Use shared property pointers instead of path strings, adapt method names to JSBSim style, catch all property ties, proper error handling when tieing failed.
1076 lines
33 KiB
1076 lines
33 KiB
Module: FGFDMExec.cpp
Author: Jon S. Berndt
Date started: 11/17/98
Purpose: Schedules and runs the model routines.
------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jon@jsbsim.org) -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
This class wraps up the simulation scheduling routines.
11/17/98 JSB Created
#include "FGFDMExec.h"
#include "models/FGAtmosphere.h"
#include "models/atmosphere/FGMSIS.h"
#include "models/atmosphere/FGMars.h"
#include "models/FGFCS.h"
#include "models/FGPropulsion.h"
#include "models/FGMassBalance.h"
#include "models/FGGroundReactions.h"
#include "models/FGExternalReactions.h"
#include "models/FGBuoyantForces.h"
#include "models/FGAerodynamics.h"
#include "models/FGInertial.h"
#include "models/FGAircraft.h"
#include "models/FGPropagate.h"
#include "models/FGAuxiliary.h"
#include "models/FGInput.h"
#include "models/FGOutput.h"
#include "initialization/FGInitialCondition.h"
//#include "initialization/FGTrimAnalysis.h" // Remove until later
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
#include "input_output/FGScript.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGFDMExec.cpp,v 1.84 2011/01/16 16:26:14 bcoconni Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_FDMEXEC;
// Constructor
FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(FGPropertyManager* root, unsigned int* fdmctr) : Root(root), FDMctr(fdmctr)
Frame = 0;
Error = 0;
GroundCallback = 0;
Atmosphere = 0;
FCS = 0;
Propulsion = 0;
MassBalance = 0;
Aerodynamics = 0;
Inertial = 0;
GroundReactions = 0;
ExternalReactions = 0;
BuoyantForces = 0;
Aircraft = 0;
Propagate = 0;
Auxiliary = 0;
Input = 0;
IC = 0;
Trim = 0;
Script = 0;
RootDir = "";
modelLoaded = false;
IsChild = false;
holding = false;
Terminate = false;
StandAlone = false;
sim_time = 0.0;
dT = 1.0/120.0; // a default timestep size. This is needed for when JSBSim is
// run in standalone mode with no initialization file.
try {
char* num = getenv("JSBSIM_DEBUG");
if (num) debug_lvl = atoi(num); // set debug level
} catch (...) { // if error set to 1
debug_lvl = 1;
if (Root == 0) { // Then this is the root FDM
Root = new FGPropertyManager; // Create the property manager
StandAlone = true;
if (FDMctr == 0) {
FDMctr = new unsigned int; // Create and initialize the child FDM counter
(*FDMctr) = 0;
// Store this FDM's ID
IdFDM = (*FDMctr); // The main (parent) JSBSim instance is always the "zeroth"
// Prepare FDMctr for the next child FDM id
(*FDMctr)++; // instance. "child" instances are loaded last.
instance = Root->GetNode("/fdm/jsbsim",IdFDM,true);
// this is to catch errors in binding member functions to the property tree.
try {
} catch ( string msg ) {
cout << "Caught error: " << msg << endl;
trim_status = false;
ta_mode = 99;
Constructing = true;
typedef int (FGFDMExec::*iPMF)(void) const;
// instance->Tie("simulation/do_trim_analysis", this, (iPMF)0, &FGFDMExec::DoTrimAnalysis);
instance->Tie("simulation/do_simple_trim", this, (iPMF)0, &FGFDMExec::DoTrim);
instance->Tie("simulation/reset", this, (iPMF)0, &FGFDMExec::ResetToInitialConditions);
instance->Tie("simulation/terminate", (int *)&Terminate);
instance->Tie("simulation/sim-time-sec", this, &FGFDMExec::GetSimTime);
instance->Tie("simulation/jsbsim-debug", this, &FGFDMExec::GetDebugLevel, &FGFDMExec::SetDebugLevel);
Constructing = false;
try {
if (IdFDM == 0) { // Meaning this is no child FDM
if(Root != 0) {
delete Root;
Root = 0;
if(FDMctr != 0) {
delete FDMctr;
FDMctr = 0;
} catch ( string msg ) {
cout << "Caught error: " << msg << endl;
for (unsigned int i=1; i<ChildFDMList.size(); i++) delete ChildFDMList[i]->exec;
bool FGFDMExec::Allocate(void)
bool result=true;
Atmosphere = new FGAtmosphere(this);
FCS = new FGFCS(this);
Propulsion = new FGPropulsion(this);
MassBalance = new FGMassBalance(this);
Aerodynamics = new FGAerodynamics (this);
Inertial = new FGInertial(this);
GroundCallback = new FGGroundCallback(Inertial->GetRefRadius());
GroundReactions = new FGGroundReactions(this);
ExternalReactions = new FGExternalReactions(this);
BuoyantForces = new FGBuoyantForces(this);
Aircraft = new FGAircraft(this);
Propagate = new FGPropagate(this);
Auxiliary = new FGAuxiliary(this);
Input = new FGInput(this);
// Schedule a model. The second arg (the integer) is the pass number. For
// instance, the atmosphere model could get executed every fifth pass it is called.
