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Header: FGPropagate.h
Author: Jon S. Berndt
Date started: 1/5/99
------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jon@jsbsim.org) -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
01/05/99 JSB Created
#include "models/FGModel.h"
#include "math/FGColumnVector3.h"
#include "math/FGLocation.h"
#include "math/FGQuaternion.h"
#include "math/FGMatrix33.h"
#include <deque>
#define ID_PROPAGATE "$Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.80 2013/12/22 17:08:59 jberndt Exp $"
namespace JSBSim {
using std::deque;
class FGInitialCondition;
/** Models the EOM and integration/propagation of state.
The Equations of Motion (EOM) for JSBSim are integrated to propagate the
state of the vehicle given the forces and moments that act on it. The
integration accounts for a rotating Earth.
Integration of rotational and translation position and rate can be
customized as needed or frozen by the selection of no integrator. The
selection of which integrator to use is done through the setting of
the associated property. There are four properties which can be set:
Each of the integrators listed above can be set to one of the following values:
0: No integrator (Freeze)
1: Rectangular Euler
2: Trapezoidal
3: Adams Bashforth 2
4: Adams Bashforth 3
5: Adams Bashforth 4
@author Jon S. Berndt, Mathias Froehlich, Bertrand Coconnier
@version $Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.80 2013/12/22 17:08:59 jberndt Exp $
class FGPropagate : public FGModel {
/** The current vehicle state vector structure contains the translational and
angular position, and the translational and angular velocity. */
struct VehicleState {
/** Represents the current location of the vehicle in Earth centered Earth
fixed (ECEF) frame.
units ft */
FGLocation vLocation;
/** The velocity vector of the vehicle with respect to the ECEF frame,
expressed in the body system.
units ft/sec */
FGColumnVector3 vUVW;
/** The angular velocity vector for the vehicle relative to the ECEF frame,
expressed in the body frame.
units rad/sec */
FGColumnVector3 vPQR;
/** The angular velocity vector for the vehicle body frame relative to the
ECI frame, expressed in the body frame.
units rad/sec */
FGColumnVector3 vPQRi;
/** The current orientation of the vehicle, that is, the orientation of the
body frame relative to the local, NED frame. */
FGQuaternion qAttitudeLocal;
/** The current orientation of the vehicle, that is, the orientation of the
body frame relative to the inertial (ECI) frame. */
FGQuaternion qAttitudeECI;
FGColumnVector3 vInertialVelocity;
FGColumnVector3 vInertialPosition;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqPQRidot;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqUVWidot;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqInertialVelocity;
deque <FGQuaternion> dqQtrndot;
/** Constructor.
The constructor initializes several variables, and sets the initial set
of integrators to use as follows:
- integrator, rotational rate = Adams Bashforth 2
- integrator, translational rate = Adams Bashforth 2
- integrator, rotational position = Trapezoidal
- integrator, translational position = Trapezoidal
@param Executive a pointer to the parent executive object */
FGPropagate(FGFDMExec* Executive);
/// Destructor
/// These define the indices use to select the various integrators.
enum eIntegrateType {eNone = 0, eRectEuler, eTrapezoidal, eAdamsBashforth2,
eAdamsBashforth3, eAdamsBashforth4, eBuss1, eBuss2, eLocalLinearization};
/** Initializes the FGPropagate class after instantiation and prior to first execution.
The base class FGModel::InitModel is called first, initializing pointers to the
other FGModel objects (and others). */
bool InitModel(void);
void InitializeDerivatives();
/** Runs the state propagation model; called by the Executive
Can pass in a value indicating if the executive is directing the simulation to Hold.
@param Holding if true, the executive has been directed to hold the sim from
advancing time. Some models may ignore this flag, such as the Input
model, which may need to be active to listen on a socket for the
"Resume" command to be given.
@return false if no error */
bool Run(bool Holding);
/** Retrieves the velocity vector.
The vector returned is represented by an FGColumnVector reference. The vector
for the velocity in Local frame is organized (Vnorth, Veast, Vdown). The vector
is 1-based, so that the first element can be retrieved using the "()" operator.
In other words, vVel(1) is Vnorth. Various convenience enumerators are defined
in FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators for the vector returned by this call are,
eNorth=1, eEast=2, eDown=3.
units ft/sec
@return The vehicle velocity vector with respect to the Earth centered frame,
expressed in Local horizontal frame.
const FGColumnVector3& GetVel(void) const { return vVel; }
/** Retrieves the body frame vehicle velocity vector.
