indices to points. Then with that in place I added wrapper functions for the libgpc calls so I could ensure that I was always deallocating any allocated memory (which was a concern before.) This was all done in order to facilitate sliver detection and elimination which is my next order of business. These changes then were propogated through out the construction tools.
606 lines
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606 lines
18 KiB
// main.cxx -- top level construction routines
// Written by Curtis Olson, started March 1999.
// Copyright (C) 1999 Curtis L. Olson -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
#include <sys/types.h> // for directory reading
#include <dirent.h> // for directory reading
#include <sys/time.h> // set mem allocation limit
#include <sys/resource.h> // set mem allocation limit
#include <unistd.h> // set mem allocation limit
#include <Bucket/newbucket.hxx>
#include <Include/fg_constants.h>
#include <Math/mat3.h>
#include <Debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <Array/array.hxx>
#include <Clipper/clipper.hxx>
#include <GenOutput/genobj.hxx>
#include <Match/match.hxx>
#include <Triangulate/triangle.hxx>
#include "construct.hxx"
// do actual scan of directory and loading of files
int actual_load_polys( const string& dir, FGConstruct& c, FGClipper& clipper ) {
int counter = 0;
string base = c.get_bucket().gen_base_path();
string tile_str = c.get_bucket().gen_index_str();
string ext;
DIR *d;
struct dirent *de;
if ( (d = opendir( dir.c_str() )) == NULL ) {
cout << "cannot open directory " << dir << "\n";
return 0;
// load all matching polygon files
string file, f_index, full_path;
int pos;
while ( (de = readdir(d)) != NULL ) {
file = de->d_name;
pos = file.find(".");
f_index = file.substr(0, pos);
if ( tile_str == f_index ) {
ext = file.substr(pos + 1);
cout << file << " " << f_index << " '" << ext << "'" << endl;
full_path = dir + "/" + file;
if ( (ext == "dem") || (ext == "dem.gz") ) {
// skip
} else {
cout << "ext = '" << ext << "'" << endl;
clipper.load_polys( full_path );
return counter;
// load all 2d polygons matching the specified base path and clip
// against each other to resolve any overlaps
int load_polys( FGConstruct& c ) {
FGClipper clipper;
string base = c.get_bucket().gen_base_path();
string poly_path;
int result;
// initialize clipper
// load airports
poly_path = c.get_work_base() + ".apt" + "/Scenery/" + base;
cout << "poly_path = " << poly_path << endl;
result = actual_load_polys( poly_path, c, clipper );
cout << " loaded " << result << " polys" << endl;
// load hydro
poly_path = c.get_work_base() + ".hydro" + "/Scenery/" + base;
cout << "poly_path = " << poly_path << endl;
result = actual_load_polys( poly_path, c, clipper );
cout << " loaded " << result << " polys" << endl;
// load land masses
poly_path = c.get_work_base() + ".states" + "/Scenery/" + base;
cout << "poly_path = " << poly_path << endl;
result = actual_load_polys( poly_path, c, clipper );
cout << " loaded " << result << " polys" << endl;
point2d min, max;
min.x = c.get_bucket().get_center_lon() - 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_width();
min.y = c.get_bucket().get_center_lat() - 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_height();
max.x = c.get_bucket().get_center_lon() + 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_width();
max.y = c.get_bucket().get_center_lat() + 0.5 * c.get_bucket().get_height();
// do clipping
cout << "clipping polygons" << endl;
clipper.clip_all(min, max);
// update main data repository
c.set_clipped_polys( clipper.get_polys_clipped() );
return 1;
// load regular grid of elevation data (dem based), return list of
// fitted nodes
int load_dem( FGConstruct& c, FGArray& array) {
point_list result;
string base = c.get_bucket().gen_base_path();
string dem_path = c.get_work_base() + ".dem" + "/Scenery/" + base
+ "/" + c.get_bucket().gen_index_str() + ".dem";
cout << "dem_path = " << dem_path << endl;
if ( ! ) {
cout << "ERROR: cannot open " << dem_path << endl;
FGBucket b = c.get_bucket();
array.parse( b );
return 1;
// fit dem nodes, return number of fitted nodes
int fit_dem(FGArray& array, int error) {
return error );
// triangulate the data for each polygon ( first time before splitting )
void first_triangulate( FGConstruct& c, const FGArray& array,
FGTriangle& t ) {
