Had a dumb string naming glitch, and also we didn’t check for the ordering of ratings being different when dealing with packaged aircraft.
709 lines
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709 lines
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// AircraftModel.cxx - part of GUI launcher using Qt5
// Written by James Turner, started March 2015.
// Copyright (C) 2015 James Turner <zakalawe@mac.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "AircraftModel.hxx"
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSharedPointer>
// Simgear
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/package/Package.hxx>
#include <simgear/package/Catalog.hxx>
#include <simgear/package/Install.hxx>
// FlightGear
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Include/version.h>
#include "QmlAircraftInfo.hxx"
using namespace simgear::pkg;
class PackageDelegate : public simgear::pkg::Delegate
PackageDelegate(AircraftItemModel* model) :
~PackageDelegate() override
void catalogRefreshed(CatalogRef aCatalog, StatusCode aReason) override
if (aReason == STATUS_IN_PROGRESS) {
// nothing to do
} else if ((aReason == STATUS_REFRESHED) || (aReason == STATUS_SUCCESS)) {
} else {
qWarning() << "failed refresh of"
<< QString::fromStdString(aCatalog->url()) << ":" << aReason << endl;
void startInstall(InstallRef aInstall) override
QModelIndex mi(indexForPackage(aInstall->package()));
m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi);
void installProgress(InstallRef aInstall, unsigned int bytes, unsigned int total) override
QModelIndex mi(indexForPackage(aInstall->package()));
m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi);
void finishInstall(InstallRef aInstall, StatusCode aReason) override
QModelIndex mi(indexForPackage(aInstall->package()));
m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi);
if ((aReason != USER_CANCELLED) && (aReason != STATUS_SUCCESS)) {
m_model->installFailed(mi, aReason);
if (aReason == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
void availablePackagesChanged() override
void installStatusChanged(InstallRef aInstall, StatusCode aReason) override
QModelIndex mi(indexForPackage(aInstall->package()));
m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi);
void finishUninstall(const PackageRef& pkg) override
QModelIndex mi(indexForPackage(pkg));
m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi);
virtual void dataForThumbnail(const std::string& aThumbnailUrl,
size_t length, const uint8_t* bytes) override
QImage img = QImage::fromData(QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes), length));
if (img.isNull()) {
qWarning() << "failed to load image data for URL:" <<
QPixmap pix = QPixmap::fromImage(img);
if (pix.height() > STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) {
pix = pix.scaledToHeight(STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
QString url = QString::fromStdString(aThumbnailUrl);
m_model->m_downloadedPixmapCache.insert(url, pix);
// notify any affected items. Linear scan here avoids another map/dict structure.
for (auto pkg : m_model->m_packages) {
const size_t variantCount = pkg->variants().size();
bool notifyChanged = false;
for (size_t v=0; v < variantCount; ++v) {
const Package::Thumbnail& thumb(pkg->thumbnailForVariant(v));
if (thumb.url == aThumbnailUrl) {
notifyChanged = true;
if (notifyChanged) {
QModelIndex mi = indexForPackage(pkg);
m_model->dataChanged(mi, mi);
} // of packages iteration
QModelIndex indexForPackage(const PackageRef& ref) const
auto it = std::find(m_model->m_packages.begin(),
m_model->m_packages.end(), ref);
if (it == m_model->m_packages.end()) {
return QModelIndex();
int offset = std::distance(m_model->m_packages.begin(), it);
return m_model->index(offset + m_model->m_cachedLocalAircraftCount);
AircraftItemModel* m_model;
AircraftItemModel::AircraftItemModel(QObject* pr) :
auto cache = LocalAircraftCache::instance();
connect(cache, &LocalAircraftCache::scanStarted,
this, &AircraftItemModel::onScanStarted);
connect(cache, &LocalAircraftCache::addedItems,
this, &AircraftItemModel::onScanAddedItems);
connect(cache, &LocalAircraftCache::cleared,
