Fork 0

868 lines
37 KiB

Module: FGFunction.cpp
Author: Jon Berndt
Date started: 8/25/2004
Purpose: Stores various parameter types for functions
------------- Copyright (C) 2004 Jon S. Berndt (jon@jsbsim.org) -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <exception>
#include "simgear/misc/strutils.hxx"
#include "FGFunction.h"
#include "FGTable.h"
#include "FGPropertyValue.h"
#include "FGRealValue.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
#include "math/FGMatrix33.h"
#include "math/FGQuaternion.h"
#include "math/FGColumnVector3.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
const double invlog2val = 1.0/log10(2.0);
const unsigned int MaxArgs = 9999;
class WrongNumberOfArguments : public runtime_error
WrongNumberOfArguments(const string &msg, const vector<FGParameter_ptr> &p,
Element* el)
: runtime_error(msg), Parameters(p), element(el) {}
size_t NumberOfArguments(void) const { return Parameters.size(); }
FGParameter* FirstParameter(void) const { return *(Parameters.cbegin()); }
const Element* GetElement(void) const { return element; }
const vector<FGParameter_ptr> Parameters;
const Element* element;
template<typename func_t, unsigned int Nmin, unsigned int Nmax=Nmin,
FGFunction::OddEven odd_even=FGFunction::OddEven::Either>
class aFunc: public FGFunction
aFunc(const func_t& _f, FGPropertyManager* pm, Element* el,
const string& prefix, FGPropertyValue* v)
: f(_f)
Load(pm, el, v, prefix);
CheckMinArguments(el, Nmin);
CheckMaxArguments(el, Nmax);
CheckOddOrEvenArguments(el, odd_even);
double GetValue(void) const {
return cached ? cachedValue : f(Parameters);
const func_t f;
bool GetBinary(double val, const string &ctxMsg)
val = fabs(val);
if (val < 1E-9) return false;
else if (val-1 < 1E-9) return true;
else {
cerr << ctxMsg << FGJSBBase::fgred << FGJSBBase::highint
<< "Malformed conditional check in function definition."
<< FGJSBBase::reset << endl;
throw("Fatal Error.");
// Hides the machinery to create a class for functions from <math.h> such as
// sin, cos, exp, etc.
FGFunction* make_MathFn(double(*math_fn)(double), FGPropertyManager* pm, Element* el,
const string& prefix, FGPropertyValue* v)
auto f = [math_fn](const std::vector<FGParameter_ptr> &p)->double {
return math_fn(p[0]->GetValue());
return new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, pm, el, prefix, v);
// Manage the functions with a variable number of arguments.
// It handles the special case where a single argument is provided to the
// function: in that case the function is ignored and replaced by its argument.
template<typename func_t>
FGParameter_ptr VarArgsFn(const func_t& _f, FGPropertyManager* pm, Element* el,
const string& prefix, FGPropertyValue* v)
try {
return new aFunc<func_t, 2, MaxArgs>(_f, pm, el, prefix, v);
catch(WrongNumberOfArguments& e) {
if ((e.GetElement() == el) && (e.NumberOfArguments() == 1)) {
cerr << el->ReadFrom() << FGJSBBase::fgred
<< "<" << el->GetName()
<< "> only has one argument which makes it a no-op." << endl
<< "Its argument will be evaluated but <" << el->GetName()
<< "> will not be applied to the result." << FGJSBBase::reset << endl;
return e.FirstParameter();
throw e.what();
FGFunction::FGFunction(FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager, Element* el,
const string& prefix, FGPropertyValue* var)
: FGFunction()
Load(PropertyManager, el, var, prefix);
CheckMinArguments(el, 1);
CheckMaxArguments(el, 1);
string sCopyTo = el->GetAttributeValue("copyto");
if (!sCopyTo.empty()) {
if (sCopyTo.find("#") != string::npos) {
if (is_number(prefix))
sCopyTo = replace(sCopyTo,"#",prefix);
else {
cerr << el->ReadFrom() << fgred
<< "Illegal use of the special character '#'" << reset << endl
<< "The 'copyto' argument in function " << Name << " is ignored."
