the current timestamp used in mp protocol and in AImultiplayer is not a good one: it can pause, or even change speed if we change warp value. we want it to be used for network protocol lag and jitter estimation, and a time flowing linearly on both side is needed, here's a first introduction of this timestamp relates to real elapsed time. here it's initialised to the system clock, then follow the monotonic clock. in future improvement, it will allow time synchronisation betwen mp players, to have a very good close formation flight experience.
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// TimeManager.cxx -- simulation-wide time management
// Written by James Turner, started July 2010.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Curtis L. Olson -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include "TimeManager.hxx"
#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/event_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/lowleveltime.h>
#include <simgear/structure/commands.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Time/bodysolver.hxx>
using std::string;
static bool do_timeofday (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
const string &offset_type = arg->getStringValue("timeofday", "noon");
int offset = arg->getIntValue("offset", 0);
TimeManager* self = (TimeManager*) globals->get_subsystem("time");
if (offset_type == "real") {
// without this, setting 'real' time is a no-op, since the current
// wrap value (orig_warp) is retained in setTimeOffset. Ick.
fgSetInt("/sim/time/warp", 0);
self->setTimeOffset(offset_type, offset);
return true;
TimeManager::TimeManager() :
globals->get_commands()->addCommand("timeofday", do_timeofday);
void TimeManager::init()
if (_inited) {
// time manager has to be initialised early, so needs to be defensive
// about multiple initialisation
_firstUpdate = true;
_inited = true;
_dtRemainder = 0.0;
_mpProtocolClock = 0.0;
_adjustWarpOnUnfreeze = false;
_maxDtPerFrame = fgGetNode("/sim/max-simtime-per-frame", true);
_clockFreeze = fgGetNode("/sim/freeze/clock", true);
_timeOverride = fgGetNode("/sim/time/cur-time-override", true);
_warp = fgGetNode("/sim/time/warp", true);
_warpDelta = fgGetNode("/sim/time/warp-delta", true);
SGPath zone(globals->get_fg_root());
_impl = new SGTime(globals->get_aircraft_position(), zone, _timeOverride->getLongValue());
globals->get_event_mgr()->addTask("updateLocalTime", this,
&TimeManager::updateLocalTime, 30*60 );
_impl->update(globals->get_aircraft_position(), _timeOverride->getLongValue(),
// frame-rate / worst-case latency / update-rate counters
_frameRate = fgGetNode("/sim/frame-rate", true);
_frameLatency = fgGetNode("/sim/frame-latency-max-ms", true);
_frameRateWorst = fgGetNode("/sim/frame-rate-worst", true);
_lastFrameTime = 0;
_frameLatencyMax = 0.0;
_frameCount = 0;
_sceneryLoaded = fgGetNode("sim/sceneryloaded", true);
_modelHz = fgGetNode("sim/model-hz", true);
_timeDelta = fgGetNode("sim/time/delta-realtime-sec", true);
_simTimeDelta = fgGetNode("sim/time/delta-sec", true);
_mpClockNode = fgGetNode("sim/time/mp-clock-sec", true);
_simTimeFactor = fgGetNode("/sim/speed-up", true);
// use pre-set value but ensure we get a sane default
if (!_simTimeDelta->hasValue()) {
void TimeManager::unbind()
void TimeManager::postinit()
void TimeManager::reinit()
void TimeManager::shutdown()
delete _impl;
_impl = NULL;
_inited = false;
void TimeManager::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode* aProp)
if (aProp == _warp) {
if (_clockFreeze->getBoolValue()) {
// if the warp is changed manually while frozen, don't modify it when
// un-freezing - the user wants to unfreeze with exactly the warp
// they specified.
_adjustWarpOnUnfreeze = false;
void TimeManager::computeTimeDeltas(double& simDt, double& realDt)
// Update the elapsed time.
if (_firstUpdate) {
// we initialise the mp protocol clock with the system clock.
