Fork 0
curt 77e21b26d2 Curt:
Stub in hooks for Propeller feathering controls and the turbo prop "condition"

I added a line in FGFDM.cpp to force control properties to exist if they
don't already.  This way you can specify anything you want and find them
in the property browser, otherwise no one else may create them and you are

In PropEngine::solve() the code original sets _running = true at the
beginning and then sets running = false at the end.  I changed this to
save the current value at the start, set to true, solve(), and then
restore the original value at the end.  That way if we start off with
_running = true, we don't have to hack up the calc() routine which wasn't
using the value anyway.

Finally I added some very initial support to shut down a turbine engine
(_running = false) when the condition lever goes to zero.
2004-07-20 22:17:58 +00:00

245 lines
6.8 KiB

#include "Jet.hpp"
#include "Thruster.hpp"
#include "PropEngine.hpp"
#include "PistonEngine.hpp"
#include "TurbineEngine.hpp"
#include "Gear.hpp"
#include "Wing.hpp"
#include "Rotor.hpp"
#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Propeller.hpp"
#include "ControlMap.hpp"
namespace yasim {
int i;
for(i=0; i<_inputs.size(); i++) {
Vector* v = (Vector*)_inputs.get(i);
int j;
for(j=0; j<v->size(); j++)
delete (MapRec*)v->get(j);
delete v;
for(i=0; i<_outputs.size(); i++)
delete (OutRec*)_outputs.get(i);
int ControlMap::newInput()
Vector* v = new Vector();
return _inputs.add(v);
void ControlMap::addMapping(int input, int type, void* object, int options,
float src0, float src1, float dst0, float dst1)
addMapping(input, type, object, options);
// The one we just added is last in the list (ugly, awful hack!)
Vector* maps = (Vector*)_inputs.get(input);
MapRec* m = (MapRec*)maps->get(maps->size() - 1);
m->src0 = src0;
m->src1 = src1;
m->dst0 = dst0;
m->dst1 = dst1;
void ControlMap::addMapping(int input, int type, void* object, int options)
// See if the output object already exists
OutRec* out = 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<_outputs.size(); i++) {
OutRec* o = (OutRec*)_outputs.get(i);
if(o->object == object && o->type == type) {
out = o;
// Create one if it doesn't
if(out == 0) {
out = new OutRec();
out->type = type;
out->object = object;
out->oldL = out->oldR = out->time = 0;
// Make a new input record
MapRec* map = new MapRec();
map->out = out;
map->opt = options;
map->idx = out->maps.add(map);
// The default ranges differ depending on type!
map->src1 = map->dst1 = rangeMax(type);
map->src0 = map->dst0 = rangeMin(type);
// And add it to the approproate vectors.
Vector* maps = (Vector*)_inputs.get(input);
void ControlMap::reset()
// Set all the values to zero
for(int i=0; i<_outputs.size(); i++) {
OutRec* o = (OutRec*)_outputs.get(i);
for(int j=0; j<o->maps.size(); j++)
((MapRec*)(o->maps.get(j)))->val = 0;
void ControlMap::setInput(int input, float val)
Vector* maps = (Vector*)_inputs.get(input);
for(int i=0; i<maps->size(); i++) {
MapRec* m = (MapRec*)maps->get(i);
float val2 = val;
// Do the scaling operation. Clamp to [src0:src1], rescale to
// [0:1] within that range, then map to [dst0:dst1].
if(val2 < m->src0) val2 = m->src0;
if(val2 > m->src1) val2 = m->src1;
val2 = (val2 - m->src0) / (m->src1 - m->src0);
val2 = m->dst0 + val2 * (m->dst1 - m->dst0);
m->val = val2;
int ControlMap::getOutputHandle(void* obj, int type)
