469 lines
18 KiB
469 lines
18 KiB
// dclgps.hxx - a class to extend the operation of FG's current GPS
// code, and provide support for a KLN89-specific instrument. It
// is envisioned that eventually this file and class will be split
// up between current FG code and new KLN89-specific code and removed.
// Written by David Luff, started 2005.
// Copyright (C) 2005 - David C Luff: daveluff --AT-- ntlworld --D0T-- com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
#ifndef _DCLGPS_HXX
#define _DCLGPS_HXX
#include "render_area_2d.hxx"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/tiedpropertylist.hxx>
#include <Navaids/positioned.hxx>
class SGTime;
class FGPositioned;
// XXX fix me
class FGNavRecord;
class FGAirport;
class FGFix;
// --------------------- Waypoint / Flightplan stuff -----------------------------
// This should be merged with other similar stuff in FG at some point.
// NOTE - ORDERING IS IMPORTANT HERE - it matches the Bendix-King page ordering!
enum GPSWpType {
GPS_WP_VIRT // Used for virtual waypoints, such as the start of DTO operation.
enum GPSAppWpType {
GPS_IAF, // Initial approach fix
GPS_IAP, // Waypoint on approach sequence that isn't any of the others.
GPS_FAF, // Final approach fix
GPS_MAP, // Missed approach point
GPS_MAHP, // Initial missed approach holding point.
GPS_HDR, // A virtual 'waypoint' to represent the approach header in the fpl page
GPS_FENCE, // A virtual 'waypoint' to represent the NO WPT SEQ fence.
GPS_APP_NONE // Not part of the approach sequence - the default.
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, GPSAppWpType type);
struct GPSWaypoint {
GPSWaypoint(const std::string& aIdent, float lat, float lon, GPSWpType aType);
static GPSWaypoint* createFromPositioned(const FGPositioned* aFix);
std::string GetAprId(); // Returns the id with i, f, m or h added if appropriate. (Initial approach fix, final approach fix, etc)
std::string id;
float lat; // Radians
float lon; // Radians
GPSWpType type;
GPSAppWpType appType; // only used for waypoints that are part of an approach sequence
typedef std::vector < GPSWaypoint* > gps_waypoint_array;
typedef gps_waypoint_array::iterator gps_waypoint_array_iterator;
typedef std::map < std::string, gps_waypoint_array > gps_waypoint_map;
typedef gps_waypoint_map::iterator gps_waypoint_map_iterator;
typedef gps_waypoint_map::const_iterator gps_waypoint_map_const_iterator;
class GPSFlightPlan {
std::vector<GPSWaypoint*> waypoints;
inline bool IsEmpty() { return(waypoints.size() == 0); }
// TODO - probably de-public the internals of the next 2 classes and add some methods!
// Instrument approach procedure base class
class FGIAP {
virtual ~FGIAP() = 0;
std::string _aptIdent; // The ident of the airport this approach is for
std::string _ident; // The approach ident.
std::string _name; // The full approach name.
std::string _rwyStr; // The string used to specify the rwy - eg "B" in this instance.
bool _precision; // True for precision approach, false for non-precision.
// Non-precision instrument approach procedure
class FGNPIAP : public FGIAP {
std::vector<GPSFlightPlan*> _approachRoutes; // The approach route(s) from the IAF(s) to the IF.
// NOTE: It is an assumption in the code that uses this that there is a unique IAF per approach route.
std::vector<GPSWaypoint*> _IAP; // The compulsory waypoints of the approach procedure (may duplicate one of the above).
// _IAP includes the FAF and MAF, and the missed approach waypoints.
typedef std::vector < FGIAP* > iap_list_type;
typedef std::map < std::string, iap_list_type > iap_map_type;
typedef iap_map_type::iterator iap_map_iterator;
// A class to encapsulate hr:min representation of time.
class ClockTime {
ClockTime(int hr, int min);
inline void set_hr(int hr) { _hr = hr; }
inline int hr() const { return(_hr); }
inline void set_min(int min) { _min = min; }
inline int min() const { return(_min); }
ClockTime operator+ (const ClockTime& t) {
int cumMin = _hr * 60 + _min + t.hr() * 60 + t.min();
ClockTime t2(cumMin / 60, cumMin % 60);
// Operator - has a max difference of 23:59,
// and assumes the day has wrapped if the second operand
// is larger that the first.
