Fork 0
James Turner dc132ab475 Issue #809, restructure position init code.
Modify startup sequence, so position can be modified late in the startup process, right before the scenery load starts. This allows two ugly hacks to move to a permanent, less hacky location. If other position init modes required similar late evaluation in the future, this can be accommodated now.

This is a somewhat high-risk change - I've tested both carrier starts and runway-selection based on realwx METAR, but please look out for other position-init issues and test before / after this patch.
2012-12-09 19:41:31 +00:00

610 lines
22 KiB

// positioninit.cxx - helpers relating to setting initial aircraft position
// Copyright (C) 2012 James Turner zakalawe@mac.com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "positioninit.hxx"
# include "config.h"
// simgear
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include "globals.hxx"
#include "fg_props.hxx"
#include <Navaids/navlist.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Airports/simple.hxx>
#include <Airports/dynamics.hxx>
#include <AIModel/AIManager.hxx>
using std::endl;
namespace flightgear
/// to avoid blocking when metar-fetch is enabled, but the network is
/// unresponsive, we need a timeout value. This value is reset on initPosition,
/// and tracked through each call to finalizePosition.
static SGTimeStamp global_finalizeTime;
// Set current tower position lon/lat given an airport id
static bool fgSetTowerPosFromAirportID( const string& id) {
const FGAirport *a = fgFindAirportID( id);
if (a) {
SGGeod tower = a->getTowerLocation();
fgSetDouble("/sim/tower/longitude-deg", tower.getLongitudeDeg());
fgSetDouble("/sim/tower/latitude-deg", tower.getLatitudeDeg());
fgSetDouble("/sim/tower/altitude-ft", tower.getElevationFt());
return true;
} else {
return false;
struct FGTowerLocationListener : SGPropertyChangeListener {
void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode* node) {
string id(node->getStringValue());
if (fgGetBool("/sim/tower/auto-position",true))
// enforce using closest airport when auto-positioning is enabled
const char* closest_airport = fgGetString("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id", "");
if (closest_airport && (id != closest_airport))
id = closest_airport;
struct FGClosestTowerLocationListener : SGPropertyChangeListener
void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode* )
// closest airport has changed
if (fgGetBool("/sim/tower/auto-position",true))
// update tower position
const char* id = fgGetString("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id", "");
if (id && *id!=0)
fgSetString("/sim/tower/airport-id", id);
void initTowerLocationListener() {
fgGetNode("/sim/tower/airport-id", true)
->addChangeListener( new FGTowerLocationListener(), true );
FGClosestTowerLocationListener* ntcl = new FGClosestTowerLocationListener();
fgGetNode("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id", true)
->addChangeListener(ntcl , true );
fgGetNode("/sim/tower/auto-position", true)
->addChangeListener(ntcl, true );
static void fgApplyStartOffset(const SGGeod& aStartPos, double aHeading, double aTargetHeading = HUGE_VAL)
SGGeod startPos(aStartPos);
if (aTargetHeading == HUGE_VAL) {
aTargetHeading = aHeading;
if ( fabs( fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm") ) > SG_EPSILON ) {
double offsetDistance = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm");
offsetDistance *= SG_NM_TO_METER;
double offsetAzimuth = aHeading;
if ( fabs(fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/offset-azimuth-deg")) > SG_EPSILON ) {
offsetAzimuth = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/offset-azimuth-deg");
aHeading = aTargetHeading;
SGGeod offset;
double az2; // dummy
SGGeodesy::direct(startPos, offsetAzimuth + 180, offsetDistance, offset, az2);
startPos = offset;
// presets
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", startPos.getLongitudeDeg() );
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", startPos.getLatitudeDeg() );
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/heading-deg", aHeading );
// other code depends on the actual values being set ...
