Fork 0
andy eb3f52c340 Turn the __timers garbage collector cache into a more generic "gcsave"
interface, and use it to cache FGNasalScript objects returned from
a new parseScript() method.

Added a rand() function.

Added an interpolate() function interface to the new SGInterpolator
2003-12-05 01:54:39 +00:00

528 lines
16 KiB

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <plib/ul.h>
#include <simgear/nasal/nasal.h>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/interpolator.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/commands.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "NasalSys.hxx"
// Read and return file contents in a single buffer. Note use of
// stat() to get the file size. This is a win32 function, believe it
// or not. :) Note the REALLY IMPORTANT use of the "b" flag to fopen.
// Text mode brain damage will kill us if we're trying to do bytewise
// I/O.
static char* readfile(const char* file, int* lenOut)
struct stat data;
if(stat(file, &data) != 0) return 0;
FILE* f = fopen(file, "rb");
if(!f) return 0;
char* buf = new char[data.st_size];
*lenOut = fread(buf, 1, data.st_size, f);
if(*lenOut != data.st_size) {
// Shouldn't happen, but warn anyway since it represents a
// platform bug and not a typical runtime error (missing file,
// etc...)
"ERROR in Nasal initialization: " <<
"short count returned from fread() of " << file <<
". Check your C library!");
delete[] buf;
return 0;
return buf;
_context = 0;
_globals = naNil();
_gcHash = naNil();
_nextGCKey = 0; // Any value will do
// Nasal doesn't have a "destroy context" API yet. :(
// Not a problem for a global subsystem that will never be
// destroyed. And the context is actually a global, so no memory
// is technically leaked (although the GC pool memory obviously
// won't be freed).
_context = 0;
_globals = naNil();
bool FGNasalSys::parseAndRun(const char* sourceCode)
naRef code = parse("FGNasalSys::parseAndRun()", sourceCode,
return false;
naCall(_context, code, naNil(), naNil(), naNil());
if(!naGetError(_context)) return true;
return false;
FGNasalScript* FGNasalSys::parseScript(const char* src, const char* name)
FGNasalScript* script = new FGNasalScript();
script->_gcKey = -1; // important, if we delete it on a parse
script->_nas = this; // error, don't clobber a real handle!
char buf[256];
if(!name) {
sprintf(buf, "FGNasalScript@%8.8x", (int)script);
name = buf;
script->_code = parse(name, src);
if(naIsNil(script->_code)) {
delete script;
return 0;
script->_gcKey = gcSave(script->_code);
return script;
// Utility. Sets a named key in a hash by C string, rather than nasal
// string object.
void FGNasalSys::hashset(naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val)
naRef s = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(s, (char*)key, strlen(key));
naHash_set(hash, s, val);
// The get/setprop functions accept a *list* of strings and walk
// through the property tree with them to find the appropriate node.
// This allows a Nasal object to hold onto a property path and use it
// like a node object, e.g. setprop(ObjRoot, "size-parsecs", 2.02). This
// is the utility function that walks the property tree.
// Future enhancement: support integer arguments to specify array
// elements.
static SGPropertyNode* findnode(naContext c, naRef vec, int len)
SGPropertyNode* p = globals->get_props();
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
naRef a = naVec_get(vec, i);
if(!naIsString(a)) return 0;
p = p->getNode(naStr_data(a));
if(p == 0) return 0;
return p;
// getprop() extension function. Concatenates its string arguments as
// property names and returns the value of the specified property. Or
// nil if it doesn't exist.
static naRef f_getprop(naContext c, naRef args)
const SGPropertyNode* p = findnode(c, args, naVec_size(args));
if(!p) return naNil();
switch(p->getType()) {
case SGPropertyNode::BOOL: case SGPropertyNode::INT:
case SGPropertyNode::LONG: case SGPropertyNode::FLOAT:
case SGPropertyNode::DOUBLE:
return naNum(p->getDoubleValue());
case SGPropertyNode::STRING:
naRef nastr = naNewString(c);
const char* val = p->getStringValue();
naStr_fromdata(nastr, (char*)val, strlen(val));
return nastr;
return naNil();
// setprop() extension function. Concatenates its string arguments as
// property names and sets the value of the specified property to the
// final argument.
static naRef f_setprop(naContext c, naRef args)
#define BUFLEN 1024
int argc = naVec_size(args);
char buf[BUFLEN + 1];
buf[BUFLEN] = 0;
char* p = buf;
int buflen = BUFLEN;
for(int i=0; i<argc-1; i++) {
naRef s = naStringValue(c, naVec_get(args, i));
if(naIsNil(s)) return naNil();
strncpy(p, naStr_data(s), buflen);
p += naStr_len(s);
buflen = BUFLEN - (p - buf);
if(i < (argc-2) && buflen > 0) {
*p++ = '/';
SGPropertyNode* props = globals->get_props();
naRef val = naVec_get(args, argc-1);
if(naIsString(val)) props->setStringValue(buf, naStr_data(val));
else props->setDoubleValue(buf, naNumValue(val).num);
return naNil();
#undef BUFLEN
// print() extension function. Concatenates and prints its arguments
// to the FlightGear log. Uses the highest log level (SG_ALERT), to
// make sure it appears. Is there better way to do this?
