Fork 0
curt 93617f577d Add an option to estimate control surfaces deflections based on rotational
rates (not perfect, but lacking any data at all this is better than showing
them all hard over full stop.)
2007-06-11 19:13:08 +00:00

847 lines
27 KiB

# include <config.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
# include <strings.h> // for bzero()
# define bzero(a,b) memset(a,0,b)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <plib/net.h>
#include <plib/sg.h>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/io/lowlevel.hxx> // endian tests
#include <simgear/io/sg_file.hxx>
#include <simgear/serial/serial.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/timestamp.hxx>
#include <Network/net_ctrls.hxx>
#include <Network/net_fdm.hxx>
#include "UGear.hxx"
// Network channels
static netSocket fdm_sock, ctrls_sock;
// ugear data
UGEARTrack track;
// Default ports
static int fdm_port = 5505;
static int ctrls_port = 5506;
// Default path
static string infile = "";
static string flight_dir = "";
static string serialdev = "";
static string outfile = "";
// Master time counter
float sim_time = 0.0f;
double frame_us = 0.0f;
// sim control
SGTimeStamp last_time_stamp;
SGTimeStamp current_time_stamp;
// altitude offset
double alt_offset = 0.0;
// skip initial seconds
double skip = 0.0;
// for speed estimate
// double last_lat = 0.0, last_lon = 0.0;
// double kts_filter = 0.0;
bool inited = false;
bool run_real_time = true;
bool ignore_checksum = false;
bool sg_swap = false;
bool est_controls = false;
// The function htond is defined this way due to the way some
// processors and OSes treat floating point values. Some will raise
// an exception whenever a "bad" floating point value is loaded into a
// floating point register. Solaris is notorious for this, but then
// so is LynxOS on the PowerPC. By translating the data in place,
// there is no need to load a FP register with the "corruped" floating
// point value. By doing the BIG_ENDIAN test, I can optimize the
// routine for big-endian processors so it can be as efficient as
// possible
static void htond (double &x)
if ( sgIsLittleEndian() ) {
int *Double_Overlay;
int Holding_Buffer;
Double_Overlay = (int *) &x;
Holding_Buffer = Double_Overlay [0];
Double_Overlay [0] = htonl (Double_Overlay [1]);
Double_Overlay [1] = htonl (Holding_Buffer);
} else {
// Float version
static void htonf (float &x)
if ( sgIsLittleEndian() ) {
int *Float_Overlay;
int Holding_Buffer;
Float_Overlay = (int *) &x;
Holding_Buffer = Float_Overlay [0];
Float_Overlay [0] = htonl (Holding_Buffer);
} else {
static void ugear2fg( gps *gpspacket, imu *imupacket, nav *navpacket,
servo *servopacket, health *healthpacket,
FGNetFDM *fdm, FGNetCtrls *ctrls )
unsigned int i;
// Version sanity checking
fdm->version = FG_NET_FDM_VERSION;
// Aero parameters
fdm->longitude = navpacket->lon * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
fdm->latitude = navpacket->lat * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
fdm->altitude = navpacket->alt + alt_offset;
fdm->agl = -9999.0;
fdm->psi = imupacket->psi; // heading
fdm->phi = imupacket->phi; // roll
fdm->theta = imupacket->the; // pitch;
fdm->phidot = 0.0;
fdm->thetadot = 0.0;
fdm->psidot = 0.0;
// estimate speed
// double az1, az2, dist;
// geo_inverse_wgs_84( pos.altitude_msl, last_lat, last_lon,
// pos.lat_deg, pos.lon_deg, &az1, &az2, &dist );
// double v_ms = dist / (frame_us / 1000000);
// double v_kts = v_ms * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600;
// kts_filter = (0.99 * kts_filter) + (0.01 * v_kts);
double vn = navpacket->vn;
double ve = navpacket->ve;
double vd = navpacket->vd;
// enable to use ground track heading
// fdm->psi = SGD_PI * 0.5 - atan2(vn, ve); // heading
fdm->vcas = sqrt( vn*vn + ve*ve + vd*vd );
// last_lat = pos.lat_deg;
// last_lon = pos.lon_deg;
// cout << "kts_filter = " << kts_filter << " vel = " << pos.speed_kts << endl;
fdm->climb_rate = 0; // fps
// cout << "climb rate = " << aero->hdota << endl;
fdm->v_north = 0.0;
fdm->v_east = 0.0;
fdm->v_down = 0.0;
fdm->v_wind_body_north = 0.0;
fdm->v_wind_body_east = 0.0;
fdm->v_wind_body_down = 0.0;
fdm->stall_warning = 0.0;
fdm->A_X_pilot = 0.0;
