Fork 0
James Turner 905d8ae734 Text alignment support mostly working
Baseline is still being strange, possibly need to use an
AnchorChange instead of multiple Binding elements
2017-11-05 13:37:38 +00:00

81 lines
1.8 KiB

import QtQuick 2.0
import FlightGear 1.0
CanvasItem {
id: root
// implicitHeight: text.implicitHeight
// implicitWidth: text.implicitWidth
property alias text: text.text
property alias fontPixelSize: text.font.pixelSize
property alias fontFamily: text.font.family
property alias color: text.color
property string canvasAlignment: "center"
property string __canvasVAlign: "center"
property string __canvasHAlign: "center"
onCanvasAlignmentChanged: {
if (canvasAlignment == "center") {
__canvasVAlign = __canvasVAlign = "center";
} else {
var pieces = canvasAlignment.split("-");
__canvasHAlign = pieces[0]
__canvasVAlign = pieces[1]
Text {
id: text
Binding {
when: __canvasHAlign == "left"
target: text
property: "anchors.left"
value: root.left
Binding {
when: __canvasHAlign == "right"
target: text
property: "anchors.right"
value: root.left
Binding {
when: __canvasHAlign == "center"
target: text
property: "anchors.horizontalCenter"
value: root.left
Binding {
when: __canvasVAlign == "top"
target: text
property: "anchors.top"
value: root.top
Binding {
when: __canvasVAlign == "bottom"
target: text
property: "anchors.bottom"
value: root.top
Binding {
when: __canvasVAlign == "center"
target: text
property: "anchors.verticalCenter"
value: root.top
Binding {
when: __canvasVAlign == "baseline"
target: text
property: "anchors.baseline"
value: root.top