static naRef f_print(naContext c, naRef args)
#define BUFLEN 1024
char buf[BUFLEN + 1];
buf[BUFLEN] = 0; // extra nul to handle strncpy brain damage
char* p = buf;
int buflen = BUFLEN;
int n = naVec_size(args);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
naRef s = naStringValue(c, naVec_get(args, i));
if(naIsNil(s)) continue;
strncpy(p, naStr_data(s), buflen);
p += naStr_len(s);
buflen = BUFLEN - (p - buf);
if(buflen <= 0) break;
return naNil();
#undef BUFLEN
// fgcommand() extension function. Executes a named command via the
// FlightGear command manager. Takes a single property node name as
// an argument.
static naRef f_fgcommand(naContext c, naRef args)
naRef cmd = naVec_get(args, 0);
naRef props = naVec_get(args, 1);
if(!naIsString(cmd) || !naIsGhost(props)) return naNil();
SGPropertyNode_ptr* node = (SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(props);
globals->get_commands()->execute(naStr_data(cmd), *node);
return naNil();
// settimer(func, dt, simtime) extension function. Falls through to
// FGNasalSys::setTimer(). See there for docs.
static naRef f_settimer(naContext c, naRef args)
FGNasalSys* nasal = (FGNasalSys*)globals->get_subsystem("nasal");
return naNil();
// Returns a ghost handle to the argument to the currently executing
// command
static naRef f_cmdarg(naContext c, naRef args)
FGNasalSys* nasal = (FGNasalSys*)globals->get_subsystem("nasal");
return nasal->cmdArgGhost();
// Sets up a property interpolation. The first argument is either a
// ghost (SGPropertyNode_ptr*) or a string (global property path) to
// interpolate. The second argument is a vector of pairs of
// value/delta numbers.
static naRef f_interpolate(naContext c, naRef args)
SGPropertyNode* node;
naRef prop = naVec_get(args, 0);
if(naIsString(prop)) node = fgGetNode(naStr_data(prop), true);
else if(naIsGhost(prop)) node = *(SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(prop);
else return naNil();
naRef curve = naVec_get(args, 1);
if(!naIsVector(curve)) return naNil();
int nPoints = naVec_size(curve) / 2;
double* values = new double[nPoints];
double* deltas = new double[nPoints];
for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
values[i] = naNumValue(naVec_get(curve, 2*i)).num;
deltas[i] = naNumValue(naVec_get(curve, 2*i+1)).num;
->interpolate(node, nPoints, values, deltas);
static naRef f_rand(naContext c, naRef args)
return naNum(sg_random());
// Table of extension functions. Terminate with zeros.
static struct { char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = {
{ "getprop", f_getprop },
{ "setprop", f_setprop },
{ "print", f_print },
{ "_fgcommand", f_fgcommand },
{ "settimer", f_settimer },
{ "_cmdarg", f_cmdarg },
{ "_interpolate", f_interpolate },
{ "rand", f_rand },
{ 0, 0 }
naRef FGNasalSys::cmdArgGhost()
return propNodeGhost(_cmdArg);
void FGNasalSys::init()
int i;
_context = naNewContext();
// Start with globals. Add it to itself as a recursive
// sub-reference under the name "globals". This gives client-code
// write access to the namespace if someone wants to do something
// fancy.
_globals = naStdLib(_context);
naSave(_context, _globals);
hashset(_globals, "globals", _globals);
// Add in the math library under "math"
hashset(_globals, "math", naMathLib(_context));
// Add our custom extension functions:
for(i=0; funcs[i].name; i++)
hashset(_globals, funcs[i].name,
naNewFunc(_context, naNewCCode(_context, funcs[i].func)));
// And our SGPropertyNode wrapper
hashset(_globals, "props", genPropsModule());
// Make a "__gcsave" hash to hold the naRef objects which get
// passed to handles outside the interpreter (to protect them from
// begin garbage-collected).
_gcHash = naNewHash(_context);
hashset(_globals, "__gcsave", _gcHash);
// Now load the various source files in the Nasal directory
SGPath p(globals->get_fg_root());
ulDirEnt* dent;
ulDir* dir = ulOpenDir(p.c_str());
while(dir && (dent = ulReadDir(dir)) != 0) {
SGPath fullpath(p);
SGPath file(dent->d_name);
if(file.extension() != "nas") continue;
readScriptFile(fullpath, file.base().c_str());
// Pull scripts out of the property tree, too
// Loads the scripts found under /nasal in the global tree
void FGNasalSys::loadPropertyScripts()
SGPropertyNode* nasal = globals->get_props()->getNode("nasal");
if(!nasal) return;
for(int i=0; i<nasal->nChildren(); i++) {
SGPropertyNode* n = nasal->getChild(i);
const char* module = n->getName();
module = n->getStringValue("module");
const char* file = n->getStringValue("file");
if(!n->hasChild("file")) file = 0; // Hrm...
