsa output=${OUTPUT}_rmdangle tool=rmline,rmdangle thresh=0,-1 type=boundary --verbose
-        date
-        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_rmdangle output=${OUTPUT}_rmarea tool=rmarea thresh=${MIN_AREA} type=boundary --verbose
-        date
-        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_rmarea output=${OUTPUT}_prune tool=prune thresh=0.00001 type=boundary --verbose
- input=${OUTPUT}_prune output=${OUTPUT}_polyline --verbose
-        v.dissolve input=${OUTPUT}_polyline output=${OUTPUT}_dissolved --verbose
-        v.out.ogr input=${OUTPUT}_dissolved type=area dsn=${DUMPDIR}/${OUTPUT}_pre-clip.shp
-    done
-# EOF
diff --git a/gisscripts/ b/gisscripts/
index cadc22e0..7acf9e25 100755
--- a/gisscripts/
+++ b/gisscripts/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 mkdir -p ${DUMPDIR}
@@ -32,8 +33,10 @@ MAPPINGFILE=${BASEDIR}/CORINEtoCS.txt
@@ -46,6 +49,165 @@ DSN="PG:host=${PGHOST} dbname=${PGDATABASE} user=${PGUSER}"
 PSQL="psql -tA -h ${PGHOST} -U ${PGUSER} -d ${PGDATABASE}"
+fn_import() {
+    for SHAPEFILE in `ls ${LOADDIR}/*-area.shp`; do
+        LAYER=`basename ${SHAPEFILE} | cut -f 1 -d \.`
+        MAP=`echo ${LAYER} | sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
+        g.remove vect=${MAP}
+ dsn="${LOADDIR}" layer=${LAYER} output=${MAP} snap=${SNAP} --verbose
+    done
+# v.extract input=soa_veg_grassa_area type=area output=v0_grassland where="f_code LIKE 'EB010'"
+#       sourcelayer        |    sourceattrs     |        pgislayer
+# 'builtupa@pop(*)_area'   |                    | v0_urban
+# 'cropa@veg(*)_area'      | veg=0              | v0_mixedcrop
+# 'cropa@veg(*)_area'      | veg=1              | v0_drycrop
+# 'cropa@veg(*)_area'      | veg=999            | v0_irrcrop
+# 'grassa@veg(*)_area'     | f_code=EB010       | v0_grassland
+# 'grassa@veg(*)_area'     | f_code=EB020       | v0_scrub
+# 'grounda@phys(*)_area'   | smc=119            | v0_barrencover
+# 'grounda@phys(*)_area'   | smc=52             | v0_lava
+# 'grounda@phys(*)_area'   | smc=88:swc=0       | v0_sand
+# 'grounda@phys(*)_area'   | smc=88:swc=3       | v0_littoral
+# 'inwatera@hydro(*)_area' | f_code=BH000:hyc=6 | v0_intermittentlake
+# 'inwatera@hydro(*)_area' | f_code=BH000:hyc=8 | v0_lake
+# 'inwatera@hydro(*)_area' | f_code=BH090       | v0_floodland
+# 'landicea@phys(*)_area'  |                    | v0_glacier
+# 'polbnda@bnd(*)_area'    |                    | v0_landmass
+# 'seaicea@phys(*)_area'   | f_code=BJ070       | v0_packice
+# 'seaicea@phys(*)_area'   | f_code=BJ080       | v0_polarice
+# 'swampa@veg(*)_area'     | f_code=BH015       | v0_bog
+# 'swampa@veg(*)_area'     | f_code=BH095       | v0_marsh
+# 'treesa@veg(*)_area'     | veg=24             | v0_deciduousforest
+# 'treesa@veg(*)_area'     | veg=25             | v0_evergreenforest
+# 'treesa@veg(*)_area'     | veg=50             | v0_mixedforest
+# 'tundraa@veg(*)_area'    |                    | v0_herbtundra
+fn_split() {
+    g.remove vect=`g.mlist type=vect pattern="${PREFIX}_*_???" separator=,`
+    for CLASS in `g.mlist type=vect pattern="???_*_*_area" | cut -f 2,3 -d \_ | sort | uniq`; do  # veg_cropa, veg_grassa
+        for LAYER in `g.mlist type=vect pattern="???_${CLASS}_area" | sort`; do  # eur_veg_cropa_area, noa_veg_cropa_area
+            ZONE=`echo ${LAYER} | cut -f 1 -d \_`  # eur, noa
+            V0LAYER=`echo ${LAYER} | awk -F\_ '{print $3 "@" $2 "(*)_" $4}'`  # cropa@veg(*)_area
+            case ${V0LAYER} in
+                "polbnda@bnd(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_landmass_${ZONE}
+                ;;
+                "inwatera@hydro(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_intermittentlake_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH000' AND hyc != 8"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_lake_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH000' AND hyc = 8"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_floodland_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH000'"
+                ;;
+                "extracta@ind(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_saline_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH155'"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_openmining_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH155'"
+                ;;
+                "fishinda@ind(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_fishing_${ZONE}
+                ;;
