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601 lines
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Module: FGWinds.cpp
Author: Jon Berndt, Tony Peden, Andreas Gaeb
Date started: Extracted from FGAtmosphere, which originated in 1998
Purpose: Models winds, gusts, turbulence, and other atmospheric disturbances
Called by: FGFDMExec
------------- Copyright (C) 2011 Jon S. Berndt (jon@jsbsim.org) -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
[1] Anderson, John D. "Introduction to Flight, Third Edition", McGraw-Hill,
1989, ISBN 0-07-001641-0
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "FGWinds.h"
#include "FGFDMExec.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGWinds.cpp,v 1.11 2014/01/13 10:46:07 ehofman Exp $");
// square a value, but preserve the original sign
static inline double square_signed (double value)
if (value < 0)
return value * value * -1;
return value * value;
/// simply square a value
static inline double sqr(double x) { return x*x; }
FGWinds::FGWinds(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
Name = "FGWinds";
MagnitudedAccelDt = MagnitudeAccel = Magnitude = 0.0;
SetTurbType( ttMilspec );
TurbGain = 1.0;
TurbRate = 10.0;
Rhythmicity = 0.1;
spike = target_time = strength = 0.0;
wind_from_clockwise = 0.0;
psiw = 0.0;
// Milspec turbulence model
windspeed_at_20ft = 0.;
probability_of_exceedence_index = 0;
POE_Table = new FGTable(7,12);
// this is Figure 7 from p. 49 of MIL-F-8785C
// rows: probability of exceedance curve index, cols: altitude in ft
<< 500.0 << 1750.0 << 3750.0 << 7500.0 << 15000.0 << 25000.0 << 35000.0 << 45000.0 << 55000.0 << 65000.0 << 75000.0 << 80000.0
<< 1 << 3.2 << 2.2 << 1.5 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0
<< 2 << 4.2 << 3.6 << 3.3 << 1.6 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0
<< 3 << 6.6 << 6.9 << 7.4 << 6.7 << 4.6 << 2.7 << 0.4 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0
<< 4 << 8.6 << 9.6 << 10.6 << 10.1 << 8.0 << 6.6 << 5.0 << 4.2 << 2.7 << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0
<< 5 << 11.8 << 13.0 << 16.0 << 15.1 << 11.6 << 9.7 << 8.1 << 8.2 << 7.9 << 4.9 << 3.2 << 2.1
<< 6 << 15.6 << 17.6 << 23.0 << 23.6 << 22.1 << 20.0 << 16.0 << 15.1 << 12.1 << 7.9 << 6.2 << 5.1
<< 7 << 18.7 << 21.5 << 28.4 << 30.2 << 30.7 << 31.0 << 25.2 << 23.1 << 17.5 << 10.7 << 8.4 << 7.2;
bool FGWinds::InitModel(void)
return FGModel::InitModel();
bool FGWinds::Run(bool Holding)
if (FGModel::Run(Holding)) return true;
if (Holding) return false;
if (turbType != ttNone) Turbulence(in.AltitudeASL);
if (oneMinusCosineGust.gustProfile.Running) CosineGust();
vTotalWindNED = vWindNED + vGustNED + vCosineGust + vTurbulenceNED;
// psiw (Wind heading) is the direction the wind is blowing towards
if (vWindNED(eX) != 0.0) psiw = atan2( vWindNED(eY), vWindNED(eX) );
if (psiw < 0) psiw += 2*M_PI;
return false;
// psi is the angle that the wind is blowing *towards*
void FGWinds::SetWindspeed(double speed)
if (vWindNED.Magnitude() == 0.0) {
psiw = 0.0;
vWindNED(eNorth) = speed;
} else {
vWindNED(eNorth) = speed * cos(psiw);
vWindNED(eEast) = speed * sin(psiw);
vWindNED(eDown) = 0.0;
double FGWinds::GetWindspeed(void) const
return vWindNED.Magnitude();
// psi is the angle that the wind is blowing *towards*
void FGWinds::SetWindPsi(double dir)
double mag = GetWindspeed();
psiw = dir;
void FGWinds::Turbulence(double h)
switch (turbType) {
case ttCulp: {
vTurbPQR(eP) = wind_from_clockwise;
if (TurbGain == 0.0) return;
// keep the inputs within allowable limts for this model
if (TurbGain < 0.0) TurbGain = 0.0;
if (TurbGain > 1.0) TurbGain = 1.0;
if (TurbRate < 0.0) TurbRate = 0.0;
if (TurbRate > 30.0) TurbRate = 30.0;
if (Rhythmicity < 0.0) Rhythmicity = 0.0;
if (Rhythmicity > 1.0) Rhythmicity = 1.0;
// generate a sine wave corresponding to turbulence rate in hertz
double time = FDMExec->GetSimTime();
double sinewave = sin( time * TurbRate * 6.283185307 );
double random = 0.0;
if (target_time == 0.0) {
strength = random = 1 - 2.0*(double(rand())/double(RAND_MAX));
target_time = time + 0.71 + (random * 0.5);
if (time > target_time) {
spike = 1.0;
target_time = 0.0;
// max vertical wind speed in fps, corresponds to TurbGain = 1.0
double max_vs = 40;
vTurbulenceNED(1) = vTurbulenceNED(2) = vTurbulenceNED(3) = 0.0;
double delta = strength * max_vs * TurbGain * (1-Rhythmicity) * spike;
// Vertical component of turbulence.
