619 lines
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619 lines
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// httpd.cxx -- a http daemon subsystem based on Mongoose http
// Written by Torsten Dreyer, started April 2014.
// Copyright (C) 2014 Torsten Dreyer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "httpd.hxx"
#include "HTTPRequest.hxx"
#include "PropertyChangeWebsocket.hxx"
#include "ScreenshotUriHandler.hxx"
#include "PropertyUriHandler.hxx"
#include "JsonUriHandler.hxx"
#include "RunUriHandler.hxx"
#include "NavdbUriHandler.hxx"
#include "PropertyChangeObserver.hxx"
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Include/version.h>
#include <3rdparty/mongoose/mongoose.h>
#include <3rdparty/cjson/cJSON.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace flightgear {
namespace http {
const char * PROPERTY_ROOT = "/sim/http";
* A Helper class for URI Handlers
* This class stores a list of URI Handlers and provides a lookup
* method for find the handler by it's URI prefix
class URIHandlerMap: public vector<SGSharedPtr<URIHandler> > {
* Find a URI Handler for a given URI
* Look for the first handler with a uri matching the beginning
* of the given uri parameter.
* @param uri The uri to find the handler for
* @return a SGSharedPtr of the URIHandler or an invalid SGSharedPtr if not found
SGSharedPtr<URIHandler> findHandler(const std::string & uri)
for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) {
SGSharedPtr<URIHandler> handler = *it;
// check if the request-uri starts with the registered uri-string
if (0 == uri.find(handler->getUri())) return handler;
return SGSharedPtr<URIHandler>();
* A Helper class to create a HTTPRequest from a mongoose connection struct
class MongooseHTTPRequest: public HTTPRequest {
* Creates a std::string from a char pointer and an optionally given length
* If the pointer is NULL or the length is zero, return an empty string
* If no length is given, create a std::string from a c-string (up to the /0 terminator)
* If length is given, use as many chars as given in length (can exceed the /0 terminator)
* @param cp Points to the source of the string
* @param len The number of chars to copy to the new string (optional)
* @return a std::string containing a copy of the source
static inline string NotNull(const char * cp, size_t len = string::npos)
if ( NULL == cp || 0 == len) return string("");
if (string::npos == len) return string(cp);
return string(cp, len);
* Constructs a HTTPRequest from a mongoose connection struct
* Copies all fields into STL compatible local elements, performs urlDecode etc.
* @param connection the mongoose connection struct with the source data
MongooseHTTPRequest(struct mg_connection * connection)
Method = NotNull(connection->request_method);
Uri = urlDecode(NotNull(connection->uri));
HttpVersion = NotNull(connection->http_version);
QueryString = NotNull(connection->query_string);
remoteAddress = NotNull(connection->remote_ip);
remotePort = connection->remote_port;
localAddress = NotNull(connection->local_ip);
localPort = connection->local_port;
using namespace simgear::strutils;
string_list pairs = split(string(QueryString), "&");
for (string_list::iterator it = pairs.begin(); it != pairs.end(); ++it) {
string_list nvp = split(*it, "=");
if (nvp.size() != 2) continue;
RequestVariables.insert(make_pair(urlDecode(nvp[0]), urlDecode(nvp[1])));
for (int i = 0; i < connection->num_headers; i++)
HeaderVariables[connection->http_headers[i].name] = connection->http_headers[i].value;
Content = NotNull(connection->content, connection->content_len);
* Decodes a URL encoded string
* replaces '+' by ' '
* replaces %nn hexdigits
* @param s The source string do decode
* @return The decoded String
static string urlDecode(const string & s)
string r = "";
int max = s.length();
int a, b;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if (s[i] == '+') {
r += ' ';
} else if (s[i] == '%' && i + 2 < max && isxdigit(s[i + 1]) && isxdigit(s[i + 2])) {
a = isdigit(s[i]) ? s[i] - '0' : toupper(s[i]) - 'A' + 10;
b = isdigit(s[i]) ? s[i] - '0' : toupper(s[i]) - 'A' + 10;
r += (char) (a * 16 + b);
} else {
r += s[i];
return r;
* A FGHttpd implementation based on mongoose httpd
* Mongoose API is documented here: http://cesanta.com/docs/API.shtml
class MongooseHttpd: public FGHttpd {
* Construct a MongooseHttpd object from options in a PropertyNode
* Cleanup et.al.
