225 lines
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225 lines
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// ray.cxx -- "RayWoodworth" motion chair support
// Written by Alexander Perry, started May 2000
// Copyright (C) 2000, Alexander Perry, alex.perry@ieee.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/iochannel.hxx>
#include <FDM/flightProperties.hxx>
#include "ray.hxx"
chair_rising = 0.0;
chair_height = 0.0;
chair_heading = 0.0;
chair_vertical[0] = 0.0;
chair_vertical[1] = 0.0;
// chair_FILE = stderr;
chair_FILE = 0;
// Ray Woodworth (949) 262-9118 has a three axis motion chair.
// It expects +/- 5V signals for full scale. In channel order, axes are:
// roll, pitch, yaw, sway, surge, heave
// The drivers are capable of generating (in the same order)
// +/- 30deg, 30deg, 30deg, 12in, 12in, 12in
// The signs of the motion are such that positive volts gives
// head right, head back, feet right, body right, body back, body up
// In this code implementation, the voltage outputs are generated
// using a ComputerBoards DDA06/Jr card and the associated Linux driver.
// Data is written to the device /dev/dda06jr-A as byte triplets;
// The first byte is the channel number (0-5 respectively) and
// the remaining two bytes are an unsigned short for the signal.
bool FGRAY::gen_message() {
// cout << "generating RayWoodworth message" << endl;
FlightProperties f;
int axis, subaxis;
const double fullscale[6] = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, /* radians */
-0.3, -0.3, -0.15 /* meters */ };
/* Figure out how big our timesteps are */
double dt = 0.05; /* seconds */
/* get basic information about gravity */
double grav_acc = -9.81;
double vert_acc = f.get_A_Z_pilot() * 0.3;
if ( -3.0 < vert_acc )
vert_acc = -3.0;
for ( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ )
{ /* Compute each angular axis together with the linear
axis which is coupled by smooth coordinated flight
double ang_pos;
double lin_pos, lin_acc;
/* Retrieve the desired components */
switch ( axis ) {
case 0: ang_pos = f.get_Phi();
lin_acc = f.get_A_Y_pilot() * 0.3;
case 1: ang_pos = f.get_Theta();
lin_acc = f.get_A_X_pilot() * 0.3;
case 2: ang_pos = f.get_Psi();
lin_acc = grav_acc - vert_acc;
ang_pos = 0.0;
lin_acc = 0.0;
/* Make sure the angles are reasonable onscale */
/* We use an asymmetric mapping so that the chair behaves
reasonably when upside down. Otherwise it oscillates. */
while ( ang_pos < -SGD_2PI/3 ) {
ang_pos += SGD_2PI;
while ( ang_pos > 2*SGD_2PI/3 ) {
ang_pos -= SGD_2PI;
/* Tell interested parties what the situation is */
if (chair_FILE) {
fprintf ( chair_FILE, "RAY %s, %8.3f rad %8.3f m/s/s =>",
((axis==0)?"Roll ":((axis==1)?"Pitch":"Yaw ")),
ang_pos, lin_acc );
/* The upward direction and axis are special cases */
if ( axis == 2 )
/* heave */
/* Integrate vertical acceleration into velocity,
diluted by 50% and with a 0.2 second high pass */
chair_rising += ( lin_acc - chair_rising ) * dt * 0.5;
/* Integrate velocity into position, 0.2 sec high pass */
chair_height += ( chair_rising - chair_height ) * dt * 0.5;
lin_pos = chair_height;
/* yaw */
/* Make sure that we walk through North cleanly */
if ( fabs ( ang_pos - chair_heading ) > SGD_PI )
{ /* Need to swing chair by 360 degrees */
if ( ang_pos < chair_heading )
chair_heading -= SGD_2PI;
else chair_heading += SGD_2PI;
/* Remove the chair heading from the true heading */
ang_pos -= chair_heading;
/* Wash out the error at 5 sec timeconstant because
a standard rate turn is 3 deg/sec and the chair
can just about represent 30 degrees full scale. */
chair_heading += ang_pos * dt * 0.2;
/* If they turn fast, at 90 deg error subtract 30 deg */
if ( fabs(ang_pos) > SGD_PI_2 )
chair_heading += ang_pos / 3;
} else
{ /* 3 second low pass to find attitude and gravity vector */
chair_vertical[axis] += ( dt / 3 ) *
( lin_acc / vert_acc + ang_pos
- chair_vertical[axis] );
/* find out how much linear acceleration is left */
lin_acc -= chair_vertical[axis] * vert_acc;
/* reposition the pilot tilt relative to the chair */
ang_pos -= chair_vertical[axis];
/* integrate linear acceleration into a position */
lin_pos = lin_acc; /* HACK */
/* Tell interested parties what we'll do */
if ( chair_FILE ) {
fprintf ( chair_FILE, " %8.3f deg %8.3f cm.\n",
ang_pos * 60.0, lin_pos * 100.0 );
/* Write the resulting numbers to the command buffer */
/* The first pass number is linear, second pass is angle */
for ( subaxis = axis; subaxis < 6; subaxis += 3 )
{ unsigned short *dac;
/* Select the DAC in the command buffer */
buf [ 3*subaxis ] = subaxis;
dac = (unsigned short *) ( buf + 1 + 3*subaxis );
/* Select the relevant number to put there */
double propose = ( subaxis < 3 ) ? ang_pos : lin_pos;
/* Scale to the hardware's full scale range */
propose /= fullscale [ subaxis ];
/* Use a sine shaped washout on all axes */
if ( propose < -SGD_PI_2 ) *dac = 0x0000; else
if ( propose > SGD_PI_2 ) *dac = 0xFFFF; else
*dac = (unsigned short) ( 32767 *
( 1.0 + sin ( propose ) ) );
/* That concludes the per-axis calculations */
/* Tell the caller what we did */
length = 18;
return true;
// parse RUL message
bool FGRAY::parse_message() {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "RAY input not supported" );
return false;
// process work for this port
bool FGRAY::process() {
SGIOChannel *io = get_io_channel();
if ( get_direction() == SG_IO_OUT ) {
if ( ! io->write( buf, length ) ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Error writing data." );
return false;
} else if ( get_direction() == SG_IO_IN ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "in direction not supported for RAY." );
return false;
return true;