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#define __FG_RENDERER_HXX 1
#include <simgear/scene/util/SGPickCallback.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/timestamp.hxx>
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <osg/Matrix>
#include <osg/Vec3>
namespace osg
class Camera;
class Group;
class GraphicsContext;
namespace osgGA
class GUIEventAdapter;
namespace osgShadow
class ShadowedScene;
namespace osgViewer
class Viewer;
namespace flightgear
class FGEventHandler;
struct CameraInfo;
class CameraGroup;
class SGSky;
class FGRenderer {
void splashinit();
void init();
void setupView();
void resize(int width, int height );
void update();
/** Just pick into the scene and return the pick callbacks on the way ...
bool pick( std::vector<SGSceneryPick>& pickList,
const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea );
/** Get and set the OSG Viewer object, if any.
osgViewer::Viewer* getViewer() { return viewer.get(); }
const osgViewer::Viewer* getViewer() const { return viewer.get(); }
void setViewer(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer);
/** Get and set the manipulator object, if any.
flightgear::FGEventHandler* getEventHandler() { return eventHandler.get(); }
const flightgear::FGEventHandler* getEventHandler() const { return eventHandler.get(); }
void setEventHandler(flightgear::FGEventHandler* manipulator);
/** Add a top level camera.
void addCamera(osg::Camera* camera, bool useSceneData);
void removeCamera(osg::Camera* camera);
/** Add a camera to the group. The camera is added to the viewer
* as a slave. See osgViewer::Viewer::addSlave.
* @param flags properties of the camera; see CameraGroup::Flags
* @param projection slave projection matrix
* @param view slave view matrix
* @param useMasterSceneData whether the camera displays the
* viewer's scene data.
* @return a CameraInfo object for the camera.
flightgear::CameraInfo* buildRenderingPipeline(flightgear::CameraGroup* cgroup, unsigned flags, osg::Camera* camera,
const osg::Matrix& view,
const osg::Matrix& projection,
osg::GraphicsContext* gc,
bool useMasterSceneData);
flightgear::CameraInfo* buildClassicalPipeline(flightgear::CameraGroup* cgroup, unsigned flags, osg::Camera* camera,
const osg::Matrix& view,
const osg::Matrix& projection,
bool useMasterSceneData);
flightgear::CameraInfo* buildDeferredPipeline(flightgear::CameraGroup* cgroup, unsigned flags, osg::Camera* camera,
const osg::Matrix& view, const osg::Matrix& projection, osg::GraphicsContext* gc);
void updateShadowCamera(const flightgear::CameraInfo* info, const osg::Vec3d& position);
void updateShadowMapSize(int mapSize);
void enableShadows(bool enabled);
SGSky* getSky() const { return _sky; }
void setPlanes( double zNear, double zFar );
* inform the renderer when the global (2D) panel is changed
void panelChanged();
osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> viewer;
osg::ref_ptr<flightgear::FGEventHandler> eventHandler;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _scenery_loaded,_scenery_override;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _skyblend, _splash_alpha;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _point_sprites, _enhanced_lighting, _distance_attenuation;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _textures;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _cloud_status, _visibility_m;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _xsize, _ysize;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _panel_hotspots, _sim_delta_sec, _horizon_effect, _altitude_ft;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _virtual_cockpit;
SGTimeStamp _splash_time;
SGSky* _sky;
bool _classicalRenderer;
int _shadowMapSize;
osg::Camera* buildDeferredGeometryCamera( flightgear::CameraInfo* info, osg::GraphicsContext* gc );
osg::Camera* buildDeferredShadowCamera( flightgear::CameraInfo* info, osg::GraphicsContext* gc );
osg::Camera* buildDeferredLightingCamera( flightgear::CameraInfo* info, osg::GraphicsContext* gc );
void updateShadowCascade(const flightgear::CameraInfo* info, osg::Camera* camera, osg::Group* grp, int idx, double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double f1, double f2);
osg::Vec3 getSunDirection() const;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> _ambientFactor;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> _sunDiffuse;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> _sunSpecular;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> _sunDirection;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> _planes;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> _fogColor;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> _fogDensity;
bool fgDumpSceneGraphToFile(const char* filename);
bool fgDumpTerrainBranchToFile(const char* filename);
namespace flightgear
bool printVisibleSceneInfo(FGRenderer* renderer);