I modified the files in src/Autopilot to add waypoint capabilities to the telnet port. 'set waypoint <WPT>' will set the next waypoint. 'get waypoint' returns one string which is the list of waypoints. 'set waypoint 0' will delete the next waypoint.
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303 lines
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// newauto.hxx -- autopilot defines and prototypes (very alpha)
// Started April 1998 Copyright (C) 1998
// Contributions by Jeff Goeke-Smith <jgoeke@voyager.net>
// Norman Vine <nhv@cape.com>
// Curtis Olson <curt@flightgear.org>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
#ifndef _NEWAUTO_HXX
#define _NEWAUTO_HXX
#include <simgear/misc/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/route/waypoint.hxx>
#include <Main/fgfs.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
// Structures
class FGAutopilot : public FGSubsystem
enum fgAutoHeadingMode {
FG_DG_HEADING_LOCK = 0, // follow bug on directional gryo (vacuum)
FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK = 1, // keep turn coordinator zero'd
FG_TRUE_HEADING_LOCK = 2, // lock to true heading (i.e. a perfect world)
FG_HEADING_NAV1 = 3, // follow nav1 radial
FG_HEADING_NAV2 = 4, // follow nav2 radial
FG_HEADING_WAYPOINT = 5 // track next waypoint
enum fgAutoAltitudeMode {
FG_ALTITUDE_LOCK = 0, // lock to a specific altitude (indicated)
FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN = 1, // try to maintain a specific AGL
FG_ALTITUDE_GS1 = 2, // follow glide slope 1
FG_ALTITUDE_GS2 = 3, // follow glide slope 2
FG_ALTITUDE_ARM = 4, // ascend to selected altitude
FG_TRUE_ALTITUDE_LOCK = 5 // lock to a specific true altitude
// (i.e. a perfect world)
bool heading_hold; // the current state of the heading hold
bool altitude_hold; // the current state of the altitude hold
bool auto_throttle; // the current state of the auto throttle
fgAutoHeadingMode heading_mode;
fgAutoAltitudeMode altitude_mode;
SGWayPoint waypoint; // the waypoint the AP should steer to.
// double TargetLatitude; // the latitude the AP should steer to.
// double TargetLongitude; // the longitude the AP should steer to.
double TargetDistance; // the distance to Target.
double DGTargetHeading; // the apparent DG heading to steer towards.
double TargetHeading; // the true heading the AP should steer to.
double TargetAltitude; // altitude to hold
double TargetAGL; // the terrain separation
double TargetSpeed; // speed to shoot for
double alt_error_accum; // altitude error accumulator
double climb_error_accum; // climb error accumulator (for GS)
double speed_error_accum; // speed error accumulator
double TargetSlope; // the glide slope hold value
double MaxRoll ; // the max the plane can roll for the turn
double RollOut; // when the plane should roll out
// measured from Heading
double MaxAileron; // how far to move the aleroin from center
double RollOutSmooth; // deg to use for smoothing Aileron Control
double MaxElevator; // the maximum elevator allowed
double SlopeSmooth; // smoothing angle for elevator
// following for testing disengagement of autopilot upon pilot
// interaction with controls
double old_aileron;
double old_elevator;
double old_elevator_trim;
double old_rudder;
// manual controls override beyond this value
double disengage_threshold;
// For future cross track error adjust
double old_lat;
double old_lon;
// keeping these locally to save work inside main loop
char TargetLatitudeStr[64];
char TargetLongitudeStr[64];
char TargetLatLonStr[64];
char TargetWP1Str[64];
char TargetWP2Str[64];
char TargetWP3Str[64];
char TargetHeadingStr[64];
char TargetAltitudeStr[64];
// property nodes
SGPropertyNode *latitude_node;
SGPropertyNode *longitude_node;
SGPropertyNode *altitude_node;
SGPropertyNode *altitude_agl_node;
SGPropertyNode *vertical_speed_node;
SGPropertyNode *heading_node;
SGPropertyNode *dg_heading_node;
SGPropertyNode *roll_node;
SGPropertyNode *pitch_node;
SGPropertyNode *min_climb; // minimum climb speed
SGPropertyNode *best_climb; // best climb speed
SGPropertyNode *elevator_adj_factor; // factor to optimize altitude hold adjustments
SGPropertyNode *integral_contrib; // amount of contribution of the integral
// component of the pid
SGPropertyNode *zero_pitch_throttle; // amount of throttle at which the aircraft does not pitch up
SGPropertyNode *zero_pitch_trim_full_throttle; // amount of trim required to level at full throttle
SGPropertyNode *max_aileron_node; // maximum aileron setting range -1 ~ 1
SGPropertyNode *max_roll_node; // maximum roll setting in degrees
SGPropertyNode *roll_out_node; // start rollout offset from desired heading in degrees
SGPropertyNode *roll_out_smooth_node; // rollout smoothing offset in degrees
SGPropertyNode *TargetClimbRate; // target climb rate
SGPropertyNode *TargetDescentRate; // target decent rate
SGPropertyNode *current_throttle; // current throttle (engine 0)
// constructor
// destructor
// Implementation of FGSubsystem.