fdm->A_Y_pilot = 0.0;
fdm->A_Z_pilot = 0.0 /* (should be -G) */;
// Engine parameters
fdm->num_engines = 1;
fdm->eng_state[0] = 2;
// cout << "state = " << fdm->eng_state[0] << endl;
double rpm = 5000.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[2] / 65536.0)*3500.0;
if ( rpm < 0.0 ) { rpm = 0.0; }
if ( rpm > 5000.0 ) { rpm = 5000.0; }
fdm->rpm[0] = rpm;
fdm->fuel_flow[0] = 0.0;
fdm->egt[0] = 0.0;
// cout << "egt = " << aero->EGT << endl;
fdm->oil_temp[0] = 0.0;
fdm->oil_px[0] = 0.0;
// Consumables
fdm->num_tanks = 2;
fdm->fuel_quantity[0] = 0.0;
fdm->fuel_quantity[1] = 0.0;
// Gear and flaps
fdm->num_wheels = 3;
fdm->wow[0] = 0;
fdm->wow[1] = 0;
fdm->wow[2] = 0;
// the following really aren't used in this context
fdm->cur_time = 0;
fdm->warp = 0;
fdm->visibility = 0;
// cout << "Flap deflection = " << aero->dflap << endl;
fdm->left_flap = 0.0;
fdm->right_flap = 0.0;
if ( est_controls ) {
static float est_elev = 0.0;
static float est_aileron = 0.0;
static float est_rudder = 0.0;
est_elev = 0.95 * est_elev + 0.05 * (imupacket->q * 8);
est_aileron = 0.95 * est_aileron + 0.05 * (imupacket->p * 8);
est_rudder = 0.95 * est_rudder + 0.05 * (imupacket->r * 8);
fdm->elevator = -est_elev;
fdm->left_aileron = est_aileron;
fdm->right_aileron = -est_aileron;
fdm->rudder = est_rudder;
} else {
fdm->elevator = ((double)servopacket->chn[1] / 32768.0) - 1.0;
fdm->left_aileron = ((double)servopacket->chn[0] / 32768.0) - 1.0;
fdm->right_aileron = 1.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[0] / 32768.0);
fdm->rudder = 1.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[3] / 32768.0);
fdm->elevator_trim_tab = 0.0;
fdm->left_flap = 0.0;
fdm->right_flap = 0.0;
fdm->nose_wheel = 0.0;
fdm->speedbrake = 0.0;
fdm->spoilers = 0.0;
// Convert the net buffer to network format
fdm->version = htonl(fdm->version);
for ( i = 0; i < fdm->num_engines; ++i ) {
fdm->eng_state[i] = htonl(fdm->eng_state[i]);
fdm->num_engines = htonl(fdm->num_engines);
for ( i = 0; i < fdm->num_tanks; ++i ) {
fdm->num_tanks = htonl(fdm->num_tanks);
for ( i = 0; i < fdm->num_wheels; ++i ) {
fdm->wow[i] = htonl(fdm->wow[i]);
fdm->num_wheels = htonl(fdm->num_wheels);
fdm->cur_time = htonl( fdm->cur_time );
fdm->warp = htonl( fdm->warp );
static void send_data( gps *gpspacket, imu *imupacket, nav *navpacket,
servo *servopacket, health *healthpacket ) {
int len;
int fdmsize = sizeof( FGNetFDM );
// cout << "Running main loop" << endl;
FGNetFDM fgfdm;
FGNetCtrls fgctrls;
ugear2fg( gpspacket, imupacket, navpacket, servopacket, healthpacket,
&fgfdm, &fgctrls );
len = fdm_sock.send(&fgfdm, fdmsize, 0);
void usage( const string &argv0 ) {
cout << "Usage: " << argv0 << endl;
cout << "\t[ --help ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --infile <infile_name>" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --flight <flight_dir>" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --serial <dev_name>" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --outfile <outfile_name> (capture the data to a file)" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --hertz <hertz> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --host <hostname> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --broadcast ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --fdm-port <fdm output port #> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --ctrls-port <ctrls output port #> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --estimate-control-deflections ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --altitude-offset <meters> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --skip-seconds <seconds> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --no-real-time ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --ignore-checksum ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --sg-swap ]" << endl;
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
double hertz = 60.0;
string out_host = "localhost";
bool do_broadcast = false;
// process command line arguments
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) {
if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--help" ) == 0 ) {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( 0 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--hertz" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