<< endl;
pCopyTo = PropertyManager->GetNode(sCopyTo);
if (!pCopyTo)
cerr << el->ReadFrom() << fgred
<< "Property \"" << sCopyTo
<< "\" must be previously defined in function " << Name << reset
<< "The 'copyto' argument is ignored." << endl;
void FGFunction::CheckMinArguments(Element* el, unsigned int _min)
if (Parameters.size() < _min) {
ostringstream buffer;
buffer << el->ReadFrom() << fgred << highint
<< "<" << el->GetName() << "> should have at least " << _min
<< " argument(s)." << reset << endl;
throw WrongNumberOfArguments(buffer.str(), Parameters, el);
void FGFunction::CheckMaxArguments(Element* el, unsigned int _max)
if (Parameters.size() > _max) {
ostringstream buffer;
buffer << el->ReadFrom() << fgred << highint
<< "<" << el->GetName() << "> should have no more than " << _max
<< " argument(s)." << reset << endl;
throw WrongNumberOfArguments(buffer.str(), Parameters, el);
void FGFunction::CheckOddOrEvenArguments(Element* el, OddEven odd_even)
switch(odd_even) {
case OddEven::Even:
if (Parameters.size() % 2 == 1) {
cerr << el->ReadFrom() << fgred << highint
<< "<" << el->GetName() << "> must have an even number of arguments."
<< reset << endl;
throw("Fatal Error");
case OddEven::Odd:
if (Parameters.size() % 2 == 0) {
cerr << el->ReadFrom() << fgred << highint
<< "<" << el->GetName() << "> must have an odd number of arguments."
<< reset << endl;
throw("Fatal Error");
void FGFunction::Load(FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager, Element* el,
FGPropertyValue* var, const string& Prefix)
Name = el->GetAttributeValue("name");
Element* element = el->GetElement();
auto sum = [](const decltype(Parameters)& Parameters)->double {
double temp = 0.0;
for (auto p: Parameters)
temp += p->GetValue();
return temp;
while (element) {
string operation = element->GetName();
// data types
if (operation == "property" || operation == "p") {
string property_name = element->GetDataLine();
if (var && simgear::strutils::strip(property_name) == "#")
else {
if (property_name.find("#") != string::npos) {
if (is_number(Prefix)) {
property_name = replace(property_name,"#",Prefix);
else {
cerr << element->ReadFrom()
<< fgred << "Illegal use of the special character '#'"
<< reset << endl;
throw("Fatal Error.");
Parameters.push_back(new FGPropertyValue( property_name,
PropertyManager ));
} else if (operation == "value" || operation == "v") {
Parameters.push_back(new FGRealValue(element->GetDataAsNumber()));
} else if (operation == "pi") {
Parameters.push_back(new FGRealValue(M_PI));
} else if (operation == "table" || operation == "t") {
Parameters.push_back(new FGTable(PropertyManager, element, Prefix));
// operations
} else if (operation == "product") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& Parameters)->double {
double temp = 1.0;
for (auto p: Parameters)
temp *= p->GetValue();
return temp;
Parameters.push_back(VarArgsFn<decltype(f)>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "sum") {
Parameters.push_back(VarArgsFn<decltype(sum)>(sum, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "avg") {
auto avg = [&](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return sum(p) / p.size();
Parameters.push_back(VarArgsFn<decltype(avg)>(avg, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "difference") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& Parameters)->double {
double temp = Parameters[0]->GetValue();
for (auto p = Parameters.begin()+1; p != Parameters.end(); ++p)
temp -= (*p)->GetValue();
return temp;
Parameters.push_back(VarArgsFn<decltype(f)>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "min") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& Parameters)->double {
double _min = HUGE_VAL;
for (auto p : Parameters) {
double x = p->GetValue();
if (x < _min)
_min = x;
return _min;
Parameters.push_back(VarArgsFn<decltype(f)>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "max") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& Parameters)->double {
double _max = -HUGE_VAL;
for (auto p : Parameters) {
double x = p->GetValue();
if (x > _max)
_max = x;
return _max;
Parameters.push_back(VarArgsFn<decltype(f)>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "and") {
string ctxMsg = element->ReadFrom();
auto f = [ctxMsg](const decltype(Parameters)& Parameters)->double {
for (auto p : Parameters) {
if (!GetBinary(p->GetValue(), ctxMsg)) // As soon as one parameter is false, the expression is guaranteed to be false.
return 0.0;
return 1.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2, MaxArgs>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "or") {
string ctxMsg = element->ReadFrom();
auto f = [ctxMsg](const decltype(Parameters)& Parameters)->double {
for (auto p : Parameters) {
if (GetBinary(p->GetValue(), ctxMsg)) // As soon as one parameter is true, the expression is guaranteed to be true.