// eg. 2:59 - 3:00 = 23:59
ClockTime operator- (const ClockTime& t) {
int diff = (_hr * 60 + _min) - (t.hr() * 60 + t.min());
if(diff < 0) { diff += 24 * 60; }
ClockTime t2(diff / 60, diff % 60);
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const ClockTime& t);
int _hr;
int _min;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO - merge generic GPS functions instead and split out KLN specific stuff.
class DCLGPS : public SGSubsystem {
DCLGPS(RenderArea2D* instrument);
virtual ~DCLGPS() = 0;
virtual void draw(osg::State& state);
virtual void init();
virtual void bind();
virtual void unbind();
virtual void update(double dt);
// Expand a SIAP ident to the full procedure name.
std::string ExpandSIAPIdent(const std::string& ident);
// Render string s in display field field at position x, y
// zero y at bottom?
virtual void DrawText(const std::string& s, int field, int px, int py, bool bold = false);
// Render a char at a given position as above
virtual void DrawChar(char c, int field, int px, int py, bool bold = false);
virtual void ToggleOBSMode();
// Set the number of fields
inline void SetNumFields(int n) { _nFields = (n > _maxFields ? _maxFields : (n < 1 ? 1 : n)); }
// It is expected that specific GPS units will override these functions.
// Increase the CDI full-scale deflection (ie. increase the nm per dot) one (GPS unit dependent) increment. Wraps if necessary (GPS unit dependent).
virtual void CDIFSDIncrease();
// Ditto for decrease the distance per dot
virtual void CDIFSDDecrease();
// Host specifc
////inline void SetOverlays(Overlays* overlays) { _overlays = overlays; }
virtual void CreateDefaultFlightPlans();
void SetOBSFromWaypoint();
GPSWaypoint* GetActiveWaypoint();
// Get the (zero-based) position of the active waypoint in the active flightplan
// Returns -1 if no active waypoint.
int GetActiveWaypointIndex();
// Ditto for an arbitrary waypoint id
int GetWaypointIndex(const std::string& id);
// Returns meters
float GetDistToActiveWaypoint();
// Returns degrees (magnetic)
float GetHeadingToActiveWaypoint();
// Returns degrees (magnetic)
float GetHeadingFromActiveWaypoint();
// Get the time to the active waypoint in seconds.
// Returns -1 if groundspeed < 30 kts
double GetTimeToActiveWaypoint();
// Get the time to the final waypoint in seconds.
// Returns -1 if groundspeed < 30 kts
double GetETE();
// Get the time to a given waypoint (spec'd by ID) in seconds.
// returns -1 if groundspeed is less than 30kts.
// If the waypoint is an unreached part of the active flight plan the time will be via each leg.
// otherwise it will be a direct-to time.
double GetTimeToWaypoint(const std::string& id);
// Return true if waypoint alerting is occuring
inline bool GetWaypointAlert() const { return(_waypointAlert); }
// Return true if in OBS mode
inline bool GetOBSMode() const { return(_obsMode); }
// Return true if in Leg mode
inline bool GetLegMode() const { return(!_obsMode); }
// Clear a flightplan
void ClearFlightPlan(int n);
void ClearFlightPlan(GPSFlightPlan* fp);
// Returns true if an approach is loaded/armed/active in the active flight plan
inline bool ApproachLoaded() const { return(_approachLoaded); }
inline bool GetApproachArm() const { return(_approachArm); }
inline bool GetApproachActive() const { return(_approachActive); }
double GetCDIDeflection() const;
inline bool GetToFlag() const { return(_headingBugTo); }
// Initiate Direct To operation to the supplied ID.
virtual void DtoInitiate(const std::string& id);
// Cancel Direct To operation
void DtoCancel();
// Maximum number of display fields for this device
int _maxFields;
// Current number of on-screen fields
int _nFields;
// Full x border
int _xBorder;
// Full y border
int _yBorder;
// Lower (y) border per field
int _yFieldBorder[4];
// Left (x) border per field
int _xFieldBorder[4];
// Field start in x dir (border is part of field since it is the normal char border - sometimes map mode etc draws in it)
int _xFieldStart[4];
// Field start in y dir (for completeness - KLN89 only has vertical divider.
int _yFieldStart[4];
// The number of pages on the cyclic knob control
unsigned int _nPages;
// The current page we're on (Not sure how this ties in with extra pages such as direct or nearest).
unsigned int _curPage;
// 2D rendering area
RenderArea2D* _instrument;
// CDI full-scale deflection, specified either as an index into a vector of values (standard values) or as a double precision float (intermediate values).