void init ();
void bind ();
void unbind ();
void update (double dt);
// Reset the autopilot system
void reset(void);
void AltitudeSet( double new_altitude );
void AltitudeAdjust( double inc );
void HeadingAdjust( double inc );
void AutoThrottleAdjust( double inc );
void HeadingSet( double value );
inline bool get_HeadingEnabled() const { return heading_hold; }
inline void set_HeadingEnabled( bool value ) { heading_hold = value; }
inline fgAutoHeadingMode get_HeadingMode() const { return heading_mode; }
void set_HeadingMode( fgAutoHeadingMode mode );
inline bool get_AltitudeEnabled() const { return altitude_hold; }
inline void set_AltitudeEnabled( bool value ) { altitude_hold = value; }
inline fgAutoAltitudeMode get_AltitudeMode() const { return altitude_mode;}
void set_AltitudeMode( fgAutoAltitudeMode mode );
inline bool get_AutoThrottleEnabled() const { return auto_throttle; }
void set_AutoThrottleEnabled( bool value );
/* inline void set_WayPoint( const double lon, const double lat,
const double alt, const string s ) {
waypoint = SGWayPoint( lon, lat, alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, "Current WP" );
} */
inline double get_TargetLatitude() const {
return waypoint.get_target_lat();
inline double get_TargetLongitude() const {
return waypoint.get_target_lon();
inline void set_old_lat( double val ) { old_lat = val; }
inline void set_old_lon( double val ) { old_lon = val; }
inline double get_TargetHeading() const { return TargetHeading; }
inline void set_TargetHeading( double val ) { TargetHeading = val; }
inline double get_DGTargetHeading() const { return DGTargetHeading; }
inline void set_DGTargetHeading( double val ) { DGTargetHeading = val; }
inline double get_TargetDistance() const { return TargetDistance; }
inline void set_TargetDistance( double val ) { TargetDistance = val; }
inline double get_TargetAltitude() const { return TargetAltitude; }
inline void set_TargetAltitude( double val ) { TargetAltitude = val; }
inline double get_TargetAGL() const { return TargetAGL; }
inline void set_TargetAGL( double val ) { TargetAGL = val; }
inline double get_TargetClimbRate() const {
return TargetClimbRate->getFloatValue();
inline void set_TargetClimbRate( double val ) {
fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/target-climb-rate-fpm", val);
inline char *get_TargetLatitudeStr() { return TargetLatitudeStr; }
inline char *get_TargetLongitudeStr() { return TargetLongitudeStr; }
inline char *get_TargetWP1Str() { return TargetWP1Str; }
inline char *get_TargetWP2Str() { return TargetWP2Str; }
inline char *get_TargetWP3Str() { return TargetWP3Str; }
inline char *get_TargetHeadingStr() { return TargetHeadingStr; }
inline char *get_TargetAltitudeStr() { return TargetAltitudeStr; }
inline char *get_TargetLatLonStr() { return TargetLatLonStr; }
// utility functions
void MakeTargetLatLonStr( double lat, double lon );
void MakeTargetAltitudeStr( double altitude );
void MakeTargetHeadingStr( double bearing );
void MakeTargetWPStr( double distance );
void update_old_control_values();
// accessors
inline double get_MaxRoll() {
return fgGetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg" );
inline double get_RollOut() {
return fgGetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg" );
inline double get_MaxAileron() {
return fgGetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-aileron" );
inline double get_RollOutSmooth() {
return fgGetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg" );
inline void set_MaxRoll( double val ) {
fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg", val );
inline void set_RollOut( double val ) {
fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg", val );
inline void set_MaxAileron( double val ) {
fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-aileron", val );
inline void set_RollOutSmooth( double val ) {
fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg", val );
bool getAPAltitudeLock () const;
void setAPAltitudeLock (bool lock);
double getAPAltitude () const;
void setAPAltitude (double altitude);
bool getAPGSLock () const;
void setAPGSLock (bool lock);
bool getAPTerrainLock () const;
void setAPTerrainLock (bool lock);
double getAPClimb () const;
void setAPClimb (double rate);
bool getAPHeadingLock () const;
void setAPHeadingLock (bool lock);
double getAPHeadingBug () const;
void setAPHeadingBug (double heading);
const char * getAPwaypoint () const;
void setAPwaypoint (const char * apt);
bool getAPWingLeveler () const;
void setAPWingLeveler (bool lock);
bool getAPNAV1Lock () const;
void setAPNAV1Lock (bool lock);
bool getAPAutoThrottleLock () const;
void setAPAutoThrottleLock (bool lock);
double getAPRudderControl () const;
void setAPRudderControl (double value);
double getAPElevatorControl () const;
void setAPElevatorControl (double value);
double getAPThrottleControl () const;
void setAPThrottleControl (double value);
* static functions for autopilot properties
#endif // _NEWAUTO_HXX