Fork 0
1998-09-04 23:03:25 +00:00

47 lines
1.1 KiB

Starting the executable
Unix: runfgfs
Windows: runfgfs.bat
"runfgfs" is a script which runs the Flight Gear executable with
(hopefully) the correct $FG_ROOT directory specified.
Keyboard controls
Flying is mainly done via the numeric keypad. There is some
unresolved wierdness with the GLUT libraries and keyboard input, so
for now, the state of the "Num Lock" key is important.
Num Lock Active
Pg Up/Pg Dn Throttle
Left Arrow/Right Arrow Aileron
Up Arrow/Down Arrow Elevator
Ins/Enter Rudder
"5" Center aileron/elevator/rudder
Home/End Elevator Trim
Num Lock Inactive
Shift + <Numeric Keypad Key> Change view
where key is one of:
8 = forward
7 = left/forward
4 = left
1 = left/back
2 = back
3 = right/back
6 = right
9 = right/forward
Shift + A Enable autopilot (defaults to heading of 000)
Shift + S Disable autopilot
Shift + D Lock autopilot heading to current heading