ing features: a) ADA Flight model - ADA.cxx, ADA.hxx, flight.hxx b) Fighter a/c HUD - flight.hxx, hud.hxx, hud.cxx, cockpit.cxx, hud_ladr.c xx, hud_card.cxx c) 3-window display - options.hxx, options.cxx, viewer.cxx d) Moving objects (ship) - main.cxx e) Patches - main.cxx ADA.cxx, ADA.hxx -------------------------- Interface to the external ADA flight dynamics package. flight.hxx ---------- Included prototypes for accepting additional data fron the External flight model for fighter aircraft HUD Hud.hxx ------- Included prototypes for accepting additional data for fighter HUD from Exernal F light model. Defined FIGHTER_HUD pre-processor directive to enable compilation of fighter hud code. hud.cxx, cockpit.cxx, hud_ladr.cxx, hud_card.cxx --------------------------------------- Included code to initialise additional reticles/text for fighter HUD which is co nditionally compiled if FIGHTER_HUD is defined. options.hxx ----------- Added window_offset, and function to retrieve its value for 3 windows options.cxx ----------- Changed few options to suit ADA/CEF projection system/screens and checks for win dow offset. views.cxx --------- Added code to retrieve view offset for window. Main.cxx -------- Added code to load and move an aircraft carrier. Patch to enable clouds from command line until Curtis fixes it. By default cloud s are disabled.
23 lines
474 B
23 lines
474 B
SUBDIRS = Balloon JSBSim LaRCsim UIUCModel
noinst_LIBRARIES = libFlight.a
libFlight_a_SOURCES = \
ADA.cxx ADA.hxx \
Balloon.cxx Balloon.h \
External.cxx External.hxx \
flight.cxx flight.hxx \
IO360.cxx IO360.hxx \
JSBSim.cxx JSBSim.hxx \
LaRCsim.cxx LaRCsim.hxx \
MagicCarpet.cxx MagicCarpet.hxx
bin_PROGRAMS = engine pstest
engine_SOURCES = engine.cxx
engine_LDADD = libFlight.a
pstest_SOURCES = ps-10520c.cxx
INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src