vTurbulenceNED(3) = sinewave * max_vs * TurbGain * Rhythmicity;
vTurbulenceNED(3)+= delta;
if (in.DistanceAGL/in.wingspan < 3.0)
vTurbulenceNED(3) *= in.DistanceAGL/in.wingspan * 0.3333;
// Yaw component of turbulence.
vTurbulenceNED(1) = sin( delta * 3.0 );
vTurbulenceNED(2) = cos( delta * 3.0 );
// Roll component of turbulence. Clockwise vortex causes left roll.
vTurbPQR(eP) += delta * 0.04;
spike = spike * 0.9;
case ttMilspec:
case ttTustin: {
// an index of zero means turbulence is disabled
// airspeed occurs as divisor in the code below
if (probability_of_exceedence_index == 0 || in.V == 0) {
vTurbulenceNED(1) = vTurbulenceNED(2) = vTurbulenceNED(3) = 0.0;
vTurbPQR(1) = vTurbPQR(2) = vTurbPQR(3) = 0.0;
// Turbulence model according to MIL-F-8785C (Flying Qualities of Piloted Aircraft)
double b_w = in.wingspan, L_u, L_w, sig_u, sig_w;
if (b_w == 0.) b_w = 30.;
// clip height functions at 10 ft
if (h <= 10.) h = 10;
// Scale lengths L and amplitudes sigma as function of height
if (h <= 1000) {
L_u = h/pow(0.177 + 0.000823*h, 1.2); // MIL-F-8785c, Fig. 10, p. 55
L_w = h;
sig_w = 0.1*windspeed_at_20ft;
sig_u = sig_w/pow(0.177 + 0.000823*h, 0.4); // MIL-F-8785c, Fig. 11, p. 56
} else if (h <= 2000) {
// linear interpolation between low altitude and high altitude models
L_u = L_w = 1000 + (h-1000.)/1000.*750.;
sig_u = sig_w = 0.1*windspeed_at_20ft
+ (h-1000.)/1000.*(POE_Table->GetValue(probability_of_exceedence_index, h) - 0.1*windspeed_at_20ft);
} else {
L_u = L_w = 1750.; // MIL-F-8785c, Sec., p. 48
sig_u = sig_w = POE_Table->GetValue(probability_of_exceedence_index, h);
// keep values from last timesteps
// TODO maybe use deque?
