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2018-07-19 09:58:44 +01:00

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// UnitsModel.cxx - part of GUI launcher using Qt5
// Written by James Turner, started July 2018
// Copyright (C) 2018 James Turner <james@flightgear.org>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "UnitsModel.hxx"
#include <cmath>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <QIntValidator>
#include <QDoubleValidator>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QDebug>
struct UnitData
UnitData(QString sn, QString ln, QString metrics, bool pfx = false) :
shortName(sn), longName(ln),
isPrefix(pfx) {}
UnitData(QString sn, QString ln,
QString metrics,
bool pfx,
double min, double max,
double step = 1.0,
bool wraps = false,
int dps = 0) :
shortName(sn), longName(ln),
minValue(min), maxValue(max), stepSize(step),
QString shortName;
QString longName;
QString maxTextForMetrics;
bool isPrefix = false;
bool valueWraps = false;
double minValue = 0.0;
double maxValue = 9999999.0;
double stepSize = 1.0;
int decimals = 0;
std::vector<UnitData> static_unitData = {
{ "", "", "" }, // noUnits
{ "ft", "feet above sea-level (MSL)", "000000", false, -2000, 180000, 50},
{ "ft AGL", "feet above ground level (AGL)", "000000", false, 0, 180000, 50},
{ "FL", "Flight-level", "000", true /* prefix */, 0.0, 500.0, 5.0},
{ "m", "meters above sea-level (MSL)", "000000", false, -500, 100000, 50},
{ "kts", "Knots", "9999", false, 0, 999999, 10.0},
{ "M", "Mach", "00.000", true /* prefix */, 0.0, 99.0, 0.05, false /* no wrap */, 3 /* decimal places */},
{ "°True", "degrees true", "000", false, 0, 359, 5.0, true /* wraps */},
{ "°Mag", "degrees magnetic", "000", false, 0, 359, 5.0, true /* wraps */},
{ "UTC", "Universal coordinated time", ""},
{ "Local", "Local time", ""},
{ "Nm", "Nautical miles", "00000", false, 0, 999999, 1.0, false /* no wrap */, 1 /* decimal places */},
{ "Km", "Kilometers", "00000", false, 0, 999999, 1.0, false /* no wrap */, 1 /* decimal places */}
// order here corresponds to the Mode enum
std::vector<UnitsModel::UnitVec> static_modeData = {
{ Units::FeetMSL, Units::FlightLevel},
{ Units::FeetMSL, Units::FeetAGL, Units::FlightLevel},
{ Units::FeetMSL, Units::MetersMSL, Units::FlightLevel},
{ Units::Knots, Units::Mach },
{ Units::Knots },
{ Units::DegreesMagnetic, Units::DegreesTrue },
{ Units::TimeLocal, Units::TimeUTC},
{ Units::NauticalMiles }
const int UnitLongNameRole = Qt::UserRole + 1;
const int UnitIsPrefixRole = Qt::UserRole + 2;
const int UnitMinValueRole = Qt::UserRole + 3;
const int UnitMaxValueRole = Qt::UserRole + 4;
const int UnitStepSizeRole = Qt::UserRole + 5;
const int UnitDecimalsRole = Qt::UserRole + 6;
const int UnitValueWrapsRole = Qt::UserRole + 7;
} // of anonymous namespace
m_enabledUnits = static_modeData.at(m_mode);
int UnitsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const
return m_enabledUnits.size();
QVariant UnitsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
int row = index.row();
if ((row < 0) || (row >= m_enabledUnits.size()))
return {};
const Units::Type u = m_enabledUnits.at(row);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
switch (role) {
case Qt::DisplayRole: return ud.shortName;
case UnitLongNameRole: return ud.longName;
case UnitIsPrefixRole: return ud.isPrefix;
case UnitMinValueRole: return ud.minValue;
case UnitMaxValueRole: return ud.maxValue;
case UnitStepSizeRole: return ud.stepSize;
case UnitValueWrapsRole: return ud.valueWraps;
case UnitDecimalsRole: return ud.decimals;
return {};
QValidator* UnitsModel::validator() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
if (ud.decimals > 0) {
return new QDoubleValidator(ud.minValue, ud.maxValue, ud.decimals);
if ((u == Units::TimeLocal) || (u == Units::TimeUTC)) {
return nullptr; // no validation
return new QIntValidator(static_cast<int>(ud.minValue),
QString UnitsModel::maxTextForMetrics() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
return ud.maxTextForMetrics;
bool UnitsModel::isPrefix() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
return ud.isPrefix;
bool UnitsModel::doesWrap() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
return ud.valueWraps;
QString UnitsModel::shortText() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