return 1.0;
return 0.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2, MaxArgs>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "quotient") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double y = p[1]->GetValue();
return y != 0.0 ? p[0]->GetValue()/y : HUGE_VAL;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "pow") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return pow(p[0]->GetValue(), p[1]->GetValue());
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "toradians") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue()*M_PI/180.;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "todegrees") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue()*180./M_PI;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "sqrt") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double x = p[0]->GetValue();
return x >= 0.0 ? sqrt(x) : -HUGE_VAL;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "log2") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double x = p[0]->GetValue();
return x > 0.0 ? log10(x)*invlog2val : -HUGE_VAL;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "ln") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double x = p[0]->GetValue();
return x > 0.0 ? log(x) : -HUGE_VAL;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "log10") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double x = p[0]->GetValue();
return x > 0.0 ? log10(x) : -HUGE_VAL;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "sign") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue() < 0.0 ? -1 : 1; // 0.0 counts as positive.
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "exp") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(exp, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "abs") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(fabs, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "sin") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(sin, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "cos") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(cos, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "tan") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(tan, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "asin") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(asin, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "acos") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(acos, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "atan") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(atan, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "floor") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(floor, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "ceil") {
Parameters.push_back(make_MathFn(ceil, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "fmod") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double y = p[1]->GetValue();
return y != 0.0 ? fmod(p[0]->GetValue(), y) : HUGE_VAL;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "atan2") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return atan2(p[0]->GetValue(), p[1]->GetValue());
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "mod") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return static_cast<int>(p[0]->GetValue()) % static_cast<int>(p[1]->GetValue());
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "fraction") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double scratch;
return modf(p[0]->GetValue(), &scratch);
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "integer") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double result;
modf(p[0]->GetValue(), &result);
return result;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "lt") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue() < p[1]->GetValue() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "le") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue() <= p[1]->GetValue() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "gt") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue() > p[1]->GetValue() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "ge") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue() >= p[1]->GetValue() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "eq") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue() == p[1]->GetValue() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "nq") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return p[0]->GetValue() != p[1]->GetValue() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "not") {
string ctxMsg = element->ReadFrom();
auto f = [ctxMsg](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return GetBinary(p[0]->GetValue(), ctxMsg) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 1>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "ifthen") {
string ctxMsg = element->ReadFrom();
auto f = [ctxMsg](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
if (GetBinary(p[0]->GetValue(), ctxMsg))
return p[1]->GetValue();
return p[2]->GetValue();
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 3>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "random") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return GaussianRandomNumber();
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 0>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "urandom") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
return -1.0 + (((double)rand()/double(RAND_MAX))*2.0);
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 0>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "switch") {
string ctxMsg = element->ReadFrom();
auto f = [ctxMsg](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double temp = p[0]->GetValue();
if (temp < 0.0) {
cerr << ctxMsg << fgred << highint
<< "The switch function index (" << temp
<< ") is negative." << reset << endl;
throw("Fatal error");
size_t n = p.size()-1;
size_t i = static_cast<size_t>(temp+0.5);
if (i < n)
return p[i+1]->GetValue();
else {
cerr << ctxMsg << fgred << highint
<< "The switch function index (" << temp
<< ") selected a value above the range of supplied values"
<< "[0:" << n-1 << "]"
<< " - not enough values were supplied." << reset << endl;
throw("Fatal error");
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 2, MaxArgs>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "interpolate1d") {
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
// This is using the bisection algorithm. Special care has been
// taken to evaluate each parameter only once.
size_t n = p.size();
double x = p[0]->GetValue();
double xmin = p[1]->GetValue();
double ymin = p[2]->GetValue();
if (x <= xmin) return ymin;
double xmax = p[n-2]->GetValue();
double ymax = p[n-1]->GetValue();
if (x >= xmax) return ymax;
size_t nmin = 0;
size_t nmax = (n-3)/2;
while (nmax-nmin > 1) {
size_t m = (nmax-nmin)/2+nmin;
double xm = p[2*m+1]->GetValue();
double ym = p[2*m+2]->GetValue();
if (x < xm) {
xmax = xm;
ymax = ym;
nmax= m;
} else if (x > xm) {
xmin = xm;
ymin = ym;
nmin = m;
return ym;
return ymin + (x-xmin)*(ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin);
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 5, MaxArgs, OddEven::Odd>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "rotation_alpha_local") {
// Calculates local angle of attack for skydiver body component.