The vector returned is represented by an FGColumnVector reference. The vector
for the velocity in Body frame is organized (Vx, Vy, Vz). The vector
is 1-based, so that the first element can be retrieved using the "()" operator.
In other words, vUVW(1) is Vx. Various convenience enumerators are defined
in FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators for the vector returned by this call are,
eX=1, eY=2, eZ=3.
units ft/sec
@return The body frame vehicle velocity vector in ft/sec.
const FGColumnVector3& GetUVW(void) const { return VState.vUVW; }
/** Retrieves the body angular rates vector, relative to the ECEF frame.
Retrieves the body angular rates (p, q, r), which are calculated by integration
of the angular acceleration.
The vector returned is represented by an FGColumnVector reference. The vector
for the angular velocity in Body frame is organized (P, Q, R). The vector
is 1-based, so that the first element can be retrieved using the "()" operator.
In other words, vPQR(1) is P. Various convenience enumerators are defined
in FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators for the vector returned by this call are,
eP=1, eQ=2, eR=3.
units rad/sec
@return The body frame angular rates in rad/sec.
const FGColumnVector3& GetPQR(void) const {return VState.vPQR;}
/** Retrieves the body angular rates vector, relative to the ECI (inertial) frame.
Retrieves the body angular rates (p, q, r), which are calculated by integration
of the angular acceleration.
The vector returned is represented by an FGColumnVector reference. The vector
for the angular velocity in Body frame is organized (P, Q, R). The vector
is 1-based, so that the first element can be retrieved using the "()" operator.
In other words, vPQR(1) is P. Various convenience enumerators are defined
in FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators for the vector returned by this call are,
eP=1, eQ=2, eR=3.
units rad/sec
@return The body frame inertial angular rates in rad/sec.
const FGColumnVector3& GetPQRi(void) const {return VState.vPQRi;}
/** Retrieves the Euler angles that define the vehicle orientation.
Extracts the Euler angles from the quaternion that stores the orientation
in the Local frame. The order of rotation used is Yaw-Pitch-Roll. The
vector returned is represented by an FGColumnVector reference. The vector
for the Euler angles is organized (Phi, Theta, Psi). The vector
is 1-based, so that the first element can be retrieved using the "()" operator.
In other words, the returned vector item with subscript (1) is Phi.
Various convenience enumerators are defined in FGJSBBase. The relevant
enumerators for the vector returned by this call are, ePhi=1, eTht=2, ePsi=3.
units radians
@return The Euler angle vector, where the first item in the
vector is the angle about the X axis, the second is the
angle about the Y axis, and the third item is the angle
about the Z axis (Phi, Theta, Psi).
const FGColumnVector3& GetEuler(void) const { return VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEuler(); }
/** Retrieves the Euler angles (in degrees) that define the vehicle orientation.
Extracts the Euler angles from the quaternion that stores the orientation
in the Local frame. The order of rotation used is Yaw-Pitch-Roll. The
vector returned is represented by an FGColumnVector reference. The vector
for the Euler angles is organized (Phi, Theta, Psi). The vector
is 1-based, so that the first element can be retrieved using the "()" operator.
In other words, the returned vector item with subscript (1) is Phi.
Various convenience enumerators are defined in FGJSBBase. The relevant
enumerators for the vector returned by this call are, ePhi=1, eTht=2, ePsi=3.
units degrees
@return The Euler angle vector, where the first item in the
vector is the angle about the X axis, the second is the
angle about the Y axis, and the third item is the angle
about the Z axis (Phi, Theta, Psi).
FGColumnVector3 GetEulerDeg(void) const;
/** Retrieves a body frame velocity component.
Retrieves a body frame velocity component. The velocity returned is
extracted from the vUVW vector (an FGColumnVector). The vector for the
velocity in Body frame is organized (Vx, Vy, Vz). The vector is 1-based.
In other words, GetUVW(1) returns Vx. Various convenience enumerators
are defined in FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators for the velocity
returned by this call are, eX=1, eY=2, eZ=3.
units ft/sec
@param idx the index of the velocity component desired (1-based).
@return The body frame velocity component.
double GetUVW(int idx) const { return VState.vUVW(idx); }
/** Retrieves a Local frame velocity component.
Retrieves a Local frame velocity component. The velocity returned is
extracted from the vVel vector (an FGColumnVector). The vector for the
velocity in Local frame is organized (Vnorth, Veast, Vdown). The vector
is 1-based. In other words, GetVel(1) returns Vnorth. Various convenience
enumerators are defined in FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators for the
velocity returned by this call are, eNorth=1, eEast=2, eDown=3.
units ft/sec
@param idx the index of the velocity component desired (1-based).