// first we need to consolidate the points of the DEM fit list and
// all the polygons into a more "Triangle" friendly format
point_list corner_list = array.get_corner_node_list();
point_list fit_list = array.get_fit_node_list();
FGPolyList gpc_polys = c.get_clipped_polys();
cout << "ready to build node list and polygons" << endl;
| corner_list, fit_list, gpc_polys );
cout << "done building node list and polygons" << endl;
cout << "ready to do triangulation" << endl;
t.run_triangulate( c.get_angle(), 1 );
cout << "finished triangulation" << endl;
// triangulate the data for each polygon ( second time after splitting
// and reassembling )
void second_triangulate( FGConstruct& c, FGTriangle& t ) {
t.rebuild( c );
cout << "done re building node list and polygons" << endl;
cout << "ready to do second triangulation" << endl;
t.run_triangulate( c.get_angle(), 2 );
cout << "finished second triangulation" << endl;
// build the wgs-84 point list (and fix the elevations of the geodetic
// nodes)
static void fix_point_heights( FGConstruct& c, const FGArray& array ) {
point_list geod_nodes;
point_list wgs84_nodes;
cout << "fixing node heights and generating wgs84 list" << endl;
Point3D geod, radians, cart;
point_list raw_nodes = c.get_tri_nodes().get_node_list();
point_list_iterator current = raw_nodes.begin();
point_list_iterator last = raw_nodes.end();
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
geod = *current;
geod.setz( array.interpolate_altitude( geod.x() * 3600.0,
geod.y() * 3600.0 ) );
// convert to radians
radians = Point3D( geod.x() * DEG_TO_RAD,
geod.y() * DEG_TO_RAD,
geod.z() );
cart = fgGeodToCart(radians);
// cout << cart << endl;
c.set_geod_nodes( geod_nodes );
c.set_wgs84_nodes( wgs84_nodes );
// build the node -> element (triangle) reverse lookup table. there
// is an entry for each point containing a list of all the triangles
// that share that point.
static belongs_to_list gen_node_ele_lookup_table( FGConstruct& c ) {
belongs_to_list reverse_ele_lookup;
int_list ele_list;
// initialize reverse_ele_lookup structure by creating an empty
// list for each point
point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes();
const_point_list_iterator w_current = wgs84_nodes.begin();
const_point_list_iterator w_last = wgs84_nodes.end();
for ( ; w_current != w_last; ++w_current ) {
reverse_ele_lookup.push_back( ele_list );
// traverse triangle structure building reverse lookup table
triele_list tri_elements = c.get_tri_elements();
const_triele_list_iterator current = tri_elements.begin();
const_triele_list_iterator last = tri_elements.end();
int counter = 0;
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n1() ].push_back( counter );
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n2() ].push_back( counter );
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n3() ].push_back( counter );
return reverse_ele_lookup;
// caclulate the normal for the specified triangle face
static Point3D calc_normal( FGConstruct& c, int i ) {
double v1[3], v2[3], normal[3];
double temp;
point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes();
triele_list tri_elements = c.get_tri_elements();
Point3D p1 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n1() ];
Point3D p2 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n2() ];
Point3D p3 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n3() ];
v1[0] = p2.x() - p1.x(); v1[1] = p2.y() - p1.y(); v1[2] = p2.z() - p1.z();
v2[0] = p3.x() - p1.x(); v2[1] = p3.y() - p1.y(); v2[2] = p3.z() - p1.z();
MAT3cross_product(normal, v1, v2);
return Point3D( normal[0], normal[1], normal[2] );
// build the face normal list
static point_list gen_face_normals( FGConstruct& c ) {
point_list face_normals;
// traverse triangle structure building the face normal table
cout << "calculating face normals" << endl;
triele_list tri_elements = c.get_tri_elements();
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)tri_elements.size(); i++ ) {
// cout << calc_normal( i ) << endl;
face_normals.push_back( calc_normal( c, i ) );
return face_normals;
// calculate the normals for each point in wgs84_nodes
static point_list gen_point_normals( FGConstruct& c ) {
point_list point_normals;
Point3D normal;
cout << "caculating node normals" << endl;
point_list wgs84_nodes = c.get_wgs84_nodes();
belongs_to_list reverse_ele_lookup = c.get_reverse_ele_lookup();
point_list face_normals = c.get_face_normals();