Schedule(Input, 1);
Schedule(Atmosphere, 1);
Schedule(FCS, 1);
Schedule(Propulsion, 1);
Schedule(MassBalance, 1);
Schedule(Aerodynamics, 1);
Schedule(Inertial, 1);
Schedule(GroundReactions, 1);
Schedule(ExternalReactions, 1);
Schedule(BuoyantForces, 1);
Schedule(Aircraft, 1);
Schedule(Propagate, 1);
Schedule(Auxiliary, 1);
// Initialize models so they can communicate with each other
vector <FGModel*>::iterator it;
for (it = Models.begin(); it != Models.end(); ++it) (*it)->InitModel();
IC = new FGInitialCondition(this);
modelLoaded = false;
return result;
bool FGFDMExec::DeAllocate(void)
delete Input;
delete Atmosphere;
delete FCS;
delete Propulsion;
delete MassBalance;
delete Aerodynamics;
delete Inertial;
delete GroundReactions;
delete ExternalReactions;
delete BuoyantForces;
delete Aircraft;
delete Propagate;
delete Auxiliary;
delete Script;
for (unsigned i=0; i<Outputs.size(); i++) delete Outputs[i];
delete IC;
delete Trim;
delete GroundCallback;
Error = 0;
Input = 0;
Atmosphere = 0;
FCS = 0;
Propulsion = 0;
MassBalance = 0;
Aerodynamics = 0;
Inertial = 0;
GroundReactions = 0;
ExternalReactions = 0;
BuoyantForces = 0;
Aircraft = 0;
Propagate = 0;
Auxiliary = 0;
Script = 0;
modelLoaded = false;
return modelLoaded;
void FGFDMExec::Schedule(FGModel* model, int rate)
bool FGFDMExec::Run(void)
bool success=true;
for (unsigned int i=1; i<ChildFDMList.size(); i++) {
ChildFDMList[i]->AssignState(Propagate); // Transfer state to the child FDM
// returns true if success, false if complete
if (Script != 0 && !IntegrationSuspended()) success = Script->RunScript();
vector <FGModel*>::iterator it;
for (it = Models.begin(); it != Models.end(); ++it) (*it)->Run();
if (!Holding()) IncrTime();
if (Terminate) success = false;
return (success);
// This call will cause the sim time to reset to 0.0
bool FGFDMExec::RunIC(void)
SuspendIntegration(); // saves the integration rate, dt, then sets it to 0.0.
ResumeIntegration(); // Restores the integration rate to what it was.