// This will influence how an externally driven CDI will display as well as the NAV1 page.
// Hence the variables are located here, not in the nav page class.
std::vector<float> _cdiScales;
unsigned int _currentCdiScaleIndex;
bool _cdiScaleTransition; // Set true when the floating CDI value is used during transitions
double _currentCdiScale; // The floating value to use.
unsigned int _targetCdiScaleIndex; // The target indexed value to attain during a transition.
unsigned int _sourceCdiScaleIndex; // The source indexed value during a transition - so we know which way we're heading!
// Timers to handle the transitions - not sure if we need these.
double _apprArmTimer;
double _apprActvTimer;
double _cdiTransitionTime; // Time for transition to occur in - normally 30sec but may be quicker if time to FAF < 30sec?
// Data and lookup functions
void LoadApproachData();
// Find first of any type of waypoint by id. (TODO - Possibly we should return multiple waypoints here).
GPSWaypoint* FindFirstById(const std::string& id) const;
GPSWaypoint* FindFirstByExactId(const std::string& id) const;
FGNavRecord* FindFirstVorById(const std::string& id, bool &multi, bool exact = false);
FGNavRecord* FindFirstNDBById(const std::string& id, bool &multi, bool exact = false);
const FGAirport* FindFirstAptById(const std::string& id, bool &multi, bool exact = false);
const FGFix* FindFirstIntById(const std::string& id, bool &multi, bool exact = false);
// Find the closest VOR to a position in RADIANS.
FGNavRecord* FindClosestVor(double lat_rad, double lon_rad);
// helper to implement the above FindFirstXXX methods
FGPositioned* FindTypedFirstById(const std::string& id, FGPositioned::Type ty, bool &multi, bool exact);
// Position, orientation and velocity.
// These should be read from FG's built-in GPS logic if possible.
// Use the property node pointers below to do this.
SGPropertyNode_ptr _lon_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _lat_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _alt_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _grnd_speed_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _true_track_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _mag_track_node;
// Present position. (Radians)
double _lat, _lon;
// Present altitude (ft). (Yuk! but it saves converting ft->m->ft every update).
double _alt;
// Reported position as measured by GPS. For now this is the same
// as present position, but in the future we might want to model
// GPS lat and lon errors.
// Note - we can depriciate _gpsLat and _gpsLon if we implement error handling in FG
// gps code and not our own.
double _gpsLat, _gpsLon; //(Radians)
// Hack - it seems that the GPS gets initialised before FG's initial position is properly set.
// By checking for abnormal slew in the position we can force a re-initialisation of active flight
// plan leg and anything else that might be affected.
// TODO - sort FlightGear's initialisation order properly!!!
double _checkLat, _checkLon; // (Radians)
double _groundSpeed_ms; // filtered groundspeed (m/s)
double _groundSpeed_kts; // ditto in knots
double _track; // filtered true track (degrees)
double _magTrackDeg; // magnetic track in degrees calculated from true track above
// _navFlagged is set true when GPS navigation is either not possible or not logical.
// This includes not receiving adequate signals, and not having an active flightplan entered.
bool _navFlagged;
// Positional functions copied from ATCutils that might get replaced
// Magnetic
double GetMagHeadingFromTo(double latA, double lonA, double latB, double lonB);
// True
//double GetHeadingFromTo(double latA, double lonA, double latB, double lonB);
// Given two positions (lat & lon in RADIANS), get the HORIZONTAL separation (in meters)
//double GetHorizontalSeparation(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2);
// Proper great circle positional functions from The Aviation Formulary
// Returns distance in Nm, input in RADIANS.
double GetGreatCircleDistance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) const;
// Input in RADIANS, output in DEGREES.
// True
double GetGreatCircleCourse(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) const;
// Return a position on a radial from wp1 given distance d (nm) and magnetic heading h (degrees)
// Note that d should be less that 1/4 Earth diameter!