fgSetDouble("/position/longitude-deg", startPos.getLongitudeDeg() );
fgSetDouble("/position/latitude-deg", startPos.getLatitudeDeg() );
fgSetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg", aHeading );
// Set current_options lon/lat given an airport id and heading (degrees)
static bool setPosFromAirportIDandHdg( const string& id, double tgt_hdg ) {
if ( id.empty() )
return false;
// set initial position from runway and heading
"Attempting to set starting position from airport code "
<< id << " heading " << tgt_hdg );
const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(id);
if (!apt) return false;
FGRunway* r = apt->findBestRunwayForHeading(tgt_hdg);
fgSetString("/sim/atc/runway", r->ident().c_str());
SGGeod startPos = r->pointOnCenterline(fgGetDouble("/sim/airport/runways/start-offset-m", 5.0));
fgApplyStartOffset(startPos, r->headingDeg(), tgt_hdg);
return true;
// Set current_options lon/lat given an airport id and parkig position name
static bool fgSetPosFromAirportIDandParkpos( const string& id, const string& parkpos )
if ( id.empty() )
return false;
// can't see an easy way around this const_cast at the moment
FGAirport* apt = const_cast<FGAirport*>(fgFindAirportID(id));
if (!apt) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to find airport " << id );
return false;
FGAirportDynamics* dcs = apt->getDynamics();
if (!dcs) {
"Airport " << id << "does not appear to have parking information available");
return false;
ParkingAssignment pka;
double radius = fgGetDouble("/sim/dimensions/radius-m");
if ((parkpos == string("AVAILABLE")) && (radius > 0)) {
string fltType;
string acOperator;
SGPath acData;
try {
acData = globals->get_fg_home();
string acfile = fgGetString("/sim/aircraft") + string(".xml");
SGPropertyNode root;
readProperties(acData.str(), &root);
SGPropertyNode * node = root.getNode("sim");
fltType = node->getStringValue("aircraft-class", "NONE" );
acOperator = node->getStringValue("aircraft-operator", "NONE" );
} catch (const sg_exception &) {
"Could not load aircraft aircrat type and operator information from: " << acData.str() << ". Using defaults");
// cout << path.str() << endl;
if (fltType.empty() || fltType == "NONE") {
"Aircraft type information not found in: " << acData.str() << ". Using default value");
fltType = fgGetString("/sim/aircraft-class" );
if (acOperator.empty() || fltType == "NONE") {
"Aircraft operator information not found in: " << acData.str() << ". Using default value");
acOperator = fgGetString("/sim/aircraft-operator" );
string acType; // Currently not used by findAvailable parking, so safe to leave empty.
pka = dcs->getAvailableParking(radius, fltType, acType, acOperator);
if (pka.isValid()) {
fgSetString("/sim/presets/parkpos", pka.parking()->getName());
} else {
"Failed to find a suitable parking at airport " << id );
return false;
} else {
pka = dcs->getParkingByName(parkpos);
if (!pka.isValid()) {
"Failed to find a parking at airport " << id << ":" << parkpos);
return false;
fgApplyStartOffset(pka.parking()->geod(), pka.parking()->getHeading());
return true;
// Set current_options lon/lat given an airport id and runway number
static bool fgSetPosFromAirportIDandRwy( const string& id, const string& rwy, bool rwy_req ) {
if ( id.empty() )
return false;
// set initial position from airport and runway number
"Attempting to set starting position for "
<< id << ":" << rwy );
const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(id);
if (!apt) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to find airport:" << id);
return false;
if (!apt->hasRunwayWithIdent(rwy)) {
"Failed to find runway " << rwy <<
" at airport " << id << ". Using default runway." );
return false;
FGRunway* r(apt->getRunwayByIdent(rwy));
fgSetString("/sim/atc/runway", r->ident().c_str());
SGGeod startPos = r->pointOnCenterline( fgGetDouble("/sim/airport/runways/start-offset-m", 5.0));
fgApplyStartOffset(startPos, r->headingDeg());
return true;
static void fgSetDistOrAltFromGlideSlope() {
// cout << "fgSetDistOrAltFromGlideSlope()" << endl;
string apt_id = fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id");
double gs = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/glideslope-deg")
double od = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm");
double alt = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/altitude-ft");
double apt_elev = 0.0;
if ( ! apt_id.empty() ) {
apt_elev = fgGetAirportElev( apt_id );
if ( apt_elev < -9990.0 ) {
apt_elev = 0.0;
} else {
apt_elev = 0.0;
if( fabs(gs) > 0.01 && fabs(od) > 0.1 && alt < -9990 ) {
// set altitude from glideslope and offset-distance
alt = fabs(od*tan(gs)) + apt_elev;
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/altitude-ft", alt);
fgSetBool("/sim/presets/onground", false);
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Calculated altitude as: "
<< alt << " ft" );
} else if( fabs(gs) > 0.01 && alt > 0 && fabs(od) < 0.1) {
// set offset-distance from glideslope and altitude
od = (alt - apt_elev) / tan(gs);
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm", od);
fgSetBool("/sim/presets/onground", false);
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Calculated offset distance as: "
<< od << " nm" );
} else if( fabs(gs) > 0.01 ) {
"Glideslope given but not altitude or offset-distance." );
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Resetting glideslope to zero" );