return true;
void FGFDMExec::Initialize(FGInitialCondition *FGIC)
Propagate->SetInitialState( FGIC );
Atmosphere->SetWindNED( FGIC->GetWindNFpsIC(),
FGIC->GetWindDFpsIC() );
FGColumnVector3 vAeroUVW;
vAeroUVW = Propagate->GetUVW() + Propagate->GetTl2b()*Atmosphere->GetTotalWindNED();
double alpha, beta;
if (vAeroUVW(eW) != 0.0)
alpha = vAeroUVW(eU)*vAeroUVW(eU) > 0.0 ? atan2(vAeroUVW(eW), vAeroUVW(eU)) : 0.0;
alpha = 0.0;
if (vAeroUVW(eV) != 0.0)
beta = vAeroUVW(eU)*vAeroUVW(eU)+vAeroUVW(eW)*vAeroUVW(eW) > 0.0 ? atan2(vAeroUVW(eV), (fabs(vAeroUVW(eU))/vAeroUVW(eU))*sqrt(vAeroUVW(eU)*vAeroUVW(eU) + vAeroUVW(eW)*vAeroUVW(eW))) : 0.0;
beta = 0.0;
Auxiliary->SetAB(alpha, beta);
double Vt = vAeroUVW.Magnitude();
double qbar = 0.5*Vt*Vt*Atmosphere->GetDensity();
// A private, internal function call for Tie-ing to a property, so it needs an
// argument.
void FGFDMExec::ResetToInitialConditions(int mode)
if (mode == 1) {
for (unsigned int i=0; i<Outputs.size(); i++) {
void FGFDMExec::ResetToInitialConditions(void)
if (Constructing) return;
vector <FGModel*>::iterator it;
for (it = Models.begin(); it != Models.end(); ++it) (*it)->InitModel();
if (Script) Script->ResetEvents();
void FGFDMExec::SetGroundCallback(FGGroundCallback* p)
delete GroundCallback;
GroundCallback = p;
vector <string> FGFDMExec::EnumerateFDMs(void)
vector <string> FDMList;
for (unsigned int i=1; i<ChildFDMList.size(); i++) {
return FDMList;
bool FGFDMExec::LoadScript(const string& script, double deltaT)
bool result;
Script = new FGScript(this);
result = Script->LoadScript(RootDir + script, deltaT);
return result;
bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(const string& AircraftPath, const string& EnginePath, const string& SystemsPath,
const string& model, bool addModelToPath)
FGFDMExec::AircraftPath = RootDir + AircraftPath;
FGFDMExec::EnginePath = RootDir + EnginePath;
FGFDMExec::SystemsPath = RootDir + SystemsPath;
return LoadModel(model, addModelToPath);
bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(const string& model, bool addModelToPath)
string token;
string aircraftCfgFileName;
Element* element = 0L;
bool result = false; // initialize result to false, indicating input file not yet read
modelName = model; // Set the class modelName attribute
if( AircraftPath.empty() || EnginePath.empty() || SystemsPath.empty()) {
cerr << "Error: attempted to load aircraft with undefined ";
cerr << "aircraft, engine, and system paths" << endl;
return false;
FullAircraftPath = AircraftPath;
if (addModelToPath) FullAircraftPath += "/" + model;
aircraftCfgFileName = FullAircraftPath + "/" + model + ".xml";
if (modelLoaded) {
int saved_debug_lvl = debug_lvl;
document = LoadXMLDocument(aircraftCfgFileName); // "document" is a class member
if (document) {
if (IsChild) debug_lvl = 0;
if (IsChild) debug_lvl = saved_debug_lvl;
// Process the fileheader element in the aircraft config file. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("fileheader");
if (element) {
result = ReadFileHeader(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft fileheader element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
if (IsChild) debug_lvl = 0;
// Process the metrics element. This element is REQUIRED.
element = document->FindElement("metrics");
if (element) {
result = Aircraft->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft metrics element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
} else {
cerr << endl << "No metrics element was found in the aircraft config file." << endl;
return false;
// Process the mass_balance element. This element is REQUIRED.
element = document->FindElement("mass_balance");
if (element) {
result = MassBalance->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft mass_balance element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
} else {
cerr << endl << "No mass_balance element was found in the aircraft config file." << endl;
return false;
// Process the ground_reactions element. This element is REQUIRED.
element = document->FindElement("ground_reactions");
if (element) {
result = GroundReactions->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft ground_reactions element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
} else {
cerr << endl << "No ground_reactions element was found in the aircraft config file." << endl;
return false;
// Process the external_reactions element. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("external_reactions");
if (element) {
result = ExternalReactions->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft external_reactions element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
// Process the buoyant_forces element. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("buoyant_forces");
if (element) {
result = BuoyantForces->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft buoyant_forces element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
// Process the propulsion element. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("propulsion");
if (element) {
result = Propulsion->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft propulsion element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
// Process the system element[s]. This element is OPTIONAL, and there may be more than one.
