64 lines
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64 lines
1.9 KiB
#include <osg/Vec3>
#include <osg/Matrix>
#include <osg/Drawable>
class FGPanel;
class SGPropertyNode;
// PanelNode defines an SSG leaf object that draws a FGPanel object
// into the scene graph. Note that this is an incomplete SSG object,
// many methods, mostly involved with modelling and runtime
// inspection, are unimplemented.
// Static mouse handler for all FGPanelNodes. Very clumsy; this
// should really be done through our container (an aircraft model,
// typically).
bool fgHandle3DPanelMouseEvent(int button, int updown, int x, int y);
void fgUpdate3DPanels();
class FGPanelNode : public osg::Drawable // OSGFIXME
FGPanelNode(SGPropertyNode* props);
virtual ~FGPanelNode();
virtual osg::Object* cloneType() const { return 0; }
virtual osg::Object* clone(const osg::CopyOp& copyop) const { return 0; }
bool doMouseAction(int button, int updown, int x, int y);
FGPanel* getPanel() { return _panel; }
virtual void drawImplementation(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo) const
{ drawImplementation(*renderInfo.getState()); }
void drawImplementation(osg::State& state) const;
virtual osg::BoundingBox computeBound() const;
FGPanel* _panel;
// Panel corner coordinates
osg::Vec3 _bottomLeft, _topLeft, _bottomRight;
// The input range expected in the panel definition. These x/y
// coordinates will map to the right/top sides.
float _xmax, _ymax;
// The matrix that results, which transforms 2D x/y panel
// coordinates into 3D coordinates of the panel quadrilateral.
osg::Matrix _xform;
// The matrix transformation state that was active the last time
// we were rendered. Used by the mouse code to compute
// intersections.
mutable osg::Matrix _lastModelview;
mutable osg::Matrix _lastProjection;
mutable double _lastViewport[4];