return ud.shortName;
Units::Type UnitsModel::selectedUnit() const
return m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
int UnitsModel::numChoices() const
return m_enabledUnits.size();
QHash<int, QByteArray> UnitsModel::roleNames() const
QHash<int, QByteArray> result = QAbstractListModel::roleNames();
result[Qt::DisplayRole] = "shortName";
result[UnitLongNameRole] = "longName";
result[UnitIsPrefixRole] = "isPrefix";
result[UnitValueWrapsRole] = "valueDoesWrap";
result[UnitMinValueRole] = "minValue";
result[UnitMaxValueRole] = "maxValue";
result[UnitStepSizeRole] = "stepSize";
result[UnitDecimalsRole] = "decimalPlaces";
return result;
int UnitsModel::numDecimals() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
return ud.decimals;
double UnitsModel::minValue() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
return ud.minValue;
double UnitsModel::maxValue() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
return ud.maxValue;
double UnitsModel::stepSize() const
const auto u = m_enabledUnits.at(m_activeIndex);
const UnitData& ud = static_unitData.at(u);
return ud.stepSize;
void UnitsModel::setMode(Units::Mode mode)
if (m_mode == mode)
m_mode = mode;
emit modeChanged(m_mode);
m_enabledUnits = static_modeData.at(mode);
void UnitsModel::setSelectedIndex(int selectedIndex)
if (m_activeIndex == selectedIndex)
if ((selectedIndex < 0) || (selectedIndex >= m_enabledUnits.size()))
m_activeIndex = selectedIndex;
emit selectionChanged(m_activeIndex);
void UnitsModel::setSelectedUnit(int u)
auto it = std::find(m_enabledUnits.begin(), m_enabledUnits.end(), static_cast<Units::Type>(u));
if (it == m_enabledUnits.end()) {
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unit" << u << "not enabled for mode" << m_mode;
int index = std::distance(m_enabledUnits.begin(), it);
if (index != m_activeIndex) {
m_activeIndex = index;
emit selectionChanged(m_activeIndex);
QuantityValue::QuantityValue(Units::Type u, double v) :
QuantityValue QuantityValue::convertToUnit(Units::Type u) const
// special case a no-change
if (unit == u)
return *this;
if (unit == Units::NoUnits) {
return {u, 0.0};
switch (u) {
case Units::NauticalMiles:
if (unit == Units::Kilometers) {
return {u, value * SG_METER_TO_NM * 1000};
case Units::Kilometers:
if (unit == Units::NauticalMiles) {
return {u, value * SG_NM_TO_METER * 0.001};
case Units::FeetMSL:
if (unit == Units::FlightLevel) {
return {u, value * 100};
} else if (unit == Units::MetersMSL) {
return {u, value * SG_METER_TO_FEET};
case Units::Mach:
if (unit == Units::Knots) {
// obviously this depends on altitude, let's
// use the value at sea level for now
return {u, value / 667.0};
case Units::Knots:
if (unit == Units::Mach) {
// obviously this depends on altitude, let's
// use the value at sea level for now
return {u, value * 667.0};
case Units::DegreesMagnetic:
case Units::DegreesTrue:
// we don't have a location to apply mag-var, so just keep the
// current value
if ((unit == Units::DegreesMagnetic) || (unit == Units::DegreesTrue)) {
return {u, value};
case Units::FlightLevel:
if (unit == Units::FeetMSL) {
return {u, static_cast<double>(static_cast<int>(value / 100))};
if (unit == Units::MetersMSL) {
return {u, static_cast<double>(static_cast<int>(value * SG_METER_TO_FEET / 100))};
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unhandled case:" << u << "from" << unit;
return {};
QuantityValue QuantityValue::convertToUnit(int u) const
return convertToUnit(static_cast<Units::Type>(u));
bool QuantityValue::operator==(const QuantityValue &v) const
if (v.unit != unit)
return false;
int dp = static_unitData.at(unit).decimals;
const auto aInt = static_cast<qlonglong>(value * pow(10, dp));
const auto bInt = static_cast<qlonglong>(v.value * pow(10, dp));
return aInt == bInt;
bool QuantityValue::operator!=(const QuantityValue &v) const
return !(*this == v);
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QuantityValue &value)
out << static_cast<quint8>(value.unit);
if (value.unit != Units::NoUnits)
out << value.value;
return out;
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, QuantityValue &value)
quint8 unit;
in >> unit;
value.unit = static_cast<Units::Type>(unit);
if (unit != Units::NoUnits)
in >> value.value;
return in;