if(file) {
SGPath p(globals->get_fg_root());
readScriptFile(p, module);
const char* src = n->getStringValue("script");
if(!n->hasChild("script")) src = 0; // Hrm...
initModule(module, n->getPath(), src, strlen(src));
if(!file && !src)
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Nasal error: " <<
"no <file> or <script> defined in " <<
"/nasal/" << module);
// Logs a runtime error, with stack trace, to the FlightGear log stream
void FGNasalSys::logError()
"Nasal runtime error: " << naGetError(_context));
" at " << naStr_data(naGetSourceFile(_context, 0)) <<
", line " << naGetLine(_context, 0));
for(int i=1; i<naStackDepth(_context); i++)
" called from: " << naStr_data(naGetSourceFile(_context, i)) <<
", line " << naGetLine(_context, i));
// Reads a script file, executes it, and places the resulting
// namespace into the global namespace under the specified module
// name.
void FGNasalSys::readScriptFile(SGPath file, const char* module)
int len = 0;
char* buf = readfile(file.c_str(), &len);
if(!buf) {
"Nasal error: could not read script file " << file.c_str()
<< " into module " << module);
initModule(module, file.c_str(), buf, len);
delete[] buf;
// Parse and run. Save the local variables namespace, as it will
// become a sub-object of globals.
void FGNasalSys::initModule(const char* moduleName, const char* fileName,
const char* src, int len)
if(len == 0) len = strlen(src);
naRef code = parse(fileName, src, len);
// See if we already have a module hash to use. This allows the
// user to, for example, add functions to the built-in math
// module. Make a new one if necessary.
naRef locals;
naRef modname = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(modname, (char*)moduleName, strlen(moduleName));
if(!naHash_get(_globals, modname, &locals))
locals = naNewHash(_context);
naCall(_context, code, naNil(), naNil(), locals);
if(naGetError(_context)) {
hashset(_globals, moduleName, locals);
naRef FGNasalSys::parse(const char* filename, const char* buf, int len)
if(len == 0) len = strlen(buf);
int errLine = -1;
naRef srcfile = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(srcfile, (char*)filename, strlen(filename));
naRef code = naParseCode(_context, srcfile, 1, (char*)buf, len, &errLine);
if(naIsNil(code)) {
"Nasal parse error: " << naGetError(_context) <<
" in "<< filename <<", line " << errLine);
return naNil();
// Bind to the global namespace before returning
return naBindFunction(_context, code, _globals);
bool FGNasalSys::handleCommand(const SGPropertyNode* arg)
// Parse the Nasal source. I'd love to use the property name of
// the argument, but it's actually a *clone* of the original
// location in the property tree. arg->getPath() returns an empty
// string.
const char* nasal = arg->getStringValue("script");
naRef code = parse("<command>", nasal);
if(naIsNil(code)) return false;
// Cache the command argument for inspection via cmdarg(). For
// performance reasons, we won't bother with it if the invoked
// code doesn't need it.
_cmdArg = (SGPropertyNode*)arg;
// Call it!
naRef result = naCall(_context, code, naNil(), naNil(), naNil());
if(!naGetError(_context)) return true;
return false;
// settimer(func, dt, simtime) extension function. The first argument
// is a Nasal function to call, the second is a delta time (from now),
// in seconds. The third, if present, is a boolean value indicating
// that "simulator" time (rather than real time) is to be used.
// Implementation note: the FGTimer objects don't live inside the
// garbage collector, so the Nasal handler functions have to be
// "saved" somehow lest they be inadvertently cleaned. In this case,
// they are inserted into a globals.__gcsave hash and removed on
// expiration.
void FGNasalSys::setTimer(naRef args)
// Extract the handler, delta, and simtime arguments:
naRef handler = naVec_get(args, 0);
if(!(naIsCode(handler) || naIsCCode(handler) || naIsFunc(handler)))
naRef delta = naNumValue(naVec_get(args, 1));
if(naIsNil(delta)) return;
bool simtime = naTrue(naVec_get(args, 2)) ? true : false;
// Generate and register a C++ timer handler
NasalTimer* t = new NasalTimer;
t->handler = handler;
t->gcKey = gcSave(handler);
t->nasal = this;
t, &NasalTimer::timerExpired,
delta.num, simtime);
void FGNasalSys::handleTimer(NasalTimer* t)
naCall(_context, t->handler, naNil(), naNil(), naNil());
int FGNasalSys::gcSave(naRef r)
int key = _nextGCKey++;
naHash_set(_gcHash, naNum(key), r);
return key;
void FGNasalSys::gcRelease(int key)
naHash_delete(_gcHash, naNum(key));
void FGNasalSys::NasalTimer::timerExpired()
delete this;