// Euler angles from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
// must be from a z-y-x axis rotation order
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double alpha = p[0]->GetValue()*degtorad; //angle of attack of intermediate body frame
double beta = p[1]->GetValue()*degtorad; //sideslip angle of intermediate body frame
double phi = p[3]->GetValue()*degtorad; //x-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
double theta = p[4]->GetValue()*degtorad; //y-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
double psi = p[5]->GetValue()*degtorad; //z-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
FGQuaternion qTb2l(phi, theta, psi);
double cos_beta = cos(beta);
FGColumnVector3 wind_body(cos(alpha)*cos_beta, sin(beta),
FGColumnVector3 wind_local = qTb2l.GetT()*wind_body;
if (fabs(fabs(wind_local(eY)) - 1.0) < 1E-9)
return 0.0;
return atan2(wind_local(eZ), wind_local(eX))*radtodeg;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 6>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "rotation_beta_local") {
// Calculates local angle of sideslip for skydiver body component.
// Euler angles from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
// must be from a z-y-x axis rotation order
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double alpha = p[0]->GetValue()*degtorad; //angle of attack of intermediate body frame
double beta = p[1]->GetValue()*degtorad; //sideslip angle of intermediate body frame
double phi = p[3]->GetValue()*degtorad; //x-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
double theta = p[4]->GetValue()*degtorad; //y-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
double psi = p[5]->GetValue()*degtorad; //z-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
FGQuaternion qTb2l(phi, theta, psi);
double cos_beta = cos(beta);
FGColumnVector3 wind_body(cos(alpha)*cos_beta, sin(beta),
FGColumnVector3 wind_local = qTb2l.GetT()*wind_body;
if (fabs(fabs(wind_local(eY)) - 1.0) < 1E-9)
return wind_local(eY) > 0.0 ? 0.5*M_PI : -0.5*M_PI;
double alpha_local = atan2(wind_local(eZ), wind_local(eX));
double cosa = cos(alpha_local);
double sina = sin(alpha_local);
double cosb;
if (fabs(cosa) > fabs(sina))
cosb = wind_local(eX) / cosa;
cosb = wind_local(eZ) / sina;
return atan2(wind_local(eY), cosb)*radtodeg;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 6>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "rotation_gamma_local") {
// Calculates local roll angle for skydiver body component.
// Euler angles from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
// must be from a z-y-x axis rotation order
auto f = [](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double alpha = p[0]->GetValue()*degtorad; //angle of attack of intermediate body frame
double beta = p[1]->GetValue()*degtorad; //sideslip angle of intermediate body frame
double gamma = p[2]->GetValue()*degtorad; //roll angle of intermediate body frame
double phi = p[3]->GetValue()*degtorad; //x-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
double theta = p[4]->GetValue()*degtorad; //y-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
double psi = p[5]->GetValue()*degtorad; //z-axis Euler angle from the intermediate body frame to the local body frame
double cos_alpha = cos(alpha), sin_alpha = sin(alpha);
double cos_beta = cos(beta), sin_beta = sin(beta);
double cos_gamma = cos(gamma), sin_gamma = sin(gamma);
FGQuaternion qTb2l(phi, theta, psi);
FGColumnVector3 wind_body_X(cos_alpha*cos_beta, sin_beta,
FGColumnVector3 wind_body_Y(-sin_alpha*sin_gamma-sin_beta*cos_alpha*cos_gamma,
FGColumnVector3 wind_local_X = qTb2l.GetT()*wind_body_X;
FGColumnVector3 wind_local_Y = qTb2l.GetT()*wind_body_Y;
double cosacosb = wind_local_X(eX);
double sinb = wind_local_X(eY);
double sinacosb = wind_local_X(eZ);
double sinc, cosc;
if (fabs(sinb) < 1E-9) { // cos(beta_local) == 1.0
cosc = wind_local_Y(eY);
if (fabs(cosacosb) > fabs(sinacosb))
sinc = wind_local_Y(eZ) / cosacosb;
sinc = -wind_local_Y(eX) / sinacosb;
else if (fabs(fabs(sinb)-1.0) < 1E-9) { // cos(beta_local) == 0.0
sinc = wind_local_Y(eZ);
cosc = -wind_local_Y(eX);
else {
sinc = cosacosb*wind_local_Y(eZ)-sinacosb*wind_local_Y(eX);
cosc = (-sinacosb*wind_local_Y(eZ)-cosacosb*wind_local_Y(eX))/sinb;
return atan2(sinc, cosc)*radtodeg;
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 6>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "rotation_bf_to_wf") {
// Transforms the input vector from a body frame to a wind frame. The
// origin of the vector remains the same.
string ctxMsg = element->ReadFrom();
auto f = [ctxMsg](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double rx = p[0]->GetValue(); //x component of input vector
double ry = p[1]->GetValue(); //y component of input vector
double rz = p[2]->GetValue(); //z component of input vector
double alpha = p[3]->GetValue()*degtorad; //angle of attack of the body frame
double beta = p[4]->GetValue()*degtorad; //sideslip angle of the body frame
double gamma = p[5]->GetValue()*degtorad; //roll angle of the body frame
int idx = static_cast<int>(p[6]->GetValue());
if ((idx < 1) || (idx > 3)) {
cerr << ctxMsg << fgred << highint
<< "The index must be one of the integer value 1, 2 or 3."