_mpProtocolClock = _systemStamp.toSecs();
_firstUpdate = false;
_lastClockFreeze = _clockFreeze->getBoolValue();
bool wait_for_scenery = !_sceneryLoaded->getBoolValue();
if (!wait_for_scenery) {
// suppress framerate while initial scenery isn't loaded yet (splash screen still active)
_frameCount = 0;
SGTimeStamp currentStamp;
// this dt will be clamped by the max sim time by frame.
double dt = (currentStamp - _lastStamp).toSecs();
// here we have a true real dt for a clock "real time".
double mpProtocolDt = dt;
if (dt > _frameLatencyMax)
_frameLatencyMax = dt;
// Limit the time we need to spend in simulation loops
// That means, if the /sim/max-simtime-per-frame value is strictly positive
// you can limit the maximum amount of time you will do simulations for
// one frame to display. The cpu time spent in simulations code is roughly
// at least O(real_delta_time_sec). If this is (due to running debug
// builds or valgrind or something different blowing up execution times)
// larger than the real time you will no longer get any response
// from flightgear. This limits that effect. Just set to property from
// your .fgfsrc or commandline ...
double dtMax = _maxDtPerFrame->getDoubleValue();
if (0 < dtMax && dtMax < dt) {
dt = dtMax;
SGSubsystemGroup* fdmGroup =
double modelHz = _modelHz->getDoubleValue();
fdmGroup->set_fixed_update_time(1.0 / modelHz);
// round the real time down to a multiple of 1/model-hz.
// this way all systems are updated the _same_ amount of dt.
dt += _dtRemainder;
// we keep the mp clock sync with the sim time, as it's used as timestamp
// in fdm state,
mpProtocolDt += _dtRemainder;
int multiLoop = long(floor(dt * modelHz));
multiLoop = SGMisc<long>::max(0, multiLoop);
_dtRemainder = dt - double(multiLoop)/modelHz;
dt = double(multiLoop)/modelHz;
mpProtocolDt -= _dtRemainder;
realDt = dt;
if (_clockFreeze->getBoolValue() || wait_for_scenery) {
simDt = 0;
} else {
// sim time can be scaled
simDt = dt * _simTimeFactor->getDoubleValue();
_lastStamp = currentStamp;
_mpProtocolClock += mpProtocolDt;
// These are useful, especially for Nasal scripts.
void TimeManager::update(double dt)
bool freeze = _clockFreeze->getBoolValue();
time_t now = time(NULL);
if (freeze) {
// clock freeze requested
if (_timeOverride->getLongValue() == 0) {
_adjustWarpOnUnfreeze = true;
} else {
// no clock freeze requested
if (_lastClockFreeze) {
if (_adjustWarpOnUnfreeze) {
// clock just unfroze, let's set warp as the difference
// between frozen time and current time so we don't get a
// time jump (and corresponding sky object and lighting
// jump.)
int adjust = _timeOverride->getLongValue() - now;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "adjusting on un-freeze:" << adjust);
_warp->setIntValue(_warp->getIntValue() + adjust);
// account for speed-up in warp value. This implies when speed-up is not
// 1.0 we need to continually adjust warp, either forwards for speed-up,
// or backwards for a slow-down. Eg for a speed up of 4x, we want to
// incease warp by 3 additional seconds per elapsed real second.
// for a 1/2x factor, we want to decrease warp by half a second per
// elapsed real second.
