KATL -> KLAX looks correct now. Great-circles that span the 180-meridian are still rendered wrong, but that's a map projection issues, which I will fix in the next few days.
415 lines
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415 lines
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# include "config.h"
#include <Navaids/routePath.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <simgear/magvar/magvar.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Navaids/waypoint.hxx>
#include <Navaids/FlightPlan.hxx>
#include <Navaids/positioned.hxx>
namespace flightgear {
bool geocRadialIntersection(const SGGeoc& a, double r1, const SGGeoc& b, double r2, SGGeoc& result);
using namespace flightgear;
// implement Point(s) known distance from a great circle
static double sqr(const double x)
return x * x;
double pointsKnownDistanceFromGC(const SGGeoc& a, const SGGeoc&b, const SGGeoc& d, double dist)
double A = SGGeodesy::courseRad(a, d) - SGGeodesy::courseRad(a, b);
double bDist = SGGeodesy::distanceRad(a, d);
// r=(cos(b)^2+sin(b)^2*cos(A)^2)^(1/2)
double r = pow(sqr(cos(bDist)) + sqr(sin(bDist)) * sqr(cos(A)), 0.5);
double p = atan2(sin(bDist)*cos(A), cos(bDist));
if (sqr(cos(dist)) > sqr(r)) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_INFO, "pointsKnownDistanceFromGC, no points exist");
return -1.0;
double dp1 = p + acos(cos(dist)/r);
double dp2 = p - acos(cos(dist)/r);
double dp1Nm = fabs(dp1 * SG_RAD_TO_NM);
double dp2Nm = fabs(dp2 * SG_RAD_TO_NM);
return SGMiscd::min(dp1Nm, dp2Nm);
// http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#Int
double latitudeForGCLongitude(const SGGeoc& a, const SGGeoc& b, double lon)
#if 0
Intermediate points {lat,lon} lie on the great circle connecting points 1 and 2 when:
double lonDiff = a.getLongitudeRad() - b.getLongitudeRad();
double cosLat1 = cos(a.getLatitudeRad()),
cosLat2 = cos(b.getLatitudeRad());
double x = sin(a.getLatitudeRad()) * cosLat2 * sin(lon - b.getLongitudeRad());
double y = sin(b.getLatitudeRad()) * cosLat1 * sin(lon - a.getLongitudeRad());
double denom = cosLat1 * cosLat2 * sin(lonDiff);
double lat = atan((x - y) / denom);
return lat;
RoutePath::RoutePath(const flightgear::WayptVec& wpts) :
RoutePath::RoutePath(const flightgear::FlightPlan* fp)
for (int l=0; l<fp->numLegs(); ++l) {
void RoutePath::commonInit()
_pathClimbFPM = 1200;
_pathDescentFPM = 800;
_pathIAS = 190;
_pathTurnRate = 3.0; // 3 deg/sec = 180def/min = standard rate turn
SGGeodVec RoutePath::pathForIndex(int index) const
if (index == 0) {
return SGGeodVec(); // no path for first waypoint
if (_waypts[index]->type() == "vectors") {
return SGGeodVec(); // empty
if (_waypts[index]->type() == "hold") {
return pathForHold((Hold*) _waypts[index].get());
SGGeodVec r;
SGGeod from, to;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index-1, from)) {
return SGGeodVec();
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index, to)) {
return SGGeodVec();
// compute rounding offset, we want to round towards the direction of travel
// which depends on the east/west sign of the longitude change
double lonDelta = to.getLongitudeDeg() - from.getLongitudeDeg();
if (fabs(lonDelta) > 0.5) {
interpolateGreatCircle(from, to, r);
if (_waypts[index]->type() == "runway") {
// runways get an extra point, at the end. this is particularly
// important so missed approach segments draw correctly
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(_waypts[index].get())->runway();
return r;
void RoutePath::interpolateGreatCircle(const SGGeod& aFrom, const SGGeod& aTo, SGGeodVec& r) const
SGGeoc gcFrom = SGGeoc::fromGeod(aFrom),
gcTo = SGGeoc::fromGeod(aTo);
double lonDelta = gcTo.getLongitudeRad() - gcFrom.getLongitudeRad();
if (fabs(lonDelta) < 1e-3) {
lonDelta = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle(lonDelta);
int steps = static_cast<int>(fabs(lonDelta) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES * 2);
double lonStep = (lonDelta / steps);
double lon = gcFrom.getLongitudeRad() + lonStep;
for (int s=0; s < (steps - 1); ++s) {
lon = SGMiscd::normalizeAngle(lon);
