the property system, among other things. A separate integration into the FDMs will follow shortly. This code will be used only if the --with-new-environment option is *not* passed to configure.
322 lines
11 KiB
322 lines
11 KiB
Module: FGPhysicalProperties.cpp
Author: Christian Mayer
Date started: 28.05.99
Called by: main program
-------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at
Initialice the FGPhysicalProperties struct to something sensible(?)
29.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
and lots of wee code cleaning
#include "FGPhysicalProperties.h"
#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
#include "FGWeatherUtils.h"
/********************************** CODE ************************************/
sgVec3 zero;
sgZeroVec3( zero );
/* This standart constructor fills the class with a standard weather */
Wind[-1000.0] = FGWindItem(zero); //no Wind by default
Wind[10000.0] = FGWindItem(zero); //no Wind by default
Turbulence[-1000.0] = FGTurbulenceItem(zero); //no Turbulence by default
Turbulence[10000.0] = FGTurbulenceItem(zero); //no Turbulence by default
//Initialice with the CINA atmosphere
Temperature[ 0.0] = +15.0 + 273.16;
Temperature[11000.0] = -56.5 + 273.16;
Temperature[20000.0] = -56.5 + 273.16;
AirPressure = FGAirPressureItem(101325.0);
VaporPressure[-1000.0] = FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_VAPORPRESSURE; //in Pa (I *only* accept SI!)
VaporPressure[10000.0] = FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_VAPORPRESSURE; //in Pa (I *only* accept SI!)
//Clouds.insert(FGCloudItem()) => none
SnowRainIntensity = 0.0;
snowRainType = Rain;
LightningProbability = 0.0;
The Methods:
WeatherPrecision getWind_x( int number ) const;
WeatherPrecision getWind_y( int number ) const;
WeatherPrecision getWind_z( int number ) const;
WeatherPrecision getWind_a( int number ) const;
void setWind_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
void setWind_y( int number, WeatherPrecision y);
void setWind_z( int number, WeatherPrecision z);
void setWind_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_x( int number ) const;
WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_y( int number ) const;
WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_z( int number ) const;
WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_a( int number ) const;
void setTurbulence_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
void setTurbulence_y( int number, WeatherPrecision y);
void setTurbulence_z( int number, WeatherPrecision z);
void setTurbulence_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
WeatherPrecision getTemperature_x( int number ) const;
WeatherPrecision getTemperature_a( int number ) const;
void setTemperature_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
void setTemperature_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
WeatherPrecision getVaporPressure_x( int number ) const;
WeatherPrecision getVaporPressure_a( int number ) const;
void setVaporPressure_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
void setVaporPressure_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
are in the extra file FGPhysicalProperties_bind.cpp
unsigned int FGPhysicalProperties::getNumberOfCloudLayers(void) const
return Clouds.size();
FGCloudItem FGPhysicalProperties::getCloudLayer(unsigned int nr) const
map<WeatherPrecision,FGCloudItem>::const_iterator CloudsIt = Clouds.begin();
//set the iterator to the 'nr'th entry
for (; nr > 0; nr--)
return CloudsIt->second;
ostream& operator<< ( ostream& out, const FGPhysicalProperties2D& p )
typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGWindItem >::const_iterator wind_iterator;
typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator turbulence_iterator;
typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator scalar_iterator;
out << "Position: (" << p.p[0] << ", " << p.p[1] << ", " << p.p[2] << ")\n";
out << "Stored Wind: ";
for (wind_iterator WindIt = p.Wind.begin();
WindIt != p.Wind.end();
out << "(" << WindIt->second.x() << ", " << WindIt->second.y() << ", " << WindIt->second.z() << ") m/s at (" << WindIt->first << ") m; ";
out << "\n";
out << "Stored Turbulence: ";
for (turbulence_iterator TurbulenceIt = p.Turbulence.begin();
TurbulenceIt != p.Turbulence.end();
