554 lines
20 KiB
Executable file
554 lines
20 KiB
Executable file
Module: FGScript.cpp
Author: Jon S. Berndt
Date started: 12/21/01
Purpose: Loads and runs JSBSim scripts.
------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jon@jsbsim.org) -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
This class wraps up the simulation scripting routines.
12/21/01 JSB Created
#include "FGScript.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLParse.h"
#include "initialization/FGTrim.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_FGSCRIPT;
// Constructor
FGScript::FGScript(FGFDMExec* fgex) : FDMExec(fgex)
State = FDMExec->GetState();
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<local_properties.size(); i++) delete local_properties[i];
for (i=0; i<Events.size(); i++) delete Events[i].Condition;
bool FGScript::LoadScript( string script )
string aircraft="", initialize="", comparison = "", prop_name="";
string notifyPropertyName="";
Element *element=0, *run_element=0, *event_element=0;
Element *condition_element=0, *set_element=0, *delay_element=0;
Element *notify_element = 0L, *notify_property_element = 0L;
Element *property_element = 0L;
Element *output_element = 0L;
Element *input_element = 0L;
bool result = false;
double dt = 0.0, value = 0.0;
struct event *newEvent;
FGCondition *newCondition;
document = LoadXMLDocument(script);
if (!document) {
cerr << "File: " << script << " could not be loaded." << endl;
return false;
// Set up input and output files if specified
output_element = document->FindElement("output");
input_element = document->FindElement("input");
if (document->GetName() != string("runscript")) {
cerr << "File: " << script << " is not a script file" << endl;
return false;
ScriptName = document->GetAttributeValue("name");
// First, find "run" element and set delta T
run_element = document->FindElement("run");
if (!run_element) {
cerr << "No \"run\" element found in script." << endl;
return false;
// Set sim timing
StartTime = run_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("start");
EndTime = run_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("end");
dt = run_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("dt");
// read aircraft and initialization files
element = document->FindElement("use");
if (element) {
aircraft = element->GetAttributeValue("aircraft");
if (!aircraft.empty()) {
result = FDMExec->LoadModel(aircraft);
if (!result) return false;
} else {
cerr << "Aircraft must be specified in use element." << endl;
return false;
initialize = element->GetAttributeValue("initialize");
if (initialize.empty()) {
cerr << "Initialization file must be specified in use element." << endl;
return false;
} else {
cerr << "No \"use\" directives in the script file." << endl;
return false;
// Now, read input spec if given.
if (input_element > 0) {
// Now, read output spec if given.
if (output_element > 0) {
string output_file = output_element->GetAttributeValue("file");
if (output_file.empty()) {
cerr << "No logging directives file was specified." << endl;
} else {
// Read local property/value declarations
property_element = run_element->FindElement("property");
while (property_element) {
double value=0.0;
string title="";
title = property_element->GetDataLine();
if ( ! property_element->GetAttributeValue("value").empty())
value = property_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("value");
LocalProps *localProp = new LocalProps(value);
localProp->title = title;
if (PropertyManager->HasNode(title)) {
} else {
PropertyManager->Tie(localProp->title, localProp->value);
property_element = run_element->FindNextElement("property");
// Read "events" from script
event_element = run_element->FindElement("event");
while (event_element) { // event processing
// Create the event structure
newEvent = new struct event();
// Retrieve the event name if given
newEvent->Name = event_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
// Is this event persistent? That is, does it execute every time the
// condition triggers to true, or does it execute as a one-shot event, only?
if (event_element->GetAttributeValue("persistent") == string("true")) {
newEvent->Persistent = true;
// Does this event execute continuously when triggered to true?
if (event_element->GetAttributeValue("continuous") == string("true")) {
newEvent->Continuous = true;
// Process the conditions
condition_element = event_element->FindElement("condition");
if (condition_element != 0) {
newCondition = new FGCondition(condition_element, PropertyManager);
newEvent->Condition = newCondition;
} else {
cerr << "No condition specified in script event " << newEvent->Name << endl;
return false;
// Is there a delay between the time this event is triggered, and when the event
// actions are executed?
delay_element = event_element->FindElement("delay");
if (delay_element) newEvent->Delay = event_element->FindElementValueAsNumber("delay");
else newEvent->Delay = 0.0;
// Notify about when this event is triggered?
if ((notify_element = event_element->FindElement("notify")) != 0) {
newEvent->Notify = true;
notify_property_element = notify_element->FindElement("property");
while (notify_property_element) {
notifyPropertyName = notify_property_element->GetDataLine();
if (PropertyManager->GetNode(notifyPropertyName)) {
newEvent->NotifyProperties.push_back( PropertyManager->GetNode(notifyPropertyName) );
} else {
cout << endl << fgred << " Could not find the property named "
<< notifyPropertyName << " in script" << endl << " \""
<< ScriptName << "\". This unknown property will not be "
<< "echoed for notification." << reset << endl;
notify_property_element = notify_element->FindNextElement("property");
// Read set definitions (these define the actions to be taken when the event is triggered).