* override SGSubsystem::init()
* Reads the configuration PropertyNode, installs URIHandlers and configures mongoose
void init();
* override SGSubsystem::bind()
* Currently a noop
void bind();
* override SGSubsystem::unbind()
* shutdown of mongoose, clear connections, unregister URIHandlers
void unbind();
* overrride SGSubsystem::update()
* poll connections, check for changed properties
void update(double dt);
* Returns a URIHandler for the given uri
* @see URIHandlerMap::findHandler( const std::string & uri )
SGSharedPtr<URIHandler> findHandler(const std::string & uri)
return _uriHandler.findHandler(uri);
Websocket * newWebsocket(const string & uri);
int poll(struct mg_connection * connection);
int auth(struct mg_connection * connection);
int request(struct mg_connection * connection);
void close(struct mg_connection * connection);
static int staticRequestHandler(struct mg_connection *, mg_event event);
struct mg_server *_server;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _configNode;
typedef int (MongooseHttpd::*handler_t)(struct mg_connection *);
URIHandlerMap _uriHandler;
PropertyChangeObserver _propertyChangeObserver;
class MongooseConnection: public Connection {
MongooseConnection(MongooseHttpd * httpd)
: _httpd(httpd)
virtual ~MongooseConnection();
virtual void close(struct mg_connection * connection) = 0;
virtual int poll(struct mg_connection * connection) = 0;
virtual int request(struct mg_connection * connection) = 0;
virtual void write(const char * data, size_t len)
if (_connection) mg_send_data(_connection, data, len);
static MongooseConnection * getConnection(MongooseHttpd * httpd, struct mg_connection * connection);
void setConnection(struct mg_connection * connection)
_connection = connection;
MongooseHttpd * _httpd;
struct mg_connection * _connection;
class RegularConnection: public MongooseConnection {
RegularConnection(MongooseHttpd * httpd)
: MongooseConnection(httpd)
virtual ~RegularConnection()
virtual void close(struct mg_connection * connection);
virtual int poll(struct mg_connection * connection);
virtual int request(struct mg_connection * connection);
SGSharedPtr<URIHandler> _handler;
class WebsocketConnection: public MongooseConnection {
WebsocketConnection(MongooseHttpd * httpd)
: MongooseConnection(httpd), _websocket(NULL)
virtual ~WebsocketConnection()
delete _websocket;
virtual void close(struct mg_connection * connection);
virtual int poll(struct mg_connection * connection);
virtual int request(struct mg_connection * connection);
class MongooseWebsocketWriter: public WebsocketWriter {
MongooseWebsocketWriter(struct mg_connection * connection)
: _connection(connection)
virtual int writeToWebsocket(int opcode, const char * data, size_t len)
return mg_websocket_write(_connection, opcode, data, len);
struct mg_connection * _connection;
Websocket * _websocket;
MongooseConnection * MongooseConnection::getConnection(MongooseHttpd * httpd, struct mg_connection * connection)
if (connection->connection_param) return static_cast<MongooseConnection*>(connection->connection_param);
MongooseConnection * c;
if (connection->is_websocket) c = new WebsocketConnection(httpd);
else c = new RegularConnection(httpd);
connection->connection_param = c;
return c;
int RegularConnection::request(struct mg_connection * connection)
MongooseHTTPRequest request(connection);
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "RegularConnection::request for " << request.Uri);
// find a handler for the uri and remember it for possible polls on this connection
_handler = _httpd->findHandler(request.Uri);
if (false == _handler.valid()) {
// uri not registered - pass false to indicate we have not processed the request
return MG_FALSE;
// We handle this URI, prepare the response
HTTPResponse response;
response.Header["Server"] = "FlightGear/" FLIGHTGEAR_VERSION " Mongoose/" MONGOOSE_VERSION;
response.Header["Connection"] = "keep-alive";
response.Header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache";
char buf[64];
time_t now = time(NULL);
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&now));
response.Header["Date"] = buf;
// hand the request over to the handler, returns true if request is finished,
// false the handler wants to get polled again (calling handlePoll() next time)