// for each node
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)wgs84_nodes.size(); ++i ) {
int_list tri_list = reverse_ele_lookup[i];
int_list_iterator current = tri_list.begin();
int_list_iterator last = tri_list.end();
Point3D average( 0.0 );
// for each triangle that shares this node
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
normal = face_normals[ *current ];
average += normal;
// cout << normal << endl;
average /= tri_list.size();
// cout << "average = " << average << endl;
point_normals.push_back( average );
return point_normals;
// generate the flight gear scenery file
void do_output( FGConstruct& c, FGGenOutput& output ) {
| c );
output.write( c );
// master construction routine
void construct_tile( FGConstruct& c ) {
cout << "Construct tile, bucket = " << c.get_bucket() << endl;
// fit with ever increasing error tolerance until we produce <=
// 80% of max nodes. We should really have the sim end handle
// arbitrarily complex tiles.
bool acceptable = false;
bool growing = false;
bool shrinking = false;
double error = 200.0;
int count = 0;
// load and clip 2d polygon data
load_polys( c );
// load grid of elevation data (dem)
FGArray array;
load_dem( c, array );
FGTriangle t;
while ( ! acceptable ) {
// do a least squares fit of the (dem) data with the given
// error tolerance
| error );
// triangulate the data for each polygon
first_triangulate( c, array, t );
acceptable = true;
count = t.get_out_nodes_size();
if ( (count < c.get_min_nodes()) && (error >= 25.0) ) {
// reduce error tolerance until number of points exceeds the
// minimum threshold
cout << "produced too few nodes ..." << endl;
acceptable = false;
growing = true;
if ( shrinking ) {
error /= 1.25;
shrinking = false;
} else {
error /= 1.5;
cout << "Setting error to " << error << " and retrying fit."
<< endl;
if ( count > c.get_max_nodes() ) {
if ( error <= 1000.0 ) {
// increase error tolerance until number of points drops below
// the maximum threshold
cout << "produced too many nodes ..." << endl;
acceptable = false;
shrinking = true;
if ( growing ) {
error *= 1.25;
growing = false;
} else {
error *= 1.5;
cout << "Setting error to " << error << " and retrying fit."
<< endl;
} else {
// we tried, but can't seem to get down to a
// reasonable number of points even with a huge error
// tolerance. This could be related to the triangle()
// call which might be having trouble with our input
// set. Let's just die hope that our parent can try
// again with a smaller interior triangle angle.
cout << "Error: Too many nodes." << endl;
cout << "finished fit with error = " << error << " node count = "
<< count << endl;
// save the results of the triangulation
c.set_tri_nodes( t.get_out_nodes() );
c.set_tri_elements( t.get_elelist() );
c.set_tri_segs( t.get_out_segs() );
// calculate wgs84 (cartesian) form of node list
fix_point_heights( c, array );
// build the node -> element (triangle) reverse lookup table
c.set_reverse_ele_lookup( gen_node_ele_lookup_table( c ) );
// build the face normal list
c.set_face_normals( gen_face_normals( c ) );
// calculate the normals for each point in wgs84_nodes
c.set_point_normals( gen_point_normals( c ) );
// match tile edges with any neighbor tiles that have already been
// generated
FGMatch m;
m.load_neighbor_shared( c );
m.split_tile( c );
m.write_shared( c );
m.assemble_tile( c );
// now we must retriangulate the pasted together tile points
second_triangulate( c, t );
// save the results of the triangulation
c.set_tri_nodes( t.get_out_nodes() );
c.set_tri_elements( t.get_elelist() );
c.set_tri_segs( t.get_out_segs() );
// calculate wgs84 (cartesian) form of node list
fix_point_heights( c, array );
// generate the output
FGGenOutput output;
do_output( c, output );
// display usage and exit
void usage( const string name ) {
cout << "Usage: " << name
<< " <min_tri_angle> <work_base> <output_base> tile_id" << endl;
cout << "Usage: " << name
<< " <min_tri_angle> <work_base> <output_base> center_lon center_lat xdist ydist"
<< endl;
main(int argc, char **argv) {
double lon, lat;
fglog().setLogLevels( FG_ALL, FG_DEBUG );
if ( argc < 4 ) {
usage( argv[0] );
// set mem allocation limit. Reason: occasionally the triangle()
// routine can blow up and allocate memory forever. We'd like
// this process to die before things get out of hand so we can try
// again with a smaller interior angle limit.
