293 lines
12 KiB
293 lines
12 KiB
#include "hud.hxx"
#ifdef USE_HUD_TextList
#define textString(x, y, text, digit) TextString(text, x , y ,digit)
#define textString(x, y, text, digit) puDrawString(guiFnt, text, x, y)
FLTFNPTR get_func(const char *name); // FIXME
gauge_instr::gauge_instr(const SGPropertyNode *node) :
0 /*load_fn*/,
node->getFloatValue("maxValue") - node->getFloatValue("minValue"), // Always shows span?
node->getIntValue("modulator"), // "rollover"
0, /* hud.cxx: static int dp_shoing = 0; */ // FIXME
node->getBoolValue("working", true))
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Done reading gauge instrument "
<< node->getStringValue("name", "[unnamed]"));
// As implemented, draw only correctly draws a horizontal or vertical
// scale. It should contain a variation that permits clock type displays.
// Now is supports "tickless" displays such as control surface indicators.
// This routine should be worked over before using. Current value would be
// fetched and not used if not commented out. Clearly that is intollerable.
void gauge_instr::draw(void)
float marker_xs, marker_xe;
float marker_ys, marker_ye;
int text_x, text_y;
int width, height, bottom_4;
int lenstr;
int i;
char TextScale[80];
bool condition;
int disp_val = 0;
float vmin = min_val();
float vmax = max_val();
POINT mid_scr = get_centroid();
float cur_value = get_value();
RECT scrn_rect = get_location();
UINT options = get_options();
width = scrn_rect.left + scrn_rect.right;
height = scrn_rect.top + scrn_rect.bottom;
bottom_4 = scrn_rect.bottom / 4;
// Draw the basic markings for the scale...
if (huds_vert(options)) { // Vertical scale
// Bottom tick bar
drawOneLine(scrn_rect.left, scrn_rect.top, width, scrn_rect.top);
// Top tick bar
drawOneLine( scrn_rect.left, height, width, height);
marker_xs = scrn_rect.left;
marker_xe = width;
if (huds_left(options)) { // Read left, so line down right side
drawOneLine(width, scrn_rect.top, width, height);
marker_xs = marker_xe - scrn_rect.right / 3.0; // Adjust tick
if (huds_right(options)) { // Read right, so down left sides
drawOneLine(scrn_rect.left, scrn_rect.top, scrn_rect.left, height);
marker_xe = scrn_rect.left + scrn_rect.right / 3.0; // Adjust tick
// At this point marker x_start and x_end values are transposed.
// To keep this from confusing things they are now interchanged.
if (huds_both(options)) {
marker_ye = marker_xs;
marker_xs = marker_xe;
marker_xe = marker_ye;
// Work through from bottom to top of scale. Calculating where to put
// minor and major ticks.
if (!huds_noticks(options)) { // If not no ticks...:)
// Calculate x marker offsets
int last = (int)vmax + 1; // float_to_int(vmax)+1;
i = (int)vmin; //float_to_int(vmin);
for (; i < last; i++) {
// Calculate the location of this tick
marker_ys = scrn_rect.top + (i - vmin) * factor()/* +.5f*/;
// We compute marker_ys even though we don't know if we will use
// either major or minor divisions. Simpler.
if (div_min()) { // Minor tick marks
if (!(i % (int)div_min())) {
if (huds_left(options) && huds_right(options)) {
drawOneLine(scrn_rect.left, marker_ys, marker_xs - 3, marker_ys);
drawOneLine(marker_xe + 3, marker_ys, width, marker_ys);
} else if (huds_left(options)) {
drawOneLine(marker_xs + 3, marker_ys, marker_xe, marker_ys);
} else {
drawOneLine(marker_xs, marker_ys, marker_xe - 3, marker_ys);
// Now we work on the major divisions. Since these are also labeled
// and no labels are drawn otherwise, we label inside this if
// statement.
if (div_max()) { // Major tick mark
if (!(i % (int)div_max())) {
if (huds_left(options) && huds_right(options)) {
drawOneLine(scrn_rect.left, marker_ys, marker_xs, marker_ys);
drawOneLine(marker_xe, marker_ys, width, marker_ys);
} else {
drawOneLine(marker_xs, marker_ys, marker_xe, marker_ys);
if (!huds_notext(options)) {
disp_val = i;
sprintf(TextScale, "%d",
float_to_int(disp_val * data_scaling()/*+.5*/));
lenstr = getStringWidth(TextScale);
if (huds_left(options) && huds_right(options)) {
text_x = mid_scr.x - lenstr/2 ;
} else if (huds_left(options)) {
text_x = float_to_int(marker_xs - lenstr);
} else {
text_x = float_to_int(marker_xe - lenstr);
// Now we know where to put the text.
