diff --git a/src/BuildTiles/Main/tgconstruct_poly.cxx b/src/BuildTiles/Main/tgconstruct_poly.cxx
index 5ebec27a..bfb6e76d 100644
--- a/src/BuildTiles/Main/tgconstruct_poly.cxx
+++ b/src/BuildTiles/Main/tgconstruct_poly.cxx
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ int TGConstruct::LoadLandclassPolys( void ) {
             string lastext = p.extension();
             if ((lext == "arr") || (lext == "arr.gz") || (lext == "btg.gz") ||
                 (lext == "fit") || (lext == "fit.gz") || (lext == "ind") ||
-                (lastext == "cliffs"))
+                (lastext == "cliffs") || (lext == "arr.rectified.gz") || (lext == "arr.new.gz"))
                 // skipped!
             } else {
diff --git a/src/Lib/Array/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Lib/Array/CMakeLists.txt
index 989241aa..2d4f870e 100644
--- a/src/Lib/Array/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/Lib/Array/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ install( FILES array.hxx DESTINATION include/tg )
 add_executable(test_array testarray.cxx)
+add_executable(rectify_height rectify_height.cxx)
@@ -22,7 +24,14 @@ target_link_libraries(test_array
-install(TARGETS test_array RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
+    Array
+    terragear
+install(TARGETS test_array rectify_height RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
 if (MSVC)
     set_target_properties( test_array PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX d )
 endif ()
diff --git a/src/Lib/Array/array.cxx b/src/Lib/Array/array.cxx
index d5b1f1a5..9c159d96 100644
--- a/src/Lib/Array/array.cxx
+++ b/src/Lib/Array/array.cxx
@@ -57,16 +57,27 @@ TGArray::TGArray( const string &file ):
 // open an Array file (and fitted file if it exists)
-// Also open cliffs file if it exists
+// Also open cliffs file if it exists. By default a
+// rectified file is searched for, if it doesn't exist
+// we load the unrectified version.
 bool TGArray::open( const string& file_base ) {
     // open array data file
-    string array_name = file_base + ".arr.gz";
+    string array_name = file_base + ".arr.rectified.gz";
+    rectified = true;
     array_in = gzopen( array_name.c_str(), "rb" );
     if (array_in == NULL) {
+      // try unrectified
+      array_name = file_base + ".arr.gz";
+      array_in = gzopen(array_name.c_str(), "rb");
+      if (array_in == NULL) {
         return false;
-    }
+      } else {
+        rectified = false;
+      }
+    } 
+    SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL,SG_DEBUG,"Loaded height array " << array_name);
     // open fitted data file
     string fitted_name = file_base + ".fit.gz";
     fitted_in = new sg_gzifstream( fitted_name );
@@ -206,10 +217,7 @@ TGArray::parse( SGBucket& b ) {
-    // Fix heights near cliffs
-    if(cliffs_list.size()>0) rectify_heights(); 
-    return true;
+   return true;
 void TGArray::parse_bin()
@@ -240,6 +248,40 @@ void TGArray::parse_bin()
     sgReadShort(array_in, cols * rows, in_data);
+// Write out an array. If rectified is true, the heights have been adjusted
+// for discontinuities.
+void TGArray::write_bin(const string root_dir, bool rectified, SGBucket& b) {
+  // generate output file name
+  string base = b.gen_base_path();
+  string path = root_dir + "/" + base;
+  string extension = ".arr.new.gz";
+  if (rectified) extension = ".arr.rectified.gz";
+  SGPath sgp( path );
+  sgp.append( "dummy" );
+  sgp.create_dir( 0755 );
+  string array_file = path + "/" + b.gen_index_str() + extension;
+  SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "array_file = " << array_file );
+  // write the file
+  gzFile fp;
+  if ( (fp = gzopen( array_file.c_str(), "wb9" )) == NULL ) {
+    SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR:  cannot open " << array_file << " for writing!" );
+    return;
+  }
+  int32_t header = 0x54474152; //'TGAR'
+  sgWriteLong(fp,header);
+  sgWriteInt(fp,originx);
+  sgWriteInt(fp,originy);
+  sgWriteInt(fp,cols);
+  sgWriteInt(fp,col_step);
+  sgWriteInt(fp,rows);
+  sgWriteInt(fp,row_step);
+  sgWriteShort(fp, rows*cols, in_data);
+  gzclose(fp);
 // write an Array file
 bool TGArray::write( const string root_dir, SGBucket& b ) {
     // generate output file name
@@ -273,7 +315,6 @@ bool TGArray::write( const string root_dir, SGBucket& b ) {
     return true;
 // do our best to remove voids by picking data from the nearest neighbor.