element = document->FindElement("system");
while (element) {
result = FCS->Load(element, FGFCS::stSystem);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft system element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
element = document->FindNextElement("system");
// Process the autopilot element. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("autopilot");
if (element) {
result = FCS->Load(element, FGFCS::stAutoPilot);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft autopilot element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
// Process the flight_control element. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("flight_control");
if (element) {
result = FCS->Load(element, FGFCS::stFCS);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft flight_control element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
// Process the aerodynamics element. This element is OPTIONAL, but almost always expected.
element = document->FindElement("aerodynamics");
if (element) {
result = Aerodynamics->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft aerodynamics element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
} else {
cerr << endl << "No expected aerodynamics element was found in the aircraft config file." << endl;
// Process the input element. This element is OPTIONAL.
element = document->FindElement("input");
if (element) {
result = Input->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft input element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
// Process the output element[s]. This element is OPTIONAL, and there may be more than one.
unsigned int idx=0;
typedef int (FGOutput::*iOPMF)(void) const;
element = document->FindElement("output");
while (element) {
if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << endl << " Output data set: " << idx << " ";
FGOutput* Output = new FGOutput(this);
Schedule(Output, 1);
result = Output->Load(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft output element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
} else {
string outputProp = CreateIndexedPropertyName("simulation/output",idx);
instance->Tie(outputProp+"/log_rate_hz", Output, (iOPMF)0, &FGOutput::SetRate);
element = document->FindNextElement("output");
// Lastly, process the child element. This element is OPTIONAL - and NOT YET SUPPORTED.
element = document->FindElement("child");
if (element) {
result = ReadChild(element);
if (!result) {
cerr << endl << "Aircraft child element has problems in file " << aircraftCfgFileName << endl;
return result;
modelLoaded = true;
if (debug_lvl > 0) {
MassBalance->Run(); // Update all mass properties for the report.
cout << endl << fgblue << highint
<< "End of vehicle configuration loading." << endl
<< "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
<< reset << endl;
if (IsChild) debug_lvl = saved_debug_lvl;
} else {
cerr << fgred
<< " JSBSim failed to open the configuration file: " << aircraftCfgFileName
<< fgdef << endl;
// Late bind previously undefined FCS inputs.
try {
} catch (string prop) {
cerr << endl << fgred << " Could not late bind property " << prop
<< ". Aborting." << reset << endl;
result = false;
if (result) {
struct PropertyCatalogStructure masterPCS;
masterPCS.base_string = "";
masterPCS.node = (FGPropertyManager*)Root;
return result;
void FGFDMExec::BuildPropertyCatalog(struct PropertyCatalogStructure* pcs)
struct PropertyCatalogStructure* pcsNew = new struct PropertyCatalogStructure;
int node_idx = 0;
for (int i=0; i<pcs->node->nChildren(); i++) {
pcsNew->base_string = pcs->base_string + "/" + pcs->node->getChild(i)->getName();
node_idx = pcs->node->getChild(i)->getIndex();
if (node_idx != 0) {
pcsNew->base_string = CreateIndexedPropertyName(pcsNew->base_string, node_idx);
if (pcs->node->getChild(i)->nChildren() == 0) {
if (pcsNew->base_string.substr(0,11) == string("/fdm/jsbsim")) {
pcsNew->base_string = pcsNew->base_string.erase(0,12);
} else {
pcsNew->node = (FGPropertyManager*)pcs->node->getChild(i);
delete pcsNew;
string FGFDMExec::QueryPropertyCatalog(const string& in)
string results="";