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/glideslope-deg", 0);
fgSetBool("/sim/presets/onground", true);
// Set current_options lon/lat given an airport id and heading (degrees)
static bool fgSetPosFromNAV( const string& id, const double& freq, FGPositioned::Type type )
FGNavList::TypeFilter filter(type);
const nav_list_type navlist = FGNavList::findByIdentAndFreq( id.c_str(), freq, &filter );
if (navlist.size() == 0 ) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to locate NAV = "
<< id << ":" << freq );
return false;
if( navlist.size() > 1 ) {
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "Ambigous NAV-ID: '" << id << "'. Specify id and frequency. Available stations:" << endl;
for( nav_list_type::const_iterator it = navlist.begin(); it != navlist.end(); ++it ) {
// NDB stored in kHz, VOR stored in MHz * 100 :-P
double factor = (*it)->type() == FGPositioned::NDB ? 1.0 : 1/100.0;
string unit = (*it)->type() == FGPositioned::NDB ? "kHz" : "MHz";
buf << (*it)->ident() << " "
<< std::setprecision(5) << (double)((*it)->get_freq() * factor) << " "
<< (*it)->get_lat() << "/" << (*it)->get_lon()
<< endl;
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, buf.str() );
return false;
FGNavRecord *nav = navlist[0];
fgApplyStartOffset(nav->geod(), fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/heading-deg"));
return true;
// Set current_options lon/lat given an aircraft carrier id
static bool fgSetPosFromCarrier( const string& carrier, const string& posid ) {
// set initial position from runway and heading
SGGeod geodPos;
double heading;
SGVec3d uvw;
if (FGAIManager::getStartPosition(carrier, posid, geodPos, heading, uvw)) {
double lon = geodPos.getLongitudeDeg();
double lat = geodPos.getLatitudeDeg();
double alt = geodPos.getElevationFt();
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Attempting to set starting position for "
<< carrier << " at lat = " << lat << ", lon = " << lon
<< ", alt = " << alt << ", heading = " << heading);
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", lon);
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", lat);
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/altitude-ft", alt);
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/heading-deg", heading);
fgSetDouble("/position/longitude-deg", lon);
fgSetDouble("/position/latitude-deg", lat);
fgSetDouble("/position/altitude-ft", alt);
fgSetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg", heading);
fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "UVW");
fgSetDouble("/velocities/uBody-fps", uvw(0));
fgSetDouble("/velocities/vBody-fps", uvw(1));
fgSetDouble("/velocities/wBody-fps", uvw(2));
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/uBody-fps", uvw(0));
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/vBody-fps", uvw(1));
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/wBody-fps", uvw(2));
fgSetBool("/sim/presets/onground", true);
return true;
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to locate aircraft carrier = "
<< carrier );
return false;
// Set current_options lon/lat given an airport id and heading (degrees)
static bool fgSetPosFromFix( const string& id )
FGPositioned::TypeFilter fixFilter(FGPositioned::FIX);
FGPositioned* fix = FGPositioned::findFirstWithIdent(id, &fixFilter);
if (!fix) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to locate fix = " << id );
return false;
fgApplyStartOffset(fix->geod(), fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/heading-deg"));
return true;
// Set the initial position based on presets (or defaults)
bool initPosition()
global_finalizeTime = SGTimeStamp(); // reset to invalid
double gs = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/glideslope-deg")
double od = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm");
double alt = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/altitude-ft");
bool set_pos = false;
// If glideslope is specified, then calculate offset-distance or
// altitude relative to glide slope if either of those was not
// specified.
if ( fabs( gs ) > 0.01 ) {
// If we have an explicit, in-range lon/lat, don't change it, just use it.
// If not, check for an airport-id and use that.
// If not, default to the middle of the KSFO field.
// The default values for lon/lat are deliberately out of range
// so that the airport-id can take effect; valid lon/lat will
// override airport-id, however.
double lon_deg = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg");
double lat_deg = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg");
if ( lon_deg >= -180.0 && lon_deg <= 180.0
&& lat_deg >= -90.0 && lat_deg <= 90.0 )
set_pos = true;
string apt = fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id");
string rwy_no = fgGetString("/sim/presets/runway");
bool rwy_req = fgGetBool("/sim/presets/runway-requested");
string vor = fgGetString("/sim/presets/vor-id");
double vor_freq = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/vor-freq");
string ndb = fgGetString("/sim/presets/ndb-id");
double ndb_freq = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/ndb-freq");
string carrier = fgGetString("/sim/presets/carrier");
string parkpos = fgGetString("/sim/presets/parkpos");
string fix = fgGetString("/sim/presets/fix");
