AbstractInstrument now handles a generic power-btn and operable property, and hence includes them in the serviceable-and-powered check.
273 lines
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273 lines
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// adf.cxx - distance-measuring equipment.
// Written by David Megginson, started 2003.
// This file is in the Public Domain and comes with no warranty.
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Main/util.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navlist.hxx>
#include "adf.hxx"
#include <Sound/morse.hxx>
#include <simgear/sound/sample_group.hxx>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using std::string;
// Use a bigger number to be more responsive, or a smaller number
// to be more sluggish.
* Fiddle with the reception range a bit.
* TODO: better reception at night (??).
static double
adjust_range (double transmitter_elevation_ft, double aircraft_altitude_ft,
double max_range_nm)
double delta_elevation_ft =
aircraft_altitude_ft - transmitter_elevation_ft;
double range_nm = max_range_nm;
// kludge slightly better reception at
// altitude
if (delta_elevation_ft < 0)
delta_elevation_ft = 200;
if (delta_elevation_ft <= 1000)
range_nm *= sqrt(delta_elevation_ft / 1000);
else if (delta_elevation_ft >= 5000)
range_nm *= sqrt(delta_elevation_ft / 5000);
if (range_nm >= max_range_nm * 3)
range_nm = max_range_nm * 3;
double rand = sg_random();
return range_nm + (range_nm * rand * rand);
ADF::ADF (SGPropertyNode *node )
_transmitter_pos(SGGeod::fromDeg(0, 0)),
_transmitter_cart(0, 0, 0),
readConfig(node, "adf");
ADF::~ADF ()
ADF::init ()
string branch = nodePath();
SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), true );
// instrument properties
_error_node = node->getChild("error-deg", 0, true);
_mode_node = node->getChild("mode", 0, true);
_volume_node = node->getChild("volume-norm", 0, true);
_in_range_node = node->getChild("in-range", 0, true);
_bearing_node = node->getChild("indicated-bearing-deg", 0, true);
_ident_node = node->getChild("ident", 0, true);
_ident_audible_node = node->getChild("ident-audible", 0, true);
// frequency properties
SGPropertyNode *fnode = node->getChild("frequencies", 0, true);
_frequency_node = fnode->getChild("selected-khz", 0, true);
// foreign simulator properties
_heading_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true);
// sound support (audible ident code)
SGSoundMgr *smgr = globals->get_subsystem<SGSoundMgr>();
_sgr = smgr->find("avionics", true);
std::ostringstream temp;
temp << name() << number();
_adf_ident = temp.str();
ADF::update (double delta_time_sec)
// If it's off, don't waste any time.
if (!isServiceableAndPowered()) {
string mode = _mode_node->getStringValue();
if (mode == "ant" || mode == "test") set_bearing(delta_time_sec, 90);
if (mode != "bfo" && mode != "adf") {
// Get the frequency
int frequency_khz = _frequency_node->getIntValue();
if (frequency_khz != _last_frequency_khz) {
_time_before_search_sec = 0;
_last_frequency_khz = frequency_khz;
SGGeod acPos(globals->get_aircraft_position());
// On timeout, scan again
_time_before_search_sec -= delta_time_sec;
if (_time_before_search_sec < 0)
search(frequency_khz, acPos);
if (!_transmitter_valid) {
// Calculate the bearing to the transmitter
SGVec3d location = globals->get_aircraft_position_cart();
double distance_nm = dist(_transmitter_cart, location) * SG_METER_TO_NM;
double range_nm = adjust_range(_transmitter_pos.getElevationFt(),
if (distance_nm <= range_nm) {
double bearing, az2, s;
double heading = _heading_node->getDoubleValue();
geo_inverse_wgs_84(acPos, _transmitter_pos,
&bearing, &az2, &s);
bearing -= heading;
if (bearing < 0)
bearing += 360;
set_bearing(delta_time_sec, bearing);
// adf ident sound
float volume;
if ( _ident_audible_node->getBoolValue() )
volume = _volume_node->getFloatValue();
volume = 0.0;
if ( volume != _last_volume ) {
_last_volume = volume;
SGSoundSample *sound;
sound = _sgr->find( _adf_ident );
if ( sound != NULL )
sound->set_volume( volume );
SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_ALERT, "Can't find adf-ident sound" );
time_t cur_time = globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time();
if ( _last_ident_time < cur_time - 30 ) {
_last_ident_time = cur_time;
_ident_count = 0;
if ( _ident_count < 4 ) {
if ( !_sgr->is_playing(_adf_ident) && (volume > 0.05) ) {
_sgr->play_once( _adf_ident );
} else {
_sgr->stop( _adf_ident );
ADF::search (double frequency_khz, const SGGeod& pos)
string ident = "";
// reset search time
_time_before_search_sec = 1.0;
FGNavList::TypeFilter filter(FGPositioned::NDB);
FGNavRecord *nav = FGNavList::findByFreq(frequency_khz, pos, &filter);
_transmitter_valid = (nav != NULL);
if ( _transmitter_valid ) {
ident = nav->get_trans_ident();
if ( ident != _last_ident ) {
_transmitter_pos = nav->geod();
_transmitter_cart = nav->cart();
_transmitter_range_nm = nav->get_range();
if ( _last_ident != ident ) {
_last_ident = ident;
if ( _sgr->exists( _adf_ident ) ) {
// stop is required! -- remove alone wouldn't stop immediately
_sgr->stop( _adf_ident );
_sgr->remove( _adf_ident );
SGSoundSample *sound;
sound = FGMorse::instance()->make_ident( ident, FGMorse::LO_FREQUENCY );
sound->set_volume(_last_volume = 0);
_sgr->add( sound, _adf_ident );
int offset = (int)(sg_random() * 30.0);
_ident_count = offset / 4;
_last_ident_time = globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time() -
ADF::set_bearing (double dt, double bearing_deg)
double old_bearing_deg = _bearing_node->getDoubleValue();
while ((bearing_deg - old_bearing_deg) >= 180)
old_bearing_deg += 360;
while ((bearing_deg - old_bearing_deg) <= -180)
old_bearing_deg -= 360;
bearing_deg += _error_node->getDoubleValue();
bearing_deg =
fgGetLowPass(old_bearing_deg, bearing_deg, dt * RESPONSIVENESS);
// end of adf.cxx