for (unsigned i=0; i<PropertyCatalog.size(); i++) {
if (PropertyCatalog[i].find(in) != string::npos) results += PropertyCatalog[i] + "\n";
if (results.empty()) return "No matches found\n";
return results;
void FGFDMExec::PrintPropertyCatalog(void)
cout << endl;
cout << " " << fgblue << highint << underon << "Property Catalog for "
<< modelName << reset << endl << endl;
for (unsigned i=0; i<PropertyCatalog.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << PropertyCatalog[i] << endl;
bool FGFDMExec::ReadFileHeader(Element* el)
bool result = true; // true for success
if (debug_lvl == 0) return result;
if (IsChild) {
cout << endl <<highint << fgblue << "Reading child model: " << IdFDM << reset << endl << endl;
if (el->FindElement("description"))
cout << " Description: " << el->FindElement("description")->GetDataLine() << endl;
if (el->FindElement("author"))
cout << " Model Author: " << el->FindElement("author")->GetDataLine() << endl;
if (el->FindElement("filecreationdate"))
cout << " Creation Date: " << el->FindElement("filecreationdate")->GetDataLine() << endl;
if (el->FindElement("version"))
cout << " Version: " << el->FindElement("version")->GetDataLine() << endl;
return result;
bool FGFDMExec::ReadPrologue(Element* el) // el for ReadPrologue is the document element
bool result = true; // true for success
if (!el) return false;
string AircraftName = el->GetAttributeValue("name");
if (debug_lvl & 1) cout << underon << "Reading Aircraft Configuration File"
<< underoff << ": " << highint << AircraftName << normint << endl;
CFGVersion = el->GetAttributeValue("version");
Release = el->GetAttributeValue("release");
if (debug_lvl & 1)
cout << " Version: " << highint << CFGVersion
<< normint << endl;
if (CFGVersion != needed_cfg_version) {
cerr << "Current version needed is: " << needed_cfg_version << endl;
cerr << " You have version: " << CFGVersion << endl << fgdef << endl;
return false;
if (Release == "ALPHA" && (debug_lvl & 1)) {
cout << endl << endl
<< highint << "This aircraft model is an " << fgred << Release
<< reset << highint << " release!!!" << endl << endl << reset
<< "This aircraft model may not even properly load, and probably"
<< " will not fly as expected." << endl << endl
<< fgred << highint << "Use this model for development purposes ONLY!!!"
<< normint << reset << endl << endl;
} else if (Release == "BETA" && (debug_lvl & 1)) {
cout << endl << endl
<< highint << "This aircraft model is a " << fgred << Release
<< reset << highint << " release!!!" << endl << endl << reset
<< "This aircraft model probably will not fly as expected." << endl << endl
<< fgblue << highint << "Use this model for development purposes ONLY!!!"
<< normint << reset << endl << endl;
} else if (Release == "PRODUCTION" && (debug_lvl & 1)) {
cout << endl << endl
<< highint << "This aircraft model is a " << fgblue << Release
<< reset << highint << " release." << endl << endl << reset;
} else if (debug_lvl & 1) {
cout << endl << endl
<< highint << "This aircraft model is an " << fgred << Release
<< reset << highint << " release!!!" << endl << endl << reset
<< "This aircraft model may not even properly load, and probably"
<< " will not fly as expected." << endl << endl
<< fgred << highint << "Use this model for development purposes ONLY!!!"
<< normint << reset << endl << endl;
return result;
bool FGFDMExec::ReadChild(Element* el)
// Add a new childData object to the child FDM list
// Populate that childData element with a new FDMExec object
// Set the IsChild flag for that FDMExec object
// Get the aircraft name
// set debug level to print out no additional data for child objects
// Load the model given the aircraft name
// reset debug level to prior setting
string token;
struct childData* child = new childData;
child->exec = new FGFDMExec(Root, FDMctr);
string childAircraft = el->GetAttributeValue("name");
string sMated = el->GetAttributeValue("mated");
if (sMated == "false") child->mated = false; // child objects are mated by default.
string sInternal = el->GetAttributeValue("internal");
if (sInternal == "true") child->internal = true; // child objects are external by default.