@return The body frame velocity component.
double GetVel(int idx) const { return vVel(idx); }
/** Retrieves the total inertial velocity in ft/sec.
double GetInertialVelocityMagnitude(void) const { return VState.vInertialVelocity.Magnitude(); }
/** Retrieves the total local NED velocity in ft/sec.
double GetNEDVelocityMagnitude(void) const { return VState.vUVW.Magnitude(); }
/** Retrieves the inertial velocity vector in ft/sec.
const FGColumnVector3& GetInertialVelocity(void) const { return VState.vInertialVelocity; }
double GetInertialVelocity(int i) const { return VState.vInertialVelocity(i); }
/** Retrieves the inertial position vector.
const FGColumnVector3& GetInertialPosition(void) const { return VState.vInertialPosition; }
double GetInertialPosition(int i) const { return VState.vInertialPosition(i); }
/** Calculates and retrieves the velocity vector relative to the earth centered earth fixed (ECEF) frame.
FGColumnVector3 GetECEFVelocity(void) const {return Tb2ec * VState.vUVW; }
/** Returns the current altitude above sea level.
This function returns the altitude above sea level.
units ft
@return The current altitude above sea level in feet.
double GetAltitudeASL(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetAltitudeASL(); }
/** Returns the current altitude above sea level.
This function returns the altitude above sea level.
units meters
@return The current altitude above sea level in meters.
double GetAltitudeASLmeters(void) const { return GetAltitudeASL()*fttom;}
/** Retrieves a body frame angular velocity component relative to the ECEF frame.
Retrieves a body frame angular velocity component. The angular velocity
returned is extracted from the vPQR vector (an FGColumnVector). The vector
for the angular velocity in Body frame is organized (P, Q, R). The vector
is 1-based. In other words, GetPQR(1) returns P (roll rate). Various
convenience enumerators are defined in FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators
for the angular velocity returned by this call are, eP=1, eQ=2, eR=3.
units rad/sec
@param axis the index of the angular velocity component desired (1-based).
@return The body frame angular velocity component.
double GetPQR(int axis) const {return VState.vPQR(axis);}
/** Retrieves a body frame angular velocity component relative to the ECI (inertial) frame.
Retrieves a body frame angular velocity component. The angular velocity
returned is extracted from the vPQR vector (an FGColumnVector). The vector
for the angular velocity in Body frame is organized (P, Q, R). The vector
is 1-based. In other words, GetPQR(1) returns P (roll rate). Various
convenience enumerators are defined in FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators
for the angular velocity returned by this call are, eP=1, eQ=2, eR=3.
units rad/sec
@param axis the index of the angular velocity component desired (1-based).
@return The body frame angular velocity component.
double GetPQRi(int axis) const {return VState.vPQRi(axis);}
/** Retrieves a vehicle Euler angle component.
Retrieves an Euler angle (Phi, Theta, or Psi) from the quaternion that
stores the vehicle orientation relative to the Local frame. The order of
rotations used is Yaw-Pitch-Roll. The Euler angle with subscript (1) is
Phi. Various convenience enumerators are defined in FGJSBBase. The
relevant enumerators for the Euler angle returned by this call are,
ePhi=1, eTht=2, ePsi=3 (e.g. GetEuler(eTht) returns Theta).
units radians
@return An Euler angle.
double GetEuler(int axis) const { return VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEuler(axis); }
/** Retrieves a vehicle Euler angle component in degrees.
Retrieves an Euler angle (Phi, Theta, or Psi) from the quaternion that
stores the vehicle orientation relative to the Local frame. The order of
rotations used is Yaw-Pitch-Roll. The Euler angle with subscript (1) is
Phi. Various convenience enumerators are defined in FGJSBBase. The
relevant enumerators for the Euler angle returned by this call are,
ePhi=1, eTht=2, ePsi=3 (e.g. GetEuler(eTht) returns Theta).
units degrees
@return An Euler angle in degrees.
double GetEulerDeg(int axis) const { return VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEuler(axis) * radtodeg; }
/** Retrieves the cosine of a vehicle Euler angle component.
Retrieves the cosine of an Euler angle (Phi, Theta, or Psi) from the
quaternion that stores the vehicle orientation relative to the Local frame.
The order of rotations used is Yaw-Pitch-Roll. The Euler angle
with subscript (1) is Phi. Various convenience enumerators are defined in
FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators for the Euler angle referred to in this
call are, ePhi=1, eTht=2, ePsi=3 (e.g. GetCosEuler(eTht) returns cos(theta)).
units none
@return The cosine of an Euler angle.
double GetCosEuler(int idx) const { return VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetCosEuler(idx); }
/** Retrieves the sine of a vehicle Euler angle component.