static double
xi_u_km1 = 0, nu_u_km1 = 0,
xi_v_km1 = 0, xi_v_km2 = 0, nu_v_km1 = 0, nu_v_km2 = 0,
xi_w_km1 = 0, xi_w_km2 = 0, nu_w_km1 = 0, nu_w_km2 = 0,
xi_p_km1 = 0, nu_p_km1 = 0,
xi_q_km1 = 0, xi_r_km1 = 0;
T_V = in.totalDeltaT, // for compatibility of nomenclature
sig_p = 1.9/sqrt(L_w*b_w)*sig_w, // Yeager1998, eq. (8)
//sig_q = sqrt(M_PI/2/L_w/b_w), // eq. (14)
//sig_r = sqrt(2*M_PI/3/L_w/b_w), // eq. (17)
L_p = sqrt(L_w*b_w)/2.6, // eq. (10)
tau_u = L_u/in.V, // eq. (6)
tau_w = L_w/in.V, // eq. (3)
tau_p = L_p/in.V, // eq. (9)
tau_q = 4*b_w/M_PI/in.V, // eq. (13)
tau_r =3*b_w/M_PI/in.V, // eq. (17)
nu_u = GaussianRandomNumber(),
nu_v = GaussianRandomNumber(),
nu_w = GaussianRandomNumber(),
nu_p = GaussianRandomNumber(),
xi_u=0, xi_v=0, xi_w=0, xi_p=0, xi_q=0, xi_r=0;
// values of turbulence NED velocities
if (turbType == ttTustin) {
// the following is the Tustin formulation of Yeager's report
omega_w = in.V/L_w, // hidden in nomenclature p. 3
omega_v = in.V/L_u, // this is defined nowhere
C_BL = 1/tau_u/tan(T_V/2/tau_u), // eq. (19)
C_BLp = 1/tau_p/tan(T_V/2/tau_p), // eq. (22)
C_BLq = 1/tau_q/tan(T_V/2/tau_q), // eq. (24)
C_BLr = 1/tau_r/tan(T_V/2/tau_r); // eq. (26)
// all values calculated so far are strictly positive, except for
// the random numbers nu_*. This means that in the code below, all
// divisors are strictly positive, too, and no floating point
// exception should occur.
xi_u = -(1 - C_BL*tau_u)/(1 + C_BL*tau_u)*xi_u_km1
+ sig_u*sqrt(2*tau_u/T_V)/(1 + C_BL*tau_u)*(nu_u + nu_u_km1); // eq. (18)
xi_v = -2*(sqr(omega_v) - sqr(C_BL))/sqr(omega_v + C_BL)*xi_v_km1
- sqr(omega_v - C_BL)/sqr(omega_v + C_BL) * xi_v_km2
+ sig_u*sqrt(3*omega_v/T_V)/sqr(omega_v + C_BL)*(
(C_BL + omega_v/sqrt(3.))*nu_v
+ 2/sqrt(3.)*omega_v*nu_v_km1
+ (omega_v/sqrt(3.) - C_BL)*nu_v_km2); // eq. (20) for v
xi_w = -2*(sqr(omega_w) - sqr(C_BL))/sqr(omega_w + C_BL)*xi_w_km1
- sqr(omega_w - C_BL)/sqr(omega_w + C_BL) * xi_w_km2
+ sig_w*sqrt(3*omega_w/T_V)/sqr(omega_w + C_BL)*(
(C_BL + omega_w/sqrt(3.))*nu_w
+ 2/sqrt(3.)*omega_w*nu_w_km1
+ (omega_w/sqrt(3.) - C_BL)*nu_w_km2); // eq. (20) for w
xi_p = -(1 - C_BLp*tau_p)/(1 + C_BLp*tau_p)*xi_p_km1
+ sig_p*sqrt(2*tau_p/T_V)/(1 + C_BLp*tau_p) * (nu_p + nu_p_km1); // eq. (21)
xi_q = -(1 - 4*b_w*C_BLq/M_PI/in.V)/(1 + 4*b_w*C_BLq/M_PI/in.V) * xi_q_km1
+ C_BLq/in.V/(1 + 4*b_w*C_BLq/M_PI/in.V) * (xi_w - xi_w_km1); // eq. (23)
xi_r = - (1 - 3*b_w*C_BLr/M_PI/in.V)/(1 + 3*b_w*C_BLr/M_PI/in.V) * xi_r_km1
+ C_BLr/in.V/(1 + 3*b_w*C_BLr/M_PI/in.V) * (xi_v - xi_v_km1); // eq. (25)
} else if (turbType == ttMilspec) {
// the following is the MIL-STD-1797A formulation
// as cited in Yeager's report
xi_u = (1 - T_V/tau_u) *xi_u_km1 + sig_u*sqrt(2*T_V/tau_u)*nu_u; // eq. (30)
xi_v = (1 - 2*T_V/tau_u)*xi_v_km1 + sig_u*sqrt(4*T_V/tau_u)*nu_v; // eq. (31)
xi_w = (1 - 2*T_V/tau_w)*xi_w_km1 + sig_w*sqrt(4*T_V/tau_w)*nu_w; // eq. (32)