+                "grounda@phys(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_barrencover_${ZONE} where="smc != 52 AND smc != 88"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_lava_${ZONE} where="smc = 52"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_littoral_${ZONE} where="smc = 88 AND swc = 3"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_sand_${ZONE} where="smc = 88 AND swc != 3"
+                ;;
+                "landicea@phys(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_glacier_${ZONE}
+                ;;
+                "seaicea@phys(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_packice_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BJ080'"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_polarice_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BJ080'"
+                ;;
+                "builtupa@pop(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_urban_${ZONE}
+                ;;
+                "mispopa@pop(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_suburban_${ZONE}
+                ;;
+                "cropa@veg(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_mixedcrop_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH135' and veg = 0"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_drycrop_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH135' and veg = 1"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_irrcrop_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH135' and veg > 1"
+#                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_rice_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH135'"
+                ;;
+                "grassa@veg(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_grassland_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'EB010'"
+#                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_bamboo_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'EC010'"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_scrub_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'EB010' AND f_code NOT LIKE 'EC010'"
+                ;;
+                "oasisa@veg(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_oasis_${ZONE}
+                ;;
+                "orcharda@veg(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_vineyard_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'EA050'"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_orchard_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'EA050'"
+                ;;
+                "swampa@veg(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_bog_${ZONE} where="f_code LIKE 'BH015'"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_marsh_${ZONE} where="f_code NOT LIKE 'BH015'"
+                ;;
+                "treesa@veg(*)_area")
+#                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_mangrove_${ZONE} where="veg = 19"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_deciduousforest_${ZONE} where="veg = 24"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_evergreenforest_${ZONE} where="veg = 25"
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_mixedforest_${ZONE} where="veg != 19 AND veg != 24 AND veg != 25"
+                ;;
+                "tundraa@veg(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_herbtundra_${ZONE}
+                ;;
+                "vegvoida@veg(*)_area")
+                    v.extract -t input=${LAYER} type=area output=${PREFIX}_vegvoid_${ZONE}
+                ;;
+            esac
+        done
+    done
+fn_reclass() {
+    for OUTPUT in `g.mlist type=vect pattern="${PREFIX}_*_???" | awk -F\_ '{print $1 "_" $2}' | sort | uniq`; do
+        CATEGORY=`echo ${OUTPUT} | sed -e "s/^${PREFIX}_/cs_/g"`
+        CODECLC=`grep "\ ${CATEGORY}\$" ${MAPPINGFILE} | awk '{print $1}'`
+        for ZONE in `g.mlist type=vect pattern="${PREFIX}_*_[a-z][a-z][a-z]" | awk -F\_ '{print $3}' | sort | uniq`; do
+            LCCMAP=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE}_lcclass
+            g.remove vect=${LCCMAP}
+            v.db.addtable map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE}
+            v.db.addcolumn map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} columns="newcodeCLC integer" --verbose
+            v.db.update map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} column=newcodeCLC value=${CODECLC} --verbose
+            v.db.dropcolumn map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} column=code_CLC --verbose