double speedUp = _simTimeFactor->getDoubleValue() - 1.0;
if (speedUp != 0.0) {
double realDt = _timeDelta->getDoubleValue();
double speedUpOffset = speedUp * realDt;
_warp->setDoubleValue(_warp->getDoubleValue() + speedUpOffset);
} // of sim not frozen
// scale warp-delta by real-dt, so rate is constant with frame-rate,
// but warping works while paused
int warpDelta = _warpDelta->getIntValue();
if (warpDelta) {
_adjustWarpOnUnfreeze = false;
double warpOffset = warpDelta * _timeDelta->getDoubleValue();
_warp->setDoubleValue(_warp->getDoubleValue() + warpOffset);
_lastClockFreeze = freeze;
void TimeManager::computeFrameRate()
// Calculate frame rate average
if ((_impl->get_cur_time() != _lastFrameTime)) {
if (_frameLatencyMax>0)
_frameCount = 0;
_frameLatencyMax = 0.0;
_lastFrameTime = _impl->get_cur_time();
void TimeManager::throttleUpdateRate()
// common case, no throttle requested
double throttle_hz = fgGetDouble("/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz", 0.0);
if (throttle_hz <= 0)
return; // no-op
// sleep for exactly 1/hz seconds relative to the past valid timestamp
SGTimeStamp::sleepUntil(_lastStamp + SGTimeStamp::fromSec(1/throttle_hz));
// periodic time updater wrapper
void TimeManager::updateLocalTime()
SGPath zone(globals->get_fg_root());
_impl->updateLocal(globals->get_aircraft_position(), zone.local8BitStr());
void TimeManager::initTimeOffset()
long int offset = fgGetLong("/sim/startup/time-offset");
string offset_type = fgGetString("/sim/startup/time-offset-type");
setTimeOffset(offset_type, offset);
void TimeManager::setTimeOffset(const std::string& offset_type, long int offset)
// Handle potential user specified time offsets
int orig_warp = _warp->getIntValue();
time_t cur_time = _impl->get_cur_time();
time_t currGMT = sgTimeGetGMT( gmtime(&cur_time) );
time_t systemLocalTime = sgTimeGetGMT( localtime(&cur_time) );
time_t aircraftLocalTime =
sgTimeGetGMT( fgLocaltime(&cur_time, _impl->get_zonename() ) );
// Okay, we now have several possible scenarios
SGGeod loc = globals->get_aircraft_position();
int warp = 0;
if ( offset_type == "real" ) {
warp = 0;
} else if ( offset_type == "dawn" ) {
warp = fgTimeSecondsUntilBodyAngle( cur_time, loc, 90.0, true, "sun" );
} else if ( offset_type == "morning" ) {
warp = fgTimeSecondsUntilBodyAngle( cur_time, loc, 75.0, true, "sun" );
} else if ( offset_type == "noon" ) {
warp = fgTimeSecondsUntilBodyAngle( cur_time, loc, 0.0, true, "sun" );
} else if ( offset_type == "afternoon" ) {
warp = fgTimeSecondsUntilBodyAngle( cur_time, loc, 75.0, false, "sun" );
} else if ( offset_type == "dusk" ) {
warp = fgTimeSecondsUntilBodyAngle( cur_time, loc, 90.0, false, "sun" );
} else if ( offset_type == "evening" ) {
warp = fgTimeSecondsUntilBodyAngle( cur_time, loc, 100.0, false, "sun" );
} else if ( offset_type == "midnight" ) {
warp = fgTimeSecondsUntilBodyAngle( cur_time, loc, 180.0, false, "sun" );
} else if ( offset_type == "system-offset" ) {
warp = offset;
orig_warp = 0;
} else if ( offset_type == "gmt-offset" ) {
warp = offset - (currGMT - systemLocalTime);
orig_warp = 0;
} else if ( offset_type == "latitude-offset" ) {
warp = offset - (aircraftLocalTime - systemLocalTime);
orig_warp = 0;
} else if ( offset_type == "system" ) {
warp = offset - (systemLocalTime - currGMT) - cur_time;
} else if ( offset_type == "gmt" ) {
warp = offset - cur_time;
} else if ( offset_type == "latitude" ) {
warp = offset - (aircraftLocalTime - currGMT)- cur_time;
} else {
"TimeManager::setTimeOffset: unsupported offset: " << offset_type );
warp = 0;
if( fgGetBool("/sim/time/warp-easing", false) ) {
double duration = fgGetDouble("/sim/time/warp-easing-duration-secs", 5.0 );
const string easing = fgGetString("/sim/time/warp-easing-method", "swing" );
SGPropertyNode n;
n.setDoubleValue( orig_warp + warp );
_warp->interpolate( "numeric", n, duration, easing );
} else {
_warp->setIntValue( orig_warp + warp );
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "After TimeManager::setTimeOffset(): warp = "
<< _warp->getIntValue() );