the wrong place. The Atmosphere::getStd*() calls are used by the solver, and thus really need to return values for a "standard" atmosphere. Otherwise, an aircraft started up in Moscow will behave differently than one initialized in Cairo. :) The place where environmental pressure and temperature get inspected at runtime is in YASim.cxx. The changes there, happily, end up being even smaller than the ones to Atmosphere. This ends up replacing code only, and removing some comments.
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#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
namespace yasim {
// Copied from McCormick, who got it from "The ARDC Model Atmosphere"
// Note that there's an error in the text in the first entry,
// McCormick lists 299.16/101325/1.22500, but those don't agree with
// R=287. I chose to correct the temperature to 288.20, since 79F is
// pretty hot for a "standard" atmosphere.
// meters kelvin Pa kg/m^3
float Atmosphere::data[][4] = {{ 0.0f, 288.20f, 101325.0f, 1.22500f },
{ 900.0f, 282.31f, 90971.0f, 1.12260f },
{ 1800.0f, 276.46f, 81494.0f, 1.02690f },
{ 2700.0f, 270.62f, 72835.0f, 0.93765f },
{ 3600.0f, 264.77f, 64939.0f, 0.85445f },
{ 4500.0f, 258.93f, 57752.0f, 0.77704f },
{ 5400.0f, 253.09f, 51226.0f, 0.70513f },
{ 6300.0f, 247.25f, 45311.0f, 0.63845f },
{ 7200.0f, 241.41f, 39963.0f, 0.57671f },
{ 8100.0f, 235.58f, 35140.0f, 0.51967f },
{ 9000.0f, 229.74f, 30800.0f, 0.46706f },
{ 9900.0f, 223.91f, 26906.0f, 0.41864f },
{ 10800.0f, 218.08f, 23422.0f, 0.37417f },
{ 11700.0f, 216.66f, 20335.0f, 0.32699f },
{ 12600.0f, 216.66f, 17654.0f, 0.28388f },
{ 13500.0f, 216.66f, 15327.0f, 0.24646f },
{ 14400.0f, 216.66f, 13308.0f, 0.21399f },
{ 15300.0f, 216.66f, 11555.0f, 0.18580f },
{ 16200.0f, 216.66f, 10033.0f, 0.16133f },
{ 17100.0f, 216.66f, 8712.0f, 0.14009f },
{ 18000.0f, 216.66f, 7565.0f, 0.12165f },
{ 18900.0f, 216.66f, 6570.0f, 0.10564f }};
// Universal gas constant for air, in SI units. P = R * rho * T.
// P in pascals (N/m^2), rho is kg/m^3, T in kelvin.
const float R = 287.1f;
// Specific heat ratio for air, at "low" temperatures.
const float GAMMA = 1.4f;
float Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(float alt)
return getRecord(alt, 1);
float Atmosphere::getStdPressure(float alt)
return getRecord(alt, 2);
float Atmosphere::getStdDensity(float alt)
return getRecord(alt, 3);
float Atmosphere::calcVEAS(float spd, float pressure, float temp)
static float rho0 = getStdDensity(0);
float densityRatio = calcDensity(pressure, temp) / rho0;
return spd * Math::sqrt(densityRatio);
float Atmosphere::calcVCAS(float spd, float pressure, float temp)
// Stolen shamelessly from JSBSim. Constants that appear:
// 2/5 == gamma-1
// 5/12 == 1/(gamma+1)
// 4/5 == 2*(gamma-1)
// 14/5 == 2*gamma
// 28/5 == 4*gamma
// 144/25 == (gamma+1)^2
float m2 = calcMach(spd, temp);
m2 = m2*m2; // mach^2
float cp; // pressure coefficient
if(m2 < 1) {
// (1+(mach^2)/5)^(gamma/(gamma-1))
cp = Math::pow(1+0.2*m2, 3.5);
} else {
float tmp0 = ((144.0f/25.0f) * m2) / (28.0f/5.0f*m2 - 4.0f/5.0f);
float tmp1 = ((14.0f/5.0f) * m2 - (2.0f/5.0f)) * (5.0f/12.0f);
cp = Math::pow(tmp0, 3.5) * tmp1;
// Conditions at sea level
float p0 = getStdPressure(0);
float rho0 = getStdDensity(0);
float tmp = Math::pow((pressure/p0)*(cp-1) + 1, (2/7.));
return Math::sqrt((7*p0/rho0)*(tmp-1));
float Atmosphere::calcDensity(float pressure, float temp)
return pressure / (R * temp);
float Atmosphere::calcMach(float spd, float temp)
return spd / Math::sqrt(GAMMA * R * temp);
void Atmosphere::calcStaticAir(float p0, float t0, float d0, float v,
float* pOut, float* tOut, float* dOut)
const static float C0 = ((GAMMA-1)/(2*R*GAMMA));
const static float C1 = 1/(GAMMA-1);
*tOut = t0 + (v*v) * C0;
*dOut = d0 * Math::pow(*tOut / t0, C1);
*pOut = (*dOut) * R * (*tOut);
float Atmosphere::getRecord(float alt, int recNum)
int hi = (sizeof(data) / (4*sizeof(float))) - 1;
int lo = 0;
// safety valve, clamp to the edges of the table
if(alt < data[0][0]) hi=1;
else if(alt > data[hi][0]) lo = hi-1;
// binary search
while(1) {
if(hi-lo == 1) break;
int mid = (hi+lo)>>1;
if(alt < data[mid][0]) hi = mid;
else lo = mid;
// interpolate
float frac = (alt - data[lo][0])/(data[hi][0] - data[lo][0]);
float a = data[lo][recNum];
float b = data[hi][recNum];
return a + frac * (b-a);
}; // namespace yasim