+            v.db.renamecolumn map=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} column=newcodeCLC,code_CLC --verbose
+            v.reclass input=${OUTPUT}_${ZONE} output=${LCCMAP} column=code_CLC --verbose
+        done
+#        g.remove vect=${OUTPUT}_patched
+        v.patch input=`g.mlist type=vect pattern="${OUTPUT}_[a-z][a-z][a-z]_lcclass" separator=,` output=${OUTPUT}_patched
+        g.remove vect=${OUTPUT}_bpol,${OUTPUT}_snap,${OUTPUT}_split,${OUTPUT}_rmsa,${OUTPUT}_rmdangle,${OUTPUT}_rmarea,${OUTPUT}_prune,${OUTPUT}_polyline,${OUTPUT}_dissolved
+        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_patched output=${OUTPUT}_bpol -c tool=bpol type=boundary --verbose
+        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_bpol output=${OUTPUT}_snap -c tool=snap thresh=${SNAP} type=boundary --verbose
+        v.split input=${OUTPUT}_snap output=${OUTPUT}_split length=40 units=kilometers --verbose
+        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_split output=${OUTPUT}_rmsa -c tool=rmsa type=boundary --verbose
+        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_rmsa output=${OUTPUT}_rmdangle tool=rmline,rmdangle thresh=0,-1 type=boundary --verbose
+        date
+        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_rmdangle output=${OUTPUT}_rmarea tool=rmarea thresh=${MIN_AREA1} type=boundary --verbose
+        date
+        v.clean input=${OUTPUT}_rmarea output=${OUTPUT}_prune tool=prune thresh=0.00001 type=boundary --verbose
+ input=${OUTPUT}_prune output=${OUTPUT}_polyline --verbose
+        v.dissolve input=${OUTPUT}_polyline output=${OUTPUT}_dissolved --verbose
+        v.out.ogr input=${OUTPUT}_dissolved type=area dsn=${DUMPDIR}/${OUTPUT}_pre-clip.shp
+    done
 fn_fixpostgis() {
     echo "DROP INDEX ${LAYER}_cat_idx;"
@@ -75,33 +237,33 @@ fn_topostgis() {
 fn_overlay() {
-    for LAYER in v0_lake \
-                 v0_intermittentlake \
-                 v0_floodland \
-                 v0_glacier \
-                 v0_packice \
-                 v0_polarice \
-                 v0_urban \
-                 v0_suburban \
-                 v0_fishing \
-                 v0_bog \
-                 v0_marsh \
-                 v0_saline \
-                 v0_openmining \
-                 v0_drycrop \
-                 v0_irrcrop \
-                 v0_mixedcrop \
-                 v0_grassland \
-                 v0_scrub \
-                 v0_deciduousforest \
-                 v0_evergreenforest \
-                 v0_mixedforest \
-                 v0_herbtundra \
-                 v0_littoral \
-                 v0_barrencover \
-                 v0_sand \
-                 v0_lava \
-                 v0_landmass;
+    for LAYER in ${PREFIX}_lake \
+                 ${PREFIX}_intermittentlake \
+                 ${PREFIX}_floodland \
+                 ${PREFIX}_glacier \
+                 ${PREFIX}_packice \
+                 ${PREFIX}_polarice \
+                 ${PREFIX}_urban \
+                 ${PREFIX}_suburban \
+                 ${PREFIX}_fishing \
+                 ${PREFIX}_bog \
+                 ${PREFIX}_marsh \
+                 ${PREFIX}_saline \
+                 ${PREFIX}_openmining \
+                 ${PREFIX}_drycrop \
+                 ${PREFIX}_irrcrop \
+                 ${PREFIX}_mixedcrop \
+                 ${PREFIX}_grassland \
+                 ${PREFIX}_scrub \
+                 ${PREFIX}_deciduousforest \
+                 ${PREFIX}_evergreenforest \
+                 ${PREFIX}_mixedforest \
+                 ${PREFIX}_herbtundra \
+                 ${PREFIX}_littoral \
+                 ${PREFIX}_barrencover \
+                 ${PREFIX}_sand \
+                 ${PREFIX}_lava \
+                 ${PREFIX}_landmass;
         g.remove vect=${LAYER}_postsplit
         v.split input=${LAYER}_dissolved output=${LAYER}_postsplit length=40 units=kilometers --verbose
@@ -148,7 +310,7 @@ fn_clean() {
     v.clean input=${PREFIX}_snap output=${PREFIX}_rmsa -c tool=rmsa type=boundary --verbose
     v.clean input=${PREFIX}_rmsa output=${PREFIX}_rmdangle tool=rmline,rmdangle thresh=0,-1 type=boundary --verbose
-    v.clean input=${PREFIX}_rmdangle output=${PREFIX}_rmarea tool=rmarea thresh=${MIN_AREA} type=boundary --verbose
+    v.clean input=${PREFIX}_rmdangle output=${PREFIX}_rmarea tool=rmarea thresh=${MIN_AREA2} type=boundary --verbose
     v.clean input=${PREFIX}_rmarea output=${PREFIX}_prune tool=prune thresh=0.00001 type=boundary --verbose input=${PREFIX}_prune output=${PREFIX}_polyline --verbose
@@ -202,6 +364,12 @@ fn_export() {