double lat = latitudeForGCLongitude(gcFrom, gcTo, lon);
r.push_back(SGGeod::fromGeoc(SGGeoc::fromRadM(lon, lat, SGGeodesy::EQURAD)));
//SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "lon:" << lon * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << " gives lat " << lat * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
lon += lonStep;
SGGeod RoutePath::positionForIndex(int index) const
SGGeod r;
bool ok = computedPositionForIndex(index, r);
if (!ok) {
return SGGeod();
return r;
SGGeodVec RoutePath::pathForHold(Hold* hold) const
int turnSteps = 16;
double hdg = hold->inboundRadial();
double turnDelta = 180.0 / turnSteps;
SGGeodVec r;
double az2;
double stepTime = turnDelta / _pathTurnRate; // in seconds
double stepDist = _pathIAS * (stepTime / 3600.0) * SG_NM_TO_METER;
double legDist = hold->isDistance() ?
: _pathIAS * (hold->timeOrDistance() / 3600.0);
legDist *= SG_NM_TO_METER;
if (hold->isLeftHanded()) {
turnDelta = -turnDelta;
SGGeod pos = hold->position();
// turn+leg sides are a mirror
for (int j=0; j < 2; ++j) {
// turn
for (int i=0;i<turnSteps; ++i) {
hdg += turnDelta;
SGGeodesy::direct(pos, hdg, stepDist, pos, az2);
// leg
SGGeodesy::direct(pos, hdg, legDist, pos, az2);
} // of leg+turn duplication
return r;
* the path context holds the state of of an imaginary aircraft traversing
* the route, and limits the rate at which heading / altitude / position can
* change
class RoutePath::PathCtx
SGGeod pos;
double heading;
bool RoutePath::computedPositionForIndex(int index, SGGeod& r) const
if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) _waypts.size())) {
throw sg_range_exception("waypt index out of range",
WayptRef w = _waypts[index];
if (!w->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) {
r = w->position();
return true;
if (w->type() == "radialIntercept") {
// radial intersection along track
SGGeod prev;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prev)) {
return false;
SGGeoc prevGc = SGGeoc::fromGeod(prev);
SGGeoc navid = SGGeoc::fromGeod(w->position());
SGGeoc rGc;
double magVar = magVarFor(prev);
RadialIntercept* i = (RadialIntercept*) w.get();
double radial = i->radialDegMagnetic() + magVar;
double track = i->courseDegMagnetic() + magVar;
bool ok = geocRadialIntersection(prevGc, track, navid, radial, rGc);
if (!ok) {
return false;
r = SGGeod::fromGeoc(rGc);
return true;
} else if (w->type() == "dmeIntercept") {
// find the point along the DME track, from prev, that is the correct distance
// from the DME
SGGeod prev;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prev)) {
return false;
DMEIntercept* di = (DMEIntercept*) w.get();
SGGeoc prevGc = SGGeoc::fromGeod(prev);
SGGeoc navid = SGGeoc::fromGeod(w->position());
double distRad = di->dmeDistanceNm() * SG_NM_TO_RAD;
SGGeoc rGc;
SGGeoc bPt;
double crs = di->courseDegMagnetic() + magVarFor(prev);
SGGeodesy::advanceRadM(prevGc, crs, 100 * SG_NM_TO_RAD, bPt);
double dNm = pointsKnownDistanceFromGC(prevGc, bPt, navid, distRad);
if (dNm < 0.0) {
return false;
double az2;
SGGeodesy::direct(prev, crs, dNm * SG_NM_TO_METER, r, az2);
return true;
} else if (w->type() == "hdgToAlt") {
HeadingToAltitude* h = (HeadingToAltitude*) w.get();
double climb = h->altitudeFt() - computeAltitudeForIndex(index - 1);
double d = distanceForClimb(climb);
SGGeod prevPos;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prevPos)) {
return false;
double hdg = h->headingDegMagnetic() + magVarFor(prevPos);
double az2;
SGGeodesy::direct(prevPos, hdg, d * SG_NM_TO_METER, r, az2);
return true;
} else if (w->type() == "vectors"){
return false;
} else if (w->type() == "hold") {
r = w->position();
return true;
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_INFO, "RoutePath::computedPositionForIndex: unhandled type:" << w->type());
return false;
double RoutePath::computeAltitudeForIndex(int index) const
if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) _waypts.size())) {
throw sg_range_exception("waypt index out of range",
WayptRef w = _waypts[index];
if (w->altitudeRestriction() != RESTRICT_NONE) {
return w->altitudeFt(); // easy!