this, &AircraftItemModel::onLocalCacheCleared);
delete m_delegate;
void AircraftItemModel::setPackageRoot(const simgear::pkg::RootRef& root)
if (m_packageRoot) {
delete m_delegate;
m_delegate = nullptr;
m_packageRoot = root;
if (m_packageRoot) {
m_delegate = new PackageDelegate(this);
// packages may already be refreshed, so pull now
void AircraftItemModel::onScanStarted()
const int numToRemove = m_cachedLocalAircraftCount;
if (numToRemove > 0) {
int lastRow = numToRemove - 1;
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, lastRow);
m_delegateStates.remove(0, numToRemove);
m_cachedLocalAircraftCount = 0;
void AircraftItemModel::refreshPackages()
simgear::pkg::PackageList newPkgs = m_packageRoot->allPackages();
const int firstRow = m_cachedLocalAircraftCount;
const int newSize = static_cast<int>(newPkgs.size());
const int newTotalSize = firstRow + newSize;
if (m_packages.size() != newPkgs.size()) {
const int oldSize = static_cast<int>(m_packages.size());
if (newSize > oldSize) {
// growing
int firstNewRow = firstRow + oldSize;
int lastNewRow = firstRow + newSize - 1;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), firstNewRow, lastNewRow);
m_packages = newPkgs;
} else {
// shrinking
int firstOldRow = firstRow + newSize;
int lastOldRow = firstRow + oldSize - 1;
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), firstOldRow, lastOldRow);
m_packages = newPkgs;
} else {
m_packages = newPkgs;
emit dataChanged(index(firstRow), index(firstRow + newSize - 1));
emit contentsChanged();
int AircraftItemModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const
return m_cachedLocalAircraftCount + static_cast<int>(m_packages.size());
QVariant AircraftItemModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
int row = index.row();
if (role == AircraftVariantRole) {
return m_delegateStates.at(row).variant;
if (row >= m_cachedLocalAircraftCount) {
quint32 packageIndex = row - m_cachedLocalAircraftCount;
const PackageRef& pkg(m_packages[packageIndex]);
InstallRef ex = pkg->existingInstall();
if (role == AircraftInstallPercentRole) {
return ex.valid() ? ex->downloadedPercent() : 0;
} else if (role == AircraftInstallDownloadedSizeRole) {
return static_cast<quint64>(ex.valid() ? ex->downloadedBytes() : 0);
} else if (role == AircraftPackageRefRole ) {
return QVariant::fromValue(pkg);
return dataFromPackage(pkg, m_delegateStates.at(row), role);
} else {
const AircraftItemPtr item(LocalAircraftCache::instance()->itemAt(row));
return dataFromItem(item, m_delegateStates.at(row), role);
QVariant AircraftItemModel::dataFromItem(AircraftItemPtr item, const DelegateState& state, int role) const
if (role == AircraftVariantCountRole) {
return item->variants.count();
if (role >= AircraftVariantDescriptionRole) {
int variantIndex = role - AircraftVariantDescriptionRole;
if (variantIndex == 0) {
return item->description;
Q_ASSERT(variantIndex < item->variants.size());
return item->variants.at(variantIndex)->description;
if (state.variant) {
if (state.variant <= static_cast<quint32>(item->variants.count())) {
// show the selected variant
item = item->variants.at(state.variant - 1);
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
if (item->description.isEmpty()) {
return tr("Missing description for: %1").arg(item->baseName());
return item->description;
} else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) {
return item->thumbnail();
} else if (role == AircraftPathRole) {
return item->path;
} else if (role == AircraftAuthorsRole) {
return item->authors;
} else if ((role >= AircraftRatingRole) && (role < AircraftVariantDescriptionRole)) {
return item->ratings[role - AircraftRatingRole];
} else if (role == AircraftThumbnailRole) {
return item->thumbnail();
} else if (role == AircraftPackageIdRole) {
// can we fake an ID? otherwise fall through to a null variant
} else if (role == AircraftPackageStatusRole) {
return LocalAircraftCache::PackageInstalled; // always the case
} else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) {
return item->path;
} else if (role == AircraftURIRole) {
return QUrl::fromLocalFile(item->path);
