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2016-01-10 22:11:32 -06:00

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// airport.hxx -- a really simplistic class to manage airport ID,
// lat, lon of the center of one of it's runways, and
// elevation in feet.
// Written by Curtis Olson, started April 1998.
// Updated by Durk Talsma, started December 2004.
// Copyright (C) 1998 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
#ifndef _FG_SIMPLE_HXX
#define _FG_SIMPLE_HXX
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <Navaids/positioned.hxx>
#include <Navaids/procedure.hxx>
#include "airports_fwd.hxx"
#include "runways.hxx"
class FGGroundNetwork;
class FGAirport : public FGPositioned
FGAirport(PositionedID aGuid, const std::string& id, const SGGeod& location,
const std::string& name, bool has_metar, Type aType);
const std::string& getId() const { return ident(); }
const std::string& getName() const { return _name; }
std::string toString() const { return "an airport " + ident(); }
double getLongitude() const { return longitude(); }
// Returns degrees
double getLatitude() const { return latitude(); }
// Returns ft
double getElevation() const { return elevation(); }
bool getMetar() const { return _has_metar; }
bool isAirport() const;
bool isSeaport() const;
bool isHeliport() const;
/// is the airport closed (disused)?
/// note at rpesent we look for an [x] in the name, ideally the database
/// would explicitly include this
bool isClosed() const
return mIsClosed;
static bool isAirportType(FGPositioned* pos);
virtual const std::string& name() const
{ return _name; }
* reload the ILS data from XML if required.
void validateILSData();
bool hasTower() const;
SGGeod getTowerLocation() const;
void setMetar(bool value) { _has_metar = value; }
FGRunwayRef getActiveRunwayForUsage() const;
FGAirportDynamicsRef getDynamics() const;
FGGroundNetwork* groundNetwork() const;
unsigned int numRunways() const;
unsigned int numHelipads() const;
FGRunwayRef getRunwayByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const;
FGHelipadRef getHelipadByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const;
FGRunwayMap getRunwayMap() const;
FGHelipadMap getHelipadMap() const;
bool hasRunwayWithIdent(const std::string& aIdent) const;
bool hasHelipadWithIdent(const std::string& aIdent) const;
FGRunwayRef getRunwayByIdent(const std::string& aIdent) const;
FGHelipadRef getHelipadByIdent(const std::string& aIdent) const;
struct FindBestRunwayForHeadingParams {
FindBestRunwayForHeadingParams() {
lengthWeight = 0.01;
widthWeight = 0.01;
surfaceWeight = 10;
deviationWeight = 1;
ilsWeight = 0;
double lengthWeight;
double widthWeight;
double surfaceWeight;
double deviationWeight;
double ilsWeight;
FGRunwayRef findBestRunwayForHeading(double aHeading, struct FindBestRunwayForHeadingParams * parms = NULL ) const;
* return the most likely target runway based on a position.
* Specifically, return the runway for which the course from aPos
* to the runway end, mostly closely matches the runway heading.
* This is a good approximation of which runway the position is on or
* aiming towards.
FGRunwayRef findBestRunwayForPos(const SGGeod& aPos) const;
* Retrieve all runways at the airport, but excluding the reciprocal
* runways. For example at KSFO this might return 1L, 1R, 28L and 28R,
* but would not then include 19L/R or 10L/R.
* Exactly which runways you get, is undefined (i.e, dont assumes it's
* runways with heading < 180 degrees) - it depends on order in apt.dat.
* This is useful for code that wants to process each piece of tarmac at
* an airport *once*, not *twice* - eg mapping and nav-display code.
FGRunwayList getRunwaysWithoutReciprocals() const;
* Retrieve all runways at the airport
FGRunwayList getRunways() const;
* Useful predicate for FMS/GPS/NAV displays and similar - check if this
* aiport has a hard-surfaced runway of at least the specified length.
bool hasHardRunwayOfLengthFt(double aLengthFt) const;
FGRunwayRef longestRunway() const;
unsigned int numTaxiways() const;
FGTaxiwayRef getTaxiwayByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const;
FGTaxiwayList getTaxiways() const;
unsigned int numPavements() const;
FGPavementRef getPavementByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const;
FGPavementList getPavements() const;
class AirportFilter : public Filter
virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* aPos) const {
return passAirport(static_cast<FGAirport*>(aPos));
virtual Type minType() const {
return AIRPORT;
virtual Type maxType() const {
return AIRPORT;
virtual bool passAirport(FGAirport* aApt) const {
return true;
* Filter which passes heliports and seaports in addition to airports
class PortsFilter : public AirportFilter
virtual Type maxType() const {
return SEAPORT;
class HardSurfaceFilter : public AirportFilter
HardSurfaceFilter(double minLengthFt = -1);
virtual bool passAirport(FGAirport* aApt) const;
double mMinLengthFt;
* Filter which passes specified port type and in case of airport checks
* if a runway larger the /sim/navdb/min-runway-lenght-ft exists.
