206 lines
6.6 KiB
206 lines
6.6 KiB
TITLE: ls_Accel
FUNCTION: Sums forces and moments and calculates accelerations
MODULE STATUS: developmental
GENEALOGY: Written 920731 by Bruce Jackson. Based upon equations
given in reference [1] and a Matrix-X/System Build block
diagram model of equations of motion coded by David Raney
at NASA-Langley in June of 1992.
DESIGNED BY: Bruce Jackson
CODED BY: Bruce Jackson
931007 Moved calculations of auxiliary accelerations here from ls_aux.c BY
and corrected minus sign in front of A_Y_Pilot
contribution from Q_body*P_body*D_X_pilot term.
940111 Changed DATA to SCALAR; updated header files
Revision 1.2 1998/01/19 18:40:24 curt
Tons of little changes to clean up the code and to remove fatal errors
when building with the c++ compiler.
Revision 1.1 1997/05/29 00:09:53 curt
Initial Flight Gear revision.
* Revision 1.5 1994/01/11 18:42:16 bjax
* Oops! Changed data types from DATA to SCALAR for precision control.
* Revision 1.4 1994/01/11 18:36:58 bjax
* Removed ls_eom.h include directive; replaced with ls_types, ls_constants,
* and ls_generic.h includes.
* Revision 1.3 1993/10/07 18:45:24 bjax
* Added local defn of d[xyz]_pilot_from_cg to support previous mod. EBJ
* Revision 1.2 1993/10/07 18:41:31 bjax
* Moved calculations of auxiliary accelerations here from ls_aux, and
* corrected sign on Q_body*P_body*d_x_pilot term of A_Y_pilot calc. EBJ
* Revision 1.1 1992/12/30 13:17:02 bjax
* Initial revision
[ 1] McFarland, Richard E.: "A Standard Kinematic Model
for Flight Simulation at NASA-Ames", NASA CR-2497,
January 1975
INPUTS: Aero, engine, gear forces & moments
OUTPUTS: State derivatives
#include "ls_types.h"
#include "ls_generic.h"
#include "ls_constants.h"
#include "ls_accel.h"
#include <math.h>
void ls_accel( void ) {
SCALAR inv_Mass, inv_Radius;
SCALAR ixz2, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10;
SCALAR dx_pilot_from_cg, dy_pilot_from_cg, dz_pilot_from_cg;
/* Sum forces and moments at reference point */
F_X = F_X_aero + F_X_engine + F_X_gear;
F_Y = F_Y_aero + F_Y_engine + F_Y_gear;
F_Z = F_Z_aero + F_Z_engine + F_Z_gear;
M_l_rp = M_l_aero + M_l_engine + M_l_gear;
M_m_rp = M_m_aero + M_m_engine + M_m_gear;
M_n_rp = M_n_aero + M_n_engine + M_n_gear;
/* Transfer moments to center of gravity */
M_l_cg = M_l_rp + F_Y*Dz_cg - F_Z*Dy_cg;
M_m_cg = M_m_rp + F_Z*Dx_cg - F_X*Dz_cg;
M_n_cg = M_n_rp + F_X*Dy_cg - F_Y*Dx_cg;
/* Transform from body to local frame */
F_north = T_local_to_body_11*F_X + T_local_to_body_21*F_Y
+ T_local_to_body_31*F_Z;
F_east = T_local_to_body_12*F_X + T_local_to_body_22*F_Y
+ T_local_to_body_32*F_Z;
F_down = T_local_to_body_13*F_X + T_local_to_body_23*F_Y
+ T_local_to_body_33*F_Z;
/* Calculate linear accelerations */
inv_Mass = 1/Mass;
inv_Radius = 1/Radius_to_vehicle;
V_dot_north = inv_Mass*F_north +
inv_Radius*(V_north*V_down - V_east*V_east*tan(Lat_geocentric));
V_dot_east = inv_Mass*F_east +
inv_Radius*(V_east*V_down + V_north*V_east*tan(Lat_geocentric));
V_dot_down = inv_Mass*(F_down) + Gravity -
inv_Radius*(V_north*V_north + V_east*V_east);
/* Invert the symmetric inertia matrix */
ixz2 = I_xz*I_xz;
c0 = 1/(I_xx*I_zz - ixz2);
c1 = c0*((I_yy-I_zz)*I_zz - ixz2);
c2 = c0*I_xz*(I_xx - I_yy + I_zz);
c3 = c0*I_zz;
c4 = c0*I_xz;
c7 = 1/I_yy;
c5 = c7*(I_zz - I_xx);
c6 = c7*I_xz;
c8 = c0*((I_xx - I_yy)*I_xx + ixz2);
c9 = c0*I_xz*(I_yy - I_zz - I_xx);
c10 = c0*I_xx;
/* Calculate the rotational body axis accelerations */
P_dot_body = (c1*R_body + c2*P_body)*Q_body + c3*M_l_cg + c4*M_n_cg;
Q_dot_body = c5*R_body*P_body + c6*(R_body*R_body - P_body*P_body) + c7*M_m_cg;
R_dot_body = (c8*P_body + c9*R_body)*Q_body + c4*M_l_cg + c10*M_n_cg;
/* Calculate body axis accelerations (move to ls_accel?) */
inv_Mass = 1/Mass;
A_X_cg = F_X * inv_Mass;
A_Y_cg = F_Y * inv_Mass;
A_Z_cg = F_Z * inv_Mass;
dx_pilot_from_cg = Dx_pilot - Dx_cg;
dy_pilot_from_cg = Dy_pilot - Dy_cg;
dz_pilot_from_cg = Dz_pilot - Dz_cg;
A_X_pilot = A_X_cg + (-R_body*R_body - Q_body*Q_body)*dx_pilot_from_cg
+ ( P_body*Q_body - R_dot_body )*dy_pilot_from_cg
+ ( P_body*R_body + Q_dot_body )*dz_pilot_from_cg;
A_Y_pilot = A_Y_cg + ( P_body*Q_body + R_dot_body )*dx_pilot_from_cg
+ (-P_body*P_body - R_body*R_body)*dy_pilot_from_cg
+ ( Q_body*R_body - P_dot_body )*dz_pilot_from_cg;
A_Z_pilot = A_Z_cg + ( P_body*R_body - Q_dot_body )*dx_pilot_from_cg
+ ( Q_body*R_body + P_dot_body )*dy_pilot_from_cg
+ (-Q_body*Q_body - P_body*P_body)*dz_pilot_from_cg;
N_X_cg = INVG*A_X_cg;
N_Y_cg = INVG*A_Y_cg;
N_Z_cg = INVG*A_Z_cg;
N_X_pilot = INVG*A_X_pilot;
N_Y_pilot = INVG*A_Y_pilot;
N_Z_pilot = INVG*A_Z_pilot;
U_dot_body = T_local_to_body_11*V_dot_north + T_local_to_body_12*V_dot_east
+ T_local_to_body_13*V_dot_down - Q_total*W_body + R_total*V_body;
V_dot_body = T_local_to_body_21*V_dot_north + T_local_to_body_22*V_dot_east
+ T_local_to_body_23*V_dot_down - R_total*U_body + P_total*W_body;
W_dot_body = T_local_to_body_31*V_dot_north + T_local_to_body_32*V_dot_east
+ T_local_to_body_33*V_dot_down - P_total*V_body + Q_total*U_body;
/* End of ls_accel */