child->exec->SetAircraftPath( AircraftPath );
child->exec->SetEnginePath( EnginePath );
child->exec->SetSystemsPath( SystemsPath );
Element* location = el->FindElement("location");
if (location) {
child->Loc = location->FindElementTripletConvertTo("IN");
} else {
cerr << endl << highint << fgred << " No location was found for this child object!" << reset << endl;
Element* orientation = el->FindElement("orient");
if (orientation) {
child->Orient = orientation->FindElementTripletConvertTo("RAD");
} else if (debug_lvl > 0) {
cerr << endl << highint << " No orientation was found for this child object! Assuming 0,0,0." << reset << endl;
return true;
FGPropertyManager* FGFDMExec::GetPropertyManager(void)
return instance;
FGTrim* FGFDMExec::GetTrim(void)
delete Trim;
Trim = new FGTrim(this,tNone);
return Trim;
void FGFDMExec::DisableOutput(void)
for (unsigned i=0; i<Outputs.size(); i++) {
void FGFDMExec::EnableOutput(void)
for (unsigned i=0; i<Outputs.size(); i++) {
bool FGFDMExec::SetOutputDirectives(const string& fname)
bool result;
FGOutput* Output = new FGOutput(this);
Output->SetDirectivesFile(RootDir + fname);
Schedule(Output, 1);
result = Output->Load(0);
if (result) {
typedef int (FGOutput::*iOPMF)(void) const;
string outputProp = CreateIndexedPropertyName("simulation/output",Outputs.size()-1);
instance->Tie(outputProp+"/log_rate_hz", Output, (iOPMF)0, &FGOutput::SetRate);
return result;
void FGFDMExec::DoTrim(int mode)
double saved_time;
if (Constructing) return;
if (mode < 0 || mode > JSBSim::tNone) {
cerr << endl << "Illegal trimming mode!" << endl << endl;
saved_time = sim_time;
FGTrim trim(this, (JSBSim::TrimMode)mode);
if ( !trim.DoTrim() ) cerr << endl << "Trim Failed" << endl << endl;
sim_time = saved_time;
void FGFDMExec::DoTrimAnalysis(int mode)
double saved_time;
if (Constructing) return;
if (mode < 0 || mode > JSBSim::taNone) {
cerr << endl << "Illegal trimming mode!" << endl << endl;
saved_time = sim_time;
FGTrimAnalysis trimAnalysis(this, (JSBSim::TrimAnalysisMode)mode);
if ( !trimAnalysis.Load(IC->GetInitFile(), false) ) {
cerr << "A problem occurred with trim configuration file " << trimAnalysis.Load(IC->GetInitFile()) << endl;
bool result = trimAnalysis.DoTrim();
if ( !result ) cerr << endl << "Trim Failed" << endl << endl;
cout << "\nOutput: " << GetOutputFileName() << endl;
void FGFDMExec::UseAtmosphereMSIS(void)
FGAtmosphere *oldAtmosphere = Atmosphere;
Atmosphere = new MSIS(this);
if (!Atmosphere->InitModel()) {
cerr << fgred << "MSIS Atmosphere model init failed" << fgdef << endl;
delete oldAtmosphere;
void FGFDMExec::UseAtmosphereMars(void)
FGAtmosphere *oldAtmosphere = Atmosphere;
Atmosphere = new FGMars(this);
if (!Atmosphere->InitModel()) {
cerr << fgred << "Mars Atmosphere model init failed" << fgdef << endl;
delete oldAtmosphere;
// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
// out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing
// the config files as they are read. If the environment
// variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
// 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages
// whatsoever.
// 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim
// startup messages
// 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when
// a class is instantiated
// 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a
// FGModel object executes its Run() method
// 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables
// are printed out periodically
// 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and
// a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
void FGFDMExec::Debug(int from)
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1 && IdFDM == 0) { // Standard console startup message output
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
cout << "\n\n " << highint << underon << "JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model v"
<< JSBSim_version << underoff << normint << endl;
cout << halfint << " [JSBSim-ML v" << needed_cfg_version << "]\n\n";
cout << normint << "JSBSim startup beginning ...\n\n";
} else if (from == 3) {
cout << "\n\nJSBSim startup complete\n\n";
if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGFDMExec" << endl;
if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGFDMExec" << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
if (from == 2) {
cout << "================== Frame: " << Frame << " Time: "
<< sim_time << " dt: " << dT << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
if (debug_lvl & 64) {
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
cout << IdSrc << endl;
cout << IdHdr << endl;