<< reset << endl;
throw("Fatal error");
FGQuaternion qa(eY, -alpha), qb(eZ, beta), qc(eX, -gamma);
FGMatrix33 mT = (qa*qb*qc).GetT();
FGColumnVector3 r0(rx, ry, rz);
FGColumnVector3 r = mT*r0;
return r(idx);
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 7>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation == "rotation_wf_to_bf") {
// Transforms the input vector from q wind frame to a body frame. The
// origin of the vector remains the same.
string ctxMsg = element->ReadFrom();
auto f = [ctxMsg](const decltype(Parameters)& p)->double {
double rx = p[0]->GetValue(); //x component of input vector
double ry = p[1]->GetValue(); //y component of input vector
double rz = p[2]->GetValue(); //z component of input vector
double alpha = p[3]->GetValue()*degtorad; //angle of attack of the body frame
double beta = p[4]->GetValue()*degtorad; //sideslip angle of the body frame
double gamma = p[5]->GetValue()*degtorad; //roll angle of the body frame
int idx = static_cast<int>(p[6]->GetValue());
if ((idx < 1) || (idx > 3)) {
cerr << ctxMsg << fgred << highint
<< "The index must be one of the integer value 1, 2 or 3."
<< reset << endl;
throw("Fatal error");
FGQuaternion qa(eY, -alpha), qb(eZ, beta), qc(eX, -gamma);
FGMatrix33 mT = (qa*qb*qc).GetT();
FGColumnVector3 r0(rx, ry, rz);
FGColumnVector3 r = mT*r0;
return r(idx);
Parameters.push_back(new aFunc<decltype(f), 7>(f, PropertyManager, element, Prefix, var));
} else if (operation != "description") {
cerr << element->ReadFrom() << fgred << highint
<< "Bad operation <" << operation
<< "> detected in configuration file" << reset << endl;
element = el->GetNextElement();
bind(el, PropertyManager, Prefix); // Allow any function to save its value
void FGFunction::cacheValue(bool cache)
cached = false; // Must set cached to false prior to calling GetValue(), else
// it will _never_ calculate the value;
if (cache) {
cachedValue = GetValue();
cached = true;
double FGFunction::GetValue(void) const
if (cached) return cachedValue;
double val = Parameters[0]->GetValue();
if (pCopyTo) pCopyTo->setDoubleValue(val);
return val;
string FGFunction::GetValueAsString(void) const
ostringstream buffer;
buffer << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << GetValue();
return buffer.str();
void FGFunction::bind(Element* el, FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager,
const string& Prefix)
if ( !Name.empty() ) {
string tmp;
if (Prefix.empty())
tmp = PropertyManager->mkPropertyName(Name, false);
else {
if (is_number(Prefix)) {
if (Name.find("#") != string::npos) { // if "#" is found
Name = replace(Name,"#",Prefix);
tmp = PropertyManager->mkPropertyName(Name, false);
} else {
cerr << el->ReadFrom()
<< "Malformed function name with number: " << Prefix
<< " and property name: " << Name
<< " but no \"#\" sign for substitution." << endl;
} else {
tmp = PropertyManager->mkPropertyName(Prefix + "/" + Name, false);
if (PropertyManager->HasNode(tmp)) {
FGPropertyNode* _property = PropertyManager->GetNode(tmp);
if (_property->isTied()) {
cerr << el->ReadFrom()
<< "Property " << tmp << " has already been successfully bound (late)." << endl;
throw("Failed to bind the property to an existing already tied node.");
PropertyManager->Tie( tmp, this, &FGFunction::GetValue);
// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
// out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing
// the config files as they are read. If the environment
// variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
// 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages
// whatsoever.
// 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim
// startup messages
// 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when
// a class is instantiated
// 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a
// FGModel object executes its Run() method
// 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables
// are printed out periodically
// 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and
// a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
void FGFunction::Debug(int from)
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
if (!Name.empty())
cout << " Function: " << Name << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGFunction" << endl;
if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGFunction" << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
if (debug_lvl & 64) {
if (from == 0) { // Constructor