309 lines
7.4 KiB
309 lines
7.4 KiB
Module: FGMatrix33.cpp
Author: Originally by Tony Peden [formatted here (and broken??) by JSB]
Date started: 1998
Purpose: FGMatrix33 class
Called by: Various
??/??/?? TP Created
03/16/2000 JSB Added exception throwing
#include "FGColumnVector4.h"
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_COLUMNVECTOR4;
rowCtr = 1;
//cout << "Allocated: " << data << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Instantiated: FGColumnVector4" << endl;
FGColumnVector4::FGColumnVector4(int m)
rowCtr = 1;
//cout << "Allocated: " << data << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Instantiated: FGColumnVector4" << endl;
//cout << "Freed: " << data << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Destroyed: FGColumnVector4" << endl;
FGColumnVector4::FGColumnVector4(const FGColumnVector4& b)
data[1] = b.data[1];
data[2] = b.data[2];
data[3] = b.data[3];
data[4] = b.data[4];
rowCtr = 1;
if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Instantiated: FGColumnVector4" << endl;
FGColumnVector4 FGColumnVector4::operator=(const FGColumnVector4& b)
data[1] = b.data[1];
data[2] = b.data[2];
data[3] = b.data[3];
data[4] = b.data[4];
rowCtr = 1;
if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Instantiated: FGColumnVector4" << endl;
return *this;
FGColumnVector4 FGColumnVector4::operator+(const FGColumnVector4& C)
FGColumnVector4 Sum;
Sum(1) = C(1) + data[1];
Sum(2) = C(2) + data[2];
Sum(3) = C(3) + data[3];
Sum(4) = C(4) + data[4];
return Sum;
void FGColumnVector4::operator+=(const FGColumnVector4& C)
data[1] += C(1);
data[2] += C(2);
data[3] += C(3);
data[4] += C(4);
FGColumnVector4 FGColumnVector4::operator*(const double scalar)
FGColumnVector4 Product;
Product(1) = scalar * data[1];
Product(2) = scalar * data[2];
Product(3) = scalar * data[3];
Product(4) = scalar * data[4];
return Product;
void FGColumnVector4::operator*=(const double scalar)
data[1] *= scalar;
data[2] *= scalar;
data[3] *= scalar;
data[4] *= scalar;
FGColumnVector4 FGColumnVector4::operator-(const FGColumnVector4& V)
FGColumnVector4 Diff;
Diff(1) = data[1] - V(1);
Diff(2) = data[2] - V(2);
Diff(3) = data[3] - V(3);
Diff(4) = data[4] - V(4);
return Diff;
void FGColumnVector4::operator-=(const FGColumnVector4& V)
data[1] -= V(1);
data[2] -= V(2);
data[3] -= V(3);
data[4] -= V(4);
FGColumnVector4 FGColumnVector4::operator/(const double scalar)
FGColumnVector4 Quotient;
if (scalar != 0) {
double tmp = 1.0/scalar;
Quotient(1) = data[1] * tmp;
Quotient(2) = data[2] * tmp;
Quotient(3) = data[3] * tmp;
Quotient(4) = data[4] * tmp;
} else {
cerr << "Attempt to divide by zero in method FGColumnVector4::operator/(const double scalar), object " << this << endl;
return Quotient;
void FGColumnVector4::operator/=(const double scalar)
FGColumnVector4 Quotient;
if (scalar != 0) {
double tmp = 1.0/scalar;
data[1] *= tmp;
data[2] *= tmp;
data[3] *= tmp;
data[4] *= tmp;
} else {
cerr << "Attempt to divide by zero in method FGColumnVector4::operator/=(const double scalar), object " << this << endl;
FGColumnVector4 operator*(const double scalar, const FGColumnVector4& C)
FGColumnVector4 Product;
Product(1) = scalar * C(1);
Product(2) = scalar * C(2);
Product(3) = scalar * C(3);
Product(4) = scalar * C(4);
return Product;
double FGColumnVector4::Magnitude(void)
double num;
if ((data[1] == 0.00) &&
(data[2] == 0.00) &&
(data[3] == 0.00) &&
(data[4] == 0.00))
return 0.00;
} else {
num = data[1]*data[1];
num += data[2]*data[2];
num += data[3]*data[3];
num += data[4]*data[4];
return sqrt(num);
FGColumnVector4 FGColumnVector4::Normalize(void)
double Mag = Magnitude();
if (Mag != 0) {
Mag = 1.0/Mag;
data[1] *= Mag;
data[2] *= Mag;
data[3] *= Mag;
data[4] *= Mag;
return *this;
/* //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
FGColumnVector4 FGColumnVector4::operator*(const FGColumnVector4& V)
FGColumnVector4 Product;
Product(1) = data[2] * V(3) - data[3] * V(2);
Product(2) = data[3] * V(1) - data[1] * V(3);
Product(3) = data[1] * V(2) - data[2] * V(1);
return Product;
} */
/* //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
void FGColumnVector4::operator*=(const FGColumnVector4& V)
double a,b,c;
a = data[1]; b=data[2]; c=data[3];
data[1] = b * V(3) - c * V(2);
data[2] = c * V(1) - a * V(3);
data[3] = a * V(2) - b * V(1);
FGColumnVector4 FGColumnVector4::multElementWise(const FGColumnVector4& V)
FGColumnVector4 Product;
Product(1) = data[1] * V(1);
Product(2) = data[2] * V(2);
Product(3) = data[3] * V(3);
Product(4) = data[4] * V(4);
return Product;
void FGColumnVector4::Debug(void)
//TODO: Add your source code here
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, FGColumnVector4& col)
os << col(1) << " , " << col(2) << " , " << col(3) << " , " << col(4);
return os;
FGColumnVector4& FGColumnVector4::operator<<(const double ff)
data[rowCtr] = ff;
if (++rowCtr > 4 )
rowCtr = 1;
return *this;