for(int i=0; i<_outputs.size(); i++) {
OutRec* o = (OutRec*)_outputs.get(i);
if(o->object == obj && o->type == type)
return i;
return 0;
void ControlMap::setTransitionTime(int handle, float time)
((OutRec*)_outputs.get(handle))->time = time;
float ControlMap::getOutput(int handle)
return ((OutRec*)_outputs.get(handle))->oldL;
float ControlMap::getOutputR(int handle)
return ((OutRec*)_outputs.get(handle))->oldR;
void ControlMap::applyControls(float dt)
int outrec;
for(outrec=0; outrec<_outputs.size(); outrec++) {
OutRec* o = (OutRec*)_outputs.get(outrec);
// Generate a summed value. Note the check for "split"
// control axes like ailerons.
float lval = 0, rval = 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<o->maps.size(); i++) {
MapRec* m = (MapRec*)o->maps.get(i);
float val = m->val;
if(m->opt & OPT_SQUARE)
val = val * Math::abs(val);
if(m->opt & OPT_INVERT)
val = -val;
lval += val;
if(m->opt & OPT_SPLIT)
rval -= val;
rval += val;
// If there is a finite transition time, clamp the values to
// the maximum travel allowed in this dt.
if(o->time > 0) {
float dl = lval - o->oldL;
float dr = rval - o->oldR;
float adl = Math::abs(dl);
float adr = Math::abs(dr);
float max = (dt/o->time) * (rangeMax(o->type) - rangeMin(o->type));
if(adl > max) dl = dl*max/adl;
if(adr > max) dr = dr*max/adr;
lval = o->oldL + dl;
rval = o->oldR + dr;
o->oldL = lval;
o->oldR = rval;
void* obj = o->object;
switch(o->type) {
case THROTTLE: ((Thruster*)obj)->setThrottle(lval); break;
case MIXTURE: ((Thruster*)obj)->setMixture(lval); break;
case CONDLEVER: ((TurbineEngine*)((PropEngine*)obj)->getEngine())->setCondLever(lval); break;
case STARTER: ((Thruster*)obj)->setStarter(lval != 0.0); break;
case MAGNETOS: ((PropEngine*)obj)->setMagnetos((int)lval); break;
case ADVANCE: ((PropEngine*)obj)->setAdvance(lval); break;
case PROPPITCH: ((PropEngine*)obj)->setPropPitch(lval); break;
case PROPFEATHER: ((PropEngine*)obj)->setPropFeather((int)lval); break;
case REHEAT: ((Jet*)obj)->setReheat(lval); break;
case VECTOR: ((Jet*)obj)->setRotation(lval); break;
case BRAKE: ((Gear*)obj)->setBrake(lval); break;
case STEER: ((Gear*)obj)->setRotation(lval); break;
case EXTEND: ((Gear*)obj)->setExtension(lval); break;
case CASTERING:((Gear*)obj)->setCastering(lval != 0); break;
case SLAT: ((Wing*)obj)->setSlat(lval); break;
case FLAP0: ((Wing*)obj)->setFlap0(lval, rval); break;
case FLAP1: ((Wing*)obj)->setFlap1(lval, rval); break;
case SPOILER: ((Wing*)obj)->setSpoiler(lval, rval); break;
case COLLECTIVE: ((Rotor*)obj)->setCollective(lval); break;
case CYCLICAIL: ((Rotor*)obj)->setCyclicail(lval,rval); break;
case CYCLICELE: ((Rotor*)obj)->setCyclicele(lval,rval); break;
case ROTORENGINEON: ((Rotor*)obj)->setEngineOn((int)lval); break;
case REVERSE_THRUST: ((Jet*)obj)->setReverse(lval != 0); break;
case BOOST:
float ControlMap::rangeMin(int type)
// The minimum of the range for each type of control
switch(type) {
case FLAP0: return -1; // [-1:1]
case FLAP1: return -1;
case STEER: return -1;
case CYCLICELE: return -1;
case CYCLICAIL: return -1;
case COLLECTIVE: return -1;
case MAGNETOS: return 0; // [0:3]
default: return 0; // [0:1]
float ControlMap::rangeMax(int type)
// The maximum of the range for each type of control
switch(type) {
case FLAP0: return 1; // [-1:1]
case FLAP1: return 1;
case STEER: return 1;
case MAGNETOS: return 3; // [0:3]
default: return 1; // [0:1]
} // namespace yasim