when active does not touch the way the YASim jet calculates fuel flow, but separates out the afterburning component of thrust, calculates the TSFC of that component and uses the same method of fuel flow calculation for the afterburning component then adds it to the existing fuel flow When inactive (atsfc doesn't exist or is zero) it just behaves exactly as before I finally got around to testing this small patch thoroughly, and I'm satisfied that it doesn't affect anything else & works across many different versions (i've been testing it with current as it has changed over the last 7 months)
252 lines
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252 lines
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#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Jet.hpp"
namespace yasim {
_maxThrust = 0;
_abThrust = 0;
_abFactor = 1;
_reheat = 0;
_rotControl = 0;
_maxRot = 0;
_reverseThrust = false;
// Initialize parameters for an early-ish subsonic turbojet. More
// recent turbofans will typically have a lower vMax, epr0, and
// tsfc.
_vMax = 800;
_epr0 = 3.0;
_tsfc = 0.8f;
_atsfc = 0.0f;
_abFuelFactor = 3.5f; //previously was constant in code below
_egt0 = 1050;
_n1Min = 55;
_n1Max = 102;
_n2Min = 73;
_n2Max = 103;
setSpooling(4); // 4 second spool time? s'bout right.
// And initialize to an engine that is idling
_n1 = _n1Min;
_n2 = _n2Min;
// And sanify the remaining junk, just in case.
_running = true;
_cranking = false;
_fuel = true;
_epr = 1;
_fuelFlow = 0;
_egt = 273;
_tempCorrect = 1;
_pressureCorrect = 1;
void Jet::stabilize()
// Just run it for an hour, there's no need to iterate given the
// algorithms used.
void Jet::setMaxThrust(float thrust, float afterburner)
_maxThrust = thrust;
if(afterburner == 0) _abFactor = 1;
else { _abFactor = afterburner/thrust;
_abThrust = afterburner - thrust;
void Jet::setVMax(float spd)
_vMax = spd;
void Jet::setTSFC(float tsfc)
_tsfc = tsfc;
void Jet::setATSFC(float atsfc)
_atsfc = atsfc;
void Jet::setRPMs(float idleN1, float maxN1, float idleN2, float maxN2)
_n1Min = idleN1;
_n1Max = maxN1;
_n2Min = idleN2;
_n2Max = maxN2;
void Jet::setEGT(float takeoffEGT)
_egt0 = takeoffEGT;
void Jet::setEPR(float takeoffEPR)
_epr0 = takeoffEPR;
void Jet::setSpooling(float time)
// 2.3 = -ln(0.1), i.e. x=2.3 is the 90% point we're defining
// The extra fudge factor is there because the N1 speed (which
// determines thrust) lags the N2 speed.
_decay = 1.5f * 2.3f / time;
void Jet::setVectorAngle(float angle)
_maxRot = angle;
void Jet::setReheat(float reheat)
_reheat = Math::clamp(reheat, 0, 1);
void Jet::setRotation(float rot)
if(rot < 0) rot = 0;
if(rot > 1) rot = 1;
_rotControl = rot;
float Jet::getN1()
return _n1 * _tempCorrect;
float Jet::getN2()
return _n2 * _tempCorrect;
float Jet::getEPR()
return _epr;
float Jet::getEGT()
// Exactly zero means "off" -- return the ambient temperature
if(_egt == 0) return _temp;
return _egt * _tempCorrect * _tempCorrect;
float Jet::getFuelFlow()
return _fuelFlow * _pressureCorrect;
void Jet::integrate(float dt)
// Sea-level values
const static float P0 = Atmosphere::getStdPressure(0);
const static float T0 = Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(0);
const static float D0 = Atmosphere::getStdDensity(0);
float spd = -Math::dot3(_wind, _dir);
float statT, statP, statD;
Atmosphere::calcStaticAir(_pressure, _temp, _rho, spd,
&statP, &statT, &statD);
_pressureCorrect = statP/P0;
_tempCorrect = Math::sqrt(statT/T0);
// Handle running out of fuel. This is a hack. What should
// really happen is a simulation of ram air torque on the
// turbine. This just forces the engine into ground idle.
if(_fuel == false)
_throttle = 0;
// Linearly taper maxThrust to zero at vMax
float vCorr = spd<0 ? 1 : (spd<_vMax ? 1-spd/_vMax : 0);
float maxThrust = _maxThrust * vCorr * (statD/D0);
float setThrust = maxThrust * _throttle;
// Now get a "beta" (i.e. EPR - 1) value. The output values are
// expressed as functions of beta.
float ibeta0 = 1/(_epr0 - 1);
float betaTarget = (_epr0 - 1) * (setThrust/_maxThrust) * (P0/_pressure)
* (_temp/statT);
float n2Target = _n2Min + (betaTarget*ibeta0) * (_n2Max - _n2Min);
// Note that this "first" beta value is used to compute a target
// for N2 only Integrate the N2 speed and back-calculate a beta1
// target. The N1 speed will seek to this.
_n2 = (_n2 + dt*_decay * n2Target) / (1 + dt*_decay);
float betaN2 = (_epr0-1) * (_n2 - _n2Min) / (_n2Max - _n2Min);
float n1Target = _n1Min + betaN2*ibeta0 * (_n1Max - _n1Min);
_n1 = (_n1 + dt*_decay * n1Target) / (1 + dt*_decay);
// The actual thrust produced is keyed to the N1 speed. Add the
// afterburners in at the end.
float betaN1 = (_epr0-1) * (_n1 - _n1Min) / (_n1Max - _n1Min);
_thrust = _maxThrust * betaN1/((_epr0-1)*(P0/_pressure)*(_temp/statT));
_thrust *= 1 + _reheat*(_abFactor-1);
// Finally, calculate the output variables. Use a 80/20 mix of
// the N2/N1 speeds as the key.
float beta = 0.8f*betaN2 + 0.2f*betaN1;
_epr = beta + 1;
float ff0 = _maxThrust*_tsfc*(1/(3600.0f*9.8f)); // takeoff fuel flow, kg/s
_fuelFlow = ff0 * beta*ibeta0;
//Calc afterburner only tsfc if atsfc is set
if(_atsfc > 0) _abFuelFactor = ((_maxThrust*_abFactor*_atsfc)-(_maxThrust*_tsfc))/_abThrust;
if(_atsfc == 0 ) _fuelFlow *= 1 + (_abFuelFactor * _reheat * _abFactor); // Afterburners take
// 3.5 times as much
// fuel per thrust unit
else _fuelFlow += _abThrust*_abFuelFactor*(1/(3600.0f*9.8f))*beta*ibeta0*_reheat;
// add afterburning only component of fuel flow
_egt = T0 + beta*ibeta0 * (_egt0 - T0);
// Thrust reverse handling:
if(_reverseThrust) _thrust *= -_reverseEff;
bool Jet::isRunning()
return _running;
bool Jet::isCranking()
return _cranking;
void Jet::getThrust(float* out)
Math::mul3(_thrust, _dir, out);
// Rotate about the Y axis for thrust vectoring
float angle = _rotControl * _maxRot;
float s = Math::sin(angle);
float c = Math::cos(angle);
float o0 = out[0];
out[0] = c * o0 + s * out[2];
out[2] = -s * o0 + c * out[2];
void Jet::getTorque(float* out)
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
void Jet::getGyro(float* out)
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
}; // namespace yasim