} else if (role == AircraftHasRatingsRole) {
bool have = false;
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
have |= (item->ratings[i] > 0);
return have;
} else if (role == AircraftLongDescriptionRole) {
return item->longDescription;
} else if (role == AircraftIsHelicopterRole) {
return item->usesHeliports;
} else if (role == AircraftIsSeaplaneRole) {
return item->usesSeaports;
} else if ((role == AircraftInstallDownloadedSizeRole) ||
(role == AircraftPackageSizeRole))
return 0;
} else if (role == AircraftStatusRole) {
return item->status(0 /* variant is always 0 */);
} else if (role == AircraftMinVersionRole) {
return item->minFGVersion;
return QVariant();
QVariant AircraftItemModel::dataFromPackage(const PackageRef& item, const DelegateState& state, int role) const
if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) {
role = AircraftThumbnailRole;
if (role >= AircraftVariantDescriptionRole) {
int variantIndex = role - AircraftVariantDescriptionRole;
QString desc = QString::fromStdString(item->nameForVariant(variantIndex));
if (desc.isEmpty()) {
desc = tr("Missing description for: %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(item->id()));
return desc;
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
QString desc = QString::fromStdString(item->nameForVariant(state.variant));
if (desc.isEmpty()) {
desc = tr("Missing description for: %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(item->id()));
return desc;
} else if (role == AircraftPathRole) {
InstallRef i = item->existingInstall();
if (i.valid()) {
return QString::fromStdString(i->primarySetPath().utf8Str());
} else if (role == AircraftPackageIdRole) {
return QString::fromStdString(item->variants()[state.variant]);
} else if (role == AircraftPackageStatusRole) {
InstallRef i = item->existingInstall();
if (i.valid()) {
if (i->isDownloading()) {
return LocalAircraftCache::PackageDownloading;
if (i->isQueued()) {
return LocalAircraftCache::PackageQueued;
if (i->hasUpdate()) {
return LocalAircraftCache::PackageUpdateAvailable;
return LocalAircraftCache::PackageInstalled;
} else {
return LocalAircraftCache::PackageNotInstalled;
} else if (role == AircraftVariantCountRole) {
// this value wants the number of aditional variants, i.e not
// including the primary. Hence the -1 term.
return static_cast<quint32>(item->variants().size() - 1);
} else if (role == AircraftThumbnailRole) {
return packageThumbnail(item, state);
} else if (role == AircraftAuthorsRole) {
std::string authors = item->getLocalisedProp("author", state.variant);
if (!authors.empty()) {
return QString::fromStdString(authors);
} else if (role == AircraftLongDescriptionRole) {
std::string longDesc = item->getLocalisedProp("description", state.variant);
return QString::fromStdString(longDesc).simplified();
} else if (role == AircraftPackageSizeRole) {
return static_cast<int>(item->fileSizeBytes());
} else if (role == AircraftURIRole) {
return QUrl("package:" + QString::fromStdString(item->qualifiedVariantId(state.variant)));
} else if (role == AircraftHasRatingsRole) {
return item->properties()->hasChild("rating");
} else if ((role >= AircraftRatingRole) && (role < AircraftVariantDescriptionRole)) {
return packageRating(item, role - AircraftRatingRole);
} else if (role == AircraftStatusRole) {
return QmlAircraftInfo::packageAircraftStatus(item);
} else if (role == AircraftMinVersionRole) {
const std::string v = item->properties()->getStringValue("minimum-fg-version");
if (!v.empty()) {
return QString::fromStdString(v);
return QVariant();
QVariant AircraftItemModel::packageRating(const PackageRef& p, int ratingIndex) const
return LocalAircraftCache::ratingFromProperties(p->properties()->getChild("rating"), ratingIndex);
QVariant AircraftItemModel::packageThumbnail(PackageRef p, const DelegateState& ds, bool download) const
const Package::Thumbnail& thumb(p->thumbnailForVariant(ds.variant));
if (thumb.url.empty()) {
return QVariant();
QString urlQString(QString::fromStdString(thumb.url));
if (m_downloadedPixmapCache.contains(urlQString)) {
// cache hit, easy
return m_downloadedPixmapCache.value(urlQString);
// check the on-disk store.
