# Skill Testing Template The purpose of this template is to help a Mycroft Community Skill Developer outline how a Community Member can install, configure, and test the Skill. This template is aimed at making Skills easier to test, and thereby increasing the quality of Skills deployed. # IRC skill * Platform * Device version * Who * Datestamp * Language and dialect of tester # How to install Skill To install just say `Hey Mycroft, install irc skill` # Steps to test the Skill _Note that sometimes mycroft might not understand you correct. Please check that before you open an issue_ _Note that the default server is `irc.freenode.net` which connects to the freenode network. The default channel is `#mycroft`_ 1. Connect to a server: * Say `connect to irc` * If this is the first time you run this skill, the skill will ask you for username. Choose a short, if possible one word, user name. * The skill response with `Connecting` and with `Connected` as soon as a connection is established. 2. Join a channel: * Say `join irc channel` * The skill responses with `Joining` and with `Channel joined` as soon as the join was successfull (the check isn't 100% complete yet) where `` should be `mycroft`right now. 3. Sending and reciving messages: * Connect with a different irc client to the network or use [this link](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net:+6669/mycroft) to open one in your browser. * Say `send irc message` (For me, mycroft has problems to understand the send word correctly) * The skill will ask you for a message. You can simply say `Hi` to the people in the channel. * In your client/browser, check if the message appears. * Write an aswer in your client/browser. * The skill should response with ` has writtent in mycroft: ` where `` is the username in your client and `` is what you've typed in your client. 4. Disconnect: * Say `Disconnect from irc server` * The skill should response with `Disconnecting` and `Disconnected`. You know now the basics of how to use this skill. Play with it a bit around (settings can't be changed by voice yet) or just have fun chatting with your mycroft mates in `#mycroft` on freenode. If you encounter any issue please try to reproduce with debug mode enabled. Debug mode can be turned on by saying `enable irc debug`. _**Note** This will make the skill almost unuseable via voice (the client will spam you with information). Please use the console instead._ To exit debug mode say `disable irc debug`