class TypeRunwayFilter:
public AirportFilter
* Construct from string containing type (airport, seaport or heliport)
bool fromTypeString(const std::string& type);
virtual FGPositioned::Type minType() const { return _type; }
virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const { return _type; }
virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* pos) const;
FGPositioned::Type _type;
double _min_runway_length_ft;
void setProcedures(const std::vector<flightgear::SID*>& aSids,
const std::vector<flightgear::STAR*>& aStars,
const std::vector<flightgear::Approach*>& aApproaches);
void addSID(flightgear::SID* aSid);
void addSTAR(flightgear::STAR* aStar);
void addApproach(flightgear::Approach* aApp);
unsigned int numSIDs() const;
flightgear::SID* getSIDByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const;
flightgear::SID* findSIDWithIdent(const std::string& aIdent) const;
flightgear::SIDList getSIDs() const;
unsigned int numSTARs() const;
flightgear::STAR* getSTARByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const;
flightgear::STAR* findSTARWithIdent(const std::string& aIdent) const;
flightgear::STARList getSTARs() const;
unsigned int numApproaches() const;
flightgear::Approach* getApproachByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const;
flightgear::Approach* findApproachWithIdent(const std::string& aIdent) const;
flightgear::ApproachList getApproaches
flightgear::ProcedureType type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_INVALID
) const;
* Syntactic wrapper around FGPositioned::findClosest - find the closest
* match for filter, and return it cast to FGAirport. The default filter
* passes airports, but not seaports or heliports
static FGAirportRef findClosest(const SGGeod& aPos, double aCuttofNm, Filter* filter = NULL);
* Helper to look up an FGAirport instance by unique ident. Throws an
* exception if the airport could not be found - so callers can assume
* the result is non-NULL.
static FGAirportRef getByIdent(const std::string& aIdent);
* Helper to look up an FGAirport instance by unique ident. Returns NULL
* if the airport could not be found.
static FGAirportRef findByIdent(const std::string& aIdent);
* Specialised helper to implement the AirportList dialog. Performs a
* case-insensitive search on airport names and ICAO codes, and returns
* matches in a format suitable for use by a puaList.
static char** searchNamesAndIdents(const std::string& aFilter);
* Sort an FGPositionedList of airports by size (number of runways + length)
* this is meant to prioritise more important airports.
static void sortBySize(FGPositionedList&);
flightgear::CommStationList commStationsOfType(FGPositioned::Type aTy) const;
flightgear::CommStationList commStations() const;
static flightgear::AirportCache airportCache;
// disable these
FGAirport operator=(FGAirport &other);
FGAirport(const FGAirport&);
* helper to read airport data from the scenery XML files.
void loadSceneryDefinitions() const;
* Helpers to process property data loaded from an ICAO.threshold.xml file
void readThresholdData(SGPropertyNode* aRoot);
void processThreshold(SGPropertyNode* aThreshold);
void readILSData(SGPropertyNode* aRoot);
void validateTowerData() const;
* Helper to parse property data loaded from an ICAO.twr.xml file
void readTowerData(SGPropertyNode* aRoot);
PositionedIDVec itemsOfType(FGPositioned::Type ty) const;
std::string _name;
bool _has_metar;
void loadRunways() const;
void loadHelipads() const;
void loadTaxiways() const;
void loadProcedures() const;
mutable bool mTowerDataLoaded;
mutable bool mHasTower;
mutable SGGeod mTowerPosition;
mutable bool mRunwaysLoaded;
mutable bool mHelipadsLoaded;
mutable bool mTaxiwaysLoaded;
mutable bool mProceduresLoaded;
bool mIsClosed;
mutable bool mThresholdDataLoaded;
bool mILSDataLoaded;
mutable std::vector<FGRunwayRef> mRunways;
mutable PositionedIDVec mHelipads;
mutable PositionedIDVec mTaxiways;
PositionedIDVec mPavements;
typedef SGSharedPtr<flightgear::SID> SIDRef;
typedef SGSharedPtr<flightgear::STAR> STARRef;
typedef SGSharedPtr<flightgear::Approach> ApproachRef;
std::vector<SIDRef> mSIDs;
std::vector<STARRef> mSTARs;
std::vector<ApproachRef> mApproaches;
mutable std::auto_ptr<FGGroundNetwork> _groundNetwork;
// find basic airport location info from airport database
const FGAirport *fgFindAirportID( const std::string& id);
// get airport elevation
double fgGetAirportElev( const std::string& id );
#endif // _FG_SIMPLE_HXX