InstallRef ex = p->existingInstall();
if (ex.valid()) {
SGPath thumbPath = ex->path() / thumb.path;
if (thumbPath.exists()) {
QPixmap pix;
// resize to the standard size
if (pix.height() > STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) {
pix = pix.scaledToHeight(STANDARD_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT);
m_downloadedPixmapCache[urlQString] = pix;
return pix;
} // of have existing install
if (download) {
return QVariant();
bool AircraftItemModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
int row = index.row();
quint32 newValue = value.toUInt();
if (role == AircraftVariantRole) {
if (m_delegateStates[row].variant == newValue) {
return true;
m_delegateStates[row].variant = newValue;
emit dataChanged(index, index);
return true;
return false;
QHash<int, QByteArray> AircraftItemModel::roleNames() const
QHash<int, QByteArray> result = QAbstractListModel::roleNames();
result[Qt::DisplayRole] = "title";
result[AircraftURIRole] = "uri";
result[AircraftPackageIdRole] = "package";
result[AircraftAuthorsRole] = "authors";
result[AircraftVariantCountRole] = "variantCount";
result[AircraftLongDescriptionRole] = "description";
result[AircraftThumbnailRole] = "thumbnail";
result[AircraftPackageSizeRole] = "packageSizeBytes";
result[AircraftPackageStatusRole] = "packageStatus";
result[AircraftInstallDownloadedSizeRole] = "downloadedBytes";
result[AircraftVariantRole] = "activeVariant";
result[AircraftStatusRole] = "aircraftStatus";
result[AircraftMinVersionRole] = "requiredFGVersion";
result[AircraftHasRatingsRole] = "hasRatings";
result[AircraftRatingRole] = "ratingFDM";
result[AircraftRatingRole + 1] = "ratingSystems";
result[AircraftRatingRole + 2] = "ratingCockpit";
result[AircraftRatingRole + 3] = "ratingExterior";
return result;
QModelIndex AircraftItemModel::indexOfAircraftURI(QUrl uri) const
if (uri.isEmpty()) {
return QModelIndex();
if (uri.isLocalFile()) {
int row = LocalAircraftCache::instance()->findIndexWithUri(uri);
if (row >= 0) {
return index(row);
} else if (uri.scheme() == "package") {
QString ident = uri.path();
int rowOffset = m_cachedLocalAircraftCount;
PackageRef pkg = m_packageRoot->getPackageById(ident.toStdString());
if (pkg) {
for (size_t i=0; i < m_packages.size(); ++i) {
if (m_packages[i] == pkg) {
return index(rowOffset + i);
} // of linear package scan
} else if (uri.scheme() == "") {
// Empty URI scheme (no selection), nothing to do
} else {
qWarning() << "Unknown aircraft URI scheme" << uri << uri.scheme();
return QModelIndex();
void AircraftItemModel::selectVariantForAircraftURI(QUrl uri)
if (uri.isEmpty()) {
int variantIndex = 0;
QModelIndex modelIndex;
if (uri.isLocalFile()) {
int row = LocalAircraftCache::instance()->findIndexWithUri(uri);
if (row < 0) {
modelIndex = index(row);
// now check if we are actually selecting a variant
const AircraftItemPtr item = LocalAircraftCache::instance()->itemAt(row);
const QString path = uri.toLocalFile();
for (int vr=0; vr < item->variants.size(); ++vr) {
if (item->variants.at(vr)->path == path) {
variantIndex = vr + 1;
} else if (uri.scheme() == "package") {
QString ident = uri.path();
int rowOffset = m_cachedLocalAircraftCount;
