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James Turner b3c7cb7c15 Fix crash with Nasal bindings.
naBindFunction doesn't save the function code to the global
hash, so pass an explicit context to various 'call' overloads so
the function can't be GC-ed in between parsing and calling.

(Patch by Nicholas Scheel)

2014-04-15 14:13:46 +01:00

214 lines
6.6 KiB

#ifndef __NASALSYS_HXX
#define __NASALSYS_HXX
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_dir.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/NasalHash.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/nasal.h>
#include <simgear/threads/SGQueue.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
// Required only for MSVC
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <Scripting/NasalModelData.hxx>
#include <map>
class FGNasalScript;
class FGNasalListener;
class SGCondition;
class FGNasalModelData;
class NasalCommand;
class FGNasalModuleListener;
namespace simgear { class BufferedLogCallback; }
SGPropertyNode* ghostToPropNode(naRef ref);
SGCondition* conditionGhost(naRef r);
class FGNasalSys : public SGSubsystem
virtual ~FGNasalSys();
virtual void init();
virtual void shutdown();
virtual void update(double dt);
// Loads a nasal script from an external file and inserts it as a
// global module of the specified name.
bool loadModule(SGPath file, const char* moduleName);
// Simple hook to run arbitrary source code. Returns a bool to
// indicate successful execution. Does *not* return any Nasal
// values, because handling garbage-collected objects from C space
// is deep voodoo and violates the "simple hook" idea.
bool parseAndRun(const char* sourceCode);
// Slightly more complicated hook to get a handle to a precompiled
// Nasal script that can be invoked via a call() method. The
// caller is expected to delete the FGNasalScript returned from
// this function. The "name" argument specifies the "file name"
// for the source code that will be printed in Nasal stack traces
// on error.
// FGNasalScript* parseScript(const char* src, const char* name=0);
// Implementation of the settimer extension function
void setTimer(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args);
// Implementation of the setlistener extension function
naRef setListener(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args);
naRef removeListener(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args);
// Returns a ghost wrapper for the current _cmdArg
naRef cmdArgGhost();
void setCmdArg(SGPropertyNode* aNode);
* create Nasal props.Node for an SGPropertyNode*
* This is the actual ghost, wrapped in a Nasal sugar class.
naRef wrappedPropsNode(SGPropertyNode* aProps);
// Callbacks for command and timer bindings
virtual bool handleCommand( const char* moduleName,
const char* fileName,
const char* src,
const SGPropertyNode* arg = 0 );
virtual bool handleCommand(const SGPropertyNode* arg);
bool createModule(const char* moduleName, const char* fileName,
const char* src, int len, const SGPropertyNode* cmdarg=0,
int argc=0, naRef*args=0);
void deleteModule(const char* moduleName);
void addCommand(naRef func, const std::string& name);
void removeCommand(const std::string& name);
* Set member of specified hash to given value
void hashset(naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val);
* Set member of globals hash to given value
void globalsSet(const char* key, naRef val);
naRef call(naRef code, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals);
naRef callWithContext(naContext ctx, naRef code, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals);
naRef callMethod(naRef code, naRef self, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals);
naRef callMethodWithContext(naContext ctx, naRef code, naRef self, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals);
naRef propNodeGhost(SGPropertyNode* handle);
void registerToLoad(FGNasalModelData* data);
void registerToUnload(FGNasalModelData* data);
// can't call this 'globals' due to naming clash
naRef nasalGlobals() const
{ return _globals; }
nasal::Hash getGlobals() const
{ return nasal::Hash(_globals, _context); }
// This mechanism is here to allow naRefs to be passed to
// locations "outside" the interpreter. Normally, such a
// reference would be garbage collected unexpectedly. By passing
// it to gcSave and getting a key/handle, it can be cached in a
// globals.__gcsave hash. Be sure to release it with gcRelease
// when done.
int gcSave(naRef r);
void gcRelease(int key);
/// retrive the associated log object, for displaying log
/// output somewhere (a UI, presumably)
simgear::BufferedLogCallback* log() const
{ return _log; }
//friend class FGNasalScript;
friend class FGNasalListener;
friend class FGNasalModuleListener;
SGLockedQueue<SGSharedPtr<FGNasalModelData> > _loadList;
SGLockedQueue<SGSharedPtr<FGNasalModelData> > _unloadList;
// Delay removing items of the _loadList to ensure the are already attached
// to the scene graph (eg. enables to retrieve world position in load
// callback).
bool _delay_load;
// FGTimer subclass for handling Nasal timer callbacks.
// See the implementation of the settimer() extension function for
// more notes.
struct NasalTimer {
virtual void timerExpired();
virtual ~NasalTimer() {}
naRef handler;
int gcKey;
FGNasalSys* nasal;
// Listener
std::map<int, FGNasalListener *> _listener;
std::vector<FGNasalListener *> _dead_listener;
std::vector<FGNasalModuleListener*> _moduleListeners;
static int _listenerId;
void loadPropertyScripts();
void loadPropertyScripts(SGPropertyNode* n);
void loadScriptDirectory(simgear::Dir nasalDir);
void addModule(std::string moduleName, simgear::PathList scripts);
static void logError(naContext);
naRef parse(naContext ctx, const char* filename, const char* buf, int len);
naRef genPropsModule();
bool _inited;
naContext _context;
naRef _globals,
SGPropertyNode_ptr _cmdArg;
simgear::BufferedLogCallback* _log;
typedef std::map<std::string, NasalCommand*> NasalCommandDict;
NasalCommandDict _commands;
naRef _wrappedNodeFunc;
void handleTimer(NasalTimer* t);
#if 0
class FGNasalScript {
~FGNasalScript() { _nas->gcRelease(_gcKey); }
bool call() {
naRef n = naNil();
naCall(_nas->_context, _code, 0, &n, naNil(), naNil());
return naGetError(_nas->_context) == 0;
FGNasalSys* sys() const { return _nas; }
friend class FGNasalSys;
naRef _code;
int _gcKey;
FGNasalSys* _nas;
#endif // __NASALSYS_HXX