 void TGArray::remove_voids( ) {
     // need two passes to ensure that all voids are removed (unless entire
@@ -384,7 +425,7 @@ double TGArray::closest_nonvoid_elev( double lon, double lat ) const {
-std::vector<int> TGArray::collect_bad_points() {
+std::vector<int> TGArray::collect_bad_points(const double bad_zone) {
   //Find and remember all points that are bad because they are
   //too close to a cliff
   std::vector<int> bad_points;  //local to avoid multi-thread issues
@@ -392,7 +433,7 @@ std::vector<int> TGArray::collect_bad_points() {
     double lon = (originx + col_step*horiz)/3600;
     for(int vert=0;vert<rows;vert++) {
       double lat = (originy + row_step*vert)/3600;
-      if(is_near_cliff(lon,lat)) {
+      if(is_near_cliff(lon,lat,bad_zone)) {
@@ -412,10 +453,10 @@ bool TGArray::is_bad_point(const int xgrid, const int ygrid, const std::vector<i
 //This may collide with other threads, but as they will both be writing
 //the correct height, this is harmless.
-void TGArray::rectify_heights() {
+void TGArray::rectify_heights(const double bad_zone) {
   double new_ht;
   std::vector<int> rectified,bad_points;
-  bad_points = collect_bad_points();
+  bad_points = collect_bad_points(bad_zone);
   while(1) {
   for (auto pt : bad_points) {
     int ygrid = pt/cols;
@@ -433,7 +474,10 @@ void TGArray::rectify_heights() {
   } else {
-    break;
+    if(bad_points.size() > 0) {
+    std::cout << "Failed to rectify " << bad_points.size() << " points" << std::endl;
+    }
+    break;   // Cant do any more
@@ -465,8 +509,10 @@ double TGArray::rectify_point(const int xgrid, const int ygrid, const std::vecto
   centre_long = (originx + col_step*xgrid)/3600;
   centre_lat = (originy + row_step*ygrid)/3600;
   for (int horiz = -1; horiz <= 1; horiz+=2) {
+    if (xgrid + horiz >= cols || xgrid + horiz < 0) continue; //edge of bucket
     double test_long = centre_long + (col_step*horiz)/3600;
     for (int vert = -1; vert <= 1; vert+=2) {
+      if (ygrid + vert >= rows || ygrid + vert < 0) continue; //edge of bucket
       double test_lat = centre_lat + (row_step*vert)/3600;
       if (!is_bad_point(xgrid+horiz,ygrid+vert,bad_points) &&      //can trust height
           check_points(test_long,test_lat,centre_long,centre_lat)) { //same side
@@ -479,16 +525,36 @@ double TGArray::rectify_point(const int xgrid, const int ygrid, const std::vecto
   if (pt_cnt == 0) return -9999;   // no corners found
   // Find two points that form a rectangle with a corner
   int pt;
+  double height = 0;
   for (pt = 0; pt < pt_cnt; pt++) {
     if (!is_bad_point(xgrid+corners[pt][0],ygrid,bad_points) &&
-        !is_bad_point(xgrid, ygrid+corners[pt][1],bad_points)) break;
-  }
-  if (pt == pt_cnt) return -9999;   // not found
+        !is_bad_point(xgrid, ygrid+corners[pt][1],bad_points)) {
+          double test_horiz = centre_long + corners[pt][0]*col_step/3600;
+          double test_vert = centre_lat + corners[pt][1]*row_step/3600;
+          if (check_points(test_horiz,centre_lat,centre_long,centre_lat) &&
+              check_points(centre_long,test_vert,centre_long,centre_lat)) break;
