control to piston engines that allows external scripts to control the turbo/supercharger boost programatically by setting this axis to values in the range [0:1]. It also adds a "turbo-lag" attribute (a time in seconds) to engines implementing turbocharger spooling delays. This isn't terribly well tested, but doesn't seem to have broken anything.
251 lines
6.7 KiB
251 lines
6.7 KiB
#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Propeller.hpp"
#include "Engine.hpp"
#include "PropEngine.hpp"
namespace yasim {
PropEngine::PropEngine(Propeller* prop, Engine* eng, float moment)
// Start off at 500rpm, because the start code doesn't exist yet
_omega = 52.3f;
_dir[0] = 1; _dir[1] = 0; _dir[2] = 0;
_variable = false;
_gearRatio = 1;
_prop = prop;
_eng = eng;
_moment = moment;
_fuel = true;
_contra = false;
delete _prop;
delete _eng;
void PropEngine::setMagnetos(int pos)
_magnetos = pos;
void PropEngine::setAdvance(float advance)
_advance = Math::clamp(advance, 0, 1);
void PropEngine::setPropPitch(float proppitch)
// update Propeller property
void PropEngine::setPropFeather(int state)
// toggle prop feathering on/off
void PropEngine::setVariableProp(float min, float max)
_variable = true;
_minOmega = min;
_maxOmega = max;
bool PropEngine::isRunning()
return _eng->isRunning();
bool PropEngine::isCranking()
return _eng->isCranking();
float PropEngine::getOmega()
return _omega;
void PropEngine::setOmega (float omega)
_omega = omega;
void PropEngine::getThrust(float* out)
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _thrust[i];
void PropEngine::getTorque(float* out)
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _torque[i];
void PropEngine::getGyro(float* out)
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _gyro[i];
float PropEngine::getFuelFlow()
return _fuelFlow;
void PropEngine::stabilize()
float speed = -Math::dot3(_wind, _dir);
bool running_state = _eng->isRunning();
if(_variable) {
_omega = _minOmega + _advance * (_maxOmega - _minOmega);
_prop->modPitch(1e6); // Start at maximum pitch and move down
} else {
_omega = 52;
bool goingUp = false;
float step = 10;
// If we cannot manage this in 100 iterations, give up.
for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
float ptau, thrust;
_prop->calc(_rho, speed, _omega * _gearRatio, &thrust, &ptau);
_eng->calc(_pressure, _temp, _omega);
// Do it again -- the turbo sets the target MP in the first
// run, stabilize sets the current to the target, then we need
// to run again to get the correct output torque. Clumsy, but
// it works without side effects (other than solver
// performance). In the future, the Engine objects should
// store state to allow them to do the work themselves.
_eng->calc(_pressure, _temp, _omega);
// Compute torque as seen by the engine's end of the gearbox.
// The propeller will be moving more slowly (for gear ratios
// less than one), so it's torque will be higher than the
// engine's, so multiply by _gearRatio to get the engine-side
// value.
ptau *= _gearRatio;
float etau = _eng->getTorque();
float tdiff = etau - ptau;
Math::mul3(thrust, _dir, _thrust);
if(Math::abs(tdiff/(_moment * _gearRatio)) < 0.1)
if(tdiff > 0) {
if(!goingUp) step *= 0.5f;
goingUp = true;
if(!_variable) _omega += step;
else _prop->modPitch(1+(step*0.005f));
} else {
if(goingUp) step *= 0.5f;
goingUp = false;
if(!_variable) _omega -= step;
else _prop->modPitch(1-(step*0.005f));
// ...and back off
void PropEngine::init()
_omega = 0.01f;
void PropEngine::integrate(float dt)
float speed = -Math::dot3(_wind, _dir);
float propTorque, engTorque, thrust;
_prop->calc(_rho, speed, _omega * _gearRatio, &thrust, &propTorque);
if(_omega == 0.0)
_omega = 0.001; // hack to get around reports of NaNs somewhere...
propTorque *= _gearRatio;
_eng->calc(_pressure, _temp, _omega);
engTorque = _eng->getTorque();
_fuelFlow = _eng->getFuelFlow();
// Turn the thrust into a vector and save it
Math::mul3(thrust, _dir, _thrust);
// We do our "RPM" computations on the engine's side of the
// world, so modify the moment value accordingly.
float momt = _moment * _gearRatio;
// Euler-integrate the RPM. This doesn't need the full-on
// Runge-Kutta stuff.
float rotacc = (engTorque-propTorque)/Math::abs(momt);
_omega += dt * rotacc;
if (_omega < 0)
_omega = 0 - _omega; // don't allow negative RPM
// FIXME: introduce proper windmilling
// Store the total angular momentum into _gyro, unless the
// propeller is a counter-rotating pair (which has zero net
// angular momentum, even though it *does* have an MoI for
// acceleration purposes).
Math::mul3(_contra ? 0 : _omega*momt, _dir, _gyro);
// Accumulate the engine torque, it acts on the body as a whole.
// (Note: engine torque, not propeller torque. They can be
// different, but the difference goes to accelerating the
// rotation. It is the engine torque that is felt at the shaft
// and works on the body.) (Note 2: contra-rotating propellers do
// not exert net torque on the aircraft).
float tau = _moment < 0 ? engTorque : -engTorque;
Math::mul3(_contra ? 0 : tau, _dir, _torque);
// Iterate the propeller governor, if we have one. Since engine
// torque is basically constant with RPM, we want to make the
// propeller torque at the target RPM equal to the engine by
// varying the pitch. Assume the the torque goes as the square of
// the RPM (roughly correct) and compute a "target" torque for the
// _current_ RPM. Seek to that. This is sort of a continuous
// Newton-Raphson, basically.
if(_variable) {
float targetPropSpd = _minOmega + _advance*(_maxOmega-_minOmega);
float targetOmega = targetPropSpd / _gearRatio; // -> "engine omega"
float ratio2 = (_omega*_omega)/(targetOmega*targetOmega);
float targetTorque = engTorque * ratio2;
float mod = propTorque < targetTorque ? 1.04f : (1.0f/1.04f);
// Convert to an acceleration here, so that big propellers
// don't seek faster than small ones.
float diff = Math::abs((propTorque - targetTorque) / momt);
if(diff < 10) mod = 1 + (mod-1)*(0.1f*diff);
}; // namespace yasim