bool done = _handler->handleRequest(request, response, this);
// fill in the response header
mg_send_status(connection, response.StatusCode);
for (HTTPResponse::Header_t::const_iterator it = response.Header.begin(); it != response.Header.end(); ++it) {
const string name = it->first;
const string value = it->second;
if (name.empty() || value.empty()) continue;
mg_send_header(connection, name.c_str(), value.c_str());
if (done || false == response.Content.empty()) {
"RegularConnection::request() responding " << response.Content.length() << " Bytes, done=" << done);
mg_send_data(connection, response.Content.c_str(), response.Content.length());
return done ? MG_TRUE : MG_MORE;
int RegularConnection::poll(struct mg_connection * connection)
if (false == _handler.valid()) return MG_FALSE;
// only return MG_TRUE if we handle this request
return _handler->poll(this) ? MG_TRUE : MG_MORE;
void RegularConnection::close(struct mg_connection * connection)
// nothing to close
void WebsocketConnection::close(struct mg_connection * connection)
if ( NULL != _websocket) _websocket->close();
delete _websocket;
_websocket = NULL;
int WebsocketConnection::poll(struct mg_connection * connection)
// we get polled before the first request came in but we know
// nothing about how to handle that before we know the URI.
// so simply ignore that poll
if ( NULL != _websocket) {
MongooseWebsocketWriter writer(connection);
return MG_MORE;
int WebsocketConnection::request(struct mg_connection * connection)
MongooseHTTPRequest request(connection);
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "WebsocketConnection::request for " << request.Uri);
if ( NULL == _websocket) _websocket = _httpd->newWebsocket(request.Uri);
if ( NULL == _websocket) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_WARN, "httpd: unhandled websocket uri: " << request.Uri);
return MG_TRUE; // close connection - good bye
MongooseWebsocketWriter writer(connection);
_websocket->handleRequest(request, writer);
return MG_MORE;
MongooseHttpd::MongooseHttpd(SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode)
: _server(NULL), _configNode(configNode)
void MongooseHttpd::init()
SGPropertyNode_ptr n = _configNode->getNode("uri-handler");
if (n.valid()) {
const char * uri;
if ((uri = n->getStringValue("screenshot"))[0] != 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "httpd: adding screenshot uri handler at " << uri);
_uriHandler.push_back(new flightgear::http::ScreenshotUriHandler(uri));
if ((uri = n->getStringValue("property"))[0] != 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "httpd: adding property uri handler at " << uri);
_uriHandler.push_back(new flightgear::http::PropertyUriHandler(uri));
if ((uri = n->getStringValue("json"))[0] != 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "httpd: adding json uri handler at " << uri);
_uriHandler.push_back(new flightgear::http::JsonUriHandler(uri));
if ((uri = n->getStringValue("run"))[0] != 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "httpd: adding run uri handler at " << uri);
_uriHandler.push_back(new flightgear::http::RunUriHandler(uri));
if ((uri = n->getStringValue("navdb"))[0] != 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "httpd: adding navdb uri handler at " << uri);
_uriHandler.push_back(new flightgear::http::NavdbUriHandler(uri));
_server = mg_create_server(this, MongooseHttpd::staticRequestHandler);
n = _configNode->getNode("options");
if (n.valid()) {
const string fgRoot = fgGetString("/sim/fg-root");
string docRoot = n->getStringValue("document-root", fgRoot.c_str());
if (docRoot[0] != '/') docRoot.insert(0, "/").insert(0, fgRoot);
mg_set_option(_server, "document_root", docRoot.c_str());
mg_set_option(_server, "listening_port", n->getStringValue("listening-port", "8080"));
// build url rewrites relative to fg-root
string rewrites = n->getStringValue("url-rewrites", "");
string_list rwl = simgear::strutils::split(rewrites, ",");
rwl.push_back(string("/aircraft-dir/=") + fgGetString("/sim/aircraft-dir") + "/" );
for (string_list::iterator it = rwl.begin(); it != rwl.end(); ++it) {
string_list rw_entries = simgear::strutils::split(*it, "=");
