Fork 0
James Turner 1bf52662ae Launcher converted to QQ2
This simplifies the launcher's rendering since the widget-based
code is gone, various things get hooked up as a result. Styling
fixes everywhere as well.

Menubar on Linux/Windows needs to be re-added.
2018-06-23 17:14:21 +01:00

513 lines
22 KiB

import QtQuick 2.4
import FlightGear.Launcher 1.0
import "."
Item {
id: settings
Rectangle {
// search 'dimming' rectangle
visible: _launcher.isSearchActive
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#7f7f7f"
Binding {
target: _launcher
property: "settingsSummary"
value: generalSettings.summary().concat(mpSettings.summary(),
Connections {
target: _launcher
onRequestSaveState: settings.saveState();
Component.onDestruction: {
function saveState()
Flickable {
id: settingsFlick
contentHeight: sectionColumn.childrenRect.height
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
height: parent.height
width: parent.width - scrollbar.width
id: sectionColumn
width: parent.width
Item {
// top margin
width: parent.width
height: Style.margin
Item {
id: header
width: parent.width
height: headerText.height
Text {
id: headerText
text: qsTr("Settings")
font.pixelSize: Style.headingFontPixelSize
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.inset
SearchButton {
id: search
width: Style.strutSize * 4
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Style.margin
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
autoSubmitTimeout: 250
onSearch: {
_launcher.settingsSearchTerm = term
Item {
// below header margin
width: parent.width
height: Style.margin
Section {
id: generalSettings
title: qsTr("General")
settingGroup: "general"
function summary()
var result = [];
if (startPaused.checked) result.push("paused");
if (!showConsoleWin.hidden && showConsoleWin.checked) result.push("console");
return result;
contents: [
SettingCheckbox {
id: startPaused
label: qsTr("Start paused")
description: qsTr("Automatically pause the simulator when launching. This is useful "
+ "when starting in the air.")
keywords: ["pause", "freeze"]
option: "freeze"
setting: "start-paused"
SettingCheckbox {
id: autoCoordination
label: qsTr("Enable auto-coordination")
description: qsTr("When flying with the mouse, or a joystick lacking a rudder axis, "
+ "it's difficult to manually coordinate aileron and rudder movements during "
+ "turn. This option automatically commands the rudder to maintain zero "
+ "slip angle when banking");
advanced: true
keywords: ["input", "mouse", "control", "rudder"]
option: "auto-coordination"
setting: "auto-coordination"
SettingCheckbox {
id: showConsoleWin
label: qsTr("Show debugging console")
description: qsTr("Open a console window showing debug output from the application.")
advanced: true
hidden: _osName !== "win"
keywords: ["console", "terminal", "log", "debug"]
setting: "console"
onApply: {
if (!showConsoleWin.hidden && showConsoleWin.checked) _config.setArg("console")
Section {
id: mpSettings
title: qsTr("Multi-player")
settingGroup: "mp"
readonly property int defaultMPPort: 5000
function summary()
var result = [];
if (enableMP.checked) result.push("multi-player");
return result;
contents: [
SettingCheckbox {
id: enableMP
label: qsTr("Connect to the multi-player network")
description: qsTr("FlightGear supporters maintain a network of servers to enable global multi-user "
+ "flight. This requires a moderately fast Internet connection to be usable. Your aircraft "
+ "will be visible to other users online, and you will see their aircraft.")
keywords: ["network", "mp", "multiplay","online"]
setting: "enabled"
onValueChanged: {
if (value) {
SettingLineEdit {
id: callSign
enabled: enableMP.checked
label: qsTr("Callsign")
description: qsTr("Enter a callsign you will use online. This is visible to all users and is " +
"how ATC services and other pilots will refer to you. " +
"(Maximum of seven characters permitted)")
placeholder: "D-FGFS"
suggestedWidthString: "MMMMMMMMMMM"
keywords: ["callsign", "handle", "name"]
// between one and seven alphanumerics, underscores and/or hypens
// spaces not permitted
validation: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[\w-]{1,7}/ }
setting: "callsign"
SettingsComboBox {
id: mpServer
label: qsTr("Server")
enabled: enableMP.checked
description: qsTr("Select a server close to you for better responsiveness and reduced lag when flying online.")