xi_p = (1 - T_V/tau_p) *xi_p_km1 + sig_p*sqrt(2*T_V/tau_p)*nu_p; // eq. (33)
xi_q = (1 - T_V/tau_q) *xi_q_km1 + M_PI/4/b_w*(xi_w - xi_w_km1); // eq. (34)
xi_r = (1 - T_V/tau_r) *xi_r_km1 + M_PI/3/b_w*(xi_v - xi_v_km1); // eq. (35)
// rotate by wind azimuth and assign the velocities
double cospsi = cos(psiw), sinpsi = sin(psiw);
vTurbulenceNED(1) = cospsi*xi_u + sinpsi*xi_v;
vTurbulenceNED(2) = -sinpsi*xi_u + cospsi*xi_v;
vTurbulenceNED(3) = xi_w;
vTurbPQR(1) = cospsi*xi_p + sinpsi*xi_q;
vTurbPQR(2) = -sinpsi*xi_p + cospsi*xi_q;
vTurbPQR(3) = xi_r;
// vTurbPQR is in the body fixed frame, not NED
vTurbPQR = in.Tl2b*vTurbPQR;
// hand on the values for the next timestep
xi_u_km1 = xi_u; nu_u_km1 = nu_u;
xi_v_km2 = xi_v_km1; xi_v_km1 = xi_v; nu_v_km2 = nu_v_km1; nu_v_km1 = nu_v;
xi_w_km2 = xi_w_km1; xi_w_km1 = xi_w; nu_w_km2 = nu_w_km1; nu_w_km1 = nu_w;
xi_p_km1 = xi_p; nu_p_km1 = nu_p;
xi_q_km1 = xi_q;
xi_r_km1 = xi_r;
double FGWinds::CosineGustProfile(double startDuration, double steadyDuration, double endDuration, double elapsedTime)
double factor = 0.0;
if (elapsedTime >= 0 && elapsedTime <= startDuration) {
factor = (1.0 - cos(M_PI*elapsedTime/startDuration))/2.0;
} else if (elapsedTime > startDuration && (elapsedTime <= (startDuration + steadyDuration))) {
factor = 1.0;
} else if (elapsedTime > (startDuration + steadyDuration) && elapsedTime <= (startDuration + steadyDuration + endDuration)) {
factor = (1-cos(M_PI*(1-(elapsedTime-(startDuration + steadyDuration))/endDuration)))/2.0;
} else {
factor = 0.0;
return factor;
void FGWinds::CosineGust()
struct OneMinusCosineProfile& profile = oneMinusCosineGust.gustProfile;
double factor = CosineGustProfile( profile.startupDuration,
// Normalize the gust wind vector
if (oneMinusCosineGust.vWindTransformed.Magnitude() == 0.0) {
switch (oneMinusCosineGust.gustFrame) {
case gfBody:
oneMinusCosineGust.vWindTransformed = in.Tl2b.Inverse() * oneMinusCosineGust.vWind;
case gfWind:
oneMinusCosineGust.vWindTransformed = in.Tl2b.Inverse() * in.Tw2b * oneMinusCosineGust.vWind;
case gfLocal:
// this is the native frame - and the default.
oneMinusCosineGust.vWindTransformed = oneMinusCosineGust.vWind;
vCosineGust = factor * oneMinusCosineGust.vWindTransformed * oneMinusCosineGust.magnitude;
profile.elapsedTime += in.totalDeltaT;
if (profile.elapsedTime > (profile.startupDuration + profile.steadyDuration + profile.endDuration)) {
profile.Running = false;
profile.elapsedTime = 0.0;
void FGWinds::NumberOfUpDownburstCells(int num)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<UpDownBurstCells.size();i++) delete UpDownBurstCells[i];
if (num >= 0) {
for (int i=0; i<num; i++) UpDownBurstCells.push_back(new struct UpDownBurst);
// Calculates the distance between a specified point (where presumably the
// Up/Downburst is centered) and the current vehicle location. The distance
// here is calculated from the Haversine formula.