SGPropertyNode *hdg_preset = fgGetNode("/sim/presets/heading-deg", true);
double hdg = hdg_preset->getDoubleValue();
// save some start parameters, so that we can later say what the
// user really requested. TODO generalize that and move it to options.cxx
static bool start_options_saved = false;
if (!start_options_saved) {
start_options_saved = true;
SGPropertyNode *opt = fgGetNode("/sim/startup/options", true);
opt->setDoubleValue("latitude-deg", lat_deg);
opt->setDoubleValue("longitude-deg", lon_deg);
opt->setDoubleValue("heading-deg", hdg);
opt->setStringValue("airport", apt.c_str());
opt->setStringValue("runway", rwy_no.c_str());
if (hdg > 9990.0)
hdg = fgGetDouble("/environment/config/boundary/entry/wind-from-heading-deg", 270);
if ( !set_pos && !apt.empty() && !parkpos.empty() ) {
// An airport + parking position is requested
if ( fgSetPosFromAirportIDandParkpos( apt, parkpos ) ) {
// set tower position
fgSetString("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id", apt.c_str());
fgSetString("/sim/tower/airport-id", apt.c_str());
set_pos = true;
if ( !set_pos && !apt.empty() && !rwy_no.empty() ) {
// An airport + runway is requested
if ( fgSetPosFromAirportIDandRwy( apt, rwy_no, rwy_req ) ) {
// set tower position (a little off the heading for single
// runway airports)
fgSetString("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id", apt.c_str());
fgSetString("/sim/tower/airport-id", apt.c_str());
set_pos = true;
if ( !set_pos && !apt.empty() ) {
// An airport is requested (find runway closest to hdg)
if ( setPosFromAirportIDandHdg( apt, hdg ) ) {
// set tower position (a little off the heading for single
// runway airports)
fgSetString("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id", apt.c_str());
fgSetString("/sim/tower/airport-id", apt.c_str());
set_pos = true;
if (hdg_preset->getDoubleValue() > 9990.0)
if ( !set_pos && !vor.empty() ) {
// a VOR is requested
if ( fgSetPosFromNAV( vor, vor_freq, FGPositioned::VOR ) ) {
set_pos = true;
if ( !set_pos && !ndb.empty() ) {
// an NDB is requested
if ( fgSetPosFromNAV( ndb, ndb_freq, FGPositioned::NDB ) ) {
set_pos = true;
if ( !set_pos && !carrier.empty() ) {
// an aircraft carrier is requested
if ( fgSetPosFromCarrier( carrier, parkpos ) ) {
set_pos = true;
if ( !set_pos && !fix.empty() ) {
// a Fix is requested
if ( fgSetPosFromFix( fix ) ) {
set_pos = true;
if ( !set_pos ) {
// No lon/lat specified, no airport specified, default to
// middle of KSFO field.
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", -122.374843);
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", 37.619002);
fgSetDouble( "/position/longitude-deg",
fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg") );
fgSetDouble( "/position/latitude-deg",
fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg") );
fgSetDouble( "/orientation/heading-deg", hdg_preset->getDoubleValue());
// determine if this should be an on-ground or in-air start
if ((fabs(gs) > 0.01 || fabs(od) > 0.1 || alt > 0.1) && carrier.empty()) {
fgSetBool("/sim/presets/onground", false);
} else {
fgSetBool("/sim/presets/onground", true);
return true;
bool finalizePosition()
// first call to finalize after an initPosition call
if (global_finalizeTime.get_usec() == 0) {
global_finalizeTime = SGTimeStamp::now();
/* Scenarios require Nasal, so FGAIManager loads the scenarios,
* including its models such as a/c carriers, in its 'postinit',
* which is the very last thing we do.
* flightgear::initPosition is called very early in main.cxx/fgIdleFunction,
* one of the first things we do, long before scenarios/carriers are
* loaded. => When requested "initial preset position" relates to a
* carrier, recalculate the 'initial' position here
std::string carrier = fgGetString("/sim/presets/carrier","");
if (!carrier.empty())
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "finalizePositioned: re-init-ing position on carrier");
// clear preset location and re-trigger position setup
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", 9999);
fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", 9999);
return initPosition();
double hdg = fgGetDouble( "/environment/metar/base-wind-dir-deg", 9999.0 );
string apt = fgGetString( "/sim/startup/options/airport" );
string rwy = fgGetString( "/sim/startup/options/runway" );
double strthdg = fgGetDouble( "/sim/startup/options/heading-deg", 9999.0 );
string parkpos = fgGetString( "/sim/presets/parkpos" );
bool onground = fgGetBool( "/sim/presets/onground", false );
// this logic is taken from former startup.nas
bool needMetar = (hdg < 360.0) && !apt.empty() && (strthdg > 360.0) &&
rwy.empty() && onground && parkpos.empty();
if (needMetar) {
// timeout so we don't spin forever if the network is down
if (global_finalizeTime.elapsedMSec() > fgGetInt("/sim/startup/metar-fetch-timeout-msec", 5000)) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "finalizePosition: timed out waiting for METAR fetch");
return true;
if (!fgGetBool( "/environment/metar/valid" )) {
// bit hacky - run these two subsystems. We can't run the whole
// lot since some view things aren't initialised and hence FGLight
// crashes.
return false;
"Using METAR for runway selection: '" << fgGetString("/environment/metar/data") << "'" );
setPosFromAirportIDandHdg( apt, hdg );
// fall through to return true
} // of need-metar case
return true;
} // of namespace flightgear