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2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00

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#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Glue.hpp"
namespace yasim {
// WGS84 numbers
static const double EQURAD = 6378137; // equatorial radius
static const double STRETCH = 1.003352810665; // equ./polar radius
// Derived from the above
static const double SQUASH = 0.99665839311; // 1/STRETCH
static const double POLRAD = 6356823.77346; // EQURAD*SQUASH
static const double iPOLRAD = 1.57311266701e-07; // 1/POLRAD
void Glue::calcAlphaBeta(State* s, float* alpha, float* beta)
// Convert the velocity to the aircraft frame.
float v[3];
Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->v, v);
// By convention, positive alpha is an up pitch, and a positive
// beta is yawed to the right.
*alpha = -Math::atan2(v[2], v[0]);
*beta = Math::atan2(v[1], v[0]);
void Glue::calcEulerRates(State* s, float* roll, float* pitch, float* hdg)
// This one is easy, the projection of the rotation vector around
// the "up" axis.
float up[3];
geodUp(s->pos, up);
*hdg = -Math::dot3(up, s->rot); // negate for "NED" conventions
// A bit harder: the X component of the rotation vector expressed
// in airframe coordinates.
float lr[3];
Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->rot, lr);
*roll = lr[0];
// Hardest: the component of rotation along the direction formed
// by the cross product of (and thus perpendicular to) the
// aircraft's forward vector (i.e. the first three elements of the
// orientation matrix) and the "up" axis.
float pitchAxis[3];
Math::cross3(s->orient, up, pitchAxis);
Math::unit3(pitchAxis, pitchAxis);
*pitch = Math::dot3(pitchAxis, s->rot);
void Glue::xyz2geoc(double* xyz, double* lat, double* lon, double* alt)
double x=xyz[0], y=xyz[1], z=xyz[2];
// Cylindrical radius from the polar axis
double rcyl = Math::sqrt(x*x + y*y);
// In geocentric coordinates, these are just the angles in
// cartesian space.
*lon = Math::atan2(y, x);
*lat = Math::atan2(z, rcyl);
// To get XYZ coordinate of "ground", we "squash" the cylindric
// radius into a coordinate system where the earth is a sphere,
// find the fraction of the xyz vector that is above ground.
double rsquash = SQUASH * rcyl;
double frac = POLRAD/Math::sqrt(rsquash*rsquash + z*z);
double len = Math::sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
*alt = len * (1-frac);
void Glue::geoc2xyz(double lat, double lon, double alt, double* out)
// Generate a unit vector
double rcyl = Math::cos(lat);
double x = rcyl*Math::cos(lon);
double y = rcyl*Math::sin(lon);
double z = Math::sin(lat);
// Convert to "squashed" space, renormalize the unit vector,
// multiply by the polar radius, and back convert to get us the
// point of intersection of the unit vector with the surface.
// Then just add the altitude.