Retrieves the sine of an Euler angle (Phi, Theta, or Psi) from the
quaternion that stores the vehicle orientation relative to the Local frame.
The order of rotations used is Yaw-Pitch-Roll. The Euler angle
with subscript (1) is Phi. Various convenience enumerators are defined in
FGJSBBase. The relevant enumerators for the Euler angle referred to in this
call are, ePhi=1, eTht=2, ePsi=3 (e.g. GetSinEuler(eTht) returns sin(theta)).
units none
@return The sine of an Euler angle.
double GetSinEuler(int idx) const { return VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetSinEuler(idx); }
/** Returns the current altitude rate.
Returns the current altitude rate (rate of climb).
units ft/sec
@return The current rate of change in altitude.
double Gethdot(void) const { return -vVel(eDown); }
/** Returns the "constant" LocalTerrainRadius.
The LocalTerrainRadius parameter is set by the calling application or set to
sea level + terrain elevation if JSBSim is running in standalone mode.
units feet
@return distance of the local terrain from the center of the earth.
double GetLocalTerrainRadius(void) const;
double GetEarthPositionAngle(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetEPA(); }
double GetEarthPositionAngleDeg(void) const { return GetEarthPositionAngle()*radtodeg;}
const FGColumnVector3& GetTerrainVelocity(void) const { return LocalTerrainVelocity; }
const FGColumnVector3& GetTerrainAngularVelocity(void) const { return LocalTerrainAngularVelocity; }
void RecomputeLocalTerrainVelocity();
double GetTerrainElevation(void) const { return GetLocalTerrainRadius() - VState.vLocation.GetSeaLevelRadius(); }
double GetDistanceAGL(void) const;
double GetDistanceAGLKm(void) const;
double GetRadius(void) const {
if (VState.vLocation.GetRadius() == 0) return 1.0;
else return VState.vLocation.GetRadius();
double GetLongitude(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetLongitude(); }
double GetLatitude(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetLatitude(); }
double GetGeodLatitudeRad(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetGeodLatitudeRad(); }
double GetGeodLatitudeDeg(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetGeodLatitudeDeg(); }
double GetGeodeticAltitude(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetGeodAltitude(); }
double GetGeodeticAltitudeKm(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetGeodAltitude()*0.0003048; }
double GetLongitudeDeg(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetLongitudeDeg(); }
double GetLatitudeDeg(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetLatitudeDeg(); }
const FGLocation& GetLocation(void) const { return VState.vLocation; }
double GetLocation(int i) const { return VState.vLocation(i); }
/** Retrieves the local-to-body transformation matrix.
The quaternion class, being the means by which the orientation of the
vehicle is stored, manages the local-to-body transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the local-to-body transformation matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTl2b(void) const { return Tl2b; }
/** Retrieves the body-to-local transformation matrix.
The quaternion class, being the means by which the orientation of the
vehicle is stored, manages the body-to-local transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the body-to-local matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTb2l(void) const { return Tb2l; }
/** Retrieves the ECEF-to-body transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the ECEF-to-body transformation matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTec2b(void) const { return Tec2b; }
/** Retrieves the body-to-ECEF transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the body-to-ECEF matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTb2ec(void) const { return Tb2ec; }
/** Retrieves the ECI-to-body transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the ECI-to-body transformation matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTi2b(void) const { return Ti2b; }
/** Retrieves the body-to-ECI transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the body-to-ECI matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTb2i(void) const { return Tb2i; }
/** Retrieves the ECEF-to-ECI transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the ECEF-to-ECI transformation matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTec2i(void) const { return Tec2i; }
/** Retrieves the ECI-to-ECEF transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the ECI-to-ECEF matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTi2ec(void) const { return Ti2ec; }
/** Retrieves the ECEF-to-local transformation matrix.
Retrieves the ECEF-to-local transformation matrix. Note that the so-called
local from is also know as the NED frame (for North, East, Down).
@return a reference to the ECEF-to-local matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTec2l(void) const { return Tec2l; }
/** Retrieves the local-to-ECEF transformation matrix.
Retrieves the local-to-ECEF transformation matrix. Note that the so-called
local from is also know as the NED frame (for North, East, Down).