set_element = event_element->FindElement("set");
while (set_element) {
prop_name = set_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
newEvent->SetParam.push_back( PropertyManager->GetNode(prop_name) );
//Todo - should probably do some safety checking here to make sure one or the other
//of value or function is specified.
if (!set_element->GetAttributeValue("value").empty()) {
value = set_element->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("value");
} else if (set_element->FindElement("function")) {
value = 0.0;
newEvent->Functions.push_back(new FGFunction(PropertyManager, set_element->FindElement("function")));
string tempCompare = set_element->GetAttributeValue("type");
if (to_lower(tempCompare).find("delta") != string::npos) newEvent->Type.push_back(FG_DELTA);
else if (to_lower(tempCompare).find("bool") != string::npos) newEvent->Type.push_back(FG_BOOL);
else if (to_lower(tempCompare).find("value") != string::npos) newEvent->Type.push_back(FG_VALUE);
else newEvent->Type.push_back(FG_VALUE); // DEFAULT
tempCompare = set_element->GetAttributeValue("action");
if (to_lower(tempCompare).find("ramp") != string::npos) newEvent->Action.push_back(FG_RAMP);
else if (to_lower(tempCompare).find("step") != string::npos) newEvent->Action.push_back(FG_STEP);
else if (to_lower(tempCompare).find("exp") != string::npos) newEvent->Action.push_back(FG_EXP);
else newEvent->Action.push_back(FG_STEP); // DEFAULT
if (!set_element->GetAttributeValue("tc").empty())
newEvent->TC.push_back(1.0); // DEFAULT
set_element = event_element->FindNextElement("set");
delete newEvent;
event_element = run_element->FindNextElement("event");
FGInitialCondition *IC=FDMExec->GetIC();
if ( ! IC->Load( initialize )) {
cerr << "Initialization unsuccessful" << endl;
return true;
bool FGScript::RunScript(void)
unsigned i, j;
unsigned event_ctr = 0;
double currentTime = State->Getsim_time();
double newSetValue = 0;
if (currentTime > EndTime) return false; //Script done!
// Iterate over all events.
for (unsigned int ev_ctr=0; ev_ctr < Events.size(); ev_ctr++) {
// Determine whether the set of conditional tests for this condition equate
// to true and should cause the event to execute. If the conditions evaluate
// to true, then the event is triggered. If the event is not persistent,
// then this trigger will remain set true. If the event is persistent,
// the trigger will reset to false when the condition evaluates to false.
if (Events[ev_ctr].Condition->Evaluate()) {
if (!Events[ev_ctr].Triggered) {
// The conditions are true, do the setting of the desired Event parameters
for (i=0; i<Events[ev_ctr].SetValue.size(); i++) {
Events[ev_ctr].OriginalValue[i] = Events[ev_ctr].SetParam[i]->getDoubleValue();
if (Events[ev_ctr].Functions[i] != 0) { // Parameter should be set to a function value
Events[ev_ctr].SetValue[i] = Events[ev_ctr].Functions[i]->GetValue();
switch (Events[ev_ctr].Type[i]) {
case FG_VALUE:
case FG_BOOL:
Events[ev_ctr].newValue[i] = Events[ev_ctr].SetValue[i];
case FG_DELTA:
Events[ev_ctr].newValue[i] = Events[ev_ctr].OriginalValue[i] + Events[ev_ctr].SetValue[i];
cerr << "Invalid Type specified" << endl;
Events[ev_ctr].StartTime = currentTime + Events[ev_ctr].Delay;
Events[ev_ctr].ValueSpan[i] = Events[ev_ctr].newValue[i] - Events[ev_ctr].OriginalValue[i];
Events[ev_ctr].Transiting[i] = true;
Events[ev_ctr].Triggered = true;
} else if (Events[ev_ctr].Persistent) { // If the event is persistent, reset the trigger.