PackageRef pkg = m_packageRoot->getPackageById(ident.toStdString());
if (pkg) {
for (size_t i=0; i < m_packages.size(); ++i) {
if (m_packages[i] == pkg) {
modelIndex = index(rowOffset + static_cast<int>(i));
variantIndex = pkg->indexOfVariant(ident.toStdString());
} // of linear package scan
} else {
qWarning() << "Unknown aircraft URI scheme" << uri << uri.scheme();
if (modelIndex.isValid()) {
setData(modelIndex, variantIndex, AircraftVariantRole);
QString AircraftItemModel::nameForAircraftURI(QUrl uri) const
if (uri.isLocalFile()) {
AircraftItemPtr item = LocalAircraftCache::instance()->findItemWithUri(uri);
if (!item) {
return {};
const QString path = uri.toLocalFile();
if (item->path == path) {
return item->description;
// check variants too
for (int vr=0; vr < item->variants.size(); ++vr) {
auto variant = item->variants.at(vr);
if (variant->path == path) {
return variant->description;
} else if (uri.scheme() == "package") {
QString ident = uri.path();
PackageRef pkg = m_packageRoot->getPackageById(ident.toStdString());
if (pkg) {
int variantIndex = pkg->indexOfVariant(ident.toStdString());
return QString::fromStdString(pkg->nameForVariant(variantIndex));
} else {
qWarning() << "Unknown aircraft URI scheme" << uri << uri.scheme();
return {};
void AircraftItemModel::onScanAddedItems(int addedCount)
const auto items = LocalAircraftCache::instance()->allItems();
const int newItemCount = items.size() - m_cachedLocalAircraftCount;
const int firstRow = m_cachedLocalAircraftCount;
const int lastRow = firstRow + newItemCount - 1;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), firstRow, lastRow);
m_delegateStates.insert(m_cachedLocalAircraftCount, newItemCount, {});
m_cachedLocalAircraftCount += newItemCount;
emit contentsChanged();
void AircraftItemModel::onLocalCacheCleared()
if (m_cachedLocalAircraftCount > 0) {
const int firstRow = 0;
const int lastRow = m_cachedLocalAircraftCount - 1;
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), firstRow, lastRow);
m_delegateStates.remove(0, m_cachedLocalAircraftCount);
m_cachedLocalAircraftCount = 0;
void AircraftItemModel::installFailed(QModelIndex index, simgear::pkg::Delegate::StatusCode reason)
QString msg;
switch (reason) {
case Delegate::FAIL_CHECKSUM:
msg = tr("Invalid package checksum"); break;
case Delegate::FAIL_DOWNLOAD:
msg = tr("Download failed"); break;
case Delegate::FAIL_EXTRACT:
msg = tr("Package could not be extracted"); break;
case Delegate::FAIL_FILESYSTEM:
msg = tr("A local file-system error occurred"); break;
case Delegate::FAIL_NOT_FOUND:
msg = tr("Package file missing from download server"); break;
case Delegate::FAIL_UNKNOWN:
msg = tr("Unknown reason");
emit aircraftInstallFailed(index, msg);
void AircraftItemModel::installSucceeded(QModelIndex index)
emit aircraftInstallCompleted(index);
bool AircraftItemModel::isIndexRunnable(const QModelIndex& index) const
if (index.row() < m_cachedLocalAircraftCount) {
return true; // local file, always runnable
quint32 packageIndex = index.row() - m_cachedLocalAircraftCount;
const PackageRef& pkg(m_packages[packageIndex]);
InstallRef ex = pkg->existingInstall();
if (!ex.valid()) {
return false; // not installed
return !ex->isDownloading();