choices: _launcher.mpServersModel
readonly property bool currentIsCustom: (_launcher.mpServersModel.serverForIndex(selectedIndex) === "__custom__")
readonly property bool currentIsNoServers: (_launcher.mpServersModel.serverForIndex(selectedIndex) === "__noservers__")
property string __savedServer;
keywords: ["server", "hostname"]
setting: "server"
// following three elements are to deal with the irregular way we save the
// MP server state, because the index is unstable, and the time to query online servers
// is determined by the MPServersModel. So we let that code do the state
// restoration, and emit a signal we handler here, when it wants to update the UI.
function saveState()
// these values match the code in MPServersModel.cpp, sorry for that
// nastyness
_config.setValueForKey("mpSettings", "mp-server", _launcher.mpServersModel.serverForIndex(selectedIndex) );
function restoreState()
// no-op, this is triggered by MPServersModel::restoreMPServerSelection
target: _launcher.mpServersModel
onRestoreIndex: { mpServer.selectedIndex = index }
onRestoreDefault: { mpServer.selectedIndex = 0; }
SettingLineEdit {
id: mpCustomServer
enabled: enableMP.checked
label: qsTr("Custom server")
hidden: !mpServer.currentIsCustom
description: qsTr("Enter a server hostname or IP address, and optionally a port number. (Default port is 5000) For example 'localhost:5001'")
placeholder: "localhost:5001"
setting: "custom-server"
onApply: {
if (enableMP.checked) {
if (mpServer.currentIsNoServers) {
console.warn("MP enabled but no valid server selected, skipping");
} else if (mpServer.currentIsCustom) {
var pieces = mpCustomServer.value.split(':')
var port = defaultMPPort;
if (pieces.length > 1) {
port = pieces[1];
if (pieces[0].length > 0) {
_config.setProperty("/sim/multiplay/txhost", pieces[0]);
_config.setProperty("/sim/multiplay/txport", port);
} else {
console.warn("Custom MP server selected but no hostname defined");
} else {
var sel = mpServer.selectedIndex
var host = _launcher.mpServersModel.serverForIndex(sel);
console.info("MP host is " + host)
if (host.length > 0) {
_config.setProperty("/sim/multiplay/txhost", host);
var port = _launcher.mpServersModel.portForIndex(sel);
if (port === 0) {
console.info("Using default MP port");
port = defaultMPPort;
_config.setProperty("/sim/multiplay/txport", port);
if (callSign.value.length > 0) {
_config.setArg("callsign", callSign.value)
Section {
id: downloadSettings
title: qsTr("Downloads")
width: parent.width
settingGroup: "downloads"
function summary()
var result = [];
if (terrasync.checked) result.push("scenery downloads");
return result;
contents: [
SettingCheckbox {
id: terrasync
label: "Download scenery automatically"
description: "FlightGear can automatically download scenery as needed, and check for updates to "
+ "the scenery. If you disable this option, you will need to download & install scenery "
+ "using an alternative method."
keywords: ["terrasync", "download", "scenery"]
option: "terrasync"
setting: "terrasync"
// ensure we pass --disable-terrasync when unchecked, because
// terrasync state is autosaved and hence can stick inside the sim
setIfDefault: true
SettingPathChooser {
id: downloadDir
label: qsTr("Download location")
description: qsTr("FlightGear stores downloaded files (scenery and aircraft) in this location. "
+ "Depending on your settings, it may grow to a considerable size (many gigabytes). "
+ "If you change the download location, files will need to be downloaded again. "
+ "When changing this setting, FlightGear will restart to use the new location correctly.")
advanced: true
chooseDirectory: true
defaultPath: _config.defaultDownloadDir
dialogPrompt: qsTr("Choose a location to store download files.")
setting: "download-dir"
// we disable this UI if the user passes --download-dir when starting the
// launcher, otherwise we coudld end up in a complete mess
enabled: _config.enableDownloadDirUI
keywords: ["download", "storage", "disk"]
onPathChanged: {
// lots of special work needs to be done immediately that this
// value is changed.