if (w->type() == "runway") {
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(w.get())->runway();
return rwy->threshold().getElevationFt();
} else if ((w->type() == "hold") || (w->type() == "vectors")) {
// pretend we don't change altitude in holds/vectoring
return computeAltitudeForIndex(index - 1);
double prevAlt = computeAltitudeForIndex(index - 1);
// find distance to previous, and hence climb/descent
SGGeod pos, prevPos;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index, pos) ||
!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prevPos))
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "unable to compute position for waypoints");
throw sg_range_exception("unable to compute position for waypoints");
double d = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(prevPos, pos);
double tMinutes = (d / _pathIAS) * 60.0; // (nm / knots) * 60 = time in minutes
double deltaFt; // change in altitude in feet
if (w->flag(WPT_ARRIVAL) && !w->flag(WPT_MISS)) {
deltaFt = -_pathDescentFPM * tMinutes;
} else {
deltaFt = _pathClimbFPM * tMinutes;
return prevAlt + deltaFt;
double RoutePath::computeTrackForIndex(int index) const
if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) _waypts.size())) {
throw sg_range_exception("waypt index out of range",
WayptRef w = _waypts[index];
if (w->type() == "radialIntercept") {
RadialIntercept* r = (RadialIntercept*) w.get();
return r->courseDegMagnetic();
} else if (w->type() == "dmeIntercept") {
DMEIntercept* d = (DMEIntercept*) w.get();
return d->courseDegMagnetic();
} else if (w->type() == "hdgToAlt") {
HeadingToAltitude* h = (HeadingToAltitude*) w.get();
return h->headingDegMagnetic();
} else if (w->type() == "hold") {
Hold* h = (Hold*) w.get();
return h->inboundRadial();
} else if (w->type() == "vectors") {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "asked for track from VECTORS");
throw sg_range_exception("asked for track from vectors waypt");
} else if (w->type() == "runway") {
FGRunway* rwy = static_cast<RunwayWaypt*>(w.get())->runway();
return rwy->headingDeg();
// course based upon previous and current pos
SGGeod pos, prevPos;
if (!computedPositionForIndex(index, pos) ||
!computedPositionForIndex(index - 1, prevPos))
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "unable to compute position for waypoints");
throw sg_range_exception("unable to compute position for waypoints");
return SGGeodesy::courseDeg(prevPos, pos);
double RoutePath::distanceForClimb(double climbFt) const
double t = 0.0; // in seconds
if (climbFt > 0.0) {
t = (climbFt / _pathClimbFPM) * 60.0;
} else if (climbFt < 0.0) {
t = (climbFt / _pathDescentFPM) * 60.0;
return _pathIAS * (t / 3600.0);
double RoutePath::magVarFor(const SGGeod& geod) const
double jd = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
return sgGetMagVar(geod, jd) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;