Fork 0
James Turner 761b4835f9 Make positioned queries more defensive.
Validate the filter type range, to avoid crashing on bad ranges.
Accept arbitrary type lists in the Nasal API for searching by distance
2013-10-02 22:28:19 +01:00

521 lines
17 KiB

// NasalPositioned_cppbind.cxx -- expose FGPositioned classes to Nasal
// Port of NasalPositioned.cpp to the new nasal/cppbind helpers. Will replace
// old NasalPositioned.cpp once finished.
// Copyright (C) 2013 Thomas Geymayer <tomgey@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include "NasalPositioned.hxx"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/from_nasal.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/to_nasal.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/NasalHash.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/Ghost.hxx>
#include <Airports/airport.hxx>
#include <Airports/dynamics.hxx>
#include <Airports/pavement.hxx>
#include <ATC/CommStation.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Navaids/NavDataCache.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navlist.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navrecord.hxx>
#include <Navaids/fix.hxx>
typedef nasal::Ghost<FGPositionedRef> NasalPositioned;
typedef nasal::Ghost<FGRunwayRef> NasalRunway;
typedef nasal::Ghost<FGParkingRef> NasalParking;
typedef nasal::Ghost<FGAirportRef> NasalAirport;
typedef nasal::Ghost<flightgear::CommStationRef> NasalCommStation;
typedef nasal::Ghost<FGNavRecordRef> NasalNavRecord;
typedef nasal::Ghost<FGRunwayRef> NasalRunway;
typedef nasal::Ghost<FGFixRef> NasalFix;
naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, flightgear::SID* sid)
// TODO SID ghost
return nasal::to_nasal(c, sid->ident());
naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, flightgear::STAR* star)
// TODO STAR ghost
return nasal::to_nasal(c, star->ident());
naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, flightgear::Approach* iap)
// TODO Approach ghost
return nasal::to_nasal(c, iap->ident());
static naRef f_navaid_course(naContext, FGNavRecord& nav)
if( !( nav.type() == FGPositioned::ILS
|| nav.type() == FGPositioned::LOC
) )
return naNil();
double radial = nav.get_multiuse();
return naNum(SGMiscd::normalizePeriodic(0.5, 360.5, radial));
static FGRunwayBaseRef f_airport_runway(FGAirport& apt, std::string ident)
if( apt.hasRunwayWithIdent(ident) )
return apt.getRunwayByIdent(ident);
else if( apt.hasHelipadWithIdent(ident) )
return apt.getHelipadByIdent(ident);
return 0;
template<class T, class C1, class C2>
std::vector<T> extract( const std::vector<C1>& in,
T (C2::*getter)() const )
std::vector<T> ret(in.size());
std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(), ret.begin(), std::mem_fun(getter));
return ret;
static naRef f_airport_comms(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
FGPositioned::Type comm_type =
FGPositioned::typeFromName( ctx.getArg<std::string>(0) );
// if we have an explicit type, return a simple vector of frequencies
if( comm_type != FGPositioned::INVALID )
return ctx.to_nasal
extract( apt.commStationsOfType(comm_type),
&flightgear::CommStation::freqMHz )
// otherwise return a vector of ghosts, one for each comm station.
return ctx.to_nasal(apt.commStations());
FGRunway* runwayFromNasalArg( const FGAirport& apt,
const nasal::CallContext& ctx,
size_t index = 0 )
if( index >= ctx.argc )
return NULL;
std::string ident = ctx.getArg<std::string>(index);
if( !ident.empty() )
if( !apt.hasRunwayWithIdent(ident) )
// TODO warning/exception?
return NULL;
return apt.getRunwayByIdent(ident);
// TODO warn/error if no runway?
return NasalRunway::fromNasal(ctx.c, ctx.args[index]);
static naRef f_airport_sids(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
FGRunway* rwy = runwayFromNasalArg(apt, ctx);
return ctx.to_nasal
extract(rwy ? rwy->getSIDs() : apt.getSIDs(), &flightgear::SID::ident)
static naRef f_airport_stars(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
FGRunway* rwy = runwayFromNasalArg(apt, ctx);
return ctx.to_nasal
extract(rwy ? rwy->getSTARs() : apt.getSTARs(), &flightgear::STAR::ident)
static naRef f_airport_approaches(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
FGRunway* rwy = runwayFromNasalArg(apt, ctx);
flightgear::ProcedureType type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_INVALID;
std::string type_str = ctx.getArg<std::string>(1);
if( !type_str.empty() )
if( type_str == "NDB" ) type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_APPROACH_NDB;
else if( type_str == "VOR" ) type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_APPROACH_VOR;
else if( type_str == "ILS" ) type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_APPROACH_ILS;
else if( type_str == "RNAV") type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_APPROACH_RNAV;
return ctx.to_nasal
extract( rwy ? rwy->getApproaches(type)
// no runway specified, report them all
: apt.getApproaches(type),
&flightgear::Approach::ident )
static FGParkingList
f_airport_parking(FGAirport& apt, nasal::CallContext ctx)
std::string type = ctx.getArg<std::string>(0);
bool only_available = ctx.getArg<bool>(1);
FGAirportDynamics* dynamics = apt.getDynamics();
PositionedIDVec parkings =
->airportItemsOfType(apt.guid(), FGPositioned::PARKING);
FGParkingList ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(PositionedID parking, parkings)
// filter out based on availability and type
if( only_available && !dynamics->isParkingAvailable(parking) )
FGParking* park = dynamics->getParking(parking);
if( !type.empty() && (park->getType() != type) )
return ret;
* Extract a SGGeod from a nasal function argument list.