out << "(" << TurbulenceIt->second.x() << ", " << TurbulenceIt->second.y() << ", " << TurbulenceIt->second.z() << ") m/s at (" << TurbulenceIt->first << ") m; ";
out << "\n";
out << "Stored Temperature: ";
for (scalar_iterator TemperatureIt = p.Temperature.begin();
TemperatureIt != p.Temperature.end();
out << Kelvin2Celsius(TemperatureIt->second) << " degC at " << TemperatureIt->first << "m; ";
out << "\n";
out << "Stored AirPressure: ";
out << p.AirPressure.getValue()/100.0 << " hPa at " << 0.0 << "m; ";
out << "\n";
out << "Stored VaporPressure: ";
for (scalar_iterator VaporPressureIt = p.VaporPressure.begin();
VaporPressureIt != p.VaporPressure.end();
out << VaporPressureIt->second/100.0 << " hPa at " << VaporPressureIt->first << "m; ";
out << "\n";
return out << "\n";
inline double F(const WeatherPrecision factor, const WeatherPrecision a, const WeatherPrecision b, const WeatherPrecision r, const WeatherPrecision x)
const double c = 1.0 / (-b + a * r);
return factor * c * ( 1.0 / (r + x) + a * c * log(fabs((r + x) * (b + a * x))) );
WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::AirPressureAt(const WeatherPrecision x) const
const double G = 6.673e-11; //Gravity; in m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
const double m = 5.977e24; //mass of the earth in kg
const double r = 6368e3; //radius of the earth in metres
const double factor = -(rho0 * TemperatureAt(0) * G * m) / AirPressure.getValue();
double a, b, FF = 0.0;
//ok, integrate from 0 to a now.
if (Temperature.size() < 2)
{ //take care of the case that there aren't enough points
//actually this should be impossible...
if (Temperature.size() == 0)
cerr << "ERROR in FGPhysicalProperties: Air pressure at " << x << " metres altiude requested,\n";
cerr << " but there isn't enough data stored! No temperature is aviable!\n";
//ok, I've got only one point. So I'm assuming that that temperature is
//the same for all altitudes.
a = 1;
b = TemperatureAt(0);
FF += F(factor, a, b, r, x );
FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, 0.0);
{ //I've got at least two entries now
//integrate 'backwards' by integrating the strip ]n,x] first, then ]n-1,n] ... to [0,n-m]
if (x>=0.0)
map<WeatherPrecision, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator temp2 = Temperature.upper_bound(x);
map<WeatherPrecision, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator temp1 = temp2; temp1--;
if (temp1->first == x)
{ //ignore that interval
temp1--; temp2--;
bool first_pass = true;
if (temp2 == Temperature.end())
//temp2 doesn't exist. So cheat by assuming that the slope is the
//same as between the two earlier temperatures
temp1--; temp2--;
a = (temp2->second - temp1->second)/(temp2->first - temp1->first);
b = temp1->second - a * temp1->first;
temp1++; temp2++;
a = (temp2->second - temp1->second)/(temp2->first - temp1->first);
b = temp1->second - a * temp1->first;
if (first_pass)
FF += F(factor, a, b, r, x);
first_pass = false;
FF += F(factor, a, b, r, temp2->first);
if (temp1->first>0.0)
FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, temp1->first);
temp1--; temp2--;
FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, 0.0);
return AirPressure.getValue() * exp(FF);
{ //ok x is smaller than 0.0, so do everything in reverse
map<WeatherPrecision, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator temp2 = Temperature.upper_bound(x);
map<WeatherPrecision, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator temp1 = temp2; temp1--;
bool first_pass = true;
if (temp2 == Temperature.begin())
//temp1 doesn't exist. So cheat by assuming that the slope is the
//same as between the two earlier temperatures
temp1 = Temperature.begin(); temp2++;
a = (temp2->second - temp1->second)/(temp2->first - temp1->first);
b = temp1->second - a * temp1->first;
a = (temp2->second - temp1->second)/(temp2->first - temp1->first);
b = temp1->second - a * temp1->first;
if (first_pass)
FF += F(factor, a, b, r, x);
first_pass = false;
FF += F(factor, a, b, r, temp2->first);
if (temp2->first<0.0)
FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, temp1->first);
if (temp2 == Temperature.begin())
temp1 = Temperature.begin(); temp2++;
temp1++; temp2++;
FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, 0.0);
return AirPressure.getValue() * exp(FF);
return AirPressure.getValue() * exp(FF);