hertz = atof( argv[i] );
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--infile" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
infile = argv[i];
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--flight" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
flight_dir = argv[i];
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--outfile" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
outfile = argv[i];
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--serial" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
serialdev = argv[i];
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--host" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
out_host = argv[i];
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--broadcast" ) == 0 ) {
do_broadcast = true;
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--fdm-port" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
fdm_port = atoi( argv[i] );
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--ctrls-port" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
ctrls_port = atoi( argv[i] );
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp (argv[i], "--estimate-control-deflections" ) == 0 ) {
est_controls = true;
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--altitude-offset" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
alt_offset = atof( argv[i] );
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--skip-seconds" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
skip = atof( argv[i] );
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--no-real-time" ) == 0 ) {
run_real_time = false;
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--ignore-checksum" ) == 0 ) {
ignore_checksum = true;
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--sg-swap" ) == 0 ) {
sg_swap = true;
} else {
usage( argv[0] );
exit( -1 );
// Setup up outgoing network connections
netInit( &argc,argv ); // We must call this before any other net stuff
if ( ! fdm_sock.open( false ) ) { // open a UDP socket
cout << "error opening fdm output socket" << endl;
return -1;
if ( ! ctrls_sock.open( false ) ) { // open a UDP socket
cout << "error opening ctrls output socket" << endl;
return -1;
cout << "open net channels" << endl;
fdm_sock.setBlocking( false );
ctrls_sock.setBlocking( false );
cout << "blocking false" << endl;
if ( do_broadcast ) {
fdm_sock.setBroadcast( true );
ctrls_sock.setBroadcast( true );
if ( fdm_sock.connect( out_host.c_str(), fdm_port ) == -1 ) {
cout << "error connecting to outgoing fdm port: " << out_host
<< ":" << fdm_port << endl;
return -1;
cout << "connected outgoing fdm socket" << endl;
if ( ctrls_sock.connect( out_host.c_str(), ctrls_port ) == -1 ) {
cout << "error connecting to outgoing ctrls port: " << out_host
<< ":" << ctrls_port << endl;
return -1;
cout << "connected outgoing ctrls socket" << endl;
if ( sg_swap ) {
if ( infile.length() || flight_dir.length() ) {
if ( infile.length() ) {
// Load data from a stream log data file
track.load_stream( infile, ignore_checksum );
} else if ( flight_dir.length() ) {
// Load data from a flight directory
track.load_flight( flight_dir );
cout << "Loaded " << track.gps_size() << " gps records." << endl;
cout << "Loaded " << track.imu_size() << " imu records." << endl;
cout << "Loaded " << track.nav_size() << " nav records." << endl;
cout << "Loaded " << track.servo_size() << " servo records." << endl;
cout << "Loaded " << track.health_size() << " health records." << endl;
int size = track.imu_size();
double current_time = track.get_imupt(0).time;
cout << "Track begin time is " << current_time << endl;
double end_time = track.get_imupt(size-1).time;
cout << "Track end time is " << end_time << endl;
cout << "Duration = " << end_time - current_time << endl;
// advance skip seconds forward
current_time += skip;
frame_us = 1000000.0 / hertz;
if ( frame_us < 0.0 ) {
frame_us = 0.0;
SGTimeStamp start_time;
int gps_count = 0;
int imu_count = 0;
int nav_count = 0;
int servo_count = 0;
int health_count = 0;
gps gps0, gps1;
gps0 = gps1 = track.get_gpspt( 0 );
