when active does not touch the way the YASim jet calculates fuel flow, but separates out the afterburning component of thrust, calculates the TSFC of that component and uses the same method of fuel flow calculation for the afterburning component then adds it to the existing fuel flow When inactive (atsfc doesn't exist or is zero) it just behaves exactly as before I finally got around to testing this small patch thoroughly, and I'm satisfied that it doesn't affect anything else & works across many different versions (i've been testing it with current as it has changed over the last 7 months)
94 lines
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94 lines
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#ifndef _JET_HPP
#define _JET_HPP
#include "Thruster.hpp"
namespace yasim {
class Jet : public Thruster {
virtual Jet* getJet() { return this; }
void setMaxThrust(float thrust, float afterburner=0);
void setVMax(float spd);
void setTSFC(float tsfc);
void setATSFC(float atsfc);
void setRPMs(float idleN1, float maxN1, float idleN2, float maxN2);
void setEGT(float takeoffEGT);
void setEPR(float takeoffEPR);
void setVectorAngle(float angle);
// The time it takes the engine to reach 90% thrust from idle
void setSpooling(float time);
// Sets the reheat control
void setReheat(float reheat);
// Sets the thrust vector control (0-1)
void setRotation(float rot);
// Thrust reverser control.
void setReverse(bool reverse) { _reverseThrust = reverse; }
// Thrust reverser effectiveness.
void setReverseThrust(float eff) { _reverseEff = eff; }
float getN1();
float getN2();
float getEPR();
float getEGT();
// Normalized "performance" number. Used for fuzzy numbers in FGFDM
float getPerfNorm() { return (_n1 - _n1Min) / (_n1Max - _n1Min); }
// From Thruster:
virtual bool isRunning();
virtual bool isCranking();
virtual void getThrust(float* out);
virtual void getTorque(float* out);
virtual void getGyro(float* out);
virtual float getFuelFlow();
virtual void integrate(float dt);
virtual void stabilize();
float _reheat;
bool _reverseThrust;
float _maxThrust; // Max dry thrust at sea level
float _abThrust; // Max ab component of thrust at sea level
float _abFactor; // Afterburner thrust multiplier
float _maxRot;
float _rotControl;
float _decay; // time constant for the exponential integration
float _vMax; // speed at which thrust is zero
float _epr0; // EPR at takeoff thrust
float _tsfc; // TSFC ((lb/hr)/lb) at takeoff thrust and zero airspeed
float _atsfc; // Afterburning TSFC ((lb/hr)/lb) at takeoff thrust and zero airspeed (total TSFC)
float _abFuelFactor; // Afterburner Only Fuel Factor at takeoff thrust and zero airspeed
float _egt0; // EGT at takeoff thrust
float _n1Min; // N1 at ground idle
float _n1Max; // N1 at takeoff thrust
float _n2Min; // N2 at ground idle
float _n2Max; // N2 at takeoff thrust
float _reverseEff; // Thrust reverser effectiveness (fraction)
bool _running; // Is the engine running?
bool _cranking; // Is the engine cranking?
float _thrust; // Current thrust
float _epr; // Current EPR
float _n1; // Current UNCORRECTED N1 (percent)
float _n2; // Current UNCORRECTED N2 (percent)
float _fuelFlow; // Current UNCORRECTED fuel flow (kg/s)
float _egt; // Current UNCORRECTED EGT (kelvin)
float _tempCorrect; // Intake temp / std temp (273 K)
float _pressureCorrect; // Intake pressure / std pressure
}; // namespace yasim
#endif // _JET_HPP