Fork 0
James Turner 8b25244d90 Performance: cache TCAS nodes on AI aircraft
Removes some remaining hot property lookups each frame
2018-09-24 15:34:20 +01:00

197 lines
6.7 KiB

// FGAIAircraft - AIBase derived class creates an AI aircraft
// Written by David Culp, started October 2003.
// Copyright (C) 2003 David P. Culp - davidculp2@comcast.net
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _FG_AIAircraft_HXX
#define _FG_AIAircraft_HXX
#include "AIBase.hxx"
#include <string>
class PerformanceData;
class FGAISchedule;
class FGAIFlightPlan;
class FGATCController;
class FGATCInstruction;
class FGAIWaypoint;
class FGAIAircraft : public FGAIBase {
FGAIAircraft(FGAISchedule *ref=0);
virtual void readFromScenario(SGPropertyNode* scFileNode);
// virtual bool init(bool search_in_AI_path=false);
virtual void bind();
virtual void update(double dt);
virtual void unbind();
void setPerformance(const std::string& acType, const std::string& perfString);
// void setPerformance(PerformanceData *ps);
void setFlightPlan(const std::string& fp, bool repat = false);
void initializeFlightPlan();
FGAIFlightPlan* GetFlightPlan() const { return fp.get(); };
void ProcessFlightPlan( double dt, time_t now );
time_t checkForArrivalTime(const std::string& wptName);
void AccelTo(double speed);
void PitchTo(double angle);
void RollTo(double angle);
void YawTo(double angle);
void ClimbTo(double altitude);
void TurnTo(double heading);
void getGroundElev(double dt); //TODO these 3 really need to be public?
void doGroundAltitude();
bool loadNextLeg (double dist=0);
void resetPositionFromFlightPlan();
double getBearing(double crse);
void setAcType(const std::string& ac) { acType = ac; };
const std::string& getAcType() const { return acType; }
void setCompany(const std::string& comp) { company = comp;};
void announcePositionToController(); //TODO have to be public?
void processATC(const FGATCInstruction& instruction);
void setTaxiClearanceRequest(bool arg) { needsTaxiClearance = arg; };
bool getTaxiClearanceRequest() { return needsTaxiClearance; };
FGAISchedule * getTrafficRef() { return trafficRef; };
void setTrafficRef(FGAISchedule *ref) { trafficRef = ref; };
void resetTakeOffStatus() { takeOffStatus = 0;};
void setTakeOffStatus(int status) { takeOffStatus = status; };
void scheduleForATCTowerDepartureControl(int state);
//inline bool isScheduledForTakeoff() { return scheduledForTakeoff; };
virtual const char* getTypeString(void) const { return "aircraft"; }
const std::string& GetTransponderCode() { return transponderCode; };
void SetTransponderCode(const std::string& tc) { transponderCode = tc;};
// included as performance data needs them, who else?
inline PerformanceData* getPerformance() { return _performance; };
inline bool onGround() const { return no_roll; };
inline double getSpeed() const { return speed; };
inline double getRoll() const { return roll; };
inline double getPitch() const { return pitch; };
inline double getAltitude() const { return altitude_ft; };
inline double getVerticalSpeed() const { return vs; };
inline double altitudeAGL() const { return props->getFloatValue("position/altitude-agl-ft");};
inline double airspeed() const { return props->getFloatValue("velocities/airspeed-kt");};
const std::string& atGate();
int getTakeOffStatus() { return takeOffStatus; };
void checkTcas();
double calcVerticalSpeed(double vert_ft, double dist_m, double speed, double error);
FGATCController * getATCController() { return controller; };
void clearATCController();
void Run(double dt);
FGAISchedule *trafficRef;
FGATCController *controller,
*towerController; // Only needed to make a pre-announcement
bool hdg_lock;
bool alt_lock;
double dt_count;
double dt_elev_count;
double headingChangeRate;
double headingError;
double minBearing;
double speedFraction;
double groundTargetSpeed;
double groundOffset;
bool use_perf_vs;
SGPropertyNode_ptr refuel_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr tcasThreatNode;
SGPropertyNode_ptr tcasRANode;
// helpers for Run
//TODO sort out which ones are better protected virtuals to allow
//subclasses to override specific behaviour
bool fpExecutable(time_t now);
void handleFirstWaypoint(void);
bool leadPointReached(FGAIWaypoint* curr);
bool handleAirportEndPoints(FGAIWaypoint* prev, time_t now);
bool reachedEndOfCruise(double&);
bool aiTrafficVisible(void);
void controlHeading(FGAIWaypoint* curr);
void controlSpeed(FGAIWaypoint* curr,
FGAIWaypoint* next);
void updatePrimaryTargetValues(double dt, bool& flightplanActive, bool& aiOutOfSight);
void updateSecondaryTargetValues(double dt);
void updateHeading(double dt);
void updateBankAngleTarget();
void updateVerticalSpeedTarget(double dt);
void updatePitchAngleTarget();
void updateActualState(double dt);
void updateModelProperties(double dt);
void handleATCRequests(double dt);
inline bool isStationary() { return ((fabs(speed)<=0.0001)&&(fabs(tgt_speed)<=0.0001));}
inline bool needGroundElevation() { if (!isStationary()) _needsGroundElevation=true;return _needsGroundElevation;}
double sign(double x);
std::string acType;
std::string company;
std::string transponderCode;
int spinCounter;
double prevSpeed;
double prev_dist_to_go;
bool holdPos;
const char * _getTransponderCode() const;
bool needsTaxiClearance;
bool _needsGroundElevation;
int takeOffStatus; // 1 = joined departure cue; 2 = Passed DepartureHold waypoint; handover control to tower; 0 = any other state.
time_t timeElapsed;
PerformanceData* _performance; // the performance data for this aircraft
void assertSpeed(double speed);
double remainingLength;
std::string startWptName;
std::string finalWptName;
} trackCache;
#endif // _FG_AIAircraft_HXX