This is the initial commit for a reworked environment controller. The main intention is to decouple the individual modules like metar fetch, metar properties, environment interpolation etc. to make it easier for other weather module developers to modify environment settings. As a side effect, the dialogs for weather-scenario, weather-conditions, clouds and precipitations have been merged into a single dialog
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349 lines
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// environment_ctrl.cxx -- manager for natural environment information.
// Written by David Megginson, started February 2002.
// Partly rewritten by Torsten Dreyer, August 2010.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David Megginson -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "environment_ctrl.hxx"
#include "environment.hxx"
namespace Environment {
* @brief Describes an element of a LayerTable. A defined environment at a given altitude.
struct LayerTableBucket {
double altitude_ft;
FGEnvironment environment;
inline bool operator< (const LayerTableBucket &b) const {
return (altitude_ft < b.altitude_ft);
* @brief LessThan predicate for bucket pointers.
static bool lessThan(LayerTableBucket *a, LayerTableBucket *b) {
return (a->altitude_ft) < (b->altitude_ft);
* @brief Models a column of our atmosphere by stacking a number of environments above
* each other
class LayerTable : public std::vector<LayerTableBucket *>, public SGPropertyChangeListener
LayerTable( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ) :
_rootNode(rootNode) {}
* @brief Read the environment column from properties relative to the given root node
* @param environment A template environment to copy values from, not given in the configuration
void read( FGEnvironment * parent = NULL );
*@brief Interpolate and write environment values for a given altitude
*@param altitude_ft The altitude for the desired environment
*@environment the destination to write the resulting environment properties to
void interpolate(double altitude_ft, FGEnvironment * environment);
*@brief Bind all environments properties to property nodes and initialize the listeners
void Bind();
*@brief Unbind all environments properties from property nodes and deregister listeners
void Unbind();
* @brief Implementation of SGProertyChangeListener::valueChanged()
* Takes care of consitent sea level pressure for the entire column
void valueChanged( SGPropertyNode * node );
SGPropertyNode_ptr _rootNode;
*@brief Implementation of the LayerIterpolateController
class LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation : public LayerInterpolateController
LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode );
virtual void init ();
virtual void reinit ();
virtual void postinit();
virtual void bind();
virtual void unbind();
virtual void update (double delta_time_sec);
SGPropertyNode_ptr _rootNode;
bool _enabled;
double _boundary_transition;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _altitude_n;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _altitude_agl_n;
LayerTable _boundary_table;
LayerTable _aloft_table;
FGEnvironment _environment;
TiedPropertyList _tiedProperties;
for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); it++ )
delete (*it);
void LayerTable::read(FGEnvironment * parent )
double last_altitude_ft = 0.0;
double sort_required = false;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < (size_t)_rootNode->nChildren(); i++) {
const SGPropertyNode * child = _rootNode->getChild(i);
if ( child->getNameString() == "entry"
&& child->getStringValue("elevation-ft", "")[0] != '\0'
&& ( child->getDoubleValue("elevation-ft") > 0.1 || i == 0 ) )
LayerTableBucket * b;
if( i < size() ) {
// recycle existing bucket
b = at(i);
} else {
// more nodes than buckets in table, add a new one
b = new LayerTableBucket;
if (i == 0 && parent != NULL )
b->environment = *parent;
if (i > 0)
b->environment = at(i-1)->environment;
b->altitude_ft = b->environment.get_elevation_ft();
// check, if altitudes are in ascending order
if( b->altitude_ft < last_altitude_ft )
sort_required = true;
last_altitude_ft = b->altitude_ft;
// remove leftover buckets
while( size() > i ) {
LayerTableBucket * b = *(end() - 1);
delete b;
if( sort_required )
sort(begin(), end(), LayerTableBucket::lessThan);
// cleanup entries with (almost)same altitude
for( size_type n = 1; n < size(); n++ ) {
if( fabs(at(n)->altitude_ft - at(n-1)->altitude_ft ) < 1 ) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Removing duplicate altitude entry in environment config for altitude " << at(n)->altitude_ft );
erase( begin() + n );
void LayerTable::Bind()
// tie all environments to ~/entry[n]/xxx