+        }
+    }
+  if (pt == pt_cnt) { // perhaps we are in a bay, just take the
+                      // average of the known points
+    double totht = 0;
+    for(int pti = 0; pti <pt_cnt; pti++) {
+      totht = totht + get_array_elev(xgrid+corners[pti][0],ygrid+corners[pti][1]);
+    }
+    height = totht/pt_cnt;
+  } else {
   // We have three points, calculate the height
+  // Set anything very negative to zero
   double corner = get_array_elev(xgrid+corners[pt][0],ygrid+corners[pt][1]);
   double horiz = get_array_elev(xgrid,ygrid+corners[pt][1]);
   double vert = get_array_elev(xgrid+corners[pt][0],ygrid);
-  double height = horiz + (vert - corner);
+  if (corner < -9000) corner = 0;
+  if (horiz < -9000) horiz = 0;
+  if (vert < -9000) vert = 0;
+  height = horiz + (vert - corner);
+  }
   std::cout << xgrid << "," << ygrid << ": was " << original_height << " , now " << height << std::endl;
   return height;
@@ -768,13 +834,12 @@ bool TGArray::check_points (const double lon1, const double lat1, const double l
 //Check that a point is more than given distance from any cliff
 //Could speed up by checking bounding box
-bool TGArray::is_near_cliff(const double lon1, const double lat1) const {
+bool TGArray::is_near_cliff(const double lon1, const double lat1, const double bad_zone) const {
   if (cliffs_list.size()==0) return false;
   SGGeod pt1 = SGGeod::fromDeg(lon1,lat1);
-  double mindist = 30; // 1 arcsec
   for (int i=0;i<cliffs_list.size();i++) {
     double dist = cliffs_list[i].MinDist(pt1);
-    if (dist < mindist) return true;
+    if (dist < bad_zone) return true;
   return false;
diff --git a/src/Lib/Array/array.hxx b/src/Lib/Array/array.hxx
index cfa2b1bb..9de84269 100644
--- a/src/Lib/Array/array.hxx
+++ b/src/Lib/Array/array.hxx
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ private:
     // number of columns and rows
     int cols, rows;
+  // Whether or not the input data have been rectified
+  bool rectified;
     // Distance between column and row data points (in arc seconds)
     double col_step, row_step;
@@ -62,11 +64,10 @@ private:
     void parse_bin();
   // Routines for height rectification
-  void rectify_heights();
-  std::vector<int> collect_bad_points();
+  std::vector<int> collect_bad_points(const double bad_zone);
   bool is_bad_point(const int xgrid, const int ygrid, const std::vector<int> bad_points) const;
   double rectify_point(const int xgrid, const int ygrid, const std::vector<int> bad_points) const;
-  bool is_near_cliff(const double lon1,const double lon2) const;
+  bool is_near_cliff(const double lon1,const double lon2, const double bad_zone) const;
     // Constructor
@@ -94,10 +95,16 @@ public:
     // write an Array file
     bool write( const std::string root_dir, SGBucket& b );
+  // write an Array file in binary format. If ht_rect is true,
+  // the file will have extension 'arr.rectified.gz'
+  void write_bin(const std::string root_dir, bool ht_rect, SGBucket& b);
     // do our best to remove voids by picking data from the nearest
     // neighbor.