if (rw_entries.size() != 2) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_WARN, "invalid entry '" << *it << "' in url-rewrites ignored.");
string & lhs = rw_entries[0];
string & rhs = rw_entries[1];
if (false == rewrites.empty()) rewrites.append(1, ',');
rewrites.append(lhs).append(1, '=');
SGPath targetPath(rhs);
if (targetPath.isAbsolute() ) {
} else {
// don't use targetPath here because SGPath strips trailing '/'
rewrites.append(fgRoot).append(1, '/').append(rhs);
if (false == rewrites.empty()) mg_set_option(_server, "url_rewrites", rewrites.c_str());
mg_set_option(_server, "enable_directory_listing", n->getStringValue("enable-directory-listing", "yes"));
mg_set_option(_server, "idle_timeout_ms", n->getStringValue("idle-timeout-ms", "30000"));
mg_set_option(_server, "index_files", n->getStringValue("index-files", "index.html"));
mg_set_option(_server, "extra_mime_types", n->getStringValue("extra-mime-types", ""));
mg_set_option(_server, "access_log_file", n->getStringValue("access-log-file", ""));
if( sglog().would_log(SG_NETWORK,SG_INFO) ) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK,SG_INFO,"starting mongoose with these options: ");
const char ** optionNames = mg_get_valid_option_names();
for( int i = 0; optionNames[i] != NULL; i+= 2 ) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK,SG_INFO, " > " << optionNames[i] << ": '" << mg_get_option(_server, optionNames[i]) << "'" );
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK,SG_INFO,"end of mongoose options.");
void MongooseHttpd::bind()
void MongooseHttpd::unbind()
void MongooseHttpd::update(double dt)
mg_poll_server(_server, 0);
int MongooseHttpd::poll(struct mg_connection * connection)
if ( NULL == connection->connection_param) return MG_FALSE; // connection not yet set up - ignore poll
return MongooseConnection::getConnection(this, connection)->poll(connection);
int MongooseHttpd::auth(struct mg_connection * connection)
// auth preceeds request for websockets and regular connections,
// and eventually the websocket has been already set up by mongoose
// use this to choose the connection type
MongooseConnection::getConnection(this, connection);
//return MongooseConnection::getConnection(this,connection)->auth(connection);
return MG_TRUE; // unrestricted access for now
int MongooseHttpd::request(struct mg_connection * connection)
return MongooseConnection::getConnection(this, connection)->request(connection);
void MongooseHttpd::close(struct mg_connection * connection)
MongooseConnection * c = MongooseConnection::getConnection(this, connection);
delete c;
Websocket * MongooseHttpd::newWebsocket(const string & uri)
if (uri.find("/PropertyListener") == 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "new PropertyChangeWebsocket for: " << uri);
return new PropertyChangeWebsocket(&_propertyChangeObserver);
return NULL;
int MongooseHttpd::staticRequestHandler(struct mg_connection * connection, mg_event event)
switch (event) {
case MG_POLL: // MG_TRUE: finished sending data, MG_MORE, call again
return static_cast<MongooseHttpd*>(connection->server_param)->poll(connection);
case MG_AUTH: // If callback returns MG_FALSE, authentication fails
return static_cast<MongooseHttpd*>(connection->server_param)->auth(connection);
case MG_REQUEST: // If callback returns MG_FALSE, Mongoose continues with req
return static_cast<MongooseHttpd*>(connection->server_param)->request(connection);
case MG_CLOSE: // Connection is closed, callback return value is ignored
return MG_TRUE;
case MG_HTTP_ERROR: // If callback returns MG_FALSE, Mongoose continues with err
return MG_FALSE; // we don't handle errors - let mongoose do the work
// client services not used/implemented. Signal 'close connection' to be sure
case MG_CONNECT: // If callback returns MG_FALSE, connect fails
case MG_REPLY: // If callback returns MG_FALSE, Mongoose closes connection
return MG_FALSE;
return MG_FALSE; // keep compiler happy..
FGHttpd * FGHttpd::createInstance(SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode)
// only create a server if a port has been configured
if (false == configNode.valid()) return NULL;
string port = configNode->getStringValue("options/listening-port", "");
if (port.empty()) return NULL;
return new MongooseHttpd(configNode);
} // namespace http
} // namespace flightgear