Add a LOD (range animation) to each AI model if the property /sim/rendering/static-lod/ai is set to any number greater than zero. AI models get loaded but only displayed when closer than the number given in the property (in meters). If the property is absent or it's value is less or equal 0.0 than no LOD is added to the AI model.
439 lines
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439 lines
12 KiB
// FGAIBase.hxx - abstract base class for AI objects
// Written by David Culp, started Nov 2003, based on
// David Luff's FGAIEntity class.
// -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _FG_AIBASE_HXX
#define _FG_AIBASE_HXX
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/model/placement.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/SGSharedPtr.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/SGReferenced.hxx>
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
using std::string;
using std::list;
class SGMaterial;
class FGAIManager;
class FGAIFlightPlan;
class FGAIBase : public SGReferenced {
enum object_type { otNull = 0, otAircraft, otShip, otCarrier, otBallistic,
otRocket, otStorm, otThermal, otStatic, otWingman, otGroundVehicle,
otEscort, otMultiplayer,
MAX_OBJECTS }; // Needs to be last!!!
FGAIBase(object_type ot, bool enableHot);
virtual ~FGAIBase();
virtual void readFromScenario(SGPropertyNode* scFileNode);
virtual bool init(bool search_in_AI_path=false);
virtual void initModel(osg::Node *node);
virtual void update(double dt);
virtual void bind();
virtual void unbind();
virtual void reinit() {}
void setManager(FGAIManager* mgr, SGPropertyNode* p);
void setPath( const char* model );
void setSMPath( const string& p );
void setCallSign(const string& );
void setSpeed( double speed_KTAS );
void setAltitude( double altitude_ft );
void setAltitudeAGL( double altitude_agl_ft );
void setHeading( double heading );
void setLatitude( double latitude );
void setLongitude( double longitude );
void setBank( double bank );
void setPitch( double newpitch );
void setRadius ( double radius );
void setXoffset( double x_offset );
void setYoffset( double y_offset );
void setZoffset( double z_offset );
void setPitchoffset( double x_offset );
void setRolloffset( double y_offset );
void setYawoffset( double z_offset );
void setServiceable ( bool serviceable );
void setDie( bool die );
void setCollisionData( bool i, double lat, double lon, double elev );
void setImpactData( bool d );
void setImpactLat( double lat );
void setImpactLon( double lon );
void setImpactElev( double e );
void setParentName(const string& p);
void setName(const string& n);
void setMaxSpeed(double kts);
void calcRangeBearing(double lat, double lon, double lat2, double lon2,
double &range, double &bearing) const;
double calcRelBearingDeg(double bearing, double heading);
double calcTrueBearingDeg(double bearing, double heading);
double calcRecipBearingDeg(double bearing);
bool setParentNode();
int getID() const;
int _getSubID() const;
bool getDie();
SGVec3d getCartPosAt(const SGVec3d& off) const;
SGVec3d getCartPos() const;
bool getGroundElevationM(const SGGeod& pos, double& elev,
const SGMaterial** material) const;
double _elevation_m;
const SGMaterial* _material;
double _getCartPosX() const;
double _getCartPosY() const;
double _getCartPosZ() const;
double _x_offset;
double _y_offset;
double _z_offset;
double _pitch_offset;
double _roll_offset;
double _yaw_offset;
double _max_speed;
string _path;
string _callsign;
string _submodel;
string _name;
string _parent;
SGGeod userpos;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _selected_ac;
SGPropertyNode_ptr props;
SGPropertyNode_ptr trigger_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr model_removed; // where to report model removal
FGAIManager* manager;
// these describe the model's actual state
SGGeod pos; // WGS84 lat & lon in degrees, elev above sea-level in meters
double hdg; // True heading in degrees
double roll; // degrees, left is negative
double pitch; // degrees, nose-down is negative
double speed; // knots true airspeed
double altitude_ft; // feet above sea level
double vs; // vertical speed, feet per minute
double speed_north_deg_sec;
double speed_east_deg_sec;
double turn_radius_ft; // turn radius ft at 15 kts rudder angle 15 degrees
double altitude_agl_ft;
double ft_per_deg_lon;
double ft_per_deg_lat;
// these describe the model's desired state
double tgt_heading; // target heading, degrees true
double tgt_altitude_ft; // target altitude, *feet* above sea level
double tgt_speed; // target speed, KTAS
double tgt_roll;
double tgt_pitch;
double tgt_yaw;
double tgt_vs;
// these describe radar information for the user
bool in_range; // true if in range of the radar, otherwise false
double bearing; // true bearing from user to this model
double elevation; // elevation in degrees from user to this model
double range; // range from user to this model, nm
double rdot; // range rate, in knots
double horiz_offset; // look left/right from user to me, deg
double vert_offset; // look up/down from user to me, deg
double x_shift; // value used by radar display instrument
double y_shift; // value used by radar display instrument
double rotation; // value used by radar display instrument
double ht_diff; // value used by radar display instrument
string model_path; //Path to the 3D model
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> model; //The 3D model object