GPSWaypoint GetPositionOnMagRadial(const GPSWaypoint& wp1, double d, double h);
// Return a position on a radial from wp1 given distance d (nm) and TRUE heading h (degrees)
// Note that d should be less that 1/4 Earth diameter!
GPSWaypoint GetPositionOnRadial(const GPSWaypoint& wp1, double d, double h);
// Calculate the current cross-track deviation in nm.
// Returns zero if a sensible value cannot be calculated.
double CalcCrossTrackDeviation() const;
// Calculate the cross-track deviation between 2 arbitrary waypoints in nm.
// Returns zero if a sensible value cannot be calculated.
double CalcCrossTrackDeviation(const GPSWaypoint& wp1, const GPSWaypoint& wp2) const;
// Flightplans
// GPS can have up to _maxFlightPlans flightplans stored, PLUS an active FP which may or my not be one of the stored ones.
// This is from KLN89, but is probably not far off the mark for most if not all GPS.
std::vector<GPSFlightPlan*> _flightPlans;
unsigned int _maxFlightPlans;
GPSFlightPlan* _activeFP;
// Modes of operation.
// This is currently somewhat Bendix-King specific, but probably applies fundamentally to other units as well
// Mode defaults to leg, but is OBS if _obsMode is true.
bool _obsMode;
// _dto is set true for DTO operation
bool _dto;
// In leg mode, we need to know if we are displaying a from and to waypoint, or just the to waypoint (eg. when OBS mode is cancelled).
bool _fullLegMode;
// In OBS mode we need to know the set OBS heading
int _obsHeading;
// Operational variables
GPSWaypoint _activeWaypoint;
GPSWaypoint _fromWaypoint;
float _dist2Act;
float _crosstrackDist; // UNITS ??????????
double _eta; // ETA in SECONDS to active waypoint.
// Desired track for active leg, true and magnetic, in degrees
double _dtkTrue, _dtkMag;
bool _headingBugTo; // Set true when the heading bug is TO, false when FROM.
bool _waypointAlert; // Set true when waypoint alerting is happening. (This is a variable NOT a user-setting).
bool _departed; // Set when groundspeed first exceeds 30kts.
std::string _departureTimeString; // Ditto.
double _elapsedTime; // Elapsed time in seconds since departure
ClockTime _powerOnTime; // Time (hr:min) of unit power-up.
bool _powerOnTimerSet; // Indicates that we have set the above following power-up.
void SetPowerOnTimer();
void ResetPowerOnTimer();
// Set the alarm to go off at a given time.
inline void SetAlarm(int hr, int min) {
_alarmSet = true;
ClockTime _alarmTime;
bool _alarmSet;
// Configuration that affects flightplan operation
bool _turnAnticipationEnabled;
std::list<std::string> _messageStack;
virtual void CreateFlightPlan(GPSFlightPlan* fp, std::vector<std::string> ids, std::vector<GPSWpType> wps);
// Orientate the GPS unit to a flightplan - ie. figure out from current position
// and possibly orientation which leg of the FP we are on.
virtual void OrientateToFlightPlan(GPSFlightPlan* fp);
// Ditto for active fp. Probably all we need really!
virtual void OrientateToActiveFlightPlan();
int _cleanUpPage; // -1 => no cleanup required.
// IAP stuff
iap_map_type _np_iap; // Non-precision approaches
iap_map_type _pr_iap; // Precision approaches
bool _approachLoaded; // Set true when an approach is loaded in the active flightplan
bool _approachArm; // Set true when in approach-arm mode
bool _approachReallyArmed; // Apparently, approach-arm mode can be set from an external GPS-APR switch outside 30nm from airport,
// but the CDI scale change doesn't happen until 30nm from airport. Bizarre that it can be armed without
// the scale change, but it's in the manual...
bool _approachActive; // Set true when in approach-active mode
GPSFlightPlan* _approachFP; // Current approach - not necessarily loaded.
std::string _approachID; // ID of the airport we have an approach loaded for - bit of a hack that can hopefully be removed in future.
// More hackery since we aren't actually storing an approach class... Doh!
std::string _approachAbbrev;
std::string _approachRwyStr;
simgear::TiedPropertyList _tiedProperties;
#endif // _DCLGPS_HXX