* <lat>, <lon>
* {"lat": <lat-deg>, "lon": <lon-deg>}
* geo.Coord.new() (aka. {"_lat": <lat-rad>, "_lon": <lon-rad>})
static bool extractGeod(nasal::CallContext& ctx, SGGeod& result)
if( !ctx.argc )
return false;
if( ctx.isGhost(0) )
FGPositioned* pos =
NasalPositioned::fromNasal(ctx.c, ctx.requireArg<naRef>(0));
if( pos )
result = pos->geod();
return true;
else if( ctx.isHash(0) )
nasal::Hash pos_hash = ctx.requireArg<nasal::Hash>(0);
// check for manual latitude / longitude names
naRef lat = pos_hash.get("lat"),
lon = pos_hash.get("lon");
if( naIsNum(lat) && naIsNum(lon) )
result = SGGeod::fromDeg( ctx.from_nasal<double>(lon),
ctx.from_nasal<double>(lat) );
return true;
// geo.Coord uses _lat/_lon in radians
// TODO should we check if its really a geo.Coord?
lat = pos_hash.get("_lat");
lon = pos_hash.get("_lon");
if( naIsNum(lat) && naIsNum(lon) )
result = SGGeod::fromRad( ctx.from_nasal<double>(lon),
ctx.from_nasal<double>(lat) );
return true;
else if( ctx.isNumeric(0) && ctx.isNumeric(1) )
// lat, lon
result = SGGeod::fromDeg( ctx.requireArg<double>(1),
ctx.requireArg<double>(0) );
return true;
return false;
* Extract position from ctx or return current aircraft position if not given.
static SGGeod getPosition(nasal::CallContext& ctx)
SGGeod pos;
if( !extractGeod(ctx, pos) )
pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
return pos;
// Returns Nasal ghost for particular or nearest airport of a <type>, or nil
// on error.
// airportinfo(<id>); e.g. "KSFO"
// airportinfo(<type>); type := ("airport"|"seaport"|"heliport")
// airportinfo() same as airportinfo("airport")
// airportinfo(<lat>, <lon> [, <type>]);
static naRef f_airportinfo(nasal::CallContext ctx)
SGGeod pos = getPosition(ctx);
if( ctx.argc > 1 )
naRuntimeError(ctx.c, "airportinfo() with invalid function arguments");
// optional type/ident
std::string ident("airport");
if( ctx.isString(0) )
ident = ctx.requireArg<std::string>(0);
FGAirport::TypeRunwayFilter filter;
if( !filter.fromTypeString(ident) )
// user provided an <id>, hopefully
return ctx.to_nasal(FGAirport::findByIdent(ident));
double maxRange = 10000.0; // expose this? or pick a smaller value?
return ctx.to_nasal( FGAirport::findClosest(pos, maxRange, &filter) );
* findAirportsWithinRange([<position>,] <range-nm> [, type])
static naRef f_findAirportsWithinRange(nasal::CallContext ctx)
SGGeod pos = getPosition(ctx);
double range_nm = ctx.requireArg<double>(0);
FGAirport::TypeRunwayFilter filter; // defaults to airports only
filter.fromTypeString( ctx.getArg<std::string>(1) );
FGPositionedList apts = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(pos, range_nm, &filter);
FGPositioned::sortByRange(apts, pos);
return ctx.to_nasal(apts);
* findAirportsByICAO(<ident/prefix> [, type])
static naRef f_findAirportsByICAO(nasal::CallContext ctx)
std::string prefix = ctx.requireArg<std::string>(0);
FGAirport::TypeRunwayFilter filter; // defaults to airports only
filter.fromTypeString( ctx.getArg<std::string>(1) );
return ctx.to_nasal( FGPositioned::findAllWithIdent(prefix, &filter, false) );
// Returns vector of data hash for navaid of a <type>, nil on error
// navaids sorted by ascending distance
// navinfo([<lat>,<lon>],[<type>],[<id>])
// lat/lon (numeric): use latitude/longitude instead of ac position
// type: ("fix"|"vor"|"ndb"|"ils"|"dme"|"tacan"|"any")
// id: (partial) id of the fix
// examples:
// navinfo("vor") returns all vors
// navinfo("HAM") return all navaids who's name start with "HAM"
// navinfo("vor", "HAM") return all vor who's name start with "HAM"
//navinfo(34,48,"vor","HAM") return all vor who's name start with "HAM"
// sorted by distance relative to lat=34, lon=48
static naRef f_navinfo(nasal::CallContext ctx)
SGGeod pos = getPosition(ctx);
std::string id = ctx.getArg<std::string>(0);
FGNavList::TypeFilter filter;
if( filter.fromTypeString(id) )
id = ctx.getArg<std::string>(1);
else if( ctx.argc > 1 )