Events[ev_ctr].Triggered = false; // Reset the trigger for persistent events
Events[ev_ctr].Notified = false; // Also reset the notification flag
if ((currentTime >= Events[ev_ctr].StartTime) && Events[ev_ctr].Triggered) {
for (i=0; i<Events[ev_ctr].SetValue.size(); i++) {
if (Events[ev_ctr].Transiting[i]) {
Events[ev_ctr].TimeSpan = currentTime - Events[ev_ctr].StartTime;
switch (Events[ev_ctr].Action[i]) {
case FG_RAMP:
if (Events[ev_ctr].TimeSpan <= Events[ev_ctr].TC[i]) {
newSetValue = Events[ev_ctr].TimeSpan/Events[ev_ctr].TC[i] * Events[ev_ctr].ValueSpan[i] + Events[ev_ctr].OriginalValue[i];
} else {
newSetValue = Events[ev_ctr].newValue[i];
if (Events[ev_ctr].Continuous != true) Events[ev_ctr].Transiting[i] = false;
case FG_STEP:
newSetValue = Events[ev_ctr].newValue[i];
// If this is not a continuous event, reset the transiting flag.
// Otherwise, it is known that the event is a continuous event.
// Furthermore, if the event is to be determined by a function,
// then the function will be continuously calculated.
if (Events[ev_ctr].Continuous != true)
Events[ev_ctr].Transiting[i] = false;
else if (Events[ev_ctr].Functions[i] != 0)
newSetValue = Events[ev_ctr].Functions[i]->GetValue();
case FG_EXP:
newSetValue = (1 - exp( -Events[ev_ctr].TimeSpan/Events[ev_ctr].TC[i] )) * Events[ev_ctr].ValueSpan[i] + Events[ev_ctr].OriginalValue[i];
cerr << "Invalid Action specified" << endl;
// Print notification values after setting them
if (Events[ev_ctr].Notify && !Events[ev_ctr].Notified) {
cout << endl << " Event " << event_ctr << " (" << Events[ev_ctr].Name << ")"
<< " executed at time: " << currentTime << endl;
for (j=0; j<Events[ev_ctr].NotifyProperties.size();j++) {
cout << " " << Events[ev_ctr].NotifyProperties[j]->GetName()
<< " = " << Events[ev_ctr].NotifyProperties[j]->getDoubleValue() << endl;
cout << endl;
Events[ev_ctr].Notified = true;
return true;
// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
// out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing
// the config files as they are read. If the environment
// variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
// 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages
// whatsoever.
// 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim
// startup messages
// 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when
// a class is instantiated
// 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a
// FGModel object executes its Run() method
// 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables
// are printed out periodically
// 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and
// a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
void FGScript::Debug(int from)
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
} else if (from == 3) {
} else if (from == 4) { // print out script data
cout << endl;
cout << "Script: \"" << ScriptName << "\"" << endl;
cout << " begins at " << StartTime << " seconds and runs to " << EndTime
<< " seconds with dt = " << State->Getdt() << endl;
cout << endl;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<local_properties.size(); i++) {
cout << "Local property: " << local_properties[i]->title
<< " = " << PropertyManager->GetNode(local_properties[i]->title)->getDoubleValue()
<< endl;
if (local_properties.size() > 0) cout << endl;
for (unsigned i=0; i<Events.size(); i++) {
cout << "Event " << i;
if (!Events[i].Name.empty()) cout << " (" << Events[i].Name << ")";
cout << ":" << endl;
if (Events[i].Persistent)
cout << " " << "Always executes";
cout << " " << "Executes once";
cout << endl << " Actions taken:" << endl << " {";
for (unsigned j=0; j<Events[i].SetValue.size(); j++) {
if (Events[i].SetValue[j] == 0.0 && Events[i].Functions[j] != 0L) {
if (Events[i].SetParam[j] == 0) {
cerr << fgred << highint << endl
<< " An attempt has been made to access a non-existent property" << endl
<< " in this event. Please check the property names used, spelling, etc."
<< reset << endl;
cout << endl << " set " << Events[i].SetParam[j]->GetName()
<< " to function value";
} else {
if (Events[i].SetParam[j] == 0) {
cerr << fgred << highint << endl
<< " An attempt has been made to access a non-existent property" << endl
<< " in this event. Please check the property names used, spelling, etc."
<< reset << endl;
cout << endl << " set " << Events[i].SetParam[j]->GetName()
<< " to " << Events[i].SetValue[j];
switch (Events[i].Type[j]) {
case FG_VALUE:
case FG_BOOL:
cout << " (constant";
case FG_DELTA:
cout << " (delta";
cout << " (unspecified type";
switch (Events[i].Action[j]) {
case FG_RAMP:
cout << " via ramp";
case FG_STEP:
cout << " via step)";
case FG_EXP:
cout << " via exponential approach";
cout << " via unspecified action)";
if (Events[i].Action[j] == FG_RAMP || Events[i].Action[j] == FG_EXP)
cout << " with time constant " << Events[i].TC[j] << ")";
cout << endl << " }" << endl << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGScript" << endl;
if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGScript" << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
if (debug_lvl & 64) {
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
cout << IdSrc << endl;
cout << IdHdr << endl;