function saveState()
// ensure this is a no-op, we write the value explicity
// in LauncherController::downloadDirChanged
onApply: {
// note we do /not/ apply the downloadDir setting here, since it's
// only permitted to occurr once, and we set it via other means;
// on startup via runLauncherDialog, and if it changes, via
// LauncherMainWindow::downloadDirChanged
summary: terrasync.checked ? "scenery downloads;" : ""
Section {
id: windowSettings
title: qsTr("View & Window")
width: parent.width
settingGroup: "window"
function summary()
var result = [];
if (fullscreen.checked) result.push("full-screen");
return result;
contents: [
SettingCheckbox {
id: fullscreen
label: qsTr("Start full-screen")
description: qsTr("Start the simulator in full-screen mode.");
setting: "fullscreen"
option: "fullscreen"
SettingsComboBox {
id: windowSize
enabled: !fullscreen.checked
label: qsTr("Window size")
description: qsTr("Select the initial size of the window (this has no effect in full-screen mode).")
advanced: true
choices: ["640x480", "800x600", "1024x768", "1920x1080", "2560x1600", qsTr("Custom Size") ]
defaultIndex: 2
readonly property bool isDefault: selectedIndex == defaultIndex
readonly property bool isCustom: selectedIndex == 5
keywords: ["window", "geometry", "size", "resolution"]
setting: "window-size"
SettingLineEdit {
id: customWindowSize
hidden: !windowSize.isCustom
label: qsTr("Custom size")
advanced: true
description: qsTr("Enter a custom window size in the form 'WWWWW x HHHHH', for example '1280 x 900'")
validation: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[\d]{1,7}[\s]*x[\s]*[\d]{1,7}$/ }
setting: "custom-size"
suggestedWidthString: "0000000 x 0000000"
onApply: {
if (windowSize.isCustom) {
_config.setArg("geometry", customWindowSize.value);
} else if (!windowSize.isDefault) {
_config.setArg("geometry", windowSize.choices[windowSize.selectedIndex]);
Section {
id: renderSection
title: qsTr("Rendering")
width: parent.width
settingGroup: "render"
readonly property bool rembrandt: (renderer.selectedIndex == 2)
readonly property bool alsEnabled: (renderer.selectedIndex == 1)
readonly property bool msaaEnabled: !rembrandt && (msaa.selectedIndex > 0)
function summary()
var result = [];
if (rembrandt) result.push("Rembrandt");
else if (alsEnabled) result.push("ALS");
if (msaaEnabled) result.push("anti-aliasing");
return result;
contents: [
SettingsComboBox {
id: renderer
label: qsTr("Renderer")
choices: [qsTr("Default"),
qsTr("Atmospheric Light Scattering"),
description: descriptions[selectedIndex]
defaultIndex: 0
setting: "renderer"
readonly property var descriptions: [
qsTr("The default renderer provides standard visuals with maximum compatibility."),
qsTr("The ALS renderer uses a sophisticated physical atmospheric model and several " +
"other effects to give realistic rendering of large distances."),
qsTr("Rembrandt is a configurable multi-pass renderer which supports shadow-maps, cinematic " +
"effects and more. However, not all aircraft appear correctly and performance will " +
"depend greatly on your system hardware.")
keywords: ["als", "rembrandt", "render", "shadow"]
SettingsComboBox {
id: msaa
label: qsTr("Anti-aliasing")
setting: "aa"
description: renderSection.rembrandt? qsTr("Anti-aliasing is disabled when Rembrandt is enabled.")
: qsTr("Anti-aliasing improves the appearance of high-contrast edges and lines. " +
"This is especially noticeable on sloping or diagonal edges. " +
"Higher settings can reduce performance.")
keywords: ["msaa", "anti", "aliasing", "multi", "sample"]
choices: [qsTr("Off"), "2x", "4x"]
enabled: !renderSection.rembrandt
property var data: [0, 2, 4];
defaultIndex: 0
onApply: {
if (msaaEnabled) {
_config.setProperty("/sim/rendering/multi-sample-buffers", 1)
_config.setProperty("/sim/rendering/multi-samples", msaa.data[msaa.selectedIndex])
_config.setEnableDisableOption("rembrandt", rembrandt);
if (alsEnabled) {
_config.setProperty("/sim/rendering/shaders/skydome", true);
Section {
id: extraArgsSection
title: qsTr("Additional Settings")
settingGroup: "extraArgs"
width: parent.width
contents: [
SettingExtraArguments {
id: extraArgs
keywords: ["property", "extra", "command", "argument"]
setting: "extra-args"
} // of Column
} // of Flickable
Scrollbar {
id: scrollbar
anchors.right: parent.right
height: settingsFlick.height
flickable: settingsFlick
visible: settingsFlick.contentHeight > settingsFlick.height