imu imu0, imu1;
imu0 = imu1 = track.get_imupt( 0 );
nav nav0, nav1;
nav0 = nav1 = track.get_navpt( 0 );
servo servo0, servo1;
servo0 = servo1 = track.get_servopt( 0 );
health health0, health1;
health0 = health1 = track.get_healthpt( 0 );
double last_lat = -999.9, last_lon = -999.9;
printf(" <trk>\n");
printf(" <trkseg>\n");
while ( current_time < end_time ) {
// cout << "current_time = " << current_time << " end_time = "
// << end_time << endl;
// Advance gps pointer
while ( current_time > gps1.time
&& gps_count < track.gps_size() - 1 )
gps0 = gps1;
// cout << "count = " << count << endl;
gps1 = track.get_gpspt( gps_count );
// cout << "p0 = " << p0.get_time() << " p1 = " << p1.get_time()
// << endl;
// Advance imu pointer
while ( current_time > imu1.time
&& imu_count < track.imu_size() - 1 )
imu0 = imu1;
// cout << "count = " << count << endl;
imu1 = track.get_imupt( imu_count );
// cout << "pos0 = " << pos0.get_seconds()
// << " pos1 = " << pos1.get_seconds() << endl;
// Advance nav pointer
while ( current_time > nav1.time
&& nav_count < track.nav_size() - 1 )
nav0 = nav1;
// cout << "nav count = " << nav_count << endl;
nav1 = track.get_navpt( nav_count );
// cout << "pos0 = " << pos0.get_seconds()
// << " pos1 = " << pos1.get_seconds() << endl;
// Advance servo pointer
while ( current_time > servo1.time
&& servo_count < track.servo_size() - 1 )
servo0 = servo1;
// cout << "count = " << count << endl;
servo1 = track.get_servopt( servo_count );
// cout << "pos0 = " << pos0.get_seconds()
// << " pos1 = " << pos1.get_seconds() << endl;
// Advance health pointer
while ( current_time > health1.time
&& health_count < track.health_size() - 1 )
health0 = health1;
// cout << "count = " << count << endl;
health1 = track.get_healthpt( health_count );
// cout << "pos0 = " << pos0.get_seconds()
// << " pos1 = " << pos1.get_seconds() << endl;
double gps_percent;
if ( fabs(gps1.time - gps0.time) < 0.00001 ) {
gps_percent = 0.0;
} else {
gps_percent =
(current_time - gps0.time) /
(gps1.time - gps0.time);
// cout << "Percent = " << percent << endl;
double imu_percent;
if ( fabs(imu1.time - imu0.time) < 0.00001 ) {
imu_percent = 0.0;
} else {
imu_percent =
(current_time - imu0.time) /
(imu1.time - imu0.time);
// cout << "Percent = " << percent << endl;
double nav_percent;
if ( fabs(nav1.time - nav0.time) < 0.00001 ) {
nav_percent = 0.0;
} else {
nav_percent =
(current_time - nav0.time) /
(nav1.time - nav0.time);
// cout << "Percent = " << percent << endl;
double servo_percent;
if ( fabs(servo1.time - servo0.time) < 0.00001 ) {
servo_percent = 0.0;
} else {
servo_percent =
(current_time - servo0.time) /
(servo1.time - servo0.time);
// cout << "Percent = " << percent << endl;
double health_percent;
if ( fabs(health1.time - health0.time) < 0.00001 ) {
health_percent = 0.0;
} else {
health_percent =
(current_time - health0.time) /
(health1.time - health0.time);
// cout << "Percent = " << percent << endl;
gps gpspacket = UGEARInterpGPS( gps0, gps1, gps_percent );
imu imupacket = UGEARInterpIMU( imu0, imu1, imu_percent );
nav navpacket = UGEARInterpNAV( nav0, nav1, nav_percent );
servo servopacket = UGEARInterpSERVO( servo0, servo1,
servo_percent );
health healthpacket = UGEARInterpHEALTH( health0, health1,
health_percent );
// cout << current_time << " " << p0.lat_deg << ", " << p0.lon_deg
// << endl;
// cout << current_time << " " << p1.lat_deg << ", " << p1.lon_deg
// << endl;
// cout << (double)current_time << " " << pos.lat_deg << ", "
// << pos.lon_deg << " " << att.yaw_deg << endl;
if ( gpspacket.lat > -500 ) {
// printf( "%.3f %.4f %.4f %.1f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
// current_time,
// navpacket.lat, navpacket.lon, navpacket.alt,
// imupacket.psi, imupacket.the, imupacket.phi );
double dlat = last_lat - navpacket.lat;
double dlon = last_lon - navpacket.lon;
double dist = sqrt( dlat*dlat + dlon*dlon );
if ( dist > 0.01 ) {
printf(" <trkpt lat=\"%.8f\" lon=\"%.8f\"></trkpt>\n",
navpacket.lat, navpacket.lon );
// printf(" </wpt>\n");
last_lat = navpacket.lat;
last_lon = navpacket.lon;
send_data( &gpspacket, &imupacket, &navpacket, &servopacket,
&healthpacket );
if ( run_real_time ) {
// Update the elapsed time.