double rtmp = rcyl*SQUASH;
double renorm = POLRAD/Math::sqrt(rtmp*rtmp + z*z);
double ztmp = z*renorm;
rtmp *= renorm*STRETCH;
double len = Math::sqrt(rtmp*rtmp + ztmp*ztmp);
len += alt;
out[0] = x*len;
out[1] = y*len;
out[2] = z*len;
double Glue::geod2geocLat(double lat)
double r = Math::cos(lat)*STRETCH*STRETCH;
double z = Math::sin(lat);
return Math::atan2(z, r);
double Glue::geoc2geodLat(double lat)
double r = Math::cos(lat)*SQUASH*SQUASH;
double z = Math::sin(lat);
return Math::atan2(z, r);
void Glue::xyz2geod(double* xyz, double* lat, double* lon, double* alt)
xyz2geoc(xyz, lat, lon, alt);
*lat = geoc2geodLat(*lat);
void Glue::geod2xyz(double lat, double lon, double alt, double* out)
lat = geod2geocLat(lat);
geoc2xyz(lat, lon, alt, out);
void Glue::xyz2nedMat(double lat, double lon, float* out)
// Shorthand for our output vectors:
float *north = out, *east = out+3, *down = out+6;
float slat = Math::sin(lat);
float clat = Math::cos(lat);
float slon = Math::sin(lon);
float clon = Math::cos(lon);
north[0] = -clon * slat;
north[1] = -slon * slat;
north[2] = clat;
east[0] = -slon;
east[1] = clon;
east[2] = 0;
down[0] = -clon * clat;
down[1] = -slon * clat;
down[2] = -slat;
void Glue::euler2orient(float roll, float pitch, float hdg, float* out)
// To translate a point in aircraft space to the output "NED"
// frame, first negate the Y and Z axes (ugh), then roll around
// the X axis, then pitch around Y, then point to the correct
// heading about Z. Expressed as a matrix multiplication, then,
// the transformation from aircraft to local is HPRN. And our
// desired output is the inverse (i.e. transpose) of that. Since
// all rotations are 2D, they have a simpler form than a generic
// rotation and are done out longhand below for efficiency.
// Init to the identity matrix
int i, j;
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
for(j=0; j<3; j++)
out[3*i+j] = (i==j) ? 1 : 0;
// Negate Y and Z
out[4] = out[8] = -1;
float s = Math::sin(roll);
float c = Math::cos(roll);
int col;
for(col=0; col<3; col++) {
float y=out[col+3], z=out[col+6];
out[col+3] = c*y - s*z;
out[col+6] = s*y + c*z;
s = Math::sin(pitch);
c = Math::cos(pitch);
for(col=0; col<3; col++) {
float x=out[col], z=out[col+6];
out[col] = c*x + s*z;
out[col+6] = c*z - s*x;
s = Math::sin(hdg);
c = Math::cos(hdg);
for(col=0; col<3; col++) {
float x=out[col], y=out[col+3];
out[col] = c*x - s*y;
out[col+3] = s*x + c*y;
// Invert:
Math::trans33(out, out);
void Glue::orient2euler(float* o, float* roll, float* pitch, float* hdg)
// The airplane's "pointing" direction in NED coordinates is vx,
// and it's y (left-right) axis is vy.
float vx[3], vy[3];
vx[0]=o[0], vx[1]=o[1], vx[2]=o[2];
vy[0]=o[3], vy[1]=o[4], vy[2]=o[5];
// The heading is simply the rotation of the projection onto the
// XY plane
*hdg = Math::atan2(vx[1], vx[0]);
// The pitch is the angle between the XY plane and vx, remember
// that rotations toward positive Z are _negative_
float projmag = Math::sqrt(vx[0]*vx[0]+vx[1]*vx[1]);
*pitch = -Math::atan2(vx[2], projmag);
// Roll is a bit harder. Construct an "unrolled" orientation,
// where the X axis is the same as the "rolled" one, and the Y
// axis is parallel to the XY plane. These two can give you an
// "unrolled" Z axis as their cross product. Now, take the "vy"
// axis, which points out the left wing. The projections of this
// along the "unrolled" YZ plane will give you the roll angle via
// atan().
float* ux = vx;
float uy[3], uz[3];
uz[0] = 0; uz[1] = 0; uz[2] = 1;
Math::cross3(uz, ux, uy);
Math::unit3(uy, uy);
Math::cross3(ux, uy, uz);
float py = -Math::dot3(vy, uy);
float pz = -Math::dot3(vy, uz);
*roll = Math::atan2(pz, py);
void Glue::geodUp(double* pos, float* out)
double lat, lon, alt;
xyz2geod(pos, &lat, &lon, &alt);
float slat = Math::sin(lat);
float clat = Math::cos(lat);
float slon = Math::sin(lon);
float clon = Math::cos(lon);
out[0] = clon * clat;
out[1] = slon * clat;
out[2] = slat;
}; // namespace yasim