@return a reference to the local-to-ECEF matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTl2ec(void) const { return Tl2ec; }
/** Retrieves the local-to-inertial transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the local-to-inertial transformation matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTl2i(void) const { return Tl2i; }
/** Retrieves the inertial-to-local transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the inertial-to-local matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTi2l(void) const { return Ti2l; }
const VehicleState& GetVState(void) const { return VState; }
void SetVState(const VehicleState& vstate);
void SetEarthPositionAngle(double epa) {VState.vLocation.SetEarthPositionAngle(epa);}
void SetInertialOrientation(const FGQuaternion& Qi);
void SetInertialVelocity(const FGColumnVector3& Vi);
void SetInertialRates(const FGColumnVector3& vRates);
/** Returns the quaternion that goes from Local to Body. */
const FGQuaternion GetQuaternion(void) const { return VState.qAttitudeLocal; }
/** Returns the quaternion that goes from ECI to Body. */
const FGQuaternion GetQuaternionECI(void) const { return VState.qAttitudeECI; }
/** Returns the quaternion that goes from ECEF to Body. */
const FGQuaternion GetQuaternionECEF(void) const { return Qec2b; }
void SetPQR(unsigned int i, double val) {
VState.vPQR(i) = val;
VState.vPQRi = VState.vPQR + Ti2b * in.vOmegaPlanet;
void SetUVW(unsigned int i, double val) {
VState.vUVW(i) = val;
// SET functions
void SetLongitude(double lon)
void SetLongitudeDeg(double lon) { SetLongitude(lon*degtorad); }
void SetLatitude(double lat)
void SetLatitudeDeg(double lat) { SetLatitude(lat*degtorad); }
void SetRadius(double r)
VehicleRadius = r;
VState.vInertialPosition = Tec2i * VState.vLocation;
void SetAltitudeASL(double altASL)
void SetAltitudeASLmeters(double altASL) { SetAltitudeASL(altASL/fttom); }
void SetSeaLevelRadius(double tt);
void SetTerrainElevation(double tt);
void SetDistanceAGL(double tt);
void SetDistanceAGLKm(double tt);
void SetInitialState(const FGInitialCondition *);
void SetLocation(const FGLocation& l);
void SetLocation(const FGColumnVector3& lv)
FGLocation l = FGLocation(lv);
void SetPosition(const double Lon, const double Lat, const double Radius)
FGLocation l = FGLocation(Lon, Lat, Radius);
void NudgeBodyLocation(const FGColumnVector3& deltaLoc) {
VState.vInertialPosition -= Tb2i*deltaLoc;
VState.vLocation -= Tb2ec*deltaLoc;
void DumpState(void);
struct Inputs {
FGColumnVector3 vPQRidot;
FGQuaternion vQtrndot;
FGColumnVector3 vUVWidot;
FGColumnVector3 vOmegaPlanet;
double SemiMajor;
double SemiMinor;
double DeltaT;
} in;
// state vector
struct VehicleState VState;
FGColumnVector3 vVel;
FGMatrix33 Tec2b;
FGMatrix33 Tb2ec;
FGMatrix33 Tl2b; // local to body frame matrix copy for immediate local use
FGMatrix33 Tb2l; // body to local frame matrix copy for immediate local use
FGMatrix33 Tl2ec; // local to ECEF matrix copy for immediate local use
FGMatrix33 Tec2l; // ECEF to local frame matrix copy for immediate local use
FGMatrix33 Tec2i; // ECEF to ECI frame matrix copy for immediate local use
FGMatrix33 Ti2ec; // ECI to ECEF frame matrix copy for immediate local use
FGMatrix33 Ti2b; // ECI to body frame rotation matrix
FGMatrix33 Tb2i; // body to ECI frame rotation matrix
FGMatrix33 Ti2l;
FGMatrix33 Tl2i;
FGQuaternion Qec2b;
double VehicleRadius;
FGColumnVector3 LocalTerrainVelocity, LocalTerrainAngularVelocity;
eIntegrateType integrator_rotational_rate;
eIntegrateType integrator_translational_rate;
eIntegrateType integrator_rotational_position;
eIntegrateType integrator_translational_position;
void CalculateInertialVelocity(void);
void CalculateUVW(void);
void Integrate( FGColumnVector3& Integrand,
FGColumnVector3& Val,
deque <FGColumnVector3>& ValDot,
double dt,
eIntegrateType integration_type);
void Integrate( FGQuaternion& Integrand,
FGQuaternion& Val,
deque <FGQuaternion>& ValDot,
double dt,
eIntegrateType integration_type);
void UpdateLocationMatrices(void);
void UpdateBodyMatrices(void);
void UpdateVehicleState(void);
void WriteStateFile(int num);
void bind(void);
void Debug(int from);