naRuntimeError(ctx.c, "navinfo() already got an ident");
return ctx.to_nasal( FGNavList::findByIdentAndFreq(pos, id, 0.0, &filter) );
static naRef f_findWithinRange(nasal::CallContext ctx)
SGGeod pos = getPosition(ctx);
double range_nm = ctx.requireArg<double>(0);
std::string typeSpec = ctx.getArg<std::string>(1);
FGPositioned::TypeFilter filter(FGPositioned::TypeFilter::fromString(typeSpec));
FGPositionedList items = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(pos, range_nm, &filter);
FGPositioned::sortByRange(items, pos);
return ctx.to_nasal(items);
static naRef f_findByIdent(nasal::CallContext ctx)
std::string prefix = ctx.requireArg<std::string>(0);
std::string typeSpec = ctx.getArg<std::string>(1);
FGPositioned::TypeFilter filter(FGPositioned::TypeFilter::fromString(typeSpec));
bool exact = ctx.getArg<bool>(2, false);
return ctx.to_nasal( FGPositioned::findAllWithIdent(prefix, &filter, exact) );
static naRef f_findByName(nasal::CallContext ctx)
std::string prefix = ctx.requireArg<std::string>(0);
std::string typeSpec = ctx.getArg<std::string>(1);
FGPositioned::TypeFilter filter(FGPositioned::TypeFilter::fromString(typeSpec));
return ctx.to_nasal( FGPositioned::findAllWithName(prefix, &filter, false) );
static naRef f_courseAndDistance(nasal::CallContext ctx)
SGGeod from = globals->get_aircraft_position(), to, pos;
bool ok = extractGeod(ctx, pos);
if (!ok) {
naRuntimeError(ctx.c, "invalid arguments to courseAndDistance");
if (extractGeod(ctx, to)) {
from = pos; // we parsed both FROM and TO args, so first was FROM
} else {
to = pos; // only parsed one arg, so FROM is current
double course, course2, d;
SGGeodesy::inverse(from, to, course, course2, d);
naRef result = naNewVector(ctx.c);
naVec_append(result, naNum(course));
naVec_append(result, naNum(d * SG_METER_TO_NM));
return result;
static naRef f_sortByRange(nasal::CallContext ctx)
FGPositionedList items = ctx.requireArg<FGPositionedList>(0);
FGPositioned::sortByRange(items, getPosition(ctx));
return ctx.to_nasal(items);
naRef initNasalPositioned_cppbind(naRef globalsRef, naContext c, naRef gcSave)
.member("id", &FGPositioned::ident)
.member("ident", &FGPositioned::ident) // TODO to we really need id and ident?
.member("name", &FGPositioned::name)
.member("type", &FGPositioned::typeString)
.member("lat", &FGPositioned::latitude)
.member("lon", &FGPositioned::longitude)
.member("elevation", &FGPositioned::elevationM);
.member("frequency", &flightgear::CommStation::freqMHz);
.member("frequency", &FGNavRecord::get_freq)
.member("range_nm", &FGNavRecord::get_range)
.member("course", &f_navaid_course);
.member("has_metar", &FGAirport::getMetar)
.member("runways", &FGAirport::getRunwayMap)
.member("helipads", &FGAirport::getHelipadMap)
.member("taxiways", &FGAirport::getTaxiways)
.member("pavements", &FGAirport::getPavements)
.method("runway", &f_airport_runway)
.method("helipad", &f_airport_runway)
.method("tower", &FGAirport::getTowerLocation)
.method("comms", &f_airport_comms)
.method("sids", &f_airport_sids)
.method("stars", &f_airport_stars)
.method("getApproachList", f_airport_approaches)
.method("parking", &f_airport_parking)
.method("getSid", &FGAirport::findSIDWithIdent)
.method("getStar", &FGAirport::findSTARWithIdent)
.method("getIAP", &FGAirport::findApproachWithIdent)
.method("tostring", &FGAirport::toString);
nasal::Hash globals(globalsRef, c),
positioned( globals.createHash("positioned") );
positioned.set("airportinfo", &f_airportinfo);
positioned.set("findAirportsWithinRange", f_findAirportsWithinRange);
positioned.set("findAirportsByICAO", &f_findAirportsByICAO);
positioned.set("navinfo", &f_navinfo);
positioned.set("findWithinRange", &f_findWithinRange);
positioned.set("findByIdent", &f_findByIdent);
positioned.set("findByName", &f_findByName);
positioned.set("courseAndDistance", &f_courseAndDistance);
positioned.set("sortByRange", &f_sortByRange);
return naNil();