static bool first_time = true;
if ( first_time ) {
first_time = false;
/* Convert to ms */
double elapsed_us = current_time_stamp - last_time_stamp;
if ( elapsed_us < (frame_us - 2000) ) {
double requested_us = (frame_us - elapsed_us) - 2000 ;
ulMilliSecondSleep ( (int)(requested_us / 1000.0) ) ;
while ( current_time_stamp - last_time_stamp < frame_us ) {
current_time += (frame_us / 1000000.0);
last_time_stamp = current_time_stamp;
printf(" <trkpt lat=\"%.8f\" lon=\"%.8f\"></trkpt>\n",
nav1.lat, nav1.lon );
printf(" </trkseg>\n");
printf(" </trk>\n");
nav0 = track.get_navpt( 0 );
nav1 = track.get_navpt( track.nav_size() - 1 );
printf(" <wpt lat=\"%.8f\" lon=\"%.8f\"></wpt>\n",
nav0.lat, nav0.lon );
printf(" <wpt lat=\"%.8f\" lon=\"%.8f\"></wpt>\n",
nav1.lat, nav1.lon );
cout << "Processed " << imu_count << " entries in "
<< (current_time_stamp - start_time) / 1000000 << " seconds."
<< endl;
} else if ( serialdev.length() ) {
// process incoming data from the serial port
int count = 0;
double current_time = 0.0;
double last_time = 0.0;
gps gpspacket; bzero( &gpspacket, sizeof(gpspacket) );
imu imupacket; bzero( &imupacket, sizeof(imupacket) );
nav navpacket; bzero( &navpacket, sizeof(navpacket) );
servo servopacket; bzero( &servopacket, sizeof(servopacket) );
health healthpacket; bzero( &healthpacket, sizeof(healthpacket) );
double gps_time = 0;
double imu_time = 0;
double nav_time = 0;
double servo_time = 0;
double health_time = 0;
// open the serial port device
SGSerialPort input( serialdev, 115200 );
if ( !input.is_enabled() ) {
cout << "Cannot open: " << serialdev << endl;
return false;
// open up the data log file if requested
if ( !outfile.length() ) {
cout << "no --outfile <name> specified, cannot capture data!"
<< endl;
return false;
SGFile output( outfile );
if ( !output.open( SG_IO_OUT ) ) {
cout << "Cannot open: " << outfile << endl;
return false;
while ( input.is_enabled() ) {
// cout << "looking for next message ..." << endl;
int id = track.next_message( &input, &output, &gpspacket,
&imupacket, &navpacket, &servopacket,
&healthpacket, ignore_checksum );
// cout << "message id = " << id << endl;
if ( id == GPS_PACKET ) {
if ( gpspacket.time > gps_time ) {
gps_time = gpspacket.time;
current_time = gps_time;
} else {
cout << "oops gps back in time: " << gpspacket.time << " " << gps_time << endl;
} else if ( id == IMU_PACKET ) {
if ( imupacket.time > imu_time ) {
imu_time = imupacket.time;
current_time = imu_time;
} else {
cout << "oops imu back in time: " << imupacket.time << " " << imu_time << endl;
} else if ( id == NAV_PACKET ) {
if ( navpacket.time > nav_time ) {
nav_time = navpacket.time;
current_time = nav_time;
} else {
cout << "oops nav back in time: " << navpacket.time << " " << nav_time << endl;
} else if ( id == SERVO_PACKET ) {
if ( servopacket.time > servo_time ) {
servo_time = servopacket.time;
current_time = servo_time;
} else {
cout << "oops servo back in time: " << servopacket.time << " " << servo_time << endl;
} else if ( id == HEALTH_PACKET ) {
if ( healthpacket.time > health_time ) {
health_time = healthpacket.time;
current_time = health_time;
} else {
cout << "oops health back in time: " << healthpacket.time << " " << health_time << endl;
if ( current_time >= last_time + (1/hertz) ) {
// if ( gpspacket.lat > -500 ) {
printf( "%.2f %.6f %.6f %.1f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d\n",
navpacket.lat, navpacket.lon, navpacket.alt,
// }
last_time = current_time;
send_data( &gpspacket, &imupacket, &navpacket, &servopacket,
&healthpacket );
return 0;