Fork 0
curt 7289eaa8ba Robert Deters:
I have attached some revisions for the UIUCModel and some LaRCsim.
  The only thing you should need to check is LaRCsim.cxx.  The file
  I attached is a revised version of 1.5 and the latest is 1.7.  Also,
  uiuc_getwind.c and uiuc_getwind.h are no longer in the LaRCsim
  directory.  They have been moved over to UIUCModel.
2003-05-13 18:45:04 +00:00

166 lines
7 KiB

FILENAME: uiuc_map_record5.cpp
DESCRIPTION: initializes the record maps for forces and moments
STATUS: alpha version
HISTORY: 06/03/2000 file creation
AUTHOR(S): Bipin Sehgal <bsehgal@uiuc.edu>
Jeff Scott <jscott@mail.com>
INPUTS: none
CALLED BY: uiuc_initializemaps.cpp
CALLS TO: none
COPYRIGHT: (C) 2000 by Michael Selig
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
USA or view http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include "uiuc_map_record5.h"
void uiuc_map_record5()
/************************ Forces ***********************/
// aero forces in local axis
record_map["F_X_wind"] = F_X_wind_record ;
record_map["F_Y_wind"] = F_Y_wind_record ;
record_map["F_Z_wind"] = F_Z_wind_record ;
// aero forces in body axis
record_map["F_X_aero"] = F_X_aero_record ;
record_map["F_Y_aero"] = F_Y_aero_record ;
record_map["F_Z_aero"] = F_Z_aero_record ;
// engine forces
record_map["F_X_engine"] = F_X_engine_record ;
record_map["F_Y_engine"] = F_Y_engine_record ;
record_map["F_Z_engine"] = F_Z_engine_record ;
// gear forces
record_map["F_X_gear"] = F_X_gear_record ;
record_map["F_Y_gear"] = F_Y_gear_record ;
record_map["F_Z_gear"] = F_Z_gear_record ;
// total forces in body axis
record_map["F_X"] = F_X_record ;
record_map["F_Y"] = F_Y_record ;
record_map["F_Z"] = F_Z_record ;
// total forces in local axis
record_map["F_north"] = F_north_record ;
record_map["F_east"] = F_east_record ;
record_map["F_down"] = F_down_record ;
/*********************** Moments ***********************/
// aero moments
record_map["M_l_aero"] = M_l_aero_record ;
record_map["M_m_aero"] = M_m_aero_record ;
record_map["M_n_aero"] = M_n_aero_record ;
// engine moments
record_map["M_l_engine"] = M_l_engine_record ;
record_map["M_m_engine"] = M_m_engine_record ;
record_map["M_n_engine"] = M_n_engine_record ;
// gear moments
record_map["M_l_gear"] = M_l_gear_record ;
record_map["M_m_gear"] = M_m_gear_record ;
record_map["M_n_gear"] = M_n_gear_record ;
// total moments
record_map["M_l_rp"] = M_l_rp_record ;
record_map["M_m_rp"] = M_m_rp_record ;
record_map["M_n_rp"] = M_n_rp_record ;
/***********************Flapper Data********************/
record_map["flapper_freq"] = flapper_freq_record ;
record_map["flapper_phi"] = flapper_phi_record ;
record_map["flapper_phi_deg"] = flapper_phi_deg_record ;
record_map["flapper_Lift"] = flapper_Lift_record ;
record_map["flapper_Thrust"] = flapper_Thrust_record ;
record_map["flapper_Inertia"] = flapper_Inertia_record ;
record_map["flapper_Moment"] = flapper_Moment_record ;
/******************** MSS debug **********************************/
record_map["debug1"] = debug1_record ;
record_map["debug2"] = debug2_record ;
record_map["debug3"] = debug3_record ;
/******************** RD debug ***********************************/
record_map["debug4"] = debug4_record ;
record_map["debug5"] = debug5_record ;
record_map["debug6"] = debug6_record ;
/******************** Misc data **********************************/
record_map["V_down_fpm"] = V_down_fpm_record ;
record_map["eta_q"] = eta_q_record ;
record_map["rpm"] = rpm_record ;
record_map["elevator_sas_deg"] = elevator_sas_deg_record ;
record_map["aileron_sas_deg"] = aileron_sas_deg_record ;
record_map["rudder_sas_deg"] = rudder_sas_deg_record ;
record_map["w_induced"] = w_induced_record ;
record_map["downwashAngle_deg"] = downwashAngle_deg_record ;
record_map["alphaTail_deg"] = alphaTail_deg_record ;
record_map["gammaWing"] = gammaWing_record ;
record_map["LD"] = LD_record ;
record_map["gload"] = gload_record ;
record_map["gyroMomentQ"] = gyroMomentQ_record ;
record_map["gyroMomentR"] = gyroMomentR_record ;
/******************** Gear ************************************/
record_map["Gear_handle"] = Gear_handle_record ;
record_map["gear_cmd_norm"] = gear_cmd_norm_record ;
record_map["gear_pos_norm"] = gear_pos_norm_record ;
// end uiuc_map_record5.cpp