     void remove_voids();
+    void rectify_heights(const double bad_zone);
     // Return the elevation of the closest non-void grid point to lon, lat
     double closest_nonvoid_elev( double lon, double lat ) const;
diff --git a/src/Lib/terragear/tg_chopper.cxx b/src/Lib/terragear/tg_chopper.cxx
index f9a52e9f..25cc71e4 100644
--- a/src/Lib/terragear/tg_chopper.cxx
+++ b/src/Lib/terragear/tg_chopper.cxx
@@ -21,8 +21,18 @@ tgPolygon tgChopper::Clip( const tgPolygon& subject,
     base.AddNode( 0, b.get_corner( SG_BUCKET_NE ) );
     base.AddNode( 0, b.get_corner( SG_BUCKET_NW ) );
-    result = tgPolygon::Intersect( subject, base);    
+    result = tgPolygon::Intersect( subject, base);
+    // Debug: See if numbers of nodes have changed
     if ( result.Contours() > 0 ) {
+      /*if (result.ContourSize(0) != subject.ContourSize(0)) {
+        tgRectangle rr = subject.GetBoundingBox();
+        SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL,SG_INFO,"---- Bucket ID " << b.gen_index() << " ------- " );
+        SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL,SG_INFO,"A contour has changed size");
+        SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL,SG_INFO,"Bounding box " << rr.getMin() << " , " << rr.getMax() );
+        SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL,SG_INFO,"Old size " << subject.ContourSize(0) << " New size " << result.ContourSize(0));
+        SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL,SG_INFO,"Old: First node " << subject.GetNode(0,0) << " New: First node " << result.GetNode(0,0));
+        SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL,SG_INFO,"Clipping rectangle: " << base.GetContour(0));
+        }*/
         if ( subject.GetPreserve3D() ) {
             result.InheritElevations( subject );
             result.SetPreserve3D( true );
@@ -33,6 +43,9 @@ tgPolygon tgChopper::Clip( const tgPolygon& subject,
             result.SetTexMethod( TG_TEX_BY_GEODE, b.get_center_lat() );
+        if (!subject.IsClosed()) {
+            result.SetOpen();
+          }
         bp_map[b.gen_index()].push_back( result );
diff --git a/src/Lib/terragear/tg_contour.cxx b/src/Lib/terragear/tg_contour.cxx
index b4aea891..160f92f3 100644
--- a/src/Lib/terragear/tg_contour.cxx
+++ b/src/Lib/terragear/tg_contour.cxx
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ bool tgContour::AreSameSide( const SGGeod& firstpt, const SGGeod& secondpt) cons
   double y1 = firstpt.getLongitudeDeg();
   double y2 = secondpt.getLongitudeDeg();
   //Store differences for later
-  double xdif = x1-x2;
-  double ydif = y1-y2;
+  double xdif = x2-x1;
+  double ydif = y2-y1;
   /*We describe a line parametrically:
        x1        (x2-x1)
@@ -94,6 +94,16 @@ bool tgContour::AreSameSide( const SGGeod& firstpt, const SGGeod& secondpt) cons
 with u the parametric coefficient for the second line.
 Then the line segments intersect if 0 <= t,u <= 1.
+To determine t and u we use the approach of Goldman ("Graphics
+Gems" as described in Stack Overflow question 563198).
+if r x s = r_x * s_y - r_y * s_x, then
+t = (q - p) x s / (r x s)
+u = (q - p) x r / (r x s)
+for line 1 = p + t r, line 2 = q + u s
   //Now cycle over all nodes and count how many times we intersect
   int intersect_ct = 0;
@@ -104,11 +114,11 @@ Then the line segments intersect if 0 <= t,u <= 1.
       double ny1 = node_list[i].getLongitudeDeg();
       double nx2 = node_list[i+1].getLatitudeDeg();
       double ny2 = node_list[i+1].getLongitudeDeg();
-      double nydif = ny1-ny2;
-      double nxdif = nx1-nx2;
+      double nydif = ny2-ny1;
+      double nxdif = nx2-nx1;
       double denom = xdif*nydif - ydif*nxdif;
       if (denom != 0) {     //Not parallel
-        double crossx = x1-nx1; double crossy = y1-ny1;
+        double crossx = nx1-x1; double crossy = ny1-y1;
         double t = (crossx*nydif - crossy*nxdif)/denom;
         double u = -1*(xdif*crossy - ydif*crossx)/denom;
         // We consider that an intersection at the edge of the line have
diff --git a/src/Lib/terragear/tg_polygon_clip.cxx b/src/Lib/terragear/tg_polygon_clip.cxx
index ec1c8436..c73b7436 100644
--- a/src/Lib/terragear/tg_polygon_clip.cxx
+++ b/src/Lib/terragear/tg_polygon_clip.cxx
@@ -178,7 +178,11 @@ tgPolygon tgPolygon::Intersect( const tgPolygon& subject, const tgPolygon& clip)
     result.SetTexParams( subject.GetTexParams() );
     result.SetId( subject.GetId() );
     result.SetPreserve3D( subject.GetPreserve3D() );
+    if(subject.IsClosed()) {
+      result.SetClosed();
+    } else {
+      result.SetOpen();
+    }
     return result;