// register this as a changelistener of ~/entry[n]/pressure-sea-level-inhg
for( unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++ ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode = _rootNode->getChild("entry", i, true );
at(i)->environment.Tie( baseNode );
baseNode->getNode( "pressure-sea-level-inhg", true )->addChangeListener( this );
void LayerTable::Unbind()
// untie all environments to ~/entry[n]/xxx
// deregister this as a changelistener of ~/entry[n]/pressure-sea-level-inhg
for( unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++ ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode = _rootNode->getChild("entry", i, true );
baseNode->getNode( "pressure-sea-level-inhg", true )->removeChangeListener( this );
void LayerTable::valueChanged( SGPropertyNode * node )
// Make sure all environments in our column use the same sea level pressure
double value = node->getDoubleValue();
for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); it++ )
(*it)->environment.set_pressure_sea_level_inhg( value );
void LayerTable::interpolate( double altitude_ft, FGEnvironment * result )
int length = size();
if (length == 0)
// Boundary conditions
if ((length == 1) || (at(0)->altitude_ft >= altitude_ft)) {
*result = at(0)->environment; // below bottom of table
} else if (at(length-1)->altitude_ft <= altitude_ft) {
*result = at(length-1)->environment; // above top of table
// Search the interpolation table
int layer;
for ( layer = 1; // can't be below bottom layer, handled above
layer < length && at(layer)->altitude_ft <= altitude_ft;
FGEnvironment & env1 = (at(layer-1)->environment);
FGEnvironment & env2 = (at(layer)->environment);
// two layers of same altitude were sorted out in read_table
double fraction = ((altitude_ft - at(layer-1)->altitude_ft) /
(at(layer)->altitude_ft - at(layer-1)->altitude_ft));
env1.interpolate(env2, fraction, result);
LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ) :
_rootNode( rootNode ),
_altitude_n( fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true)),
_altitude_agl_n( fgGetNode("/position/altitude-agl-ft", true)),
_boundary_table( rootNode->getNode("boundary", true ) ),
_aloft_table( rootNode->getNode("aloft", true ) )
void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::init ()
// pass in a pointer to the environment of the last bondary layer as
// a starting point
void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::reinit ()
void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::postinit()
// we get here after 1. bind() and 2. init() was called by fg_init
void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::bind()
// don't bind the layer tables here, because they have not been read in yet.
_environment.Tie( _rootNode->getNode( "interpolated", true ) );
_tiedProperties.Tie( _rootNode->getNode("enabled", true), &_enabled );
_tiedProperties.Tie( _rootNode->getNode("boundary-transition-ft", true ), &_boundary_transition );
void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::unbind()
void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::update (double delta_time_sec)
if( !_enabled || delta_time_sec <= SGLimitsd::min() )
double altitude_ft = _altitude_n->getDoubleValue();
double altitude_agl_ft = _altitude_agl_n->getDoubleValue();
// avoid div by zero later on and init with a default value if not given
if( _boundary_transition <= SGLimitsd::min() )
_boundary_transition = 500;
int length = _boundary_table.size();
if (length > 0) {
// If a boundary table is defined, get the top of the boundary layer
double boundary_limit = _boundary_table[length-1]->altitude_ft;
if (boundary_limit >= altitude_agl_ft) {
// If current altitude is below top of boundary layer, interpolate
// only in boundary layer
_boundary_table.interpolate(altitude_agl_ft, &_environment);
} else if ((boundary_limit + _boundary_transition) >= altitude_agl_ft) {
// If current altitude is above top of boundary layer and within the
// transition altitude, interpolate boundary and aloft layers
FGEnvironment env1, env2;
_boundary_table.interpolate( altitude_agl_ft, &env1);
_aloft_table.interpolate(altitude_ft, &env2);
double fraction = (altitude_agl_ft - boundary_limit) / _boundary_transition;
env1.interpolate(env2, fraction, &_environment);
// If no boundary layer is defined or altitude is above top boundary-layer plus boundary-transition
// altitude, use only the aloft table
_aloft_table.interpolate( altitude_ft, &_environment);
LayerInterpolateController * LayerInterpolateController::createInstance( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode )
return new LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation( rootNode );
} // namespace