fgpanel is basically the stripped down 2D-Panel code from FlightGear. It is designed as a standalone lightweight panel rendering engine to draw 2d panels on a lowcost computer/graphic card without 3d acceleration at reasonablel framerates. Patches for inclusion into the build system will follow.
20 lines
610 B
20 lines
610 B
AM_CXXFLAGS = -DPKGDATADIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\"
bin_PROGRAMS = fgpanel
fgpanel_SOURCES = main.cxx \
FGGLApplication.cxx FGGLApplication.hxx \
FGPanelApplication.cxx FGPanelApplication.hxx \
FGPNGTextureLoader.cxx FGPNGTextureLoader.hxx FGTextureLoaderInterface.hxx \
FGRGBTextureLoader.cxx FGRGBTextureLoader.hxx \
FGPanelProtocol.cxx \
FGFontCache.cxx \
panel.cxx panel.hxx \
panel_io.cxx panel_io.hxx
fgpanel_LDADD = \
-lGLU -lglut -lsgmath -lsgprops -lsgio -lsgdebug -lsgmisc -lsgstructure -lsgxml -lsgtiming \
-lplibpu -lplibfnt -lplibul \
-lrt -lpng