text_y = float_to_int(marker_ys);
textString(text_x, text_y, TextScale, 0);
// Now that the scale is drawn, we draw in the pointer(s). Since labels
// have been drawn, text_x and text_y may be recycled. This is used
// with the marker start stops to produce a pointer for each side reading
text_y = scrn_rect.top + float_to_int((cur_value - vmin) * factor() /*+.5f*/);
// text_x = marker_xs - scrn_rect.left;
if (huds_right(options)) {
glVertex2f(scrn_rect.left, text_y + 5);
glVertex2f(float_to_int(marker_xe), text_y);
glVertex2f(scrn_rect.left, text_y - 5);
if (huds_left(options)) {
glVertex2f(width, text_y + 5);
glVertex2f(float_to_int(marker_xs), text_y);
glVertex2f(width, text_y - 5);
} else { // Horizontal scale by default
// left tick bar
drawOneLine(scrn_rect.left, scrn_rect.top, scrn_rect.left, height);
// right tick bar
drawOneLine(width, scrn_rect.top, width, height );
marker_ys = scrn_rect.top; // Starting point for
marker_ye = height; // tick y location calcs
marker_xs = scrn_rect.left + (cur_value - vmin) * factor() /*+ .5f*/;
if (huds_top(options)) {
// Bottom box line
drawOneLine(scrn_rect.left, scrn_rect.top, width, scrn_rect.top);
marker_ye = scrn_rect.top + scrn_rect.bottom / 2.0; // Tick point adjust
// Bottom arrow
glVertex2f(marker_xs - bottom_4, scrn_rect.top);
glVertex2f(marker_xs, marker_ye);
glVertex2f(marker_xs + bottom_4, scrn_rect.top);
if (huds_bottom(options)) {
// Top box line
drawOneLine(scrn_rect.left, height, width, height);
// Tick point adjust
marker_ys = height - scrn_rect.bottom / 2.0;
// Top arrow
glVertex2f(marker_xs + bottom_4, height);
glVertex2f(marker_xs, marker_ys );
glVertex2f(marker_xs - bottom_4, height);
int last = (int)vmax + 1; //float_to_int(vmax)+1;
i = (int)vmin; //float_to_int(vmin);
for (; i <last ; i++) {
condition = true;
if (!modulo() && i < min_val())
condition = false;
if (condition) {
marker_xs = scrn_rect.left + (i - vmin) * factor()/* +.5f*/;
// marker_xs = scrn_rect.left + (int)((i - vmin) * factor() + .5f);
if (div_min()) {
if (!(i % (int)div_min())) {
// draw in ticks only if they aren't too close to the edge.
if (((marker_xs + 5) > scrn_rect.left)
|| ((marker_xs - 5) < (width))) {
if (huds_both(options)) {
drawOneLine(marker_xs, scrn_rect.top, marker_xs, marker_ys - 4);
drawOneLine(marker_xs, marker_ye + 4, marker_xs, height);
} else if (huds_top(options)) {
drawOneLine(marker_xs, marker_ys, marker_xs, marker_ye - 4);
} else {
drawOneLine(marker_xs, marker_ys + 4, marker_xs, marker_ye);
if (div_max()) {
if (!(i % (int)div_max())) {
if (modulo()) {
if (disp_val < 0) {
while (disp_val < 0)
disp_val += modulo();
disp_val = i % (int)modulo();
} else {
disp_val = i;
sprintf(TextScale, "%d",
float_to_int(disp_val * data_scaling()/* +.5*/));
lenstr = getStringWidth(TextScale);
// Draw major ticks and text only if far enough from the edge.
if (((marker_xs - 10) > scrn_rect.left)
&& ((marker_xs + 10) < width)) {
if (huds_both(options)) {
drawOneLine(marker_xs, scrn_rect.top, marker_xs, marker_ys);
drawOneLine(marker_xs, marker_ye, marker_xs, height);
if (!huds_notext(options))
textString(marker_xs - lenstr, marker_ys + 4, TextScale, 0);
} else {
drawOneLine(marker_xs, marker_ys, marker_xs, marker_ye);
if (!huds_notext(options)) {
if (huds_top(options))
textString(marker_xs - lenstr, height - 10, TextScale, 0);
textString(marker_xs - lenstr, scrn_rect.top, TextScale, 0);