double FGWinds::DistanceFromRingCenter(double lat, double lon)
double deltaLat = in.latitude - lat;
double deltaLong = in.longitude - lon;
double dLat2 = deltaLat/2.0;
double dLong2 = deltaLong/2.0;
double a = sin(dLat2)*sin(dLat2)
+ cos(lat)*cos(in.latitude)*sin(dLong2)*sin(dLong2);
double c = 2.0*atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1.0 - a));
double d = in.planetRadius*c;
return d;
void FGWinds::UpDownBurst()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<UpDownBurstCells.size(); i++) {
/*double d =*/ DistanceFromRingCenter(UpDownBurstCells[i]->ringLatitude, UpDownBurstCells[i]->ringLongitude);
void FGWinds::bind(void)
typedef double (FGWinds::*PMF)(int) const;
typedef int (FGWinds::*PMFt)(void) const;
typedef void (FGWinds::*PMFd)(int,double);
typedef void (FGWinds::*PMFi)(int);
typedef double (FGWinds::*Ptr)(void) const;
// User-specified steady, constant, wind properties (local navigational/geographic frame: N-E-D)
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/psiw-rad", this, &FGWinds::GetWindPsi, &FGWinds::SetWindPsi);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/wind-north-fps", this, eNorth, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetWindNED,
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/wind-east-fps", this, eEast, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetWindNED,
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/wind-down-fps", this, eDown, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetWindNED,
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/wind-mag-fps", this, &FGWinds::GetWindspeed,
// User-specifieded gust (local navigational/geographic frame: N-E-D)
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/gust-north-fps", this, eNorth, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetGustNED,
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/gust-east-fps", this, eEast, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetGustNED,
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/gust-down-fps", this, eDown, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetGustNED,
// User-specified 1 - cosine gust parameters (in specified frame)
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/startup-duration-sec", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::StartupGustDuration);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/steady-duration-sec", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::SteadyGustDuration);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/end-duration-sec", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::EndGustDuration);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/magnitude-ft_sec", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::GustMagnitude);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/frame", this, (PMFt)0L, (PMFi)&FGWinds::GustFrame);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/X-velocity-ft_sec", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::GustXComponent);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/Y-velocity-ft_sec", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::GustYComponent);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/Z-velocity-ft_sec", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::GustZComponent);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/cosine-gust/start", this, (PMFt)0L, (PMFi)&FGWinds::StartGust);
// User-specified Up- Down-burst parameters
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/updownburst/number-of-cells", this, (PMFt)0L, &FGWinds::NumberOfUpDownburstCells);
// PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/updownburst/", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::);
// PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/updownburst/", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::);
// PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/updownburst/", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::);
// PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/updownburst/", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::);
// PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/updownburst/", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::);
// PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/updownburst/", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::);
// PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/updownburst/", this, (Ptr)0L, &FGWinds::);
// User-specified turbulence (local navigational/geographic frame: N-E-D)
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/turb-north-fps", this, eNorth, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTurbNED,
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/turb-east-fps", this, eEast, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTurbNED,
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/turb-down-fps", this, eDown, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTurbNED,
// Experimental turbulence parameters
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/p-turb-rad_sec", this,1, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTurbPQR);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/q-turb-rad_sec", this,2, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTurbPQR);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/r-turb-rad_sec", this,3, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTurbPQR);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/turb-type", this, (PMFt)&FGWinds::GetTurbType, (PMFi)&FGWinds::SetTurbType);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/turb-rate", this, &FGWinds::GetTurbRate, &FGWinds::SetTurbRate);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/turb-gain", this, &FGWinds::GetTurbGain, &FGWinds::SetTurbGain);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/turb-rhythmicity", this, &FGWinds::GetRhythmicity,
// Parameters for milspec turbulence
this, &FGWinds::GetWindspeed20ft,
this, &FGWinds::GetProbabilityOfExceedence,
// Total, calculated winds (local navigational/geographic frame: N-E-D). Read only.
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/total-wind-north-fps", this, eNorth, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTotalWindNED);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/total-wind-east-fps", this, eEast, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTotalWindNED);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/total-wind-down-fps", this, eDown, (PMF)&FGWinds::GetTotalWindNED);
// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
// out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing
// the config files as they are read. If the environment
// variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
// 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages
// whatsoever.
// 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim
// startup messages
// 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when
// a class is instantiated
// 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a
// FGModel object executes its Run() method
// 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables
// are printed out periodically
// 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and
// a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
void FGWinds::Debug(int from)
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGWinds" << endl;
if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGWinds" << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
if (debug_lvl & 128) { //
if (debug_lvl & 64) {
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
cout << IdSrc << endl;
cout << IdHdr << endl;
} // namespace JSBSim