SGModelPlacement aip;
bool delete_me;
bool invisible;
bool no_roll;
bool serviceable;
bool _installed;
int _subID;
double life;
FGAIFlightPlan *fp;
bool _impact_reported;
bool _collision_reported;
bool _expiry_reported;
double _impact_lat;
double _impact_lon;
double _impact_elev;
double _impact_hdg;
double _impact_pitch;
double _impact_roll;
double _impact_speed;
void Transform();
void CalculateMach();
double UpdateRadar(FGAIManager* manager);
static int _newAIModelID();
int _refID;
object_type _otype;
bool _initialized;
object_type getType();
virtual const char* getTypeString(void) const { return "null"; }
bool isa( object_type otype );
void _setVS_fps( double _vs );
void _setAltitude( double _alt );
void _setLongitude( double longitude );
void _setLatitude ( double latitude );
void _setSubID( int s );
void _setUserPos();
double _getAltitudeAGL(SGGeod inpos, double start);
double _getVS_fps() const;
double _getAltitude() const;
double _getLongitude() const;
double _getLatitude() const;
double _getElevationFt() const;
double _getRdot() const;
double _getH_offset() const;
double _getV_offset() const;
double _getX_shift() const;
double _getY_shift() const;
double _getRotation() const;
double _getSpeed() const;
double _getRoll() const;
double _getPitch() const;
double _getHeading() const;
double _get_speed_east_fps() const;
double _get_speed_north_fps() const;
double _get_SubPath() const;
double _getImpactLat() const;
double _getImpactLon() const;
double _getImpactElevFt() const;
double _getImpactHdg() const;
double _getImpactPitch() const;
double _getImpactRoll() const;
double _getImpactSpeed() const;
double _getXOffset() const;
double _getYOffset() const;
double _getZOffset() const;
//unsigned int _getCount() const;
bool _getServiceable() const;
bool _getFirstTime() const;
bool _getImpact();
bool _getImpactData();
bool _getCollisionData();
bool _getExpiryData();
SGPropertyNode* _getProps() const;
const char* _getPath() const;
const char* _getSMPath() const;
const char* _getCallsign() const;
const char* _getTriggerNode() const;
const char* _getName() const;
const char* _getSubmodel() const;
// These are used in the Mach number calculations
double rho;
double T; // temperature, degs farenheit
double p; // pressure lbs/sq ft
double a; // speed of sound at altitude (ft/s)
double Mach; // Mach number
static const double e;
static const double lbs_to_slugs;
inline double _getRange() { return range; };
inline double _getBearing() { return bearing; };
static bool _isNight();
string & getCallSign();
inline void FGAIBase::setManager(FGAIManager* mgr, SGPropertyNode* p) {
manager = mgr;
props = p;
inline void FGAIBase::setPath(const char* model ) {
inline void FGAIBase::setSMPath(const string& p) {
_path = p;
inline void FGAIBase::setServiceable(bool s) {
serviceable = s;
inline void FGAIBase::setSpeed( double speed_KTAS ) {
speed = tgt_speed = speed_KTAS;
inline void FGAIBase::setRadius( double radius ) {
turn_radius_ft = radius;
inline void FGAIBase::setHeading( double heading ) {
hdg = tgt_heading = heading;
inline void FGAIBase::setAltitude( double alt_ft ) {
altitude_ft = tgt_altitude_ft = alt_ft;
inline void FGAIBase::setAltitudeAGL( double alt_ft ) {
altitude_agl_ft = alt_ft;
inline void FGAIBase::setBank( double bank ) {
roll = tgt_roll = bank;
no_roll = false;
inline void FGAIBase::setPitch( double newpitch ) {
pitch = tgt_pitch = newpitch;
inline void FGAIBase::setLongitude( double longitude ) {
pos.setLongitudeDeg( longitude );
inline void FGAIBase::setLatitude ( double latitude ) {
pos.setLatitudeDeg( latitude );
inline void FGAIBase::setCallSign(const string& s) {
_callsign = s;
inline string& FGAIBase::getCallSign() {
return _callsign;
inline void FGAIBase::setXoffset(double x) {
_x_offset = x;
inline void FGAIBase::setYoffset(double y) {
_y_offset = y;
inline void FGAIBase::setZoffset(double z) {
_z_offset = z;
inline void FGAIBase::setPitchoffset(double p) {
_pitch_offset = p;
inline void FGAIBase::setRolloffset(double r) {
_roll_offset = r;
inline void FGAIBase::setYawoffset(double y) {
_yaw_offset = y;
inline void FGAIBase::setParentName(const string& p) {
_parent = p;
inline void FGAIBase::setName(const string& n) {
_name = n;
inline void FGAIBase::setDie( bool die ) { delete_me = die; }
inline bool FGAIBase::getDie() { return delete_me; }
inline FGAIBase::object_type FGAIBase::getType() { return _otype; }
inline void FGAIBase::calcRangeBearing(double lat, double lon, double lat2, double lon2,
double &range, double &bearing) const
// calculate the bearing and range of the second pos from the first
double az2, distance;
geo_inverse_wgs_84(lat, lon, lat2, lon2, &bearing, &az2, &distance);
range = distance * SG_METER_TO_NM;
inline double FGAIBase::calcRelBearingDeg(double bearing, double heading){
double angle = bearing - heading;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(angle, -180.0, 180.0);
return angle;
inline double FGAIBase::calcTrueBearingDeg(double bearing, double heading){
double angle = bearing + heading;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(angle, 0.0, 360.0);
return angle;
inline double FGAIBase::calcRecipBearingDeg(double bearing){
double angle = bearing - 180;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(angle, 0.0, 360.0);
return angle;
inline void FGAIBase::setMaxSpeed(double m) {
_max_speed = m;
#endif // _FG_AIBASE_HXX