int result;
struct rlimit limit;
limit.rlim_cur = 20000000;
limit.rlim_max = 20000000;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_DATA, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_STACK, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_CORE, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_RSS, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
// cpu time limit since occassionally the triangulator can go into
// and infinite loop.
limit.rlim_cur = 120;
limit.rlim_max = 120;
result = setrlimit( RLIMIT_CPU, &limit );
cout << "result of setting mem limit = " << result << endl;
// main construction data management class
FGConstruct c;
c.set_angle( argv[1] );
c.set_work_base( argv[2] );
c.set_output_base( argv[3] );
c.set_min_nodes( 50 );
c.set_max_nodes( (int)(FG_MAX_NODES * 0.8) );
// lon = -146.248360; lat = 61.133950; // PAVD (Valdez, AK)
// lon = -110.664244; lat = 33.352890; // P13
// lon = -93.211389; lat = 45.145000; // KANE
// lon = -92.486188; lat = 44.590190; // KRGK
// lon = -89.7446823; lat= 29.314495;
// lon = -122.488090; lat = 42.743183; // 64S
// lon = -114.861097; lat = 35.947480; // 61B
// lon = -112.012175; lat = 41.195944; // KOGD
// lon = -90.757128; lat = 46.790212; // WI32
// lon = -122.220717; lat = 37.721291; // KOAK
// lon = -111.721477; lat = 40.215641; // KPVU
lon = -122.309313; lat = 47.448982; // KSEA
// lon = -148.798131; lat = 63.645099; // AK06 (Danali, AK)
// lon = -92.5; lat = 47.5; // Marsh test (northern MN)
// lon = -111.977773; lat = 40.788388; // KSLC
// lon = -121.914; lat = 42.5655; // TEST (Oregon SW of Crater)
// lon = -76.201239; lat = 36.894606; // KORF (Norfolk, Virginia)
// lon = -147.166; lat = 60.9925; // Hale-bop test
if ( argc == 5 ) {
// construct a specific tile and exit
long index = atoi( argv[4] );
FGBucket b( index );
c.set_bucket( b );
construct_tile( c );
} else if ( argc == 8 ) {
// build all the tiles in an area
lon = atof( argv[4] );
lat = atof( argv[5] );
double xdist = atof( argv[6] );
double ydist = atof( argv[7] );
double min_x = lon - xdist;
double min_y = lat - ydist;
FGBucket b_min( min_x, min_y );
FGBucket b_max( lon + xdist, lat + ydist );
FGBucket b_start(550401L);
bool do_tile = true;
if ( b_min == b_max ) {
c.set_bucket( b_min );
construct_tile( c );
} else {
FGBucket b_cur;
int dx, dy, i, j;
fgBucketDiff(b_min, b_max, &dx, &dy);
cout << " construction area spans tile boundaries" << endl;
cout << " dx = " << dx << " dy = " << dy << endl;
for ( j = 0; j <= dy; j++ ) {
for ( i = 0; i <= dx; i++ ) {
b_cur = fgBucketOffset(min_x, min_y, i, j);
if ( b_cur == b_start ) {
do_tile = true;
if ( do_tile ) {
c.set_bucket( b_cur );
construct_tile( c );
} else {
cout << "skipping " << b_cur << endl;
// string